CUPW negotiations: Talks continue supported by special mediator

November 25, 2024, 06:46 pm 320 comments

We wanted to provide an update on negotiations as we mark day 11 of the national strike by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW).

Negotiations have been supported by a special mediator since Monday, November 18. Talks continued through this past weekend. We have continued to work to find agreement on changes to our delivery model to better serve customers with weekend delivery and more flexible staffing during the week.

The union has had other priorities and therefore the parties remain far apart. That means we have not yet reached agreements for the Urban and RSMC (Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers) bargaining units.

Securing the future of the postal system

To help reach agreements, we have put forward a number of proposals and solutions and provided feedback on CUPW’s demands.

Canada Post has continued to present offers that protect and enhance what’s important to our current employees. We’ve offered competitive wage increases and additional paid leave, while protecting the defined benefit pension and job security provisions.

Canada Post has also put forward proposals to offer more competitive pricing and other important improvements that allow us to grow our parcel delivery business, increase revenues and secure our future. This is critical to building our path forward.

We now enter the biggest online holiday shopping week of the year with the postal system shut down for Canadians and our people off work. We remain committed to reaching new agreements at the bargaining table. 

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  • I am writing to express my concerns about the ongoing labor action and the direction the union leadership, particularly the President, is taking in contract negotiations. Like many others on the picket line, I am frustrated with the current situation and feel that a more realistic approach is needed.

    It’s evident that a large portion of CUPW members, myself included, are only on the picket line because of the $56 daily payment we receive. Many of us cannot afford to be without work, and the $280 a week, or $560 biweekly, is barely enough to get by. If it weren’t for this financial support, I believe far fewer people would be participating in the strike, as many do not fully agree with the current labor movement strategy.

    While I understand the importance of advocating for fair wages and conditions, I feel that the president of Cupw is not taking a realistic view of today’s economic climate. Times have changed, and we can no longer operate as if we are still in the labor environment of the 1970s or 1980s. With the cost of living rising and the holiday season upon us, it’s becoming harder for workers to make ends meet. Lost wages are hitting us hard, and continuing the strike without a clear path forward is only making matters worse.

    In light of Labor Minister recent statement that “binding arbitration is not in the cards,” it’s clear that the government is not inclined to intervene in this way. I believe that Canada Post has made efforts to negotiate in good faith, and it is time for CUPW to adapt its approach and prioritize getting workers back on the job.

    The president of CUPW needs to reconsider her stance and work toward a more reasonable solution. If she cannot do so, it may be time for her to reevaluate her position as CUPW president. CUPW members are losing respect for the leadership, and if this continues, the long-term effects on union solidarity could be significant.

    I urge the leadership to take a more pragmatic and flexible approach to negotiations so that we can resolve these issues swiftly and return to work. Our livelihoods depend on it.

  • Canada Post carriers recieve a fair wage for what they do. I drive a school bus, but I make more money per hour delivering mail?
    So wrong.
    Everybody always wants more, more, more.
    Recognize, please, that although all workers need to make a reasonable wage, all cannot get everything they want.
    Put simply… stop being so pigheadedly greedy!

  • Thinking outside of box to get contract

    If part-time weekend work is the holdup. Why not do a 4 day full time, 3 day part time model. Most full timers will welcome a 4 day work week. For example full time Mondays 10 hrs, Tuesday to Thursday 8.5 hrs.
    Part time Friday to Sunday 8 hrs.
    Let’s help save good paying jobs for the future of Canada Post. Fighting for stupid pride on both sides is only driving loyal customers away to other low paying companies. Let’s get our act together!!!

  • So once again CUPW is not letting the membership see what the offers are, let alone vote on them.
    CUPW stops responding to CP.
    They then tell the special mediator that they will not be responding at all. So now the special mediator is taking a break. Those Union dues are sure worth it aren’t they?

    • 100 percent agree! LET THE MEMBERSHIP VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!
      No idea how many are on the NEB, but so tiny a number of people should not determine the outcome of 55000 members!
      If we got to vote, and the answer is NO to accept an offer, then the Union would be in a position where it KNOWS it has the backing of the members
      If the answer is YES, then we go back to work
      Either way we know it is what the MEMBESHIP that funds the Union GETS TO DECIDE!
      Members are STARVING right before Xmas

  • Getting pissed off with both sides.

    CPC management does not respect its employees. They look at the bottom line in how they can enjoy bigger bonuses, we employees are just a number to them. How many of you have even seen any management come and say a word to you?
    Remember Covid lock down? We were thought of as ‘heroes work here’! Now when it’s time to negotiate we become zeros!
    CUPW gets its strong mandate to negotiate a strong contract. But what the CUPW camp does is change what we members had thought we gave them the power to negotiate for!
    Remember the same thing happened before Covid. CPC were giving us a better deal but CUPW refused to let members vote! They dragged us down to an arbitration deal that was worse than the final offer!
    We need better management teams on both sides.

  • Christmas aside….my kids and I are going to be homeless & hungry very soon.

    • Another Successful Negotiation by CUPW.. They don’t care for its members, just dragging negotiations and being woke . Way to go CUPW..

      • Absolutely! We should have a say on what’s most important to us! 17 personal days??? 13 not enough??
        Research the difference between defined contribution and defined benefit. Its not as bad as the Union is making it out to be. And why are we fighting for the rights of non-employees? We all need to make some huge changes and start working together or else none of us will have jobs!

    • This is ridiculous. Shut the whole thing down and turn it over to a private sector employer. If no one is interested from the private sector to take this behemoth on, people will find work-arounds.

      • Privatizing failed miserably in England. Prices went up, service went down. Now 68% want to renationalize Royal Mail. What needs to happen is for the corporation and the union to stop their adversarial relationship and start working together.

  • Stupidity at the table

    The CPC management still gets paid. They will play hardball as long as they know the govt can send us back to work anytime!
    CUPW brass still get paid. They will demand all the nonsense items that hold up a settlement! Cleaners? 3 days more sick leave? Weekend work? Future employees?
    If we do NOT have any customers that will use CPC what future employees are we on strike for?

  • All brothers and Sisters

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. Today you should take the time to write your prime minister and ask him why we have a President and Chief that is failing at running Canada Post. Why our President and Chief can’t keep financially stable. Why our president and Chief can’t solve his own labour problems. Especially ask your prime minister why our President and Chief gets bonuses for failing us and the Canadian public. I have written to my prime minister and asked for him to remove an ineffective leader. I encourage you all to write your prime minister and ask why our failing President and Chief still has employment.

  • How will employees who have being laid off apply for ei when on the website it’s states that employees involved in labor disputes like strike or lockouts are ineligible?

  • No union = amazon post.

  • Here we go again and again and again…talks have grounded to a halt…CPC is looking at their next options…let’s see how long it takes for the govt to get involved as usual…and we’ll end up with an arbitrated contract AS USUAL…thanks to both sides…NOT😡

  • Questions from a CP customer.

    Hello, I live in a rural community in BC. I noticed our post office is open and the one full time postmaster has been there almost daily. I even noticed some members of the community picking up packages. Myself and family had about 5 packages in transit that made it (I think)to our post office or at least to the town over right as the employees went on strike on Nov 15. Is it a good chance we won’t receive those packages before December, and what happens to them if CP permanently closes due to this walk out? I unfortunately don’t have the option to choose an alternative carrier as all packages delivered by carrier transfer to CPC coming to my community. It seems like employees are being held in strike mode by their union, however the union is working for you-and they wouldn’t exist without your union dues. Do any current unionized CP employees have any idea from your union if and when this will end or at least if they can continue negotiations while you work? I haven’t got the knowledge on the entire strike/walk out back story but I would really like my belongings of which I’ve paid for including delivery fees. Furthermore, can employees return to work if they feel they’re being led astray by a potentially iniquitous union?

    • what makes you think CPC isn’t leading us astray as well as the union?? the corporation was fully prepared to lock us out, just so you are aware.

      • So CPC unionized workers are locked out by the employer? That I wasn’t aware of, I see the postal office in my community open with our local post master working every business day since the 15th.

    • When Canada Post issued 72 hour lock out notice, on the first day they were eligible to, they took away all of our benefits and only after that did the union decide to strike. Going back to work means going back to no benefits and most people would not be interested in doing that.

  • Is being legislated back even possible as the Government is a minority?? I need to get back to work and feel this is never going to end!!

    • I will for the current government if they can arbitrate us back to work.

    • Yes. NDP props up the LIBS making it a majority. Nevermind what Jugmeet said he has been supporting the LIBS on everything. But none of this matters s107 is what the gov’t would use, they did it to the rail works, port workers and so on.

      Defy is the only option.

    • The Labour Minister can call on CIRB to order work to resume. And I agree with you.

    • Labour minister is getting involved, the mediator didn’t do their job and will force ratified contract, we will lose again thanks to CUPW’S continuous failure in negotiations.. Let’s get back to work and Decertify them and bring Teamsters, at least Teamsters respects it’s members and are involved with all the shipping companies, instead of these kindergarten rejects from our National and Negotiating committee.. Back to work, let’s go..

  • On another note NEB got HUGE raises recently,$11k I believe. They are sitting at about $100k/year now not including expense accounts, comps and other perks. This was effective in 2019 and then Jan pushed extending a lousy contract on us. But hey she is fighting to get the cleaners to be a part of our union more $$$$ and *ex changes paid by corp ffs.

    • Where is CUPW’s comment section on their website?
      There isn’t one because they don’t want to hear the truth from its members who are completely fed up with their BS.
      Is she not up for reelection next year?
      Do the right thing and vote her out for feeding us so much disinformation.

  • I support decertification and arbitration ✊🏾

  • CPC mismanagement

    15 percent over 4 years. Start a project for the part time weekend work with a stipulation that cupw route measurement be part of the project and paid by CPC with zero loss in wage . Study for 6 months then make a logical decision. What can be done. It would take 3 to 6 months just to train these weekend workers plus are they going to use existing vans or have to purchase a whole fleet of step vans as they want parcels done. That is a step van we don’t have enough. That is another 4 million a city min. Sounds smrt

  • In between caring for a sick and declining/dying wife … I was invited for coffee by a friend who just happens to be a customer on my RSMC route. Driving past some of my CMB sites, en-route to his house, I noticed that the CMB sites had been cleared of recent snow fall and could not help but wonder why? Everyone knows that mail is not being delivered at the moment. As far as I know CPC contracts out this snow clearance service and I wonder why they are currently spending money on such things when no one is going to the CMBs since there is no mail to collect?
    On other matters, I find myself in agreement with the comments of others wrt to the CUPW ideas of social check-ins for seniors or the infirm and postal banking. I am not sure there is very much corporate profitability in the social check-in idea and, as others have said, it’s already something that some of us do for free simply because it’s the right thing to do in support of the notion of a caring community/society.
    Postal banking might have been something that would have worked 30 years ago and perhaps as recently as 10 years ago but not any longer. Even if it had worked, I doubt it would have been of much interest to those in the larger urban centres and as anything other than a useful alternative in the more remote and rural parts of the country.
    Canada Post used to have a reduced mailing cost Book Rate in support of Canadian book and periodical publishers/distributors … not any more. We should be looking to see how we could develop stronger relationships with all of the thousands of small businesses that rely on our services with the assistance of CFIB (Canadian Federation of Independent Business). There will be attrition of our workforce with retirement (and possibly layoffs along the lines of last in, first out so via seniority) and perhaps we have to accept the fact that until new business is found and secured, there may well be a deep need to accept a gradual reduction in the size of our workforce. If there is currently an inadequate volume of mail, parcels, and packets coming into our system and this results in regular, full time workers performing their current duties in less than 8 hours each day, then perhaps some necessary route restructuring will result in larger and thus fewer routes which can be covered by fewer employees … albeit temporarily …
    Based on current volumes, if I were to be delivering mail and parcels to 1,000 addresses instead of just 800, I’d probably be working 8 hours each day and quite possibly more on a Monday, after the weekend and very definitely on a Tuesday after a long weekend … Right now, there is insufficient parcel volume coming through the system to justify weekend deliveries. Currently workers might be convinced to work a 5 days a week, on a flex schedule and cover weekend deliveries, if working on a Saturday and Sunday were considered part of that five day, 40 hour week, and they get to take a couple of days off M-F. Between us, the current workforce could do that so service was provided every day of the week … It might be logistically more complex, but surely not beyond our senior leadership to work out. While it is true the corporation offered a nearly 12% increase in wages over 4 years, it is also true that most of us (certainly RSMCs) went through a mandatory process of route volume auditing and given the recent reduction in volumes of mail and parcels, most all of us experienced a reduction in our current salaries … and inevitably so. However to take away 4-7% of an existing salary in 2024, and replace it over the next 4 years with 12% really only amounts to an increase of as little as 5% to as much as 8% over 4 years and that barely compensates for the current rate of inflation. In real terms of after tax spending power, salaries are shrinking not increasing. It is also true that with less and less volume, and business shrinkage, current employees are having to do less work and common sense would dictate that you cannot go on expecting the same level of income and benefits if the actual work you are being paid to do is decreasing … There comes a point where something has to change before the system breaks down completely.
    We should go back to work to avoid losing the current but rapidly declining support of the Canadian public. If we get labelled as the destroyer of everyone’s Christmas experience, we will not easily recover. Negotiations could continue with the Federally appointed mediator and we could get back to delivering the mail and safeguard the good will of the people we serve … the Canadian Public. Right now the strike is doing untold damage … lost income, suspended health benefits, and an impatient, frustrated public … as well as small businesses and charities that are rapidly looking for alternative means of getting their products out to customers, their charitable donations collected … and not all of these current customers might return to conduct their future business with us if they find workable, more reliable alternatives while we are out on strike…

    • You are much too reasonable in your well thought out and coherent thinking. Kudos tonyou on that however you are giving way too much credit to this current management team that they actually care about us or Canadians or anything other than themselves. They are on some sort of trajectory that likely and ultimately includes privatization under the conservatives so no arguement, logical or otherwise will resonate with these people. It’s obvious they are in full self destruct mode or else by their own admission this work stoppage would have been avoided atvall costs to or dealt with quickly

  • Same bennefits for all

    Please give us the same extended bennefits for all employees.

  • For decades in Burlington we had efficient and dedicated CUS operations. Because of the dissolution of our Cab company and the poor management decisions to not go the private vehicle route, a hastily full motorized restructure was planned. Rumor was CUS was going to be turned. The local union told CUS to call in sick together in solidarity together and the union told CUS they would have their backs. In the end, CPC dumped them and CUPW was useless. The lesson from this should have been, be very careful who you trust and support, especially when it’s a far left political NGO fronting as a union

  • This is the only union in Canada that NEVER brings an offer to its members. They get full pay during strikes/lockouts and pay us below minimum wage to stand on a picket line. Please legislate us back to work, it’s our only chance!

  • Can we just decertify the unions and start all over. People who want to stay, stays otherwise they are free to leave.

    • Yes let’s get rolling on decertification and also let’s all take a pay cut while we are at it to help out our poor struggling corporation. These are the important arguements we need to have not ending this farce of a negotiations with an agreement.

  • The union only seems to inform us after the company does. They trash CP then verify what they have told us.
    Cupw must have another motive for the strike, Like stealing money through kickbacks from strike supplies.

    • Agreed, the way negotiations have gone they’re definitely not focusing on us the members or really negotiating if the mediator gave up and the union walked away from talks, they’re sinking all the workers to lose their jobs while they spend our dues..

  • How can you go back and read the comment thread from the beginning … as some recent replies make little sense without being able to read earlier comments … not being able to do. this undermines the ability to read them all in chronological order and build a consensus among those of us concerned enough to make a comment in the first place … It’s important to be able to hear others and all sides in this situation as good ideas sometimes come from unexpected places and everyone needs a place to vent …

  • Best thing for the membership right now is to decertify a pathetic union

  • Time to force us back and let the negotiators off the hook. Clearly we are not going to resolve this thru negotiations. Read the updates coming from both sides. Customers need us employees that want to work as much as we need those customers. If the fat cats and the hard cores want to keep pretending to solve the future issues of the world let them. Stop affecting the people that matter most to a business – customers and employees.

    • Let negotiators off the hook? After staying and dining at 5 star hotels for free while we’re left to fend for ourselves asking ,please sir may I have another ?

    • I agree if they haven’t solved anything in a year, I highly doubt they will any time soon. Let’s get back to work!!

    • I think one of the main issues is that we don’t have any actual negotiators, they are not professional at all. I don’t think they could negotiate a deal on a used car. They would start telling the seller to throw in the air freshener, his cell phone and his kids car seat…

      • Absolutely true! This Cupw negotiation team has no chance of coming to an agreement. Should of went directly to binding arbitration and saved us all the trouble

        • Music to Canada post ears

          • It’s shouldn’t be music to their ears. They are 50% of the non negotiating negotiators. Both sides spin the message how they want with no real solutions. It will affect Canada post management just as much as cupw. Less customers equals less employees needed at all levels and departments.

  • Greed? Earning $58 000 before taxes a year is greed? Boy…. in your mind someone who makes $30 000 a year must still be earning to much. Get a life.

  • No point wishing them Merry Christmas. They find that insulting and totally reject it. Cupw will accept every other holiday greeting, and winter solstice but not merry Christmas.

  • I agree. Neither side seems to be bargaining in good faith. At the very least members should be allowed to vote on a cpc offer with a recommendation from cupw not to accept it. That would be democratic. Members deciding, not a politically motivated leadership. Cupw serves its membership, not the questionable political groups they support. And it’s hard to negotiate with cpc when they know a back to work order is there for their taking.

  • Anonymous Frustrated

    Think a little, many of the RSMCs are paid to work full-time and work 4 or 5 hours a day, and they complain about the pay. Others are paid for 8 hours equally and do the work in 3 hours. Many of them do the work hastily, stuffing mail and flyers in a hurry. Sometimes the mailboxes are full, but they still put mail in without reporting to their supervisors. They do things so quickly that they make mistakes, and that’s why customers complain about poor service, and they’re right to do so. Others do their work quickly and do it well, and when they encounter customers, they are happy and satisfied, but because of those who do poor work, others suffer the consequences. Some CP employees have extra jobs to compensate for the money they receive, many of which are low-effort jobs with good pay. The union has defended people who have messed up doing their job, lying about PCIs, leaving mailboxes open because they’re in a hurry to finish their day quickly and go home fast and complain that they’re not well paid. And those people who messed up, some were fired for good reason, others are back but are still guilty and continue to mess up and keep working for CP. Sometimes the selection processes are not the best, that needs to improve on CP’s part. The union has done good things, but NOW from my point of view, it’s not doing so. It’s been 11 days of strike without reaching or accepting the terms CP is offering. The union is focusing on some things that make no sense (paid lunch time). Please open your eyes, there are more important things to resolve and that is to end this strike. We are not receiving our salary, the union gives you $56 for standing on picket lines for 4 hours, that doesn’t pay the monthly bills or the gas used to go to picket points. Banks, services, and supermarkets don’t care that your main income is on strike, bills have to be paid because yes, the supermarket cashier isn’t going to tell you, “relax, this purchase is on us.” Our children won’t understand that they won’t have the gifts they asked for for Christmas. When we’re back and we have to deliver a package to the door, people might insult us or thank us for being back, but anyway, countless things I could keep writing here. I feel like we’re in the same circle without it breaking or having a prompt solution. Every time a notification email arrives from CUPW, it’s the same clown but with the hat turned around. There’s no solution to any problem. Stop focusing on nonsense and accept CP’s terms. End the strike before CP ends us and in the not-too-distant future we end up without a job.

    • I agree we need to this strike and to stop the nonsense. You lost me at accept cp offer. Never in a million years would we accept that insult of a joke of an offer. I only refer to it as an offer because I can’t call it what it really is which involves male cows defecating

      • Never in a million years? You have that much time and money saved up?

        • Of course not. I’m just done with the cpc games. They have no intention to negotiate or work with us. Its obvious they have alternative motives and don’t give a rats a$$ about us, Canadians or business

      • Anonymous frustrated

        I’m on the same team as you, RSMC. When you’re permanent and don’t have a route, and you replace for 1 week, 2 weeks, or long-term, you see so many mistakes that you don’t understand how that person does their job or continues to work. I’ve seen registered letters inside mailboxes; you won’t notice there was an R… In a rush, it only results in fatigue and poor service offered to customers. It will cost us a lot to regain their trust; many people need CP’s service. Some people don’t care about their job; they only want to get paid every two weeks and complain that it’s not enough.

    • Well said.
      You have expressed thing I have witnessed and more.


    • A long term Lazy PO4

      You know too much about RSMCs . Are you an RSMC or just keeping an eye on them or making things up.

  • I really hope this is an opportunity to lay off or fire some of our horrible sales staff that have lost all our business over the years.

    • Didn’t lose any business. Purolator delivers it now

    • hahaha – you funny AI. Don’t worry. Fat will get cut but not in sales. You see, sales will be necessary to undo this mess. Ops will be immensely overstaffed due to low volume. You do the math

    • Or instead Al, how about taking a closer look at the pickup drivers, who do parcel pick ups at the end of each day. Many of our large ecommerce customers complain that their driver consistently shows up too early. The driver even asks the customer if they can come early as they want to finish their day early and go home. Meanwhile other carriers show up later in the day. So, customers process their orders with the other carriers and Canada Post loses out on the volume and revenue. All because the pickup drivers can’t be arsed to work their full day.

  • Pissed Off CUPW member

    So here we are, day 12 of a national strike and we are no closer to a contract than we were a year ago. When are CUPW members going to realize that the executive, both nationally and regionally, could care less about its members and only do what’s best for themselves. It is time for a major change in our union leadership. They have been out of touch with the work force for far too long. I along with other CUPW members have filed complaints with the Canadian Industrial Relations Board against CUPW and CPC for discrimination and lack of representation because the refuse to do their job and follow the collective agreement. The only way we go back to work is if the government legislates us back because CUPW is not going to accept any offer from CPC and they won’t give us the opportunity to vote on any offer made.

    • Quite often people say “could care less” when what they actually mean is “couldn’t care less” it’s a very common mistake.

      I’m regards to your comment I’m sure this is what happened. However, I think your mistake is actually correct in regards to CPC. They definitely could care less and I think we are going to see how little they actually do care.

    • If you want a change in union leadership, show up to local meetings, get involved, get elected to go to a national convention and vote for change. If you don’t make the effort yourself, then you are stuck with the leadership you have.

      • You go along to get along. You don’t follow what NEB expects of you and you will get blackballed.

        National and Regional reps are not even elected by the members. They are all mostly compromised. The good ones have to play along or they don’t get a seat at the table.

    • I agree. Neither side seems to be bargaining in good faith. At the very least members should be allowed to vote on a cpc offer with a recommendation from cupw not to accept it. That would be democratic. Members deciding, not a politically motivated leadership. Cupw serves its membership, not the questionable political groups they support. And it’s hard to negotiate with cpc when they know a back to work order is there for their taking.

    • My question is how does all the banging on about cupw help us now? Like it or not its all we have right now and they need to be supported or else you play right into cpc hands sowing division. Let’s first beat the cpc tyrants with their draconian changes and joke offers and then deal with cupw. Cant fight both at the same time. Canada post would LOVE that!

    • You would think a strike would have been called oh maybe 8 months ago. I don’t think a year and 100+ meetings were needed when there is zero movement. All smoke and mirrors.

  • Small business ordered merchandise which is not delivered by Canada Post so this means lost sales for me at a crucial time of year. We have to deal with internet sales, black friday and now this too. Why is a negotiator not a good enough solution and strike action is needed which is harmful for everyone.

  • Equal Bennefits For ALL

    Release the details of 51390 to the special mediator and allow ALL employees access to this bennefits plan!!!

  • Inconvenient Truth

    Trexity offers local package and parcel delivery services to businesses in urban centres using gig drivers. Here’s the price comparison listed on their company website: Same-day delivery within 50 km in Toronto costs $5 – $15. For Canada Post, it is ‘Next Day’s delivery for $31 – 47.

    CPC will never be able to compete with our labour cost and inflexible work schedule. The writing is on the wall for some time. The logical solution is to get out of last-mile delivery in urban areas. Instead of trying to compete, CPC should partner with these nibble logistic companies. The squabbles between CUPW and CPC over SSD and weekend delivery will instantly be moot.

    • Gig drivers working for those kind of companies, are often given very low wages, without benefits , pension plans, and in have to pay for their own vehicle expenses… is that how you expect Canadians to pay for their bill, mortgages and give their families a fair life? That’s not how it works in Canada.

      • Do you see restaurants and grocery stores still hire their own staff to make delivery, and not let gig operators like Uber, DoorDash, Instacart and the like handle it? Why should CPC be any different? We are not a monopoly outside of rural areas, and customers will choose the most cost-effective option which is not us. That is just reality, in Canada and around the world.

        • Well , then Lay me off and all the 55.000 works and go get foreign workers hired intead. I ain’t working for a buck or two at CP

        • Do you see demend for restaurant and grocery deliveries dropping like a stone and laying off people because no one can afford them anymore? Either because it’s just too expensive or anyone penalized as a gig or canada post worker simply cannot afford it. Easy for you to say on whatever humongous salary coupled with your bonuses pays, but down here on planet earth things work differently.

    • CP will never be able to compete with those prices, because we together with UPS, FEDX , etc are no gig companies, we have people working that are paying mortgages and have families, while those gig companies are made for foreign workers and students … but we can compete with those small gig companies,for example, excelling in our delivery methods, is just one way..

    • CPC mismanagement

      They have 24 employees a cross Canada how does that even move parcels

  • Let’s stop playing make believe.

    The answers to resolve this labour dispute are pretty obvious.
    Almost as obvious as the desire of many involved to sabotage the process.

  • I wish all you cupw executives a very merry Christmas and hope you’re happy with what you accomplished for us I can’t even get my meds now which are very vital to me, thankyou

    • I hope you voted no to a strike. If you did then I feel terrible for you. Otherwise you need to deal with the repercussions of your actions to shutter the post office and the needs of your fellow Canadians.

    • I wish all the company management a very merry Christmas and hope you are happy destroying a once respected institution and decent job. I can’t even afford food now for me and my family, which is very vital to me.

      • Yes, soaring labour costs, archaic restrictions in the collective agreement, inflexibility on the part of the union, unreasonable demands for outrageous wage increases and an unexplainable need to save the working class by attempting to force cleaners and CUS drivers to join the self-righteous union. This still is a decent job. Can’t afford food for you or your family? Then why do I see Teslas and Range Rovers, BMWs and Audis in the parking lot where I work, all owned and driven by CUPW members. Yes, Merry Christmas to you too, and thanks for sinking the ship for the other thousands of employees who are suffering for your greed.

    • CUPW called this strike with the prime minister wasn’t even in the country 🤯. Why ? I’m losing thousands I’ll never see back What’s our union really holding out for ? This is the worse strike ever
      No end in sight…. Stop with my meds I went and received 3 months worth. That’s on you. Hopefully we’re back by January 😫

    • No point wishing them Merry Christmas. They find that insulting and totally reject it. Cupw will accept every other holiday greeting, and winter solstice but not merry Christmas.

  • There is a difference between a robot and a human being with family and life outside of post office. The management need to understand that.

    • In what way is CPC not considering you a human being? Most employees work 40 hours a week (aka the normal work week for all other companies). Even if they were to ask you for overtime, you have the right to refuse. Regarding a 7-day delivery, CPC isn’t going to ask you to work 7 days a week as that is against the Labour Code and would require them to pay you Significant OT. You are paid a reasonable wage and the company is even willing to increase your rate of pay to 11% over 4 years and you have 3+ Weeks of vacation (while the ESA is 2 weeks). You have a great benefits package and pension plan.

      • Entitled employees dragging the company down. Once CPC goes private, they will cry.

      • Why should we be made to start at 11 am.? Why? What the hell does that accomplish besides annoying and antagonizing employees by not treating them as human beings and forcing them to be out in unsafe darkness where risk of injury and mugging increase exponentially. While your stuffing your face at home eating dinner with your family we’re expected to eat alone in our trucks or just before bed when getting home late from your inhumane treatment of employees? You would make an excellent dictator tedlou

  • Executive Bennefits Plan 51390

    CUPW should ask the special mediator to share the details of Canada Life plan 51390.

  • the Union seems to want to negotiate for its own benefit, allowing it to fatten up its bank account with through faceless grievances and not go after the issues at hand. When they should be going after the poor contracts that are that bleed money from the corporation..

    How is it the union will spend upwards of 60K to fight for an employees job when that employee has had repeated violent encounters and poor at their job , this is money the could reduce union dues and help get us an increase in wages. Allow the corp to get rid of these poor performing employees who ruin things for the hard working people.

    How is is SNC Lavalin holds the 1 800 number contract causing the corporation to pay out $60 every time someone calls into the help line – this should be held by CUPW – this would be a place for injured employees to go while recovering or aging employees who want to finish of their years of service with out wrecking their bodies … this would solve the injury issues with LCs giving them full pay while recovering , lower the corps costs and allow for better benefits package as you would not have so many people off milking fake injuries

  • We should’ve accepted the CPCs offer. Some will say that we do not accept rollbacks, but what happened to us last contracts? Exactly that, rollbacks. CUPW couldn’t protect us from rollbacks, flyer rollbacks, signing bonus and wage percentage rollback, etc.. waiting for more rollbacks after this is all set and done

  • No pay no benefits still donated.

    Making a challenge to all those who are still paid during this strike. I’m a non paid worker and yet I just donated 20 dollars to the Santa red cross fund at yorkdale mall. Good for me. Now let’s see if you can match it. Don’t let me or Santa or those who are less fortunate down.

  • Maybe CUPW and CPC should write to Santa to bring them everything they want! Oh wait they can’t,we’re on strike!🎅

  • Poorly run country by incompetent puppets in Ottawa is the reason for your struggles to meet ends – not CPC.
    CUPW is not helping in making it better for all of us either…
    This is the only company in known Universe where starting earlier is a reason for grievance.
    CUPW is not protecting good workers, only the bad seeds which company failed to get rid off in the early stages of employment while on probation. No polygraph testing allowed? That says it all…
    Getting paid for 8 hours work and working four or five – now show me another company who does that.
    Above is the perfect example why our cost of injured employees is where it is. Make them all work 8 hours – maybe that will prevent some idiot from falling out of truck because he wanted to save 3 seconds and did not put the seatbelt on…
    Protecting employees rights – right, how about protecting CUPW own revenue stream? Now that is more like it…
    Always was, always is and always will be about money… and not for the person who honestly pounds the concrete every day for 30 years – if you know what I mean…

    • The country is not poorly.

      Just Canada Post and CUPW.

    • 💯% agree.I never talk about my job much because people in the real world don’t believe me!!!

    • You’ve won comment of the day cause stone cold said so!

    • Don’t pretend you are a LC. Only an insane manager would consider polygraph tests for anything other than murder trials. By the way many companies have been using piecework systems of labour in the workplace for decades. It is an excellent incentive for workers to excel in their jobs with a reward for excellence. I personally have done it in a sub assembly automotive plant and I gotta tell you, people worked hard to get their numbers and not only that, they made sure their co workers where working hard too.

    • Sorry, nobody tells me how to do my route, I like to do things at a faster pace, that’s how I am…injuries so far for me ZERO! You just have to know how to rush, I admit, rushing is not for everyone, it’s a skill. The only time I don’t rush as much is with ice and snow, you have to use common sense when you are working. I’ve seen people walking like snails and taking almost a minute to put mail in mailboxes… that’s not for me , sorry.

    • inside workers should be paid half what they are getting,standing around and watchung the machines do all the work.must be nice to make top rate,while standing and talking for 8 hours.thats some real change

  • So supposedly we have lost approx 11 million parcels over the strike so far. Roughly a million a day. Thats a lot of busines they complain we supposedly already didn’t have and huge money down the toilet. Yet CPC allows this strike to continue and just keeps flushing. I really dont believe money is as big an issue as you would like to make it seem or if it ever was. CPC is now just trying to prove a point and to solely rule with an iron fist. For a company supposedly so cash strapped and desperate to avoid a labour disruption, you sure don’t act like it in letting this go on and on.

  • I would be happy to take a buyout!

    • Don’t count on it…no $$$ remember? CPC and CUPW has bled us dry

    • If they wanna see a mass exodus of us old lazy employees, a buyout would be the way to do it instead of the threatened reduction in benefits if you retire after 2026. I actually haven’t spoke to one senior employee that said they would not accept a buyout and retire.

      • If it’s a decent buyout I’d go for it. Then cpc can go on from there. Let us retire with dignity.

      • Buy outs !!!!!
        I’d be gone so fast the door wouldn’t hit my arse. Bro
        Buy outs please No name calling by new employees. We earned our battle scars. It’s a whole different post office and can’t continue the way it is CMB delivering should have never stopped. But PCs will bring it in asap when Liberals are voted out. Less employees yes. Less CUPW dues oh well. Focus on what’s left with the company. Times are not in favour of letter mail. Computers /AI Robots Door to door sucks on human bodies. Wear and tear ☹️

  • Recently retired carrier

    New update, company wants to negotiate weekend delivery unioun has other ideas, my translation; CUPW has their dream scenario, full blown strike, critical time of year and no government interference. Years of frustrations festerd. Time for wild demands, postal banking, wellness checks maybe unionize the cleaning staff etc. They have no empathy for the thousands of families being affected, you are hostages in their battle, thanks for the funding, the struggle contiues.

  • When this strike is all said and done and it will be shortly most likely by forced legislation,the cupw,cpc execs and lawyers will be in the therapist office trying to recover from their mental emotional and physical upevil. The money you are all making will go for therapy.and you have to ask yourself execs was it all worth it ? This is where the no pay no benefits workers get their justice!

  • I think it’s wrong for the union to string the people laid off.
    What is the point in fighting layoffs when you know the union has a very bad track record winning grievance cases?
    These grievances cases can take a long time to fight. The corporation had already has prepared many excuses on why people have been laid off.
    Can anyone wait months for the union to reinstate them into a corporation that has no respect towards them?
    If you have been laid off, it would be just better to file for EI and then find yourself a new job somewhere where you get respect from your employers.
    It’s not worth the wait to fight a case where you have very little chance of winning. It is too far into the season to recover the lost businesses Canada Post would have had due to the strike.
    The corporation will not hire anyone for at least two or three months since they know they already lost over 11,000,000 packages/parcels in business as of today.
    There is no way they are going to recover from their losses by bringing back workers they deem expendable.
    They will just overwork the workers that haven’t been laid off until the season is over.
    January and February are very slow for mail and parcels. So don’t expect a lot of work to come. It will take them a few months for them to recover due to the strike. CPC have tarnished its name during this strike. It’s going very difficult to regain the trust of customers.

    The union has not helped by asking for so many unrealistic demands in negotiations. I wouldn’t trust them either to get the people laid off’s jobs back anytime soon. You better off calling Saul Goodman or Lionel Hutz to represent you to get your job back.

    Good luck.

  • Figure something out to save our peak season!! We want to be working. This has gone on long enough.
    Offer 16%
    Leave our pensions alone

        • Our peak season is already gone. All stores have deals with other delivery companies. Will there be any jobs to come back to? How many other companies pay overtime on weekends? Premiums yes, but not double time. Most employees I know have ZERO education, makes delivery mistakes daily (as reading is not a prerequisite) and there is ZERO accountability. Labour relations protects the lazy and unqualified people, while the rest of us take pride in our job.
          Both sides need to come to an agreement to save ALL of our jobs, as the way it is now, we will ALL be out of one.

  • As a 10yr PO4 working at Canada Post here’s what actually workers/people want inside and out of the plant i worked with, and also RMSCs I interviewed.

    WAGE increased thats all. 11% one time. Sustainability issue about it? Get more contracts with big clients. In next years gonna be difficult.

    Keep everything as is. We can live with it.
    Buyout offer for eligible employees.
    No disrespect but some of the employees are old and cant do regular duties that makes CPC to hire more Temp Employees but some Temp Employees are lazy. Of course CUPW protect those workers.
    Less the supervisors. Too many SPVRs on the floor. If 1 SPVR can’t handle 30 employees, fire them don’t hire SPVR just to station them depending on the work floor.

    Lastly, if CPC wants to rebuild the loss etc, Change the Hiring process. make it more difficult and assess each candidate if that person can lift the corporation up. Most hired are related to other employees in the corporation.

  • CPC mismanagement

    Make it 15 over 5 years since year one is gone already. SSD only for space issue depots permant pt MSc hub 2 shifts one Thursday to Monday one works 7to 10 with chance for extended. Parcels picked up get del by second shift from 3 tell 7 again option to come in earlier for heavy days with more hours. Eliminate apoc any type of bonus ( at risk). Treat delivery agents with respect

    • 15 over 5? No way! 20 over with 12 up front, maybe!

      • Dream on! It’s this kind of mentality that ensure there is no negotiated settlement. Look around. Do you see any company incurring loses and losing market shares give their workers raises instead of freezing their salaries and laying them off in large batches? Many will be grateful and would have accepted the second CPC offer if the union dare to let us vote.

  • CPC mismanagement

    Avg of 1 million parcels a day would start by Fri 15 million plus a day will be lost by CPC not settling this. And that amount goes daily tell Xmas 375 million CPC is willing to toss away. Seems like a great idea

    • Money is obviously not an issue for them. They have plenty to burn or else this would not be allowed. But then again cpc has zero desire to make any improvements for us or customers. Just their own bloated bank accounts

    • CUPW does have the upper hand given the time of year they are on strike. The amount of loss for CPC business/reputation is great, but the amount of $$ they are saving on not paying out any wages or STDP benefits will recover most of that loss. When the dust all settles, CUPW will be broke from paying out all their $$ to their members on the picket lines and will end up getting less than they had before. Wake up CUPW – it’s 2024. Time to leave the dinosaur ages. The “good ‘ol days” are behind us. No one gets a 24% increase in wages from a company reporting losses in the billions. APOC does not get any secret bonuses, so lay that one to rest. They are also not compensated enough to listen to the constant scamming and whining from CUPW who think they are entitled to go on STDP for a papercut. When this is all over there will be way less benefits wise for CUPW then they had before but they will surely blame the company for it all, not their greed.

  • CPC mismanagement

    So where is this so called offer. What is the exact details not the crib notes with the important stuff missing like usual. This is just Chatter show us the deal your trying to force to us
    Remember CPC you are causing the storm of customers leaving not cupw u could settle and live to fight another day and work with us to build the company via forcing us and giving juicy bonuses to yourself. Eliminate apoc at risk pay don’t give them another secret bonus. It better yet whatever bonus they get you give to cupw as well.

  • I don’t know much about mail delivery as I am a PO4. How about getting rid of all the CMBs in the urban areas and Rural routes that now fall right in the thick of the city. Is that a good idea?

    • Injuries to LCs is very high, as highlighted by CUPW and LCs across the country. It’s much safer delivering to CMBs than it is door-to-door, yet CUPW pushes door-to-door delivery because they know CMB routes reduce LCs, thus reducing membership and union dues paid. It’s amusing how CUPW preaches better working conditions/employee safety but pushes back when safer delivery methods are proposed/implemented.
      It’s also amusing how everyone blames mismanagement when it was Trudeau who cancelled the conversion from door-to-door service to CMBs when he got elected.

      • Hey, not so super visor. Nice try. All CMB s means half the workforce. So half the workforce with all the work means our people do double points of call or worse. Now you take a bank of 70 CMBs and put 6 sets of flyers in each compartment. Then put in all the mail. Then do the parcels. Now count how long your arm has held bundles, how many times your arm goes back and forth into the CMB and how long you have been on your feet. A perfect recipe for injuries. Not to mention the eyesore of the flyers on the ground, the unshoveled sites and the aggressive customers that want their mail NOW. Nothing safe about it. It just strains the LC to his/her limits while reducing jobs and services to the customers. Trudeau stopped it before it happened. It should have never been started in the first place.

  • Big city supervisor

    I’ve often said to my counterparts “if only they knew what we really thought of them” referring to inside workers at a large facility.

    Turns out your fellow coworkers think the same thing for the most part.

  • Why does Canada Post hire so many people in a system they created them tell us we are LAZY and USELESS? You are the ones that hired all these people to stand around for YEARS! You are the ones that do not have courage to discipline the abusers and poor performers! Now after all this you want to BULLY. Why don’t you bully the people that should be fired! Stand your ground and bully the right people that you hired! You are BULLY to wrong people working hard. My pay is only $1,600 every 2 weeks so some math for a normal workers bills with kids and trying to survive. I am not getting rich even you pay me $35 it makes hardly a difference maybe I can afford swimming lessons for my son now that’s it. Pay the worker and support the worker who can then be part of Canada community and spend money but instead I feel you have agenda that is not good keep workers poor and begging and continue to hire more just to give office people jobs.

  • “Canada Post has continued to present offers that protect and enhance what’s important to our current employees.” If this were true, there wouldn’t be a strike!

    • Come again? Where have you been? We are in a strike because CUPW called it. We are still in a strike because of CUPW’s ridiculous demands and resistance to changes that will give our company a chance to survive. Don’t you ever forget it.

  • Proud ROE Recipient

    Anyone else receive an ROE in their Service Canada portal with “Strike or Lockout” as reason for issuing? I haven’t received any lay off call but I’ve heard of lots of people receiving them and getting their ROE today. Curious if all 55 000 of us are going to get one. If not, i’m applying for EI mama!

  • “We have continued to work to find agreement on changes to our delivery model to better serve customers with weekend delivery and more flexible staffing during the week.”
    Just more sugar coating of what should read, ” we want to compete by being first in the race to the bottom, dropping wages, benefits and quality of life for our employees, and for some reason, the union doesn’t agree.

    Also, I love when the company tells me that they are protecting what is most important to me. They clearly have NO idea what is important to me. In fact, when exactly did they ask me? Not working weekends and nights is most important to me. That is one the biggest reasons I have up a higher paying job to work here. Making sure that my children and their generation can have living wage jobs is important to me, instead of expecting them to have 4 different”gig” jobs just to survive.
    How about focusing on the government, who demands that we lose money by having to deliver to rural Canada as a service, and then demands that we have to be self funding. THAT is why we can’t compete with private companies.

  • I guess you dont remember the letter carrier alert we used to do 30 years ago when we were lcuc. We did senior wellness checks then. Maybe you should recheck your seniority date.

    • 33 years service and never had to do wellness check ins . Or even heard about it .

    • Yes, but now they’ll pay the carrier $5 per call to do the checks. Given that most of the posties don’t even bother to attempt to deliver parcels, what’s the chances that they won’t do the wellness checks either. I see lawsuits coming if they trust letter carriers to do wellness checks

  • Come on CUPW. Give up on the postal banking . It’s not gonna happen . Who in their right mind would put money into a company that is bleeding money and goes on strike every four years ? And who decided for us LC’s that we want to do wellness check ins ? Maybe the 12 people that went to the union meeting last year . Focus on real world solutions and realistic demands and get us back to work .

  • KEEP IT SHUT DOWN! They can feel the heat now. Black Friday Cyber Monday money is gone this year!

    • At the cost of so many jobs.

      It’s rather insensitive to hope for this strike to continue. So many people have been laid off from Canada Post. We have already disappointed and lost the trust of so many customers who would done business with us this holiday season.

      By continuing to be “shut down” we just hurt everyone more.

      Apparently, Canada Post is deemed an essential service, but the general public are now finding ways to get their mail making us less essential.

      Please stop encouraging the prolonging of this strike, workers already hurting.

    • Typical case of good old “shoot yourself in the foot”, and in addition – against all the laws of physics – everybody else in CPC for long years to come…

  • Lets turn this around!

    Give a good raise, improve bennefits, dont mess with future employees.

    Get rid of full time M-F relief.

    Make them full time positions still, and add more. So some of them work on weekends behind route numbers and then 3 of 5 weekdays they are relief. Some will work saturday sunday as relief and are relief 3 of 5 week days as well.

    Stagger RDOs.

    Union gets full time positions.

    Canada Post gets weekend delivery by repurposing relief carriers.

    Hire temps to cover stdp ltd etc.

    Build all routes based on all time values split over 7 days so percentage of coverage, flyers, and monday spike is eliminated.

    Get govt to give thumbs up to CMB for remainder of country.

    Get SSD sorter to prep flyers so DA comes in, grabs and go.

    Eliminate RSMC collective agreement. Merge all RSMC calls into Urban and rebid all folks after restructure using combined seniority where offices have mix of urban and rural.

    For communities where it does not make sense to have delivery – expand post office and provide PO Box.

    Get Purolator to take on all urban parcel business, combine our barcode systems so POs can sell and induct parcels for both but focus cpc efforts on packets and mail to cmb. Partner with a bank so remote communities can use post office for banking services and have virtual access within a PO meeting room to talk to mortgage specialists, financial planners etc. But via partnership at a bank. We arent a bank. Our people arent bankers. Period.

    Get rid of Priority, Expedited and Regular. Streamline network to one speed – Xpresspost. Give Network team the task of eliminating days on our service standards wherever possible.

    Rebrand our uniform. Bring back elements of the proud and professional look we once had. Red stripe down the navy pant. Coat of arms to be added in some capacity – perhaps to left over heart. Yellow high vis jackets are sharp. The shirts need work. Far too informal.

    Join parades and be a part of the community. How is it that Tim Hortons and McDonalds have better ties to Canadian sport, children and our communities than us? This is a massive failure. We used to be on same level of respect as fire and police. Lets build that back. We can do it one community at a time. We have great people. Instead of a stupid empty shopping cart on tv. Showcase our people. Going that extra mile. Santa Letters, Toy & Food Drives, etc.

    Rant over.

    • I like the well thought out ideas and it shows that you have some idea on what goes into delivering on the street and dealing with issues every day. I have 28 years working as a LC in Calgary. I have jumped through many hoops to be able to work with Canada post as a single mom, juggling daycare and finally sending my son off to university.
      Working alone on the street can be hazardous, I was attacked by a man and pepper sprayed while delivering on my route four years ago. I recovered and continued delivering a week later. Working for Canada post has allowed me to buy my own home, has enabled me to be an integral part of my neighborhoods that I have delivered too for years.
      I believe that Canada post is struggling with global economic change, societal pressures, finite resources and how to change a company that has been in business for the past one hundred and fifty years.
      We need to get back to work but not at the cost of more injuries due to overburdening, working in the dark and cold. I would prefer if SSD was abolished and we kept our same walking routes. Our tried and true customers that I talk to everyday on my route will be losing an important part of their community.

      • Lets turn this around!

        Thank you for all you do and for the sacrifices you no doubt made to raise your child while working as a single Mom and to get him to University.

        We have lots of incredible people from coast to coast to coast. You sound like one of them.

        Thank you for all you do.

    • Great ideas. You can’t have all Xpresspost post though. Air is not economically feasible

      • Lets turn this around!

        I agree that current standards would need to be adjusted as Air would need to be eliminated. So cross canada would still be a few days for xpresspost. BUT thats where combining purolator and canada posts barcodes into our post office rpos would be a game changer. If a customer wants to send something via courier (purolator) at a PO, they can.

        Commercial customers use expedited. So they would only see a bennefit by eliminating all services but xpresspost, and again, I think we leave anything that doesnt fit into cmb to Purolator.

        Eliminate signature, proof of age as well.

        Canada Post should focus on building the business where we can be the BEST at it. That is packets and small parcels to cmb.
        Without oversize parcels, pcis etc. Our price per piece to deliver a packet to cmb because of LM and NM offsetting costs would easily be the lowest in the country. Our capacity for packets is almost endless if you send oversize parcels to purolator.

        For remote areas that purolator doesnt serve – the hwy service can take those parcels right to a post office where customers can pick them up.

        • Eliminating signature and POA gets rid of a lot if electronics, prescription medications and cannabis deliveries. Not a great idea either

          • Lets turn this around!

            Clarifying – those items can go to CPC but NOT to delivery agent. Set those items as auto card for pickup to RPO. 😉

    • That is terrible. Stagger rdo? What planet you on dude.

      • Lets turn this around!

        Sorry. Let me clarify.

        Stagger rdo for the relief/weekend employees. Relief coverage is needed for every day of the weekday. So some of these folks would have Mon-Tues off.

        NOT the M-F primary route holder.

    • That’s a good read

  • Sr. President,
    I would to invite you came anonymously into a depot and find out then you could convince yourself on week delivery you probably will be able to draw a better picture and make better decisions.
    Do not spend money hiring toilet paper you do not need, you all the resources already to be used and save money.

  • Can either CPC or CUPW tell, what are latest agreements and disagreements ?

  • As a LC I was injured as a P04 bullied. I stayed at CPC with good pay and benefits. I wanted to quit, was angry, miserable and depressed. Thankfully for EFAP, disability and generous psychology benefits I am well now. I am empathetic to those struggling, however I don’t see CPC as the enemy. Working here saved my life and I trust CPC’s vision for the future. Maybe if you can’t or won’t it’s time to consider an alternate employer.

  • I support arbitration ✊🏾

  • No postal banking or highway cleanups. No corporate vehicles for rsmc. No need to green entire fleet now. Stop whining about losing money. Sign the deal. Give us 20 over 3 years ,17 days , adjust the many brutal ssd routes don’t touch pensions and improve lackluster benefits. and let’s get back to work. Cpc you are not helping your own cause with your delay tactics. Cupw stop with the pie in the sky worldly causes that frankly we don’t care about

    • No, 24% over four years.

      Hotel worker in Vancouver got raises. They’re wages were $27.05.Now they make $32.50. $37.50 by 2027.

    • 17 days is too much.

      I already get 13 days and 6 weeks holiday

      • Thats good for you that you already get 13 and are happy. Donate one of your weeks back if too much. Don’t overlook negotiations means compromising. We are entitled to 10 as per federal govt. Cpc said ” we will start with 6 and re examine at later point” all to get those to agree to 2 yr extension with miniscule 2 % increments. We did compromise and now it’s time to pay the piper. I took off 4% and shortened contract 1 year. My idea gets us back to work and fosters some good will to the workers so that maybe the toxic dumping ground our workplace has become can be repaired and we can all move on instead of just spinning our wheels

        • We currently get 3 days more than the Canada Labour Code – we had 7 days, then received 6 non carry over days a year or two ago and CPC offer was to make the 6 non carry over permanent/part of collective agreement going forward. 6+7=13. That’s over the minimum requirement of the Canada Labour Code. More would be great, for sure but we’re already getting what we’re ‘entitled’ to under the Canada Labour Code.

        • I never said my 6 weeks is too much. It’s just fine.
          Thank you

  • Temp pays $90 union dues even they work 4 hours per month. No currenty to hire as permanant. No benefits. If Union doesn’t include temp, then it is a little release. Canada Post should include union dues when posting temporary employment.

    • Silly.
      What is the point for temp working for Canada Post when most of their paycheck goes to pay union due?
      There is no way you attract more people to work for Canada Post.

      • Lets turn this around!

        Make union dues a percentage of earnings after all other deductions. NOT including overtime or other payments.

        Should be same for APOC, CPAA.

        If unions agree to lower wages/ wage progression over time etc… they should also be agreeing to lower starting dues/ due progression based on income earned.

  • Maybe CUPW should urge Canada post to buy or invest in Shopify so they can compete with Amazon, rather than turn LCs into PSWs

  • I wouldn’t want anyone checking on my parents but family and neighbors…and I work for CPC..these ideas are the most ridiculous in my 30+years…Sadly if a senior has no family then leave the check in to the police

    • It’s a pay for service. Like $5 a check in- ring the bell and make sure they are ok. That’s what is being proposed.

    • I guess you dont remember the letter carrier alert we used to do 30 years ago when we were lcuc. We did senior wellness checks then. Maybe you should recheck your seniority date.

      • I don’t have to check my seniority date…Seniors have a limited income and paying for a service is ridiculous…Being a kind human being and just keeping your eye out should be enough…But I still stand my ground…with just anyone delivering now if the regular route holder is off, I’m not comfortable with that

  • “The best way for Canada Post to recover from its current financial situation is to invest in new, revenue-generating services like postal banking and wellness check-ins.”
    Wellness check-ins?
    We are not health care workers, we are postal workers. All we hear from the union is postal banking, we are not bank employees, we are postal workers.

    If Canada Post wants to succeed, it needs to look at countries with the top postal services.
    Why do Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Japan have the best postal services?
    What can we learn from these successful postal services and how can we incorporate their winning techniques into Canada Post?

  • The corporation is weak. They are getting desperate.

    Our picket lines are strong and vibes are good. Stick together and we will win. They’re losing tens of millions of dollars a day when we don’t work.

  • Keep on going brothers and sisters all the way until the end!

  • I think we might have a deal if management pretending to be CUPW workers stop interfering in this discussion. they incite one group against another and some people fall for that. It’s LCs against internal or part timer against full time casuals against regulars or new employees against old timers. Stop fighting and we will have a deal.

  • I work a part time on call job besides here. My department has 1 full time, 7 part time and 43 on call terms. This will happen to CP If you accept this offer. Don’t be fooled. Fight for the future

  • Every month CPC hire managers, supervisors not even the amount of chairman, vice and others the Corporation struggle to pay them. and nobody know them.
    How many RMCS’s Corporation need to move out to pay each of them, It is impossible to compete with higher costs.
    If CPC want to layoff employees, start with them!

  • Let’s get to work.
    It is important to understand the Corporation has to make changes but also worker need rights to be protected.
    Canada Post has to lay off those chairman, vice, managers that absorb considerably the Corporation Income and nobody knows only their mothers.
    It is impossible to compete with high internal costs.
    Every month CPC hire managers and supervisors to employ them nowhere and off course it cost money with nothing to do.
    How many RSMC’s the Corporation need to move out to pay them?

    • They also need to layoff all the wrong people that the union fights for. There are so many people that are still terrible at the job 5 years in. If we could weed out all of them, then maybe we wouldn’t have to stress about what our routes will look like when we get back from days off. How about that?

  • I’m looking at a job listing for a courier position with Purolator out of Grande Prairie Alberta as I’m writing this.

    It’s a seasonal offer, with a wage of $35/h.

    Let’s put this into perspective. A seasonal worker with Purolator gets paid more than a tenured letter carrier of twenty years with the national post office, and crown corporation.

    Your 11.5% offer falls well short of competitive, it demeans.

  • I ran into a Purolator driver while doing my route and he told me he makes $36.50/hr , so we definitely deserve a raise , and Management and above are all getting bonuses of the workers backs, if they want to save money cut there bonuses.

  • The mediator should grab the contract from CUPW and from CPC and allow all of us to vote on what we want, period.. enough wasting time with these negotiations!

    • You clearly don’t know how this works. You signed up for Union membership when you took this job. What you get paid and your total compensation came from collective bargaining and strikes. You’re part of the 4% who voted no to a strike because you just want to roll over because you need your paycheque.

  • CPC make it a final offer and push a vote and let’s getter done

  • So why is Canada Post laying off people???????

    • “In several regions across the country, Canada Post has been calling CUPW members to lay them off. While some are saying it is temporary, we’ve heard stories that it may be more permanent.”

      • Rubbish. If you’re a temp- you’re not coming back to work until well after the strike. What that means is- they’ll use OT rather than pay for Temps who are unreliable and uncommitted as casual labour. Has been like this every strike. When the strike is over- people come to work and work gets done. If you want a job- fill out your part time or full time application and commit to the plan full timers are fighting for.

    • Because they have nothing to do with the union grubbing for money every four years. Commercial accounts are done with this nonsense. Notice how no other courier goes on strike? Stability grows their business and most of those have huge airline fleets. It’s not wasted money to expand but the employees need to be reliable

    • Because the union went on strike. So no more collective agreement. CPC told everyone that they were changing the rules if the union went on strike including laying people off. Why are you so surprised?

  • Only you haven’t offered a competitive wage increase. Fedex, Purolator, and UPS delivery personnel have all surpassed your average letter carrier in salary, and your 11.5% offer would further exacerbate and widen that divide.

    If you’re unwilling to give your frontline workers a wage in line with industry standards, then this company doesn’t deserve to exist, and this management team can go down in history as the one that killed our post office.

    • Why not consider working for Fedex, Purolator or UPS? this is a free labour market. If you think you are not paid fairly, go somewhere else.

      • We are not paid fairly and to just say go work there is assinine and offensive. At what point did we stop being able to ask for equitable pay? We didn’t and you need to quiet down

  • A contract that would make CP a power house:
    – Laying off those with bad performances over the years
    – warehouse workers shouldn’t make more then 25$h
    – drivers should be making close to $40h
    – some working from Monday to Friday, others From Tues to Sat.. leave Sundays for OT

    • Hell No.

      It must be nice to work 4 hours but get paid for 8 hours and not clock in and out. The entitlement is evident.

      You have no idea what it’s working inside a sort lifting so many parcels repetitively in a 8 hour shift you clock in and out of.

      • So quit which you wont. Where else 30 bucks an hour working hard for only the first 2 hours max. Warm inside in the winter, cool inside in the summer. Umpteen breaks a day. Basically do nothing after 10:30 ish when fliers all up and then all complaining about the ratting out on each other if anyone leaves early

    • There goes the union solidarity.

      Always a 🤡 in the group.

    • Warehouse workers just as hard as letter carriers.

      We are repetitively lifting and handling mail, packets and parcels which causes a lot of wear and tear to our bodies.

      You need to be a little more kinder to your fellow workers.

      I can see you think the world revolves around glorified paperboys like yourself.

      • There are many who are good people and good workers to be sure. I considerr many my friends Others not so much but that is the case across the board. Realistically though no need to pay over 25 an hour for most inside workers. To be fair also remove at least 50 % of supers. We lost over 10 walks to ssd and still have 2 supers same as before. Now they leave early everyday

      • I’ve done both. They each have their challenges. I can’t even say which one I dislike over the other, but I was LC before the days of SSD. Things are getting worse for all of us

    • Fire all selfish letter carriers who want $40 more than anyone else.

    • 1000000% NO
      $40/hour for inside worker.
      $20 /hour for letter carriers
      No OT letter carriers who don’t work a full 8 hours a day.

      • You’re clueless. If you think an inside worker is going to get $40 a hour. Go work as an order picker in a Food Warehouse like Safeway or for Superstore. They measure your pick percentage for each order while you wait for product drops with a Crown from upper levels you pay your own steel toes, and lift more than 50 lbs- more like 70 pounds. If you can’t meet the pick percentage or handle the pick list- you are let go. Union or not- there is no accommodation. Oh yeah- you earn your stripes for seniority. Yes, you can get a pension. Maybe after 30 years will you make $35 an hour. Delusional. What goes on the plants at CPC js a joke. There’s a reason you work in the plants because you can’t handle the physicality and demands of an outside job. Once upon a time you worked 10 hours a day as a DA. Not anymore because there is no mail and no parcels relative to just 5 years ago. At the plants you work slower to drag your shift to 8 hours. Get a grip.

    • UPS max wage for inside workers $25…. max pay for delivery personal almost 36$! I want to be working for a company that pays my bills and guarantees me work in the long range… solidarity is all wonderful , but if solidarity makes us lose our jobs and doesn’t allow to pay us enough to live, is solidarity gonna pay my mortgage?? no!

    • You are absolutely correct 💪

    • That is not right at all.

      If the situation was reversed you would not be saying such nasty things.

      There are so many hard working people working inside and outside Canada Post. We all deserve a raise in pay, but not at the cost of your fellow union members.

      Be nice. We are all brothers and sisters in this fight together to protect our livelihood.

  • Fire all of Canada Post’s management. They are running this company into the ground.

  • UnappreciatedCompanyMan

    I think Management has just showcased exactly what they think of us. Moral is very high on the picket lines to my surprise. Those with middle-to-low seniority now see with their own eyes and realize all the stories they’ve heard were not just stories from the disgruntled, but instead it’s a repeating pattern that they now experience for themselves. Fortunately, there is still time to make things right. Let’s get back to work please.


    • What are you talking about? We are on full strike. Nothing coming in to the facilities and nothing is going out.
      It’s up to CPC and CUPW negotiators to hammer out a deal that is fair to postal workers.

    • What are you talking about “Alvin”? Not sure how long you’ve been around, but rotating strikes make no impact or sense what so ever. We are on full strike. We just need these exec’s on both sides of the fence to come to an agreement already. A year of negotiating is unheard of, and i think this is the only union and corp that do these kinds of negotiating. A YEAR, really

  • What I am confused about is the statements that CUPW states to the media and to whoever might listen. “We are on strike because of lack of wage increases over the last few years. We need to catch up because of inflation. 2% increases per year fall way behind”. Well CUPW is not stating the entire truth. We should not forget the COLA payments we received over the last 2 years which equal to over $4000! Should that not be added to the 2%? I am a P05 with over 21 years of pensionable service and I have seen way to many of these work stopages but this time its different. We have come to a crossroads with CP with its employees. Please be careful there may be nothing to come back too!

    • It’s because CUPW executives are still being paid their regular wages.
      They want to hide the facts of where our union dues really go.

      It’s very painful watching both sides talking and not knowing who to trust.

      All I want is to go back to work, but the offer has to be reasonable.

  • I would sign a CP offer if they has a 24% wage increase over 4 years, that would be a done deal!

  • Canada Post your the best. The honesty that made you a success is fading with this CUPW strike. Proud to say I was paperboy for so many years. Now I am irrelevant but they may legislate back.

  • I was just reading the latest on the CUPW site, they sound like a broken record with the postal banking and senior wellness checks. Not too mention fighting for future employees. How about helping your current employees and I’m not a personal support worker (PSW). We are not suppose to be entering people’s homes.

    • I’m a letter carrier also and think the union’s ideas to grow business are just dumb. Postal banking was a good idea twenty years ago. Maybe even ten. But now, with fintech companies offering onling banking, it’s just too late. That’s why CP is only trying to co-branding. As for senior check-ins: Not only are we not qualified to be PSWs but if people are that concerned about their senior relatives they should call the police to do a check-ins; plus I find it morally questionable to charge people to check on people that might need help. I already do that for free on my route because it is the right thing to do.

      • Don’t forget about the dishonest employees that would steal from the seniors, you know it would happen.

        • I wouldn’t want anyone checking on my parents but family and neighbors…and I work for CPC..these ideas are the most ridiculous in my 30+years…Sadly if a senior has no family then leave the check in to the police

      • I totally agree. CUPW’s ideas are delusional. Everyone knows the only growth areas for those company are parcels and admail. Weekend delivery is absolutely necessary, probably at straight time. Most LCs would gladly give up the few thousand we earn with RDOs if we could have a good raise, and Canada Post survives. Please to both sides, stop wasting time while we as CUPW members lose thousands. Compromise and get the deal done. Otherwise the only solution for the government is arbitration!

      • Maybe CUPW should urge Canada post to buy or invest in Shopify so they can compete with Amazon, rather than turn LCs into PSWs

      • Don’t forget the union also wanted letter carriers to provide lacation coaching for new mothers. Yes, you read that right. If you thought just doing a wellness check would be uncomfortable how would you feel teaching a mother how to feed her newborn. Talk about grasping at straws to come up with any kind of new business.

  • Fire management at Canada post! Their demands are trying to break the union

  • No SSD, 20% raise over 4 years, all employees get Defined Pension Benefit, part time positions for weekend delivery, done deal. Why is this so hard? Send everything else to arbitration, let us go back to work.

    • No, I want 24%. It’s reasonable since striking hotel workers making $27.05 are getting a wage increase to $32.50.

      Plus, we work harder lifting up to 50 lb x 250-400 parcels off the belt and into IDCs each day.

      • Then apply to be a hotel worker, shift work, nights, weekends not too mention holidays that you’d have to work. Cleaning up after God knows what that went on in the hotel room / bathroom.

      • Tell you what. You can have the same salary as those hotel workers, but you also will have the same benefits and pension plan as them. Deal?

  • Fresh Comment board for TUNA!

    TUNA for Union President!

  • Latest media posts state that we can’t deliver until after Dec. 25 due to the backlog. Since we are not accepting anything, there is not a lot of mail stuck in the system. SETTLE NOW. We can still process lots of parcels in time for the holidays. Our processing is currently way under capacity. Pay some OT to extend peoples hours and it’s a win win, win. Public and our customers get some parcels delivered on time, Workers get some OT to recoup the strike losses and the company gets higher volumes thus more $.

    • Current backlog can be resolved in a couple of weeks with OT.

      • There is no backlog. What’s out there will be inducted by businesses when we are back because they can’t afford the competition. Posties love delivering and deliver we will but not by blindly signing our job description and working conditions away because people can’t afford to be off work. There are lots of gig worker jobs out there- go get one for thr short term and see how you like it- none of us are leaving for those jobs.

  • All lies!! Stop trying to run the company with rollbacks.

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