While we encourage you all to get involved, we also want to make sure that Canada Post is consistently represented across all platforms. The social media employee policy and the related practices outline some of the key concepts for using social media.

The employee policy sets out the foundation for how all Canada Post employees interact in social media. Keep these 10 principles in mind whether you are using social media for personal or for business reasons (more information can be found in the Employee Code of Conduct).


The guidelines contained within the Social Media Policy spell out employees’ responsibilities when using social media for professional purposes (including participation in discussion groups such as Life@work) and when participating in social media for personal use. They are consistent with best practices used across the Internet and reflect Canada Post’s values.

1. Be responsible.

You are personally responsible for the content you publish online through social media, and can be held liable for any commentary deemed to be defamatory, obscene, proprietary or libelous. Be aware that the content you publish is visible to the entire world and will remain public for a very long time. Protect your privacy.

2. Follow the rules.

Be aware of, and respect, the rules of participation governing the discussion groups and social networks within which you chose to participate. Remember that laws and company policies that apply in the “real” world also apply online.

3. Be transparent.

If you post material or discuss topics related to your work or to Canada Post, identify your relationship to Canada Post. Even if you take part in an anonymous discussion or use a nickname, disclose your connection to the topic at hand. Never pretend to be someone you are not.

4. Take ownership.

Clearly state that you are not speaking on behalf of Canada Post, unless you are expressly authorized to do so. Consider using a disclaimer such as: “This is my personal opinion, and does not necessarily represent the views of Canada Post.” (Although good practice, this does not exempt you from being held accountable for what you write.)

5. Respect your audience and colleagues.

Don’t engage in any conduct or use any language that would not be acceptable in the workplace. Protect the privacy of others and respect their opinions.

6. Add value.

When you express yourself in social media on issues related to, or about Canada Post, you contribute to the public perception of the Canada Post brand. Write about what you know, from your own perspective. Include links to relevant canadapost.ca pages or, in the case of internal posts, Intrapost pages.

7. Protect the brand.

If you identify yourself as a Canada Post employee in an online social network, ensure your profile and related content is consistent with how you wish to present yourself with colleagues and clients.

8. Be accurate.

If you publish information about Canada Post, ensure the information is accurate and the source is clearly indicated. Be the first to correct your own mistakes, and do not alter previous posts without indicating that you have done so.

9. Do not reveal secrets.

Do not disclose confidential or proprietary information about the company, its clients, stakeholders or suppliers. Respect copyrights and ask permission before you cite a colleague, client, stakeholder or supplier. If you are not sure whether some information is OK to publish, ask your Manager/Team Leader.

10. Do not forget your day job.

You are encouraged to use social media during your leisure time. Make sure your online activities do not interfere with your job or commitments to customers. Check with your Manager/Team Leader if you are not sure about the appropriateness of publishing during work hours.