CUPW negotiations: New terms and conditions of employment come into effect

November 15, 2024, 07:09 am 27 comments

On November 12, we received strike notices from CUPW. Canada Post responded by notifying the union that unless new agreements were reached, the current collective agreements for both the RSMC and Urban bargaining units no longer apply as of today.

As of Friday, November 15 at 8 a.m. ET, employees in the RSMC and Urban bargaining units have changes to their terms and conditions of employment. Among other important changes, staffing levels are being reduced for the Urban bargaining unit and vacation leave is being cancelled for both bargaining groups. It’s very important that you familiarize yourself with the changes.

Weeks of labour uncertainty have significantly eroded Canada Post’s volumes and severely impacted the company’s finances.  Canada Post must now make adjustments to its operations, as allowed under the Canada Labour Code, based on its current operational realities and business needs.  

What you need to do

Read a summary PDF about the changes to the terms and conditions of employment for RSMC unit employees

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  • Get rid of the union.
    They should be defunded.
    We should not be viting for a strike;
    Instead we should be voting to stop paying union dues.
    All they do is fight aming themselves.

    • Seem to be doing a lot more than that. And while everyone doesn’t agree on everything all the time. I wouldn’t describe it as all they ever do is fight amongst themselves.

  • this whole strike is to benefit our union office I was happy with what we had except for the useless waste of restructure. that reduced my pay dramatically as well as a few others i made more than that in 2008 how could our union allow this to happen maybe they should take a cut in their union pay and give us more during strike

  • The current situation is entirely regrettable and was probably entirely avoidable … but the work to do that should have started 1more than 10 years ago. Sorry to say this but our senior leadership has been asleep at the wheel, at best, and both negligent and incompetent at worst. We have all known about the decline in letter mail. We experienced a boost in parcel business during the pandemic which we failed to keep hold of. The conversion of all inner city addresses to CMBs should have been completed … they are largely Liberal-leaning neigbourhoods and constituencies and the reversal of that plan was an entirely political decision. Many underused RPOs should be closed or franchised out to the businesses that want a postal wicket in their big box store. SSD is a bad idea … it will result in greater injuries overall – RSIs for inside workers doing multiple route sortation, and increased risk of slips, trips, and falls for those on outdoor full time delivery, never mind the prolonged exposure to either extremes of heat and cold. 7-day parcel delivery is all very well if you have the parcels to deliver. My parcel numbers for M-F have dropped by 50% in the past year … and to deliver the same volume over 7 days makes no sense at all. Senior leadership has spent far too much money on new buildings, new vehicles, and surveillance technology and not enough time and energy securing new business. Newer facilities could have been built on land with an elevation to it (which is cheaper) and multi-story warehouses/workspaces are ubiquitous these days … keep the footprint small and build up with a second level accessed by a ramp on an inclined parcel of land … Obviously a lot of things have got to change including the excessive number of supervisors (the first of about ten levels in the CPC management hierarchy) who wander around checking lists and ticking boxes. What’s wrong with having a digital check in board when you show up for work? Among all of this our leadership should willingly forfeit their bonuses and senior union leadership should not be drawing a salary that is significantly different than the average salary of the workers they represent. Union dues taken off my cheque, without any choice about it, are as much or more as the deductions for EI! There are lots of things we have to change or the world around us will visit that change upon us anyway. Bit like climate change. Better get cracking!

    • Fraser Valley supervisor

      Or it could simply be the absurd pushback and demands of the union lol nice try though. 😂🤦🏼‍♂️

      • I said nothing about the pushback and demands of the union in my comments. It is potential folly to draw erroneous conclusions about what someone might or might not think about the same when they have not said anything definitive in that regard. Next thing, you’ll be telling me how I voted!
        To quote you back, “lol nice try though” [wondering what are might have to laugh about?] … this comment provides me with sufficient insight about who might be responding and I do appreciate that anything I might suggest or offer might amount to nothing more than presenting ideas that might be well beyond the comprehension of others.
        It is patently clear that the future of Canada Post will be as an organization with far fewer employees ACROSS THE WHOLE SPECTRUM OF POSITIONS. Fewer front line workers in collections and delivery will necessarily result in the need for far fewer supervisors. Amazon recently announced they are cutting 14,000 supervisory positions within their own organization because they are simply not needed. I think they might be employing AI instead. We’ll all see how that goes, I guess.
        Most intelligent people who currently work for Canada Post are quite capable of supervising themselves. Those of us with an internal locus of control and who are not entirely motivated by extrinsic rewards are largely successfully self-regulating adults. In more than 13 years of service and not a single a 2/4 on my ROE, the times I’ve actually needed the assistance of a supervisor to solve a significant problem might amount to once a week … and mostly that has been out of a courtesy on my part to keep a direct report in the loop over an issue on my route that I’ve largely already resolved myself. Reality can always be something of a hard sell but within the foreseeable future for CPC there’s increasingly less room for self delusion. Blessings, and be well!

      • Great position. You’re right, everything the corporation has done has been correct and they couldn’t have made any better choices.

  • I like my job as RSMC and was very satisfied with the terms and conditions we had before. Couldn’t we just keep what we had and keep working?


  • I work in BC and love my job and coworkers and supervisors. Why did CUPW and CPC do this to us! I work hard and I can assure you my customers love me. This is such a sad mess that was completely avoidable. Thanks a lot. 💔😭

  • Do these new terms and conditions mean that I can still come into work and do my route? I would rather earn a living than walk on a picket line for less than minimum wage.

  • no one is contacting me about strike info…what do I do?

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