CUPW negotiations: Discussions continue

November 5, 2024, 05:46 pm 596 comments

Discussions continued with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) through the weekend. While the negotiations were less productive than we had hoped for, neither side has provided notice (minimum 72 hours) of their intent to start a labour disruption.

The parties remain at the table. Today, Canada Post received counter offers from CUPW for both the Urban and RSMC (Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers) bargaining units. Canada Post is reviewing the counter proposals, which came in response to the most recent global offers presented to CUPW on October 29.

Operations continue as usual

Our regular business operations continue. It would be at least three days (minimum 72 hours) after a notice is issued or received before any labour disruption could begin. We remain committed to providing you with updates as quickly as possible as negotiations evolve.

Uncertainty taking a toll on the business

We remain committed to negotiating agreements without a labour disruption, but the threat of a disruption during the holiday shipping season has already had a serious effect on our business. It’s impacted volumes and revenue and will further deteriorate our financial situation.

Retailers require certainty for their shipments at this critical time of year and are moving their parcels to other delivery companies. Customers have also cancelled direct marketing campaigns to avoid having items stuck in the postal network in the event of a labour disruption. Our overall volumes are down significantly and continue to erode.

Changes required to our delivery model

To secure a stronger future for Canada Post, significant change is required to our delivery model, or the company will fall further behind in today’s demanding parcel delivery market. That’s why the company is negotiating a more flexible delivery model that would allow affordable seven-day-a-week parcel delivery, with more competitive pricing and other important service improvements for our customers.

A flexible delivery model to grow our parcel business is essential to being able to afford what we’ve put forward for current employees. We’ve proposed a balanced approach where current employees would make gains and not lose ground on what matters most to them. Our proposals for current employees include wage increases, enhanced leave entitlements, and protection of your defined benefit pension and job security provisions.

Remaining hopeful for a breakthrough

The company has also proposed that employees hired in the future would receive a competitive compensation package that would include a less costly approach to pension and benefits, including in post-retirement.

To date, our flexible delivery proposals have been met with resistance or constraints that would negate any potential benefits of the change. We remain hopeful that further discussions will afford a breakthrough, but urgency is required. Our deteriorating financial situation could require the company to revisit its proposals.

More information

Watch for further updates on the Negotiations Hub or in mailings to your home. On the Negotiations Hub, you can also sign up for email updates, directly to your inbox.


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  • We issued a strike notice and now Canada post has issued a lockout notice?? Wtf is going on. Are we striking or are we locked out?

    • We are going to get locked out regardless of strike notice.. they will order us back and we get shitty contract.. Union has made a fool of us again and the negotiating committee is nothing but a joke..

  • Yay everyone.. Union issued 72 hr notice and we got a Lockout notice.. Congratulations getting screwed again . I can’t wait to see the scraps we get for a contract because of the failed negotiating committee again.. But don’t worry a trip to Cuba and Casino in Niagara falls with our money will fix that also.. Also Bonus when they raise our dues again, congratulations CUPW you did it again by avoiding negotiations again, arbitrator already ruled against CUPW earlier about SSD, you actually think we will get anything now.. we might be lucky to get first global offer… Maybe.. bunch of unreliable, selfish, neanderthals who only care about themselves.. Pathetic, everyone here who defends them should be proud supporting a constant amount of failed negotiations..

  • Let’s Thank CUPW for we the members receiving a lockout notice.. What that means is no one will get paid during lockout, we will get ordered back and get an even worse contract than offered, the useless union has failed us again and again.. over 30+ years of failed negotiations you can add 2024 to the pile . Guess who will be getting paid while we’re locked out.. That’s right CUPW committee while we make peanuts, What an epic failure you turned out to be, dividing its members, parties in Cuba and Niagara falls on our dime while we deserve a fair wage. Over a year you incompetents couldn’t get an offer without a councilator.. Bunch of clowns in the circus and we will also get public backlash while the national sits back and watches people suffer financially and providing for their families.. Get ready everyone we’re going to lose lose lose again because of this poor excuse of a Union..

  • CUPW 95% of its demands are simply ridiculous. We simply cannot go on strike, not being able to pay our bills, simply because of things that CPC workers don’t need or want….We need better salaries , that our pension remains untouched , and better benefits, how hard is that?? When will common sense comeback?!

  • Just so everyone is aware SSD is not going away, the union fighting to eliminate it.. They had the opportunity before it was structured, not now that it’s being utilized.. Another epic failure and an excuse to let us lose everything when it goes to arbitration.. Fighting a losing battle that they’ve caused the mess by not addressing this issue earlier.. So shameful and selfish.. All members of CUPW you should be ashamed of yourselves and your failed contract negotiations in the last 30+ years

  • FYI.. The union already planned to go to Niagara falls for so called educationals (spending our money to party and because they work so hard but actually so nothing) in January.. So don’t tell me the union is concerned about negotiations, they’re only concerned about their agenda.. We have no contract yet they’ve already planned to spend our money and I’m sure raise our dues.. The only time the union shows up for members for election time so you all better wake up.. Niagara falls.. what’s a bunch of manipulating narcissists.. Incredible anyone actually supports them

    • We need to get rid of them.

    • Seems like you are from management trying to divide the CUPW members because obviously you don’t know what you are talking about. Do you think the negotiators or NEB will go to Niagara? lol. Know the facts!

      • You’re sadly mistaken if I’m management, you cloud your eyes with their lies.. Do you remember the contract we got offered 10 personal days and $500 signing bonus..? The union said no to that and got us worse.. Do you think management deserves Bonuses..? No they don’t. But guess what why is the union requiring a councilator to get involved to have the corporation make an offer to us..? We know you praise the union and failed negotiations for over 30+ years, we deserve better and I’ve never said to divide members, I believe to unite us together and remove CUPW and bring in Teamsters. You are clearly part of the committee that steals our dues for Pleasure.. Wake up, you have no ground to walk on defending CUPW because they won’t defend you at all.. They show up to be elected.. You ever gone to a meeting..? Did you know the Toronto local and Scarborough local don’t even get along…? No one dividing anyone here except those that are supposed to represent us..

        • You clearly have no idea what the collective agreement bargaining process looks like. It is laid out by the Labour Code and conciliation/mediation is mandated by the process. The Toronto Local and Scarborough Local held a joint day of action last week in which allies from other Unions came out to support! If you have an issue paying Union dues go get another job! Otherwise educate yourself before you open your mouth

  • 72 hour strike notice has been issued.

  • 100% Support Union go strike as work hard carrier. All demands are for outside carrier.

  • 72 hour strike notice given

  • CUPW is terrible! We need a new union that is reasonable. There will be next to no public support this time. They are unable to read the room as always.

    • Hasn’t been any real public support since digital banking, other courier companies the list goes on and on…All we’re going to do is lose more business…less business =less jobs…Please both of you get off your high horses and meet in the middle

  • Union just issued 72 hour strike notice, showing how incapable and useless they are in getting a contract for us. Now they will put hardships on all those that are struggling proving again their failures to negotiate.. Over a year and they couldn’t get us an offer should really have people open their eyes, it’s time for change.. Who’s really the enemy here CUPW or CPC. ? If you don’t see the pattern of failures to get a contract in over 30 years of constant failed negotiations, you’re not on the side of the members you’re on the side of our unions lazy committees. CUPW has to go.

  • Gonna see what cupw gets now I bet it will be less than 2,,nd global offer …look at the track record

  • CUPW has issued 72hr notice

  • Finally,

    CUPW had a backbone to call for a 72 hours strike notice.

    What took them so long?

    Looking at these demands, CUPW will not win in all their demands.
    There are definitely going to be concessions.

    I just hope the union and Canada Post can resolve this before things get even more 🤬⬆️

    The following are some of the key demands that have not been resolved:

    Wage increases in line with inflation
    COLA payments to be rolled into the basic wage rate
    The full elimination of SSD(It’s already in effect in so many depots. It kind of hard to get rid of now at North Fraser Way in Burnaby.)
    Time to prepare and deliver Neighbourhood Mail and changes to Article 50 and Appendices “V-1” and “D” to address route length and overburdening
    Improved staffing provisions, including forcing CPC to fill vacancies monthly, the deletion of Clause 39.04, improvements to Clause 39.05, creation of Group 1 relief positions, and changes to Appendix “P” to address local staffing issues
    Increase STDP payments from 70% to 80% of our wages and increase Injury on Duty payments to 88% (I have witnessed so many people who aren’t really injured or sick taking advantage of the system. Plus, they are usually the laziest people to work with even before their so called injury/illness).
    Add 10 paid medical days to our 7 paid personal days, and allow medical days to be banked (We could do without, since already get 6 non-transferable ones from the government. We can already bank 5)
    Significant improvements to our group benefits plans, including increased coverage for health specialists, fertility treatment, gender-affirming care, vision care, and more
    Improved rights for Temporary employees, including access to group benefits plans when working continuous assignments of 6 months or more
    Precautionary cessation of work for pregnant and breastfeeding employees
    Rotations of duties for Groups 3 and 4
    Paid meal and rest periods for workers working 5 hours or more
    Improved protections against technological change
    Improved protections against contracting out
    Improved protections against harassment (There are already too snowflakes working at Canada Post. )
    Contract in cleaning, highway services, Combined Urban Services, and other work CUPW members can perform
    Service expansion projects, including postal banking, senior and other check ins, and an e-commerce platform (Canada Post is a delivery service, not a bank or nursing service. E-commerce is never going to happen now since CPC sold the Innovapost division to Deloitte.)

  • CUPW Vancouver Local 846

    General Membership Meeting

    November 23rd, Saturday 10am

    Maritimes Labour Centre

    1880 Triumph street, Vancouver

    CUPW Vancouver union hall is located at 109- 4238 Lozells Avenue, Burnaby V5A 0C4.

    Why can’t we hold the meeting at the union hall we own?
    How much is it to rent out the Maritime Labour Centre? $1500. 😳😡🤬

    Another example of wasted union dues.

  • CUPW does not want to go on strike or can’t afford to in spite of repeated humiliation at the negotiation table. The management knows that and there won’t be any improved offer from them. CUPW should be smart enough to realize that and should either go on strike or accept their fate

  • Why is CUPW taking so much dues from temporary employees? We seldom get calls, yet we pay more than half of what we earn. Hope this will be addressed in the negotiations.

    • Don’t count on it…it’s a disgrace…a temp works one day a month…first thing taken is Union Dues…I have never agreed with that…

      • I asked the union to pro rate dues for casuals and they declined from it . Radical narcissists, who don’t use common sense for its members.. You ever see CUPW have a BBQ for its members..? Never, but the corporation has.. What a joke to call themselves a union when we’re all divided..

  • Why would 50k members keep CUPW who is ineffective . They can not all be that uneducated. you are forced to join this union if you want a job. The FT love CUPW as union will tell you the PT and casuals are only here to support FT staff & pay same exorbitant dues . union members sit in hotels for over a year spending money and accomplishing nothing

  • Why would 50k members keep CUPW who is ineffective . They can not all be that uneducated. you are forced to join this union if you want a job. The FT love CUPW as union will tell you the PT and casuals are only here to support FT staff & pay same exorbitant dues . union members sit in hotels for over a year spending money and accomplishing nothing .

    • The current committee in CUPW needs to be completely removed, they’re to comfortable without term limits, we need new blood to remove those that care about themselves and don’t actually work as letter Carriers or in processing facilities.. All they do is plan on where to spend our money next. Just look at the financials, shows they supposedly do so much yet no proof to back it up.. Spend spend spend the CUPW way

  • Can’t you guys get a different union. Or are you guys stuck with CUPW. I’m trying to understand how you guys can vote for a strike but not have the ability to vote for a different union if a lot of you are frustrated about it. I mean sure they brought out a lot of positive benefits for you guys but you guys paid for it and compensated them through your union dues for years and years . Somebody from the previous topic told me CUPW union gets 70 million a year (please fact check me on this) from their 55k members. I’m sure if I’m in a union I would expect nothing less especially if I’m paying more than 50 bucks a month for it.

  • Agree. This is a totally useless union . If they did not force people to join they would be defunct. Many don’t want or need Cupw who only support FT on backs of PT & casuals. Sickening

  • How stupid would you have to be to think an offered raise that doesn’t cover inflation costs is worth signing on. Or that the imaginary 4 hour universal postal work day is a real thing when anecdotally people are being crippled by SSD demands.

    CUPW did made a mistake extending for 2 years last time. I hope this time it’s “No more Mr. Nice Guy” and that the Corp has to make it’s cuts from bloated management instead of attacking it’s workers

    • You’re correct the mistake was extending the contract when they had an opportunity to negotiate, now it’s to late and they’ve failed the members. We will get worse than offered because of their selfishness and allow the arbitrator to do the work so they get a hall pass and after blame CPC.. Typical victims, CUPW you have to go, your track record speaks volumes and the members have spoken

  • I’m pissed at the Union for encouraging us to renew the binding arbitration last time around. Safety concerns went unaddressed and we fell deeper in wage losses. Even more, the RSMCs that have to use their own vehicles. When gas hit $2.00 a liter many had to get extra job. Many LC had to do the same because of their drive in and out of the depot. The butterfly system cause injuries to carriers, with some being permanent. SSD is destroying people’s bodies. Be prepared, you’s are all looking at knee and hip replacements in the next 10 years. You may not even make it to retirement and if you do you won’t get to enjoy it due to chronic pain.

    It shows you haven’t been around long enough to see all this.

  • You guys should ask them when will they allow the LCUC back into the fray to represent the LCs as compared to how CUPW has forgotten what the PW means. I mean they went to Cuba to look at their postal system, fought for Foodora, keep telling everyone that they were the first union to establish maternity leave for the women working at the post office, ect.

    • LCUC never coming back,that’s why the union removed them to have full control . Very sad the union has divided it’s members without any effort to bring us back together.. Shame on you CUPW..

  • sitin hotels for a year spending union dues with absolutely no results. How can a strike that never happens ever be effective. How can 50k members be so stupid as to think this union. Should not be disbanded. It’s a joke

  • What kind of union does over a year talking spending thousands of $ & when it’s time to a strike says let’s keep talking & rally. Cupw is weak, ineffective. They only support ft on backs of pt & casuals. How can any member support them!?

  • CPC called our bluff and embarrassed us. How can a strike that is never called be effective. Give your head a shake CUPW.

  • So quiet. I think CPC is scared shakin in their booties from CUPW after they saw those rallies! Ha! You mess with the bull you get the horns. CUPW union strong.

  • Time to decertify. Who is with me?

    • 100% let’s get them out and bring in Teamsters… Let’s do this everyone, we can unite ourselves, CUPW wants us divided to stay in power.. We have the power not them.. time to get them out

  • “CUPW has long helped fund far-flung international causes that, admittedly, may have only the most peripheral connection to the business of delivering mail”

    “Most of these trips are financed by the union’s International Postal Fund; a war chest topped up each year with a $200,000 payment from Canada Post – and first secured as part of a 2000 collective agreement.”

  • CUPW gets $200K EVERY year from CPC!!!! Where is the money????

    Most of these trips are financed by the union’s International Postal Fund; a war chest topped up each year with a $200,000 payment from Canada Post – and first secured as part of a 2000 collective agreement.

  • Did you all know about this????

    “Most of these trips are financed by the union’s International Postal Fund; a war chest topped up each year with a $200,000 payment from Canada Post – and first secured as part of a 2000 collective agreement.”

  • Did you know that CPC gives CUPW around $250k per year and CUPW uses this money to go to Cuba.

    Cupw could distribute this money to all members or offset our dues with it but instead they use it for garbage. Not cool.

    “Most of these trips are financed by the union’s International Postal Fund; a war chest topped up each year with a $200,000 payment from Canada Post – and first secured as part of a 2000 collective agreement.”

  • Anyone know how to decertify CUPW? Lots of people are not happy.

  • mail delivery and parcel delivery has changed. we can not get blood from a stone. cpc is losing money and cupw is being greedy, it is that simple. we need to realize how fortunate we already are for ALL that we have. many cupw employees would not survive or be gainfully employed after working in the real world without union protection. the amount of holidays and personal days and time spent doing whatever you choose while still getting paid…how quickly we forget that our personal days were pretty much doubled with the pandemic. isn’t it enough??

  • Cupw is deliberately sabotaging the workers. We pay so much in dues this is a joke.

  • Time for teamsters. Cupw has got to go. Sooner the better.

  • The union is holding us back and it appears to be deliberate. The membership needs to take back their collective power.

  • Slip sliding away.

  • i heard there is a form to send ur union dues to a chartiy,is this local only supports there own and there friends and family on my dues.give my money to someone who needs it

  • Cupw can’t bargain when was the the dead line Nov 3rd …..7days and still playing games and we will loose so much business that it’s not going to be pretty people are forgetting who’s coming into power in the spring and it won’t be Justin

    • What does that have to do with what’s happening right now??

    • Exactly, rural post offices will suffer and probably close. I guess I’m old, you applied for the job because you obviously needed one if the job isn’t what you expected then you could always look for a better one. I love my job at my post office and hope more of my hours are not cut because of this. Last time PCs were in it happened.

  • People complaining about dues increase obviously aren’t working enough or hard enough and saving their money aka budgeting. Every union increases their dues. $200/month is the norm in 2024.

  • I have no problem paying more dues. I see value in it and I like giving back. I say this as a 30 year employee. I have my house, summer house, multiple vehicles. I say this not to brag but to demonstrate what this job has given me, really what CUPW has given me and I am thankful. Double the dues!

    • Ya you kinda are bragging, Congrats on your great life but you can’t speak for all members, some may have had hardships, illness, divorce etc, you are lucky be humble, if you want to pay double dues go right ahead but don’t suggest that for all members that aren’t as fortunate.

  • To let marginalized groups finally get ahead we should focus on hiring more minority women or those who identify as women across the board. Time to right the wrongs of yesterday.

    • NO! They should hire and keep the best available, hiring incompetent individuals is a huge reason why we cannot compete.

    • I grew up a marginalized individual from a poor background. I still experience prejudice and people looking down on me.

      My family and I have never played victims of our circumstances.

      No one ever gave us any free handouts. We never asked or wanted anything from anyone.

      My parents taught us all to work hard and never take things in life for granted.

      For the union members to push their agenda of try to make unsubstantial increases in union dues through the excuse of helping marginalized people like me is B.S.

      If anything, CUPW should lower the union dues for physical and socially marginalized employees who are working accommodated.

      Just stop using marginalized people as excuse to increase union dues.

  • We need an increase of dues specifically allocated for marginalized groups. Maybe $150 to Neb and $50 to other groups that we support?

  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    I am a rural postal worker and member of the Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee (PWRFC). Because the committee’s work and purpose has been raised by intervenors on this forum, I thought it important to clarify a few points:

    [1] Our opposition to the CUPW is based on the failure of the union apparatus to fight Canada Post management. It has repeatedly accepted concession contracts and done nothing to mobilize workers’ power against government strikebreaking. CUPW’s refusal to act on our massive strike mandate is only the latest example of its sabotage of worker resistance. The CUPW bureaucrats don’t want to strike because they earn high-salaries, have developed cozy ties with management and the Trudeau government, and want above all to preserve the status quo that secures their privileges at our expense.

    [2] Workers who are interested in learning more about the PWRFC and our fight to place power back where it belongs —in the hands of the rank and file— are encouraged to read our most recent statement.

    “Stop CUPW’s delaying tactics! Launch a working-class political struggle against Canada Post and the Trudeau government!”

    The statement explains our committee’s raison d’être, and can serve as a basis to further explore the strategy we advance to confront Canada Post, the Trudeau Liberal government which stands four-square behind it, and their use of technological change to intensify worker-exploitation.
    Questions and comments can be raised directly with the PWRFC via forms at the bottom of our statements.

    [3] We understand workers’ thirst for information regarding the ongoing negotiations, and we understand that workers are scouring all available sources to break the information blackout imposed on us by Canada Post and the CUPW leadership. Workers are rightly frustrated by CUPW’s failure to provide avenues for rank-and-file input and control. Management knows full well what “bargains” are being struck at the expense of our working conditions and jobs. But we, the rank-and-file, are being kept in the dark.

    That said, we strongly discourage workers from using this forum as a discussion board. This is a corporate webpage, fully controlled by the Crown Corporation and heavily moderated. Canada Post management are absolutely the last people interested in providing postal workers with a democratic forum for discussion. They have established a regime of workplace intimidation and harassment, and place the health and safety of postal workers across the country at risk on a daily basis.

    [4] Some commenters on this forum are trying to dismiss the PWRFC without addressing any of the issues we bring up. This includes red-baiting type denunciations of this rank-and-file movement as “communist.”

    I am a socialist and proud of it. I believe that the needs of working people are incompatible with capitalism and that this is being demonstrated daily in endless rounds of austerity, the wasting of society’s resources on war, and the growth of poverty and social distress amid a vast increase in the productivity of labour. I believe human needs should be placed before private profit, oppose privatization and believe all public services, including the postal service, should be run as fully-funded public services under the democratic control of working people.

    The PWRFC, however, is open to ALL workers, including the many who do not identify as “socialists,” who share our perspective —that the rank-and-file must take control of our struggle into our own hands and oppose the subordination of workers’ needs to Canada Post’s bottom-line.

  • Honestly, this hub for comments actually shows the mentality of 90% of Canada Post Employees. Giving my head a shake…

  • after this is over or maybe during if they need a break, the nego team. we should buy them a trip somewhere to show our appreciation. thoughts?

  • cupw flexing muscle on strike alert. we are kings and queens in the labor sector. be proud cupw persons.

  • i saw the rally photos from jan and cpc must be pretty shook now. we got lots of media attention and support. tick tock..

    • What did you see? Actually no one caref about the rallies except the union leaders who got another free trip! Cupw is totally useless. What other union has over a year, a 100+ meetings can not make any headway & does not call a strike. A totally weak one without any clout. Cupw is afraid of CP, does not communicate to members & is useless fir any grievance. Only good for taking Members $. They use PT & casuals to support full times. A total disgrace

      • I saw strong intimidating union soldiers and I know CPC is afraid. 100+ meetings is because CPC won’t play nice. Our professionally trained negotiators and president are literally fighting in a war on the frontlines on their time and dime basically for free. Show some respect!

      • The truth is 90% of CUPW members are good workers who try to ignore the union as much as possible. That’s why CUPW can say they have a 95% strike mandate but never publish the actual number of members who voted. I’d be surprised if it was even 10,000 out of 58,000 members. But we’ll all lose lots of money in a strike or lock-out. Can CUPW quit wasting everyone’s time and settle this contract?

  • tired of all these people complaining about our union you should be ashamed. we get great pay and benefits and pay very low dues compared to others. we are more than a union carrying lots of political weight and muscle that we use to assist marginalized persons and stand up for those who need a voice. how amazing would it be if we increased our dues without the neb asking that would be such a show of strength and solidarity

    • People, stop with the increasing dues!

    • Maybe CUPW should actually do something to justify an increase. Like how about settlung a contract without a strike or lock-out for once. You can always contact the executive and give them some of your own money if you’re so happy with them.

    • A Disenfranchised Employee at Canada Post

      No, I am already a marginalized person.

      I am just lucky that Canada Post gave me a chance to work.

      I don’t need handouts when, I can work.

      A lockout or strike would cause me great harm. I wouldn’t be ask for financial assistance from the government.

      Please get this CBA done soon, I don’t want to beg anyone for assistance.

      • CUPW doesn’t actually care about that. They’ve only settled two contracts in 30 years. Every other negotiation has ended in a strike or lock-out. They don’t care about members losing weeks or months of pay. Aparently they think dues should now increase to pay for some worthy social cause. No thanks CUPW.

    • Please use your own money to donate to whatever cause you want. Let every member decide that for themselves. Our union makes enough horrible spending decisions and takes enough of our money already.

    • They raised our dues already.. Talking like a brainwashed committee clown. The union should NOT have raised dues before a contract, and they will raise it again because they think they did a good job. CUPW has failed its members, time to give Teamsters a chance as they already deal with other logistics companies and have successfully gotten contracts with 2 months time, not over a year like this circus called CUPW. I’m not for our money being spent on trips to Cuba, I’m not for our money for educationals to Niagara falls which turn into parties, I’m not for giving our money to Ukraine either, shake your head.. you’re clearly part of the CUPW negotiating committee and we as the members will remove you all and bring in a strong union that brings the members together.. You’ve failed every contract negotiation and we’ve had enough. Petitions already going around to remove you, your days are numbered.

  • How come other unions are not coming to our rallies?

  • Start a gofund me for strike war chest and to support our negotors?or maybe every member donate a few bucks?

  • Omg what is this union doing and what have they become sigh

  • Brothers sisters Comrades and cousins do not believe the lies in the articles below they’re all lies funded by the corpse propaganda machine to divide us. Don’t drink the kooolaide and only trust what the union tells you and not outside sources. The corpse is scared we all know that. We are in strike position ready to strike if provoked. Sososodolidarity.

  • CUPW should have been allocating 1-3% of our dues to a bitcoin reserve fund for the past 10 years.

  • Anyone think we should voluntarily agree to increase our union dues effective immediately so we have more money in our strike fund and and so union can negotiate better?

    It would be a great show of solidarity.

    • Please you go first Lol. Our dues are already higher than most other unions even though CUPW is one of the worst unions in Canada. They’ve settled two contracts in thirty years. Besides, don’t worry they’ll call a rotating strike so they don’t have to pay strike-pay. They need to save money for their next trip to Cuba.

    • You forgot the lol and 🙃

    • Agreed! I’ve long said all CUPW members should be contributing more, and every cheque not just monthly. My hope is that moving forward we can get a full sized calendar to go along with our pocket calendar. Imagine how well the union could spend say $3,000 a year from each and every member instead of just the current $1,200+ well spent dollars!


        I want a refund for my union dues

      • I don’t know about the calendar stuff but I agree we need to do more. I heard some unions pay $200 a month we can at least do $150 since we’re below average and will be getting a pay bump. You won’t even notice the few extra dollars off your check and it’s tax deductible and your giving back to marginalized persons.

      • That’s so true, we need to pay for all the failed negotiations. Settling two contracts (not counting the Covid extension) in 30 years. Every other negotiation has ended in a strike or lock-out. What a track record of failure. The beautiful calendar almost makes up for the weeks or months of wages we are about to lose!

      • That is a good idea but how would it look $75 off each check?? I think $100 on each check is a litle high maybe can revisit if we get a pay increase but I think $75 every check is pretty good and the union can really use those funds to help people in various communities and even other countries.

      • Speak for yourself National committee member, you’d like to make us broke with your misappropriation of our money.. Teamsters coming and you’ll be gone soon.. petitions are going around as we speak.. you won’t be missed


      ARE YOU JOKING! Solidarity, than the CUPW should only pay themselves what workers get in we go on strike or lockout not more. It’s like a sinking ship the captain should be last off the ship, this union has should me 30yr employees (6yr term +24yrfulltime) that they would save themselves first and wouldn’t look back, I vote always my vote seems to not matter, my suggestions and experience working inside and presently as a LC especially being in the west, neither CUPW nor CPC doesn’t care!

    • No Way! Specially when you know that for the last contracts we go nothing. What we should get is dues cut, paying to much money for nothing, only to protect those who do crappy jobs!

  • The Unions position is Nuts….They want More of everything for the worker……But are against anything that will provide it. Like productivity gains……This makes Negotiations Impossible and Makes CUPW representation of Current members A Lie. Everything else is a derivative of this fundamental Lie.

  • Cupw are the clowns at this circus CPC are the performance who can’t close a contract if they tried what a joe for a month subscription of 92.00

  • Super easy solution to this situation
    Let the MEMBERSHIP vote on EACH and EVERY CPC offer
    Then truly we would have an accurate representation on the reality
    Then we could not bash CUPW for not representing us, and we, the membership determine our own destiny

  • Hold the lines brothers and sisters we are fighting the good fight in this luxury hotel room with free food and drink.

    • Why not book spa days for yourself and the rest of the negotiating committee at members expense? We know you want to drag on negotiations as long as possible, never settling, desperately waiting for Canada Post to lock everyone out. You could always call a rotating strike so CUPW doesn’t have to give strike-pay. There is a third option; compromise, negotiate, and reach an agreement without a strike or lock-out. I know that’s not normal for CUPW but the 90% of members who are good workers would appreciate it. Thanks CUPW.

  • Why did we wait a year to start negotiating? Other unions don’t and why is strike notice taking so long when other unions don’t take this long. Why are we different?

  • Attend Canada Post Worker Rank-and-File Committee’s first public meeting this Sunday!

    Why has CUPW refused to call a strike at Canada Post?

    Stop CUPW’s delaying tactics! Launch a working-class political struggle against Canada Post and the Trudeau government!

    The Role of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in sabotaging postal workers’ struggles: 2011-2024–Part 1

    The Role of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in sabotaging postal workers’ struggles: 2011-2024–Part 2

    • No to Communist Website.

      • i agree but the commies are against cupw too LOL and on this issue they are actually not wrong

      • Looks like some pretty serious discontent within the ranks. Is the union falling apart? Maybe time for a new one.

      • What these articles are saying is that workers need new organizations of struggles because the unions, whether it is CUPW or any other unions, have failed them. They are not democratic organizations who respond to the will of their members but corporatists apparatus who exist to impose the concessions demands of the bosses by strangling every struggles.

        What expresses more the rottenness of the unions than the fact that, after decades of concessions and widespread anger among the working class, CUPW is not even using a very strong mandate of its members to strike ?

        These new organizations, like the postal workers rank-and-file committee who has written some of these articles, must be guided by new principles that corresponds to their interests as a class. Not by the defense of capitalism and of Canadian/Quebec nationalism, but by the principles that the working class, an international class, must take matters into its own hands over the heads of the trade union bureaucrats and that they must appeal to their class brothers and sisters in a united political struggle against the Trudeau government and his financial and corporate backers.

        • Cupw did nothing wrong trust the process. Cpc is walking into a hornets nest messing with this negotiating team. To quote Pierre trudeau “watch me!”

          • Time will tell, and there has been way too much time already!

          • Hornets Nest? Someone needs to take a hard look at the situation. This is amateur hour for CPC. They are not intimidated by this negotiation team.

          • cpc is deffo intimidated we have jagmeet on ourside, antifa, did u see the workers from other unions at our rally standing in sol with us. the nego team is playing the long game most members wont understand as they are not professionally trained negotiators

        • It’s all lies and propaganda funded by the corpse. Only trust the info from the union and not others. Nothing in those articles are true all lies, all of it!

    • You are trying to make your point with articles from this communist rag?

    • Are you trying to say CUPW is not radical enough? According to these articles CUPW members should defy back-to-work legislation and stay on strike when ordered back. What rational, intelligent person would do that? Thanks anyway for the info Lol!

      • I think for any meaningful wins defying legislation is required. But forget that for a moment, the articles point out a lot about the backroom deals and sabotaging that cupw has done.

      • How is CUPW radical? If anything we need to become radical and support our members in marginalized groups further. I for one would be happy to pay more dues for social justice causes. We need to give back.

        • Sure Jan.
          You might be able to open your wallet to pay more union dues for your marginalized social causes, but the rest of us can not afford to pay for the increasing cost of living.
          Also, It is ridiculous to make part time and casuals pay the same for union dues when they are not the ones who benefit much from the CBA deal.
          The union neglects them the most.
          Having weekend deliveries would benefit them by giving them a chance to work. Hence, the union can collect more union dues.
          At the moment, CUPW just wants to fight for the full timers entitlement to receive more RDO.

          • You’re very selfish. We need to go beyond our membership and help marginalized peoples in other countries and places too.

            Union dues are fair and inclusive for all members. No member pays more or less.

            It is in our constitution to help these peoples in various groups and to support social causes. But, we need to go even further now as many of these peoples really need our help.

        • Jan,
          The only social cause you care about is benefitting from milking members for union dues so that you can pay for expenses you incur at NEB conventions and resort getaways.
          Members pay too much for union dues already. How about pro-rating dues for part-timers, and casuals? These are the people that don’t benefit from RDOs that go to full timers.
          Even if CUPW go on strike, NEB members and negotiators still get full pay while the rest of the CUPW members get a measly $56 a day if they picket.
          How fair is that?
          Hence, no to striking and being locked out.
          CUPW and Canada Post need to get this deal done now.
          The more negotiations stall the more businesses we lose to other courier services.
          Stop with the postal banking garbage. It doesn’t work since there are already many direct banks and digital banking services online.
          Canada Post deals mail and parcel delivery. They are not in the business of banking.

          • No.

            Officers were elected, allow them to do their jobs.

            If you don’t like something perhaps you can get involved with the union and change it. You are the union.

          • Or how about no strike-pay at all if it’s the usual rotating strike. Maybe CUPW could actually compromise, negotiate and reach an agreement without a strike or lock-out. Or is that too radical an idea for them?

    • Wow, this is messed up if what these articles state are true. Can anyone confirm?

  • Why has CUPW refused to call a strike at Canada Post?

  • How about the people that sat at home during COVID and collected full pay for two years. Return the money back to Canada Post. . Whereas I worked all the way Thur.

    • CUPW NEB and union executives still went to CUBA and other all expenses paid resorts with money that could help lower the cost of union dues for members

      100 % Agree.

      They are the same people milking the system with accommodations.

      There is nothing wrong with them except a few screws loose.

    • They colluded with corp on the vaccine mandates too and failed to represent their dues paying members who chose bodily autonomy. Why did those members have to sit home unpaid while going over 10k in debt.

      • Yes, great choice staying home and going in debt instead of taking in overtime. I am sure that you are a real specimen of humanity. So healthy. Also a federal government that decided that vaccines were not optional. Your union was never going to make that go away. They can’t even bargain over a decent contract

    • who got to stay home and collect full pay..None at cpc

  • Serious question has CUPW even won us anything in recent years? As a new hire I am told the answer is no.

  • instead of strking cupw had stupid rallies that nobody attended why did they not do rallies as soon as contract expired hmmm

  • This is called theatre my friends. Two sides pretend to negotiate but really conspiring against the workers. Shame on you cupw. cupw only wants $$$$$$$$

  • you are so right.we have cupw member who has been trained for every union course,has been full time for under a year and has never,never touch a piece of mail,but is an lc.what a joke.thank you union

    • there should be term limits and union execs are required to work their position after a certain amount of time. too many ppl making a career out of being a union rep

    • It’s ridiculous. Someone does their
      Route for them
      So they can be paid to do arts
      And crafts about safety

      • Hey, those arts and crafts save lives my friend! We are going to resorts and retreats to discuss how we are privileged colonizers and occupiers while we do we hand painting to give back to the community. We will be upping your dues to do more arts and crafts because we would rather not work our actual jobs.

      • Good workers who have pride would never do that. But there’s always a few bad workers in every depot and plant who are attracted to CUPW.

      • What’s wrong with arts and crafts if they are are attending work shops and building worker power? You could sign up to go yourself.

        Arts and crafts and support for Palestine are things we cannot stop doing, people are depending on us to do these things and give back to the community.

        Right now if you can donate to the devastation in Cuba please as we are raising support for those affected.


        • Sorry. You go right ahead.

          Canada Post is in the business of deliveries, not arts and crafts, or supporting marginalized people outside of Canada. Canada first.

          Canadians and my community depends on me to deliver their mail and packages in a timely manner.

          I have to support my family first.

          My paycheck doesn’t afford me the ability to cover our cost of living.

          • Well actually, you don’t have a choice. A great portion of our union dues supports nonsense like this. Sorry…

          • You and many others. How long can you last on a picket line? To get marginal increases…Try doing that math

        • No to arts and crafts and Cuba

          Been there done that.

          I would rather be productive and just get the mail/ parcels out on time for my community.

          Canada Post shouldn’t be paying me to do arts and crafts.

          My job is to just deliver mail and parcels. Nothing more.

          • canad post isn’t paying you to do arts crafts and fight on the front lines of injustice for maganilized groups! cupw foots that bill friend

          • F.Y.I. CUPW $$$ comes from union dues from members.
            I don’t remember reading anywhere that the union dues I would be paying would be for people to do arts and crafts when I filled my card for CUPW membership.

            If CUPW wants to raise money for their retreats, courses, and donations to the marginalized they can make a gofundme page or an “onlyfans” account to show people doing arts and crafts.

            Maybe the people creating the arts and crafts could get a show on the Knowledge Network and become Canada’s version of Bob Ross. 👨🏻‍🎨🧔🏻‍♂️

        • Thank you for making such a difference in the world using CUPW members money. Too bad you couldn’t also negotiate a contract for us. Thanks anyway!

    • Agreed! These are the same people that own a route but have never walked the route before.

  • how or why does a casual or pt member pay $100 union dues when starting wage is $22 bucks right now that is basically minimum wage after dues and tax

    longshore and city jobs are like $50-60 a month something is wrong here

    • Not only that but those workers are represented by competent unions that actually settle contracts and get raises for their members. But have sympathy for CUPW, those trips to Cuba, workshops and union courses at resort hotels across Canada are expensive Lol.

    • You need to apply for a city job or down on the docks. Simple solution for you, you’re welcome!

      • 90% of members are good workers do a good job and want Canada Post to suceed. After all, it’s the company that pays us. Maybe we just want a union that doesn’t waste weeks, months and years pushing silly ideas like Postal Banking, refuses to settle contracts and eventually calls a rotating strike so they don’t have to pay strike-pay. With CUPW it’s always the same result, failed negotiations, strike, followed by lock-out. Then after weeks or months of lost pay, an imposed contract with a lower raise than Canada Post’s current offer. There are better unions that don’t do things that way. But with CUPW it’s always the same. But you say, if you don’t like it, go work somewhere else? A true CUPW groupie. If you’re lucky maybe they’ll even increase your dues to pay for their great service Lol!

      • do you think our dues are in line with our wages? $22 bucks starting wage @$100 dues even if your pt or term.

    • I agree with Bob.
      It would be better to work as longshoreman or city worker.

      Don’t forget you’re helping Bob with his trip to some extravagant resort for his all inclusive holiday retreat somewhere for training course on how to exploit his position in CUPW.

      We wouldn’t want Bob going anywhere fun.

      • Well I guess you’re right. There’s always been a lot of people like him in CUPW leadership. That’s why they can never make negotiated agreements. Good workers stay as far away from the union as possible.

  • our union has got to go.too much friends and family being trained by our doller,not members who have paid there dues for years and are refused training because someone daughter who just started is given every training course and trips out of town and is not been full time for 6months.friends and family first for union not the ones who have there dues for years.thank you union for being not being fair and treating every member the are the best-friends and family first-new union saying

    • Its all just Bureaucracy now. I would like to given a choice of Options within a Contract and I believe that Members should be given another Vote to except New Offers because at the end of the day there are People who Negotiate with intentions suited to make them look good. There are so many issues wrong at Canada Post when it comes to operating in an Efficient and Profitable manner. These problems aren’t going to be properly addressed with any Contract except maybe reducing the RDOs. Can we just start from doing an Honest Days Work? Let’s just keep riding the Train until it derails!

    • There are whole families working for CUPW across NEB, Regional and on local levels.

  • How come CUPW does not try and abolish the two-tier wage system and prorate union dues. Equal work for equal pay no? Does not sound very inclusive, thought that was their mantra :/

    • The union is against the two-tier wage, they say. However, strike pay is 200% of the lowest cupw wage. When the wage gap is in their favor they don’t have a problem.

    • I agree with that. A Term and a Part-time employee shouldn’t have to pay the same amount of Dues as a Full Time employee. The Corporation should force the Union to change on that issue. What really gets me is when there is Overtime on Weekends and Seniority rules with Full Time employees over Part Time employees. What the Heck! Didn’t I pay the same amount of Union Dues? So the New employee and Part Time employee sits home waiting for work while the Full Time Employee gets paid Double Time to work on the weekend. Come on, where else would this happen?

  • CUPW is the weakest union in the country, they are stalling and working with CPC.

  • Remember the Cartoon the sheep Dog and the coyote
    Arch enemies at work. but buddies after they punch out. All smoke and mirrors…..You know why the No layoff clause is useless. because you have 1000 of employees called in for extended hours. This negates the No layoff clause…. But both sides will claim its virtue…..Just one of hundreds of examples.

  • We need to have the Teamsters as our union.

      • You mean yes please! Teamsters represent UPS drivers. They make $35 an hour after 4 years, full benefits and pension and almost never go on strike. Why? Because the Teamsters knows that when the company is successful and making a profit, the workers all benefit. This is a concept CUPW doesn’t understand. BTW their union dues are also lower. But don’t worry CUPW will soon call a rotating strike so they don’t have to pay strike-pay. Great job as always CUPW!

        • Are Teamsters taking advantage of union members dues and agreeing to CBA to help enrich themselves to annual all expenses paid trips to luxury resorts for retreats, national conventions, and training courses ?
          If no, count me in to Teamsters.

          • Even if they were, they still manage to settle contracts and get raises for their members without going in strike!

          • Teamsters do not Misappropriate the members money and allow the members to vote on decisions made, unlike CUPW who does what they want. They actually gave family gatherings organized almost monthly to bring the members together.. When was the last time CUPW even threw us a BBQ..? If I can recall I remember as a letter Carrier when we were on strike over 12 years ago I think, the fire fighters threw us a BBQ while CUPW tried to take credit for it. We need Teamsters, they represent all logistics, like UPS, Purolator, FedEx and others.. They would not waste a year for negotiations either and dues are lower.. Time for CUPW to be gone, let’s unite and bring in a union for the members..😎

  • Working at Vancouver Main RPO I can tell you parking is terrible as well as the customers.
    It also doesn’t help that we have to compete with franchise RPOs who open later , on top of that they misinform customers about delivery standards, screw up processing mail/parcels into mail stream (eg., lose them and blame Canada Post).

    Our Retail business managers are always threatening to cut our hours to part time or to reduce the number of retail postal clerk in each retail.

    How about protecting retail post office clerk jobs, too?

    As a Retail Postal Clerk, I noticed many of our PO Boxes are 3/4 empty.

    How about giving customers an insensitive to rent postal boxes or bag mail?
    Like, give customers 1 free month if they rent one full year.

  • The 11:00 AM start for SSD is a bad idea. I’ve asked numerous times to start at 10:00 AM, it would make my day a little easier, less stressful. I have 43 CMB sites and 17:00 RPO clearance and I have to be back at distribution by 18:00 so the priority mail can be on 18:15 truck.
    Why is senior Canada Post management so adamant about a 11:00 AM start? I’m the one out there delivering the mail, parcels and ad-mail. I know; they don’t and about 80-90% feel the way I do.

    • For the life of me I do not understand the reasoning or lack thereof behind that. Most of my residential and certainly businesses prefer earlier mail delivery. Also tired of answering why are you delivering later and later all the time?

    • From a route measurement standpoint if you clear RPO at 1800 does your Route activity leave you time to go plant and unload, dispose of vehicle at depot, get fuel do kills and missorts and prep flyers.

      Also the CBA with art 48.01 regarding all same route types have same start time.

      I am ok with later start if it means we meet commitments, grow/maintain business and we keep our jobs.

      • To answer your question. No, there is no available time.
        As for Article 48.01 in SSD the routes are not the same, routes are dedicated to either RPO clearances or commercial pick-ups. So the routes are not structured the same way.

    • What gets me is why our Union ever allowed the Corporation to design Routes that have people delivering in the Dark. Last year a new employee died on the street (in Victoria, BC) and did the Union really do enough to mitigate this? Safety should always be paramount within the workplace and yet they way the Routes are designed and how hazards are dealt with is pathetic!

      • The union didn’t ‘allow’ it. It was just part of a previous set of negotiations which they lost. Just like they always do Lol. Maybe they can give a rebate in dues to those LCs who deliver in the dark. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that though!

  • Nobody answered my question yet. Who will deliver the mail? Remember that CPC only gives out false numbers. Yes letter mail is in decline. But this nonsense that most addresses be two pieces of mail a week is a joke. Do you know how much addressed Admail and now postal code mail is being sent out. I am delivering to most addresses on my route every day. Check the sequence. They just hide everything by renaming it and not counting it. We are delivering lots of mail that makes lots of money, don’t let them fool you. And most of the new supervisors, are former LC’s that couldn’t do this job or wouldn’t because of the pay. I’ve been asked countless times throughout my career to be a supervisor. Why would I, I make more money than them, go home earlier, and don’t have to deal with anyone most of my day. Also, their job is more on the chopping block than us LC’s…WHO’s GONNA DELIVER THE MAIL or
    ADMAIL/JUNK/POSTAL CODE MAIL? This company still can’t find an alternative, remember that! And they are mandated to do it. If they don’t, they’ll be asked to leave, just like DEEPAK.

    • So your logic is that mail is the big money maker? Lettermail is 95 cents let’s say, PM is 50 cents and PCT is 38 or so. Your assessment that this is all the same is not mathing. They are paying you fully but getting in a fractional amount compared to regular mail. Then, you say that your supervisor got out of LC role because they didn’t make enough, then you say you make more than they do in less time in a day…This is not the flex that you think it is when you are the one with your hat out for more. This is the very definition of the problem.

      • You just proved that you and your fellow toxic supers are the problem with all the condescension dripping from your post

        • The facts are not condescending. You boldly claim to make more and do less than your supervisor. That is not a problem in itself until you start begging.

          • Keep trying to insult our intelligence with your managerial babble. It’s not working let it do. Strike is is coming you ig nor amount.

      • Okay that was good! I was about to comment but you covered that one quite well!

      • Did anything in my post say I was asking for more? Was my hand out as you claim? To be honest, this constant bs from the company that we need to change everything, we have no money, blah blah is tiresome. I’m fine if this company gave me a small raise, don’t touch anything else and thank me for my hard work. That’s the way it used to be. But people like you are always calling for cuts to workers and trying to degrade us. I don’t think there needs to be cuts to either employees or supervisors. I’m fine with the supers I have, when I have a problem, they can deal with it. They can’t do the physical job, dealing with the public, driving conditions as we do so, their trade off is they sit in an air conditioned depot and watch a computer screen. If the company wants to pay lots of them to do that good for them. But don’t start asking for concessions from me when the LC is the last point of contact and face of this company.

        • Who is asking for concessions? You aren’t losing anything in this contract. The only thing you should fight is the 50/50 pension benefits change. The rest is nothing but upside. You keep fighting it and you will lose. A 11.5% raise and more personal days is all positive.

      • If you want someone to do more, logic has it that you would pay more. This company wants us to do more get paid less, and thank them for it. I don’t think they understand how it works. You want to increase my route length by 20%, then I believe a 20% raise is reasonable.

    • Of course if you add all the different types of mail together the total is higher. However if you had been around 15 or 20 years ago you would know what real volume was. The average 450 poc foot walk would have three full trays of letters every day. An apartment or business walk woul get five. With no sequencing LCs would sory letters for 60 to 90 mins every day. Then two or three full flatainers (the large white tubs) full of flats and magazines. Add in packets, parcels and contact items you could rush to pull your route and barely make a 9:00 or 9:30 bundle run. That was volume. Canada Post doesn’t have that now, whatever you think. That wasn’t just at peak, it was any average day from Sept to May. Now most LCs in my depot can sort and pull their routes in 30 or 40 mins, on almost any day. Canada Post makes much less money for every point of call they serve. That’s called reality. They have to make up for that lost revenue. The only places are parcels or admail. Sorry ‘postal code’ mail isn’t a secret gravy train for Canada Post. Their books are public information, they report to parliament.

      • Yes their books are public, but you keep reading ‘their’ assessment. They brought in $7b last year, wages were half at $3.49b and of course they spent…wait for it…3.6 on other things. They couldn’t trim the spending to make a profit? There’s lots and lots of money, they just don’t want us to get any of it. But that’s okay, because it always comes my way, because as I said before, nobody wants to do this job and nobody will for minimum wage. They can’t find a different way, and I just keep picking up OT, because they are begging us to get the work done. Because no one will stay in this company for 7+ yrs to get top wages.

      • I have been around for 15-20 years, the routes were smaller and things were much easier. You would go in at 6:30am leave at 8am and be back by 10:30-11. There were NO parcels, everything over 2lbs or a size that couldn’t fit in your bag was given to your relay driver. We didn’t have 16 sets of flyers, and we used to get paid more per flyer. So please don’t talk to me about the volume. Everything is WAY heavier now, it’s just not counted. This company is a joke, and that’s why they fail to keep their new cheap workers

        • You’re kind of proving managements point bragging about how short your days were even 15 or 20 years ago. You’re definitely not being honest though if you say volumes are the same or higher now. I’ve been here more than 30 years, there was a lot more volume back then. That’s the reason routes are slightly longer now, to make up for the lower volume, get it? Yes, we have more sets of flyers now, because that is one of the only growth areas for Canada Post. They’re larger and we get paid less because of concessions made by CUPW. There was a time between a out 2010 and 2018 when we had a lot of parcels. Then Amazon started delivering their own, and Canada Post lost a lot of business to competition. That’s why we need to increase the parcel business now. It’s not all a trick by big bad Canada Post Lol!

          • You are saying exactly what I am saying. The first class mail has gone down, and that is the only number they present to us and the public, to say there is a decline. However, the flyers I am getting are no longer flyers they are full 32+ page brochures that weigh 30x the weight of a first class letter. I got Mastermind, local community magazines, LCBO, not to mention our bagged flyers with 7+ flyers in each. And these things are not being acknowledged, counted or properly represented, hence why you cannot keep new employees. Lots and lots of money available to this company through different forms of mail…

    • 👏🏼 Half of them are already leaving it seems in the new year.

  • Been here for a long time. You will all be ok. Old members and new members. It’s ALL a game to everyone involved. Take it for what it is and relax or go elsewhere if you don’t want to be a pawn in the game. Trust me, it will all work out, we are fine. The outcomes are already predetermined.

  • My honest opinion here…Cupw is a bunch of uneducated individuals who have no idea about business. Only 2 negotiated deals out of 30 that they actually agreed upon. If there is a way to get rid of these guys and actually hire an educated business person / people for 100k a year, we as employees would be in much better shape and not losing sleep over the fact that this corporation we work for could fall to the ground.

    • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

      Not true.

      • CUPW NEB and union executives still went to CUBA and other all expenses paid resorts with money that could help lower the cost of union dues for members

        In the words of Seinfeld 19th episode of the eighth season:
        “Yada, Yada, Yada.”
        Thanks for the Russian and Communist Propaganda, but no thank you.
        It’s still better to resolve this CBA before we lose more customers and jobs.

  • dollar dollar bills y'all

    NO to a strike! and for crying out loud nobody is going to be working 7 day weeks just because that’s the delivery model. let the new hires handle the extra days the weekend will provide. growing our business means growing our revenue means more opportunities for jobs and making that GWALLAH – why would that be so bad?? It wouldn’t UuU

    • I totally agree. Of course the RDOs are nice and can add up to a few thousand per year for full-timers. But I’m sure 90% would gladly trade that for a nice 15% raise, manageable workloads on Monday during peak season and weekends off. Weekend parcel delivery would create new part-time positions, and more dues for CUPW. Besides doesn’t our union usually tell people not to do voluntary overtime. Now suddenly they want to tank negotiations to protect it. It almost seems like CUPW will do anything to not settle, just to have an excuse to go on strike. Thanks CUPW great job as usual!

    • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

      I agree.
      More $$$ wasted.
      I am not go out to picket for $50, when I can make more from my other job.

    • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

      I personally don’t mind working weekends.
      It would be more flexible for me so I can focus on other things.

  • Inmate at the asylum

    Since my last comment saying i would not make any more comments didn’t make the list of lies and propaganda from both canada post and cupw maybe this one will.

  • Will be getting any updates anytime soon? or will we be the last to know. Family and friends have asked me if we’re going on strike as of Monday, apparently that’s what was said in the news. It wouldn’t be the first time the public knew anything before we did. Come on guys what’s going on??? Lets get this done, a year is not long enough????

  • Interesting… 7 hours and no comments posted. I feel a lockout coming.

  • There are a lot of comments from management, almost giggling about how we will all lose our jobs in the next few years. They don’t seem to realize cpc is actively making their positions obsolete even faster than ours. These new apps on the Pdt have gotten rid of the edit books which these supervisors spent hours fussing over. All we need now is a nail in the wall to hang up some keys and they are out of work like the rest of us.

    • That’s what I say. What is there for them to do. They don’t even go out on routes or deal with issues anymore. Im not really sure what they do. I had a supervisor give hand me a sheet of paper, I couldn’t decipher what it was. It was a complaint from an address. First of all, I don’t know how to read your company forms, finally when I asked who and what, they spit something out. I asked if they investigated it, they said no. I said I don’t know, and that was the end of it. They put a line through it. Is that how they get their ‘at risk’ bonus? Talk about useless. Zero customer service. Most of the time I deal with my residents and fix any issues for them, these supervisors are clueless

  • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

    Unlike the CUPW website, Canada Post at least has the decency to give us a place to vent our frustrations.
    CUPW is too scared to see what members really think that they would never provide a discussion forum or board to voice opinions unions executives want to avoid.
    As much as I despise the corporate management, they at least did one thing right by giving us a place for free speech.

    • Don’t forget that we also fund the National Executive Board salaries and their pension, with our dues. Wonder if they would let us see their books and how they spend our money.

    • Your wrong and fake news.

      The Cuba trip is actually paid by Canada Post. From the International Solidarity fund in the CBA. Check the Appenixes in your CBA.
      That’s why I am still …..

      • I don’t believe that. I’m pretty sure members dues play for Cuba.

        • Of course those trips are paid withnour dues. Don’t forget the yearly conventions, and the frequent weekend workshops across the country at local resorts. For example, here in BC, CUPW has held their workshops at nice hotels in Harrison Hot Springs and Whistler. This happens across the country every year, all paid for by members. CUPW has always been this way.

          • They also own a couple condos in Ottawa and who knows what else across the country.

          • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

            Not fake news.
            CUPW has always rewarded union elites with lavish amenities during their conventions and annual excursions for the work they do.
            That’s why our national and local CUPW presidents feed us the same garbage about why we pay so much for union fees.
            If CUPW was a great and fair union they would pro-rate the union dues for part timers and casuals by the percentage of work hours they do per a month.
            Plus, stop wasting our money on wasteful coverage of all expenses paid trips to conventions and annual vacations for union executives.

          • Don’t forget that our union execs still get paid during a strike or lockout. We as members of course will not be paid. CUPW will call a rotating strike so they don’t have to pay strike-pay. As usual!

        • It is paid by CPC. CUPW negotiated to get $250k per year, number might be a bit off but it goes in their slush fund and they use that money to go to Cuba. This money would be given to members or towards higher wages for members and forego the slush fund they use for Cuba.

          I think it is time to take a hard look at CUPW and what they really do or don’t do for members.

          • We know one thing they almost never do… negotiate a contract without a strike or lockout. They’ve literallysettled two contracts in the last 30
            years ( not counting the Covid extension). Of course they want negotiations to go on as long as possible so they can stay in 5 star hotels, expesing all meals and room service etc to the union. They’ve always been like this. CUPW is truly the worst union in Canada Lol.

      • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

        Why would the CPC pay for the annual trips for the union executives?
        Are you telling me the CUPW presidents, directors and administrators are in collusion or cahoots with CPC ? 😳

        • Read your your CBA. speaking as someone who was involved in our Union for years. Ignorance seems to be running rampant.
          Spend less time hating and more time educating yourself.

          That’s why I am still ….

        • The International Solidarity Fund from which the Cuba delegation is funded, IS IN FACT PAID BY CPC. If people would actually read their collective agreement and CUPW Constitution, it would put to bed a lot of these fake and inaccurate claims.

          Now is a time for us to stand together. Don’t you see what CPC is doing with this page? Stop drinking the kool-aid. No organization is perfect but you’ve got another thing coming if you think the Corporation has your best interest at heart.

  • My lc depot has 45 routes. There are currently 2 full time “supervisors “ taking care of the staffing . That’s 150 g a year minimum. What is going on here

    • That’s also $2.5 million in wages for those routes. Probably about half of you don’t work a full day. What is going on here indeed…

      • Time value.
        We don’t design the routes that’s someone on your end. What’s going on with that?

        • Exactly, get rid of time value routes and work a full day. That’s what SSD is for.

          • I finish my ssd route in 4 hrs. Home in time to watch littlest hobo.

          • Easy to say, but remember nobody really wants that. Only the newbies that get shafted with the worst shifts. And I’m including the supervisors and superintendents in that. Cause all senior ones, management, go home early and work other jobs too. That’s why it will never change

      • Wah wah wah we have no money! But we spend repainting falling apart step vans, we pay to buy and install telematics not for disciplining, but now used for disciplining. We spend to build plants that we purposely under utilize until negotiations are over .We still give management bonuses and award grants and monies to anyone who asks except to our employees who we just run rough shod over. Give me break and please stop with all the financial nonsense you would have everyone believe.

        • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

          I love Littlest Hobo. 🐕
          Maybe they can hire him to mediate between CPC and CUPW.
          At least he’d be cheap since you could reward him with a nice butcher bone or dog treats. Not any big $$$ bonus or an all expense paid trip to a luxury resort.

    • 45 abusers of the system calling in personal days on a whim coupled with all that vacation time and whining should require at least 3 supervisors fulltime for staffing. Add in the mental health assistance most carriers need and we could up that number to 4. Supervisors should not be taking the brunt of any heat on these negotiations. Blame the company blame the carrier but if ever there was a thankless job at CPC it is that of a supervisor. Much as a carrier says walk in my shoes before you point fingers.

      • Well said and great point of view. Keep that in mind the next time someone asks you for a favour or understanding. They came for you with their torches and it isn’t fair

      • I certainly don’t envy front line supervisors.They have a tough job, getting it from both sides. LCs who do quite a bit of overtime actually take home more and have a shorter workday. Of course there are bad supervisors who are guilty of harassment etc, but most try their best. There are plenty of bad CUPW workers as well, as everyone has seen in our workplaces.

      • I think you want the apoc comment section. This is for urban employees

      • I think you meant to say “sit in my shoes for a day” auto correct eh?

    • Dude, my depot has about 30 routes and THREE full time supervisors. It’s insane!

    • That’s it. I worked in a smaller depot and had 2 sups and a supt.

      We need to look at hard facts. What we are loosing on first class mail and parcels. Dragonfly 7 days a week.

      Wake up people. We have to adapt(not postal banking and sen check ins).

      Not even gonna continue rant.

      Saw this coming in 2011 and prepared. The peeps that are gonna be sitting there blaming and complaining have sealed there fate

      • That’s what the CUPW groupies don’t understand. We can ask for whatever raise we want (how about 50%) but the money only comes from one place. Every time we shut down for CUPWs latest tantrum, Canada Post loses even more money and more business. The best and most adult path forward is to settle rhe contract ASAP. Is that possible for our union. We’ll see but their track record suggests otherwise!

      • 2011…..I’m going to have to call you chicken little….LOL….We have to adapt…..The Supervisors lose touch of the business…Carriers are a rich source of information. The PDT is an Asset which isn’t being utilized fully.the new ones are better, take photo, rid of the edit book…..Can we add more features to get better return of Capital.

    • Cupw 54000 members All others 12000…..Now who shall I deal with First!

    • Is this your obvious 4 year business degree talking here? Do you honestly think you guys can run your selves- that’s a joke. Go try being a supervisor someday and see how you like it. Quit the whining and try working more. Supervisors spend so much time just trying to get you to do your jobs it’s not even remotely funny. Overpaid, unskilled labour you are.

      • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

        I can’t believe Canada Post hired you as a supervisor. It doesn’t sound like you know the meaning of working hard.
        Look we don’t need to be babysat by the likes of you.
        Most of us workers are mature enough to process mail and parcels, handle deliveries and manage our work days without the likes of you.
        Many of us have gone through university and college, but chose to work for Canada Post.
        Grown up and stop stirring the pot with your insults.

        • Well, if you have an education and opted not to use it, what does that say about yourself. Sounds like you just want to coast and that’s okay but don’t bring up being educated and then do nothing with it. Makes you look lazy I think or just scared to be in the real world. Only you can answer that one at the end of the day.

          • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

            I work more than one job.
            I can hardly be called uneducated and unskilled.
            Who told you I don’t use my education for my job?
            Do you know me personally?
            I can hardly be known as lazy from people who really know me.
            You sound like someone who likes to “coast” off the work of others.
            How about putting your mind and energy to better use instead of personal attacks on people you don’t know?

        • College and university grads settled for entry level employment? That isn’t the flex that you think it is by the way. Why didn’t you head up the ladder and get something that doesn’t involve you walking around in, what is it? Snow, ice, heat and fending off wild dogs…

          • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

            Why would I want to go up the ladder and become a corporate stooge?
            I could ask you the same question.
            I like being the underdog and fighting the good fight.
            I like walking and delivering mail and parcels. It provides me with a great workout. Snow, ice, stairs, hills, or wild dogs are nothing unless you are a wuss.
            My job currently is more flexible since the time value for work allows me to go home early. Hence, not in favor of SSD.
            Plus, I have another job that requires me to have a degree or certification from my education.

  • I am flabbergasted at how so many commenters here don’t realize that this is precisely what CPC wants…discord among the union members. This is not an accident, it’s a plan. There more we fight each other, the more concessions they’ll get. All of you complaining about the union that represents you, and all that they’ve gained for you in the last 60 years, is why CPC opens forums like these.
    I’ll be surprised if this comment gets published, but you should all give your head a shake!

    • Get the deal down NOW

      No, the union has caused part of the discord by not agreeing to weekend deliveries because they want RDO for full time employees who already get 40 hours a week. It should be optional for delivery agents to work weekends without the RDO.
      If full-timer don’t want to work weekends, Canada Post should give weekend delivery work to part-timers and casuals since they usually don’t top up to 40 hours a week.
      CUPW is not faultless. They keep on working against the interest of the employees by painting a bleak picture for Canadian who are our customers.
      We have lost so many customers to our competitors these two weeks due to these ongoing threats of job action.
      It really angers me as a delivery agent.

    • Now consider that posts can be made for either side, by either side. Basically arguing with them self in order to confuse everyone about any topic that they want to. That is what this forum has been set up to do. CPC isn’t looking for insightful input. This is all set up to divide and conquer. Enjoy.

    • I don’t think anyone on this forum is saying they want no union. We just need a union that negotiates in a competent and professional manner. We’ve seen CUPWs tactics in action for many years. Whatever the company offers (11.75% now), CUPW will ask for twice as much (23%). If the company offers 13 paid personal days, CUPW demands 17. It’s always the same, the demands are so great, Canada Post never meets them. Then the rotating strike begins, so the union doesn’t have to pay strike pay. A few days later will be the lock out. Isn’t that the very definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. But most members know it will be the same result, we will lose weeks or months of pay, and never make it up with whatever raise we eventually get. Canada Post will lose more business and more revenue.
      The Longshoremen in BC had a strike this year, but it was the first strike in 50 years. A good union works hard and settles most of their contracts helping members and the company that pays them. CUPW has settled two contracts (not counting the Covid extension) in 30 years. All other negotiations have ended in a strike or lockout. Maybe if our union wasn’t so wrapped up in their silly ideas like Postal Banking or ‘checking in on seniors’ they’d remember all our money comes from Canada Post’s revenues and stop trying to wreck the company.

      • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

        “Postal Banking”——> that is what internet banking is for
        “‘checking in on seniors’ “ ———> has anyone not heard of Nurse Next Door.

        • I totally agree. How many years has CUPW been pushing these silly ideas. How about settling the contract for once. The only ways this company can make money are through lettermail, parcels and admail. Lettermail is going one direction, so that leaves parcels and admail for growth. It’s not that hard to figure out. Too bad our union can’t or refuses to accept reality. Nothing new for CUPW!

    • Bob the flabbergasted postie

  • Its the same old song and dance every contract negotiation. The corporation looks at saving a bunch of money at the workers expense, the union puts forward a bunch of demands, some of which are unrealistic but many are to at the very least keep things status quo for the workers, nobody is willing to give an inch and nothing gets resolved. We go on strike or get locked out, get legislated back to work and and an arbitrator decides the final outcome which most often results in less than what what originally offered to the workers in the first place. As a 30 year employee there is no doubt in my mind Canada Post needs to make changes. There are so many inefficienties in operations it is mind boggling. These begin in head office where there is so many executives making huge salaries (there’s Vice Presidents for the Vice Presidents), so many supervisors at the mail sorting facilities and letter carrier depots just walking around with clip boards, letter carriers working 4 hours a day getting paid for 8 and 5ton trucks going to depots empty or 1/4 full. The list just goes on and on. Its all over the board from the top to the bottom. It is so evident to everyone (including the public) how much waste goes on. It is so frustrating as a caring employee to see all this happening and for me its been for 30 years. Nothing has changed. Of course I don’t want to give up anything that my union has fought so hard for over the years but at the same time I can see where the corporation wants to maximize the work it gets out of its employees. Labour is their biggest expense. Both sides have to cut out the BS and stop with the hardball tactics or its clear where this will end up. Many have said that’s what CPC wants? Maybe.
    There obviously no easy answer to all of this and hopefully with a little give and take things will get resolved but I am certainly of the mindset that we are going to be singing and dancing to the same song we always have in this situation in a few weeks time. Surprise me CPC and CUPW!!! Workers please stay unified.

    • A negotiated settlement would be a big surprise. It almost never happens. A strike or lock-out will only hurt the workers and the company. It always amazes me that two groups of adults can’t compromise and come to a settlement after weeks or months of talking. Both sides, please grow up if possible!

    • I absolutely agree with you. This back and forth has to stop, they’ve been in negotiations for a YEAR!!! Do i think the corporation makes a lot of stupid business decisions? absolutely, but CUPW also makes a lot of stupid decisions. Have they (CUPW) done a lot for us in the past, of course, but in this economic climate and the way that business is going for the corp i think we on both sides have to have some reason, come to a decision, get back to work and hopefully make some changes that will be better for all of us in the future. I have 21 years under my belt, not a lot i know, and frankly, hopefully will be retiring in the next 3-5 years, but i still want a good outcome and get back to work.

    • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

      Agree. 👍

  • There are many who do not understand negotiations. You do not bicker or argue in front of the corporation just as you wouldn’t argue in front of neighbours or your kids. The geniuses out here that do are just playing right into CPC hands. Present a united front to win this negotiation. Go after the union with your complaints and issues AFTER we get what we deserve and negotiations done.

  • Okay, so another long weekend ruined, with the constant stress of uncertainty. Both the execs and CUPW elite need to care a little about the business and the workers. Can we at least get a deal done by Tuesday?

    • CUPW doesn’t actually care about getting a settlement. They’re too busy holding their enormous rallys. Looks like a crowd of 40 or less at the biggest one, judging from the unions own photos. That’s because 90% of members ignore the union as much as possible and would never use their free time to go to a rally. We’ll all lose weeks or months of pay in a strike or lock-out though. Canada Post will continue to lose accounts. Where does our brilliant union think the money for our wages comes from? How does continiuing to destroy our company help us make more money in the long run? As long as we keep paying our dues CUPW will have lots to spend on conventions, weekend workshops at local resorts and yearly trips to Cuba. Great job CUPW as usual!

  • Let Purolator deliver anything over 3 pounds and CPC to deliver anything less than 3 pounds.

    • How does giving away even more business help workers at Canada Post? Let me guess, you don’t want to deliver flyers either? No one does. We can all have nice easy days, until we go out of business due to lost revenue. Most CUPW members don’t mind putting in an honest days work, providing we receive a proper wage and the company is in good shape going forward. Too bad our union doesn’t see it that way.

  • Can’t the union just guarantee that Any parcels in the system will be delivered until a strike is called……Or are they economically challenged

  • Urgency yesterday

  • *please please please* just get this done… the harm this has already done to business and our reputation is a hard pill to swallow as is, the very last thing we need is a strike. The deal sounds fairly decent to me, a newer employee. I’d love a permanent PT flex position. Working weekends is something many of us have to do; retail, hospitality… i.e. our customers. Why should we be any different? Let’s get with the times.

    • That’s a hard NO!

      • Then you’re going to go down with the ship!! Times are changing- we are the only delivery company that does not work weekends. Surely someone can think of some common decent ground for this company to be able to compete for business, otherwise this type of delivery model will continue to erode Canada post and they will have no choice but to cut!! Keep going this route and the next offer will only have job security for 15yrs + … the rest well it’s crapshoot. Sorry for your luck, but hey you don’t want to work anyhow.

        • Don’t tell me I don’t want to wo. I work two jobs because Canada post doesn’t pay enough as it is so my weekends already full mr pompous ash. Now you want me to bend over to fit your narrative? Screw that and the horse you rode in on

      • Then you’re living in the past. We are now in 2024 and have to compete with other companies in 2024. Even though CUPW wants to go back to the seventies or eighties, it’s not going to happen. Where do you think the money to pay us comes from? There’s only one source, Canada Post’s revenues. In order to get more parcel business we have to offer seven day delivery. We probably need to lower parcel rates as well. Please get into reality. More revenue for our company means more money to pay us. Is it that hard to understand the concept?

        • Then let the ship go down. You can only push people so far while also lying to them. I call your bluff and am all in.

        • You need a reality check. Look at the predicament you and your drunken sailor spending cronies you so vehemently defend put all of us in. Nice try blaming and trying to short employees but we see through your bs facade

    • Go back to your horrible low paying non union shop. My union has spent decades fighting with these corporate thugs. Don’t show up all bright eyed and bushy tailed with your “I’ll do anything” attitude. You send us all back 30 years.

    • Why is 7 day delivery such a bad idea? Wouldn’t that keep us competitive? If other companies have weekend deliveries why shouldn’t we? and wouldn’t this create more positions?

      • I think CUPW will automatically fight against any idea the company comes up with. CUPWs own ideas like Postal Banking or ‘checking in on seniors’ are ridiculous. Who would put their money or have their mortgage or credit cards with a bank that shuts down for weeks at a time every 3 or 4 years because of a strike? Our union says they’re fighting for members but most of the time they’re hurting all of us, by not settling contracts and driving business and revenue away from the company that pays us all.

  • This is how I see things! For those of us who do an HONEST Days work, which means attempting every Parcel Delivery – We are Rewarded. So, if you are one of those who think the solution to make your job manageable is to Automatically Card someone – You have a Point taken off! For those who actually – Do what is expected of you – You get a Merit Bonus. Let’s play by these Rules. As for AdMail – that needs a total dismantling! The fact that the Union somehow let the Corporation pump out the Junk with no real limit and at a size that sometimes doesn’t even fit in a Mailbox is Absolutely Ludicrous! I have seen ULINE Catalogues get sent in, at least 5 times in the past 2 months and these are supposed to be a Seasonal Catalogue. The Corporation must decide whether they are going to spend money on having us sort and Deliver Parcels or AdMail, which mostly ends up being tossed by the Customer. I know there are many people in the Corporation that are in Marketing Positions, and will really try to justify their jobs by pumping out the Junk, but its time to drop the Video Tapes (redundant form of Media). Get on with the Real Business of shipping packages that people are ordering Online every second. For those of you that try to justify not attempting to deliver the package, you are part of the problem as to why Canada Post has lost so much money and Parcel Business. These customers became Fed Up and switched to FedEx or UPS!

    • Admail is up, the future is in the admail and parcel.
      By the way we process uline every week.

      • Ulines are getting shredded by the tones every week as business customers are receiving up to 5 of the same catalogue every week. The content of them seldom changes and is contrary to any Green initiatives promoted by Canada Post. Additionally customers are sick of receiving them.

        • We were told we had to deliver ulines no matter what unless it was an incomplete address because they’re one of CPC biggest customers. Yet, when one is killed only the last page is ripped off and sent back to sender. Why not send the entire book back and charge the postage?

        • That’s a ULINE problem, we just make millions delivering them. It obviously works or they wouldn’t keep sending them out.

          • According to what the Price Tables say on the Personalized Mail Product the ULINE is supposed to cost at least $5 each. Now we all know that isn’t the case. But here’s the thing…After you take into account the cost of paying the transportation, sorting, staging(warehouse space) delivering and disposal of them, I am willing to bet that this Strange Catalogue is not a huge Profit Generator! This kind of nonsense has to stop! We are better off delivering books and small packages at 3 times the price that Canada Post is charging ULINE. CPC needs to show the contract and I will believe these are worth wasting resources on!

        • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

          I don’t mind getting U-line. Most of my customers don’t want them and gives the 👍 to RTS them. You can fill in the blanks on what actually happens to them. 😈 😏

        • You’re absolutely right! I have seen a dumpster bin outside of the Plant that is heaping full of AdMail and ULINES every few weeks! This is a ridiculous way to run a Postal Service. The Ministry of Environment should go and audit Canada Post every month to see how much of a contributor to the massive paper and plastic waste they generate. Force the Corporation to Change!

      • Who said that? The Marketing Department? What does up mean? Start controlling the waste and monitor the excess in the system. Send out a Flyer to customers letting them know that they can choose to not receive AdMail. Let see how up it is after that! Yes Parcels are the future but Canada Post is wasting too much money Pumping out damn Junk! So ULINE is every week is it? Then there should be a ‘date of Week’ of on the cover! What is it? A TV Guide!!!

        • I have a downtown route, sometimes I receive them 2-3 times a week. The only time we don’t have to deliver them is during a volume count when they magically disappear for 2 weeks.

  • Canada post is going to eliminate your job. Lower the wages.Pay more for benefits for less. Pension less for now. Delivery agent working more 11/7 shifts if your lucky Sunday off. I believe if this happens your going to look for a new job anyway We are the Union the struggle continues unite.

    • Your comment is incoherent. What are you talking about? This is Canada in 2024, not Britain in the industrial revolution.

    • That’s what will be coming down the pipe after this place is gutted and rebranded. If you want a job they will hire you back at $20/hr if you want. And if your lucky you’ll get a payout of your pension portion

    • Unfortunately the union only represents the worst employees and has self preservation in mind.
      Imagine how good we could be if we had better, more dependable, positive employees including managers?

      We’d be the best of the best. Now we are just mediocrity defined.

  • Purolator will be handling everything from here on out.

  • How was the rally today? Looked a little thin if you ask me. Pretty embarrassing that nobody came to your party. You might want to rethink your position and beg for a deal…You just proved that nobody cares.

  • Our local just gave us a Form A to sign saying tat in accordance with our National Constitution sections 4.02 and 7.26 saying that we will participate in activities associated with a general strike, sounds like they have already decided not to accept any offer. They want a strike. As a CUPW member I believe we should have the final say by voting on the offer ourselves. Let the majority speak.

    • Ignorance of the contract is No excuse…..So getting you to sign that form is intimidation and useless…….Or maybe they could sell the list to telemarketers!

    • I think it wouldn’t go how you expect…

      • Bob seems to think and decide for the majority, not the 1st time you are commenting something like that. Why not let the members vote if you are so sure of the outcome…..

        • I’m all for it. I’m just saying I don’t think it would come out like you think. In my opinion there are waaaay more workers who are in this for everyone coming into the company in the future because they have a true understanding of what was sacrificed before us to get us what we have. This possible strike isn’t just about YOU. It should be about the future workers, too.

  • Sounds like you’re ungrateful for all the hard work the Union has done over the years which is the reason you still have this job making the money you make. They were going to eliminate Door to Door Delivery and CUPW made it an elections issue. With PT and no DTD deliveries there would be 40% fewer posties. If you think you can do better, contractors are always hiring to deliver Amazon.

    • Concerned CUPW member

      Ungrateful for all the hard work the union has done?

      I never asked to join, I was forced. They take money from my pay every single month, don’t give me any say if I want to accept the offer or not. They actively hurt the company when they are near broke, which has resulted in no new temps being hired, casuals not getting any hours, part timers getting no early starts or shift extensions. We are already watching the mail and package volume drop at a time when it should be picking up and hours increased. They actions will result in full timers loosing wages when they go on strike. We will likely get less in the long run.

      giving the soon to be elected PC party all the reason in the world to drop the dead weight that is CP from the Canadian tax payer because we are NOT PROFITABLE. Guess what, because of the Liberals Canadians will not even care about us, because they are already suffering finically. No pitty for us, and who could blame them.

      So no, no I’m not grateful for the “Hard work” they are doing to blindly screw us over.

      Times have changed, but they are stuck in the past like the company still has billions in the bank.

      • Wow. If you think that with cupw, imagine cpc behaviour without them. Im sure cpc, given there oh so kind generousity would lavish you with an incredible salary, a benefit paackage that would make any multi million dollar ceo red with envy, and a dp plan that would bring the country to a halt. Yes…because thats who cpc is… A caring ,loving, generous company that would do all these things only if there was no union. Grow up!

      • So true! CUPW does a good job protecting terrible workers. For the 90% of us who do a good job, all this union does is take our money and fail to settle contracts again and again. Of course there are good unions out there. CUPW is definitely not one of them.

      • Not to mention wasting everyone’s time, driving business away and putting employees under tremendous stress with the uncertainty. CUPW always makes their demands so outrageous and unobtainable the company can not possibly meet them. When our union does cal a strike, it will be rotating, so they don’t have to pay strike pay. Afyer a few days Canada Post will lock us out and CUPW can blame everything on them. The 90% of members who are good workers try to ignore the union and their propoganda but we’ll all lose in a strike/lock-out which we’ll never make up for. Each member pays CUPW $1200 a year. They’re supposed to work for us, not their own egos. Reasonable adults know a negotiation requires compromise on both sides, not never-ending demands by our union.

    • I think there was a time when they did a lot of good for members, can’t say the same in recent years, but they keep raising those dues!!

    • sounds like you live in an economic world…but don’t understand anything about economics……..So by your theories we should keep the pony express to deliver the mail……while the competition uses planes and trains…….Maybe try looking a touch to the future!

  • What a joke. CUPE city of Brampton is already on strike and here we are still deciding what its going to be. Pretty sad

  • internal deal is happening. CUPW is a sell out.

  • Why did cpc hire so many full time employees if they were so worried about cash?
    My depot has 20 rlc for less than 50 routes. The bench is ridiculously full. Today they had to deliver ONE section of a route then collate flyers for one route. Seems like a giant waste of money to be paying them 8 hrs to do 3 hrs of work tops.

  • What is the cost / parcel for Gateway compared to Albert Jackson…..Maybe we can lower our prices…Get more Business….

  • What’s happing now.

  • Final offer coming soon. It will be decent. The only question is will be able to vote. We will see Comrades.

    If we don’t settle in next week and push it we will get worse deal.

    • Our union only lets us vote after we’ve all lost a lot of money in the strike and been ordered back. CUPW will call rotating strikes as usual so they don’t have to pay us strike-pay. Then after a few days Canada Post will lock us out and CUPW can blame the company for everything. They do this every single time. CUPW knows that if they let the members vote on Canada Post’s latest offer we might accept. Way past time for a different union Lol.

      • 100% .. Union is definitely going to screw us. This way they can blame the corporation as usual for their incompetence.. CUPW the worst union where we pay the most dues, let’s Bring in teamsters, they already are the Union for the Majority of logistics companies as well as Purolator also owned by the post office. The union wants to see us suffer while they collect pay and blame the corporation for not negotiating.. Meanwhile they went to Cuba during negotiations.. So who is really not negotiating here..

      • After being on strike for a week or 2, 3 or even more. How long do you think it will take to recoup the lost wages gained by any new deal? Probably break even by the time the next contract in 4 years comes due.

    • When is the final offer

    • Cupw Should have signed a contract and not a 2 year extension because of covid……Thats the incompetence that they are hiding!

    • CUPW Executives used our union dues to go to CUBA. 🤬

      I am not your Comrade. Comrade is used by Communists and Cuba.
      I prefer brother.

  • Who spends 600 million to build a plant capable of handling X millions of parcels a day and then cries poor because there are no parcels?. As soon as this is all over, and employees get major screwed over one way or the other, parcels will magically reappear and all will be fine. Thanks for keeping things moving purolater

    • You realize we have no parcels because people aren’t shipping with us over the potential strike.

      • We had no parcels, BEFORE the plant was even finished. They are 10 years too late… I think they built it to position themselves to sell it, honestly. There will be lots o buyers for the GTA parcel business. We will always be mandated to deliver the mail, so I’m not worried about my job, but I see a very slimmed down CPC in the near future….which is not a bad idea. But the execs haven’t finished pillaging it yet.

        • You are not well informed about your own business. 10 years ago they opened the PPC and it was immediately overcrowded. Gateway is an also known as a bottleneck. Of course they had to build the AJ plant. Now they need flexibility to lower rates and fill it. The other companies have that flexibility because they have smarter unions in place.

          • You’re exactly right. We’re operating in 2024 with all the competition and challenges of today. Canada Post needs to deliver parcels 7 days a week and probably lower rates as well. That’s reality. It doesn’t matter if CUPW wants to go back to the seventies or eighties, it’s not going to happen!

    • Canada Post is government that’s who spends money. Look at what was going on when plant in Winnipeg was being built.

    • Concerned CUPW member

      Its not like they said lets spend 600 Million today and snap your fingers and its done. That project was planned and started well before 2018. Surprise ! COVID-19 comes around and everyone is suddenly fearful so the economy is given the emergency brake and shut down.

      To add to this immigration under the liberals becomes unmanaged and allowed scamming Indian’s from India to scam their fellow Indians using the Canadian student immigration system. They come into the country and many of them start taking jobs as couriers, working for all kinds of new start ups who pay crap wages and have them working 7 days a week and up to 10pm at night.

      So now Canada post finds itself fighting new competitors for a share of the market that’s shrinking due to Liberal inflationary policies and insane taxation.
      If covid didn’t happen and the Liberals didn’t have out of touch monetary policies Canada Post might not be doing too bad right now.
      Remember all the costs that come with bad policy and taxation is something Canada post ALSO has to deal with.
      Our union is from where I’m sitting being completely unreasonable and seeming making every effort to try and be the first group of people in history to try and get blood from a stone.
      They say they are for the worker, yet their efforts have only hurt the company, who now isn’t hiring Xmas temps, Causals are not getting hours and Part timers are not getting early starts or shift extensions. This at a time when the Christmas season is starting to pick up.

      I could give many more reasons why not accepting Canada Posts reasonable offer is cutting our nose off to spite our face. Our union is not interested in working to make Canada Post successful and helping them to earn money, if they were than they would have a legitimate argument for their demands when the company COULD afford it.

      • You are 100% right especially the part about CUPW trying to get ‘blood from a stone’. It’s like the union doesn’t realize the money can only come from Canada Post’s revenues. Destroying the company by driving away business and preventing a settlement with never-ending unrealistic demands just like they always do. The union doesn’t really want to settle, they’re excited to go on strike. Then after all the members give up weeks of pay we’ll be ordered back with a worse settlement than Canada Post’s current offer. As usual. Is it not possible for this union to negotiate a deal?

        • Concerned CUPW member

          Its been my experience that:
          -People of bad characters and go to become shop stewarts for protection so they don’t get fired.
          -They then get apply for positions within the union for further protection any and all forms of personal gain that comes from it. Because they are people of bad character, they co-workers vote for them just so they don’t have to deal with them.
          -Over time the union leadership is now filled with those bad actors or have chips on their shoulders for the company. They now actively work to harm the company, and turn to us and say they are doing it for us.

          When I compare how CUPW talks vs other unions like for example Longshoremen’s Association, they are not interested in doing what’s best for the works under them. They are mostly focused on causing pain to the company that they feel wrong them in the past.

          Nihilistic revenge is all they offer.

          Will jagmeet singh come out and support the Members to vote on the offer the company gives to the workers? He’s always going on about he supports the workers.

          • That is true in my experience as well. Most of the people drawn into the union are the worst workers in any depot or plant. It’s a great way to get out of actual work. They are paid for by Canada Post for their position whether PO4 or LC etc. The company then needs to pay another person to back-fill while the CUPW person does next to nothing in the union office or at home on-line. Maybe they represent a terrible worker in an interview once in a while. They certainly don’t settle any contracts Lol.

        • Notice that in either scenario presented by you or the one above we eventually go back to work so Canada post is not going anywhere. Might as well get everything we can this way as opposed to little or nothing with your let’s throw in the towel manner

          • That’s always the problem with CUPW though. We as members lose so much in the strike/ lock-out that we never make it back. The final settlement is always lower than Canada Post’s final offer. Of course CUPW never offers a reduction in dues for their incompetence. They have to keep paying for their conventions and trips to Cuba.

      • Wrong.
        Why is Canada Post posting positions for hire if they are suppose to be struggling to pay their current employees fairly ?
        Canada Post is setting up to fail so it can be sold to the highest bidder and destroying any gains the union have fought for in the past.
        It’s also what the Conservative Party wants so that they can finish what Stephen Harper and Deepak Chopra started. There goal is to dismantle and sell Canada Post to their corporate backers.

  • Super simple resolution to this- Let the membership VOTE on each and EVERY offer!
    That way CUPW is true to its membership and cannot be accused ( rightly or wrongly) for being in it for themselves
    Let the workers decide one way or another and then we. as a membership whole. can live with the outcome

    • No need to vote each and every time. Only need to vote when we actually get something worth voting on. That type of worthwhile offer has yet to be seen

    • Sounds like you don’t like Unionized jobs. Go work in a non- unionized workforce for other delivery companies and see how you like it.

      • Or maybe members just want a union that is professional and doesn’t try to wreck the company that pays us. There are good unions out there like the Teamsters or Longshoremen that work hard getting good wages for members and almost never go in strike. CUPW is definitely ine of the worst unions in Canada, they’ve literally settled two contracts (not counting the Covid extension) in the last 30 years. Every other negotiation has ended in a strike or lock-out. Unions can do a great job. CUPW only is good at collecting dues and then causing their members lose even more when the talks always fail!

    • Union needs to do better

      Bravo, isn’t that the way the unions use to work. Unions are now a business that is no longer interested in the woes of the people paying their salaries.

  • CP is a company transitioning from a pure monopoly to a market company……There is no way they can survive…..They are in A death spiral and have been for years. We already have new owners They are called the Bond holders and their % of the company will probably increase shortly.

  • If we have to pay more for our pension, then we have lost every dollar from our ‘raise’ and then some. Think about it, they are asking us to pay 30% more to get what was already promised to us, our DB.

  • Not sure why they are fighting technology – I am still asked to FAX in my bids! Who has a fax machine since 1995?! …..Can’t get PDTs that customers can tap for payment. This place is a dinosaur.

  • Not paying 50-50 for pension, is the only sticking point. Get this eliminated CUPW, and the deal is good… If you lose the rest of it, you’ve lost your support.

  • Big day tomorrow with the rallying and such. Are you going to hang around till 2 pm so you can take part? Or are you going home at noon first to change before it starts?

  • Lock out and abratration

    • Won’t have any legislation this time, maybe in the spring when the government comes to their senses. Right now there is no interest from the government to risk falling on a Canada post issue. NDP and Bloc has outright said they won’t support back to work legislation and the Conservatives will vote against the Libs just so they fall. Canada post wants to starve us out and break this union so we all come crawling back begging.

  • Last I looked CP can borrow another 1 to 1.5 billion then they need a vote in parliament……Tick tock…..tick tock….

  • The Math does not add Up for me with the weekend delivery. The Postman needs to be more productive yes I get it…The Company went from Parcels are labour and real estate intensive to Fight for every Parcel.

    Heres my Plan shutter Gateway….Revamp Admail….weekend delivery….Maybe…….with cost analyses….

    • What doesn’t add up? Deliver at straight time on the weekends instead of on double time…there is no volume for weekends yet until they slash rates to make it worthwhile. But that needs straight time labour, like the plant. Sunday-Thursday shifts and Tuesday-Saturday. There, I fixed the problem.

      • Why is everything dependent on cutting employee pay in CPC world? We are where we are based on past collective agreements that CPC agreed to and signed off on. If problems arising now that’s up to them to figure out, cut down the board and managers and supervisers and superintendents for starters. There is tens of millions saved right there

        • Cutting overtime is not cutting pay. CUPW is the majority of the workforce and labour cost. Cutting a few mangers or salaries wont move the needle either way. Straight time is the only way. Nobody is entitled to overtime. By the way, management doesn’t get overtime at all and only get paid for a 37.5 hour week but work 50 in some cases.

    • Just bring back MSC and parcel problem solved

  • I think CP should restructure the Admail Business. It should be certain sizes that are run Through the MLOCR somehow. (The Bag and Can Tire flyers) turn customers off Re the volume in these 2 items. Plus they are a safety Hazard do to vision constraint …….Raise the price of the bigger flyers …….The private companies on my route don’t do big flyers…They probably can’t compete with CP cut rate pricing…..I think they are mis priced considering the liability!

  • “Retailers require certainty for their shipments at this critical time of year and are moving their parcels to other delivery companies.”

    Remember that YOU waited to make an offer, a joke of one at that, only after a year of bargaining. So you’ve put yourself in this situation. I’m happy to take my time and get a contract that is fair

    • The union made no progress during that year, the councilator brought the offer, get over yourself. You sound like a national rep, this is the same tactic they use over and over. All the unions went threatened strike action this year and got what they wanted in a month or less, our Union went to Cuba to party because they claim to be tired.. Where’s the member trip to Cuba..? The union wants a strike to put stress on the workers and blame the corporation. How many times we had a reasonable offer from CPC and the union didn’t even allow us to vote and got us worse. It will go to arbitration and we’ll lose again, this is not a union for its members, they’re for themselves.. Time to get them out and bring in a strong union.. Teamsters deals with logistics and are experienced, unlike these poorly organized representatives that send our to Ukraine and communist factions.. We should be in control of our money, not the union spending it wherever they want.. Management should also cut those responsible for the costs of Albert Jackson and remove their bonuses because of this loss.. First we need a union that cares and CUPW does NOT…!!!

      • This union never negotiates competently. They could have been bargaining a year ago when inflation was still high instead of waiting until now, when it’s down to 2.5%. Even now we could get 15 or 16% if we would simply finish this deal. Instead CUPW seems hell-bent to push this to a strike/ lock-out and ensure everyone loses lots of money and the company loses even more business. Then we’ll end up with less than Canada Post’s current offer. As usual. But don’t worry CUPW is holding some rallys, so they can march around screaming and yelling! Instead of using their time amd energy to negotiate a contract. They never change!

        • You make far too many posts on here. You must be on accommodation from an IOD because of all the heavy flyers you’re delivering in Vancouver.

          • Agreed . Not an LC, a management spy out here to fear monger

          • No sorry, but you’re wrong again. I’m a real worker who pays my $1200 a year to CUPW for nothing just like the 90% of members who do a good job and want a negotiated settlement with no strike/ lock-out. Our union keeps touting their 95% strike mandate but do you notice they never publish the number of members who actually voted. I guarantee it was 10,000 or less out of 58,000 members. The truth is they have very little support. Most members are rational and reasonable, they know the current offer could be improved through negotiation without a strike/ lock-out. If our so-called negotiators can do this I’ll be so happy to be wrong.

        • You seem to spend an inordinate amount of time union bashing but very little on the subject at hand. The peanuts and crocodile tears CPC offered us you so quickly would agree to recieve, as if needing to be thankful to their greatness being bestowed upon us speaks to your timid and weak demeanor. Good thing there are strong people working for CPC would dont all fold up like a cheap suit, as you do, or we’d all be working 80 hour weeks for minimum wage our entire lives. Let’s get this debacle sorted and finalized, get what we deserve and when it’s all done, you can go after the union to your hearts content

      • CUPW is run by the laziest workers. Just look at who runs local 846.

        • That’s always been true. The 90% of us who have pride and do a good job stay away from CUPW as much as possible. That’s why they’ll never release the actual number of members who voted to strike in their 95% mandate. Was it even 10,000 out of 58,000 members?

    • The CUPW union waited to put us in this position, a strike or lock out at Christmas? I’ve seen it every time there are contract negotiations, lost business and increased competition. It eroded letter mail quicker than it would have naturally. Customers using Canada Post to advertise that we may be going on strike switch to e-billing. Letter mail is gone and now were driving customers to our competitors by threatening to leave their parcels in our plants over Christmas.
      A successful union needs a successful business in order to exist. We should be partners not adversaries. A successful company pays more, has better benefits and better pensions. This may be our wake up call going into Christmas we had 30% of the parcel market I would be surprised if we have 10% by the time negotiations are over.

      • CUPW waited to put us in this position??? That’s what you wrote?? We agreed to a two-year extension to our last contract, CPC let those two years go by without any negotiations and another AFTER the contract expired, making its first offer in late September. Three years. How does that make CUPW putting us in this position?? CPC waits and waits and waits to make it impossible for fair negotiations, we say we’ll strike, and we’re looked at as the bad guys. This is how the game is played every single time.

      • That’s okay, we are in mail delivery, not parcel delivery. I am a letter carrier, for 20 years, not a delivery agent. See how they try to change the jargon…

        • Your comments are not correct. Canada Post has always delivered parcels. The problem is 20 years ago we had almost no competition. Now we have a lot. Letter mail volumes, which we did have a monopoly on, have gone down the drain. To survive, the company has to compete. That’s called reality.

          • Sorry but 95% of my job is delivering mail, always has been, always will be. Some parcels, even at its peak was only about 50 a day. No one delivers mail, no one can, no one wants to, that’s why I get paid. The job is not going anywhere, no matter what they try to do. And there are less and less people that want to do it, especially for the low wage that they get now. Can wait for the OT soon

      • Your ideas make a lot of sense. Too bad that’s something our union doesn’t have. Canada Post has made a lot of concessions in their latest offer. A deal is within sight and we could probably get the wage offer up to 15% or more with real professional bargaining. Instead CUPW keeps talking about nonsense like Postal Banking and holding rallys. Our company needs to compete in the real world and try to get some business back. We need to stop wasting time and get this settled.

  • I’m sorry I think CUPW is overreacting where the increase is concerned. Do I think we deserve a decent wage increase? Absolutely!! But we can’t be unreasonable. I have an idea, one way to help members is, how about Cupw lowers our dues instead of raising them again??!!! They collect a heck of alot. Stop and calculate, it is an enormous amount. That’s one way cupw can help it’s brother’s and sisters. I do think they fight for us but it’s a lot of money. Where is it all?? Oh I know, Cuba? Or wherever else they have “conventions “.

  • I hope both sides push forward with urgency as we need to be relent in order to be around for the future.

  • We got porta pottys at our location. I believe the union should be asking for our vote on this upcoming response from the company. If they arbitrarily strike I will be livid. Very easy to get a vote it’s called google forms

    • That would be way too advanced for CUPW. Besides anyone who’s been around for a while knows CUPW only lets us vote on settlement or imposed contract, after the strike/ lock-out has gone on for weeks and we’ve all lost thousands of dollars each. That’s what they always do.

    • I agree, the members should have the final say and not the few negotiators

      • Sounds like you’re ungrateful for all the hard work the Union has done over the years which is the reason you still have this job making the money you make. They were going to eliminate Door to Door Delivery and CUPW made it an elections issue. With PT and no DTD deliveries there would be 40% fewer posties. If you think you can do better, contractors are always hiring to deliver Amazon.

    • All I want to see is the invoices for the porta pottys….And maybe inspect them for toilet paper inventory!

    • Can’t wait for the iron maiden t-shirts, greasy hair, leather jackets, and the inexhaustible supply of skids to burn! …Where do they find these people

  • We all need to sacrifice on both sides to make a deal work, but the almost intentional sabotaging of the company by top directors and their ridiculous proven ineffective changes such as ‘SSD’ has reduced worker appetite for sacrifice.

    People can make do with less if they have faith and hope that it is for a purpose, but management’s incompetency has erased that faith. Things will only get worse on the current trajectory so everyone just wants to grab as much as they can now.

    Anyone that worked at different places knows we are blessed to have a lot of hardworking reasonable letter carriers, clerks and front line management like supervisors. I know people have anecdotal exceptions, but generally the people that work here are exceptional in my view.

    Personally, I would take a 0% raise in return for top management stepping down and being replaced. It would be worth it because the company would have a future.

    ‘It was Covid, it was this, it was that’ -NO! It was poor decisions by a management that is unwilling or unable to respond to the needs of their customers and employees.

    Dont even get me started on CUPW that’s a whole other scandal.

    • Yes but management is constrained by the Government and a union that wants higher wages and lower or stagnant productivity……While the competition is getting more productive through automation….Most of our revenue is through competition not the monopoly side……And the government tells us what to do but doesn’t provide any $$$$$……Not managements fault they are stuck between monopoly or competition Land…..

      • If it’s not ‘management’s’ fault and they ‘can’t do anything’ It is time to replace them with people that can.

        They aren’t even able to optimize their core business. There needs to be accountability. Business environments are tough that is why competent managers deserve large salaries. Understand they are not be paid to make excuses.

        Yes the business has entrenched advantages and disadvantages I have never seen one thoughtful discussion addressing this. Just frivolous blame. Almost like management would like to one day work for their buddies at CUPW.

  • I think both sides of this are being too greedy. Maybe moreso the union at this point. Latest proposal is a little ridiculous. I’m all for a 22% raise, who wouldn’t be. But let’s be realistic please.

  • canada post has more supervisors than employees. it is time to stop this foolishness.

    • You know that’s not true, although maybe they have to many. Canada Post is probably top-heavy especially at the director and vice-president level but 90+ % of wages go to CUPW members. The main issue for the company should be maintaining and then growing revenue. That’s the only way our company will be sustainable in the long term. Both sides need to reach an agreement without a disruption ASAP!

    • Not true, but we do have too many bosses and also way too many lazy workers who are CUPWs biggest supporters.

      • Yes that is definitely true. CUPW does do a good job protecting terrible workers. They do almost nothing for the 90% of members who are good workers, other than take our $1200 in dues every year.

        • Yes, the good employees don’t need cupw, only the lazy and incompetent do!

          • It’s funny how management refers to our raise as some kind of a dream sequence. They seem to be trying to demoralize us into believing that raises in pay are for the white collar worker only. This company is worth billions no matter what they say or how they try and hide it. Right now they are buying entire new fleets, building mega plants while vacating others entirely, finally settling labour disputes with rsmcs that have been going on for years etc.
            The union and arbitrator see right through all the nonsense. Not a dream. We will get a very substantial raise. Cpc knows this but it still continues to puff up its chest knowing that it stands to lose way more in the next few months than we are asking for by doing so.

    • and canada post has more employees than mail

  • Not my motive to offend anyone, but i need to speak the truth.
    Lets admit both sides are to blame. Management for the poor state of the operations. What were they doing all these years. Were they hoping lettermail volumes will pick up again magically or there would never be any competition in the market.
    And, CUPW. Yes, its good for the union to put forward their demands and they should be accepted if reasonable. But, CUPW seems to be living in their own fantasy world and are not able to grasp why weekend delivery is needed ( for example, have you seen Amazon delivering on Sundays? yes they do with less pay and benefits than CP employees and look at their market share)
    CUPW is looking at short term gains rather than the long term picture which is the survival of Canada Post.
    We all need to sacrifice just a little bit for the greater good of the company and its employees, otherwise we can all look for other jobs in the market (they are not that many)

  • Is Canada Post a service for Canadians or a for profit company.

  • STOP trying to punish employees — PUNISH the bloated management structure of the company!

  • This surley is a rollar coaster.

  • No more bonus money for managers.

    • CLAW BACK any bonuses management got in the last 6 years of corporation losses!!!

    • Do you even know what you are saying? There is no company without leadership and they need to be paid, either in larger salary or smaller with a variable based on targets. That isnt a bonus but a bargained benefit for the company. It rewards actually achieving targets instead of just showing up for work and getting paid. You know how that is right?

      • these bonuses are getting earned by employee that are outside by there hardwork not by some1 delegating. Canada post can actually put in robots to delegate that wont cost them a lot of money and wont have to pay bonuses to hit targets..

  • Listen either lock out or strike this is totally crazy I think cupw wants to for one

  • Stop dragging your behinds Canada post while playing the victim. Time to properly pay your employees that actually make you your money. Enough with fake crying poor fake losing money bs. You handed out bonuses like water so stop with the squeezing your workers crap

  • CUPW wants Canada Post to hire more new people so they can waste members money on costly travel and expenses to regional and national conferences.
    Plus, waste money paying for a union hall they never use for General Membership Meetings.
    We have yet to have one in the hall located at 4238 Lozells Avenue Burnaby, BC.
    CUPW Vancouver executive members are just as useless as Canada Post Corporate executives.
    As a postie, I feel utterly angry at the incompetence of the people in charge in both sides.
    Get this deal done now.
    P.S. Stop hiring useless and lazy new people who don’t care about the job Canada Post.

    • I can’t help but feel there are many CUPW execs and those on the negotiating team who want the talks to fail. Yesterday it was a demand for four more personal days. Today it’s a 22% wage increase. If Canada Post’s latest offer is 11.75%, than the two sides could meet at 15 or 16%. The longer they drag this nonsense out, the more business we lose and the more stress is put on the CUPW members actually doing work. Does our union forget that we as members are paying $1200 a year each for their so called ‘representation’? Is it possible for both sides to act like adults instead of four year olds throwing tantrums?

  • they are hiring people left front and center. Why would a company hire more employees when they dont have volume to deliver.

    • Because all those people in all those jobs need something to do. The abundance of HR personal is absurd. Have you seen their organizational tree? The amount of trainers, what would we do with all these people? We hire and keep the ball moving so these overpaid, overstaffed group of people have something to do! There is so much fat on the bone beyond supervisors and superintendents and managers and directors and VP’s. Tech services play cards, smoke or sleep depending on their shift of choice while waiting to push a stick parcel off of a belt. What about all the administrative and clerical jobs that are overstated and abused. The abundance of government waste in this corporation is unparalleled! So many old timers that make a day out of socializing and talking the talk like they actually matter and are making any type of difference by bringing a warm body to the office everyday is disgusting. PO4’s, I’m comparison to any private company are over staffed by at least 60%. What this company has defined as work and the egregious abuse the company lets these workers get away with is criminal! The entire company needs a makeover. To the point anyone that has anyone self respect should be happy to find another job just so we can crush half of this pathetic workforce at all levels that are essentially burying the whole company.

      • You made your point, but you forgot the letter carriers who work 4-5 hrs and get paid for 8. I agree with all your comments, but if you’re going to cut down everyone then be thorough. LCs abuse the system too. There’s waste right across the board.

        • Same with RSMCs work 3 hours and get paid for 6 and a vehicle allowance. Yes they work hard but where can you go to work and get paid when you are not there.

  • These clowns are dreaming. Listen to your members. We care about the PENSION

  • CUPW just wants to make everyone suffer. Far reaching asks. Times are changing cpc is changing to. Stop with supervisors get bonuses apply then ? 22 vice presidents, get over it already. They should let us vote on the offer this before us.

  • new offer is good from cupw..

    • So good that it hasn’t been posted.

    • NO! There are still many outstanding issues!!!

    • Good if we can attain it. But give your head a shake CUPW, not going to happen, unreal that we are so far apart. These 2 side better get it together real quick, nice that this thing will be arbitrated and we won’t get a sniff of a raise until 2027 when it’s settled. And CP will be gutted because of this labour dispute, then we’ll all be reduced to having to do weekend work because they won’t be able to afford new employees. The arbitrator will give Canada post everything that they want guaranteed!! Wake up!!

      • Stop with the sky is falling sensationalism. CPC is full of it and lying through their teeth. How does any company pay out huge bonuses to managent if doing so badly. Don’t be fooled by their anti employee propaganda.

        • It’s pathetic how both the corporation and the union are dragging their feet on getting this deal done.

          What sucks more is the amount of useless hires on top of corporation. There are too many useless supervisors.
          My favourite comment from a sup after I expressed concern about the disorganization of corporate mailboxes was “if you ignore it, it will go away.” Here we are still haven’t fixed the ongoing problems these past two years.

          Plus, customers complain about the price of post office boxes and about 3/4 of the boxes in the retail post offices stay empty. How’s about giving customers two months free if they rent a box for 1 year?

        • Canada Post Lies like Pierre Poillievre and the CPC

          I agree. Stop paying out bonuses, if you claim you are losing money.
          Plus, the cost of mailing parcels across Canada is far too expensive compared to other private courier services. The price of stamps has gone up far too much. Forget about mailing Christmas cards this year or any other year from now on. It’s far cheaper to call, FaceTime or email. Thanks Canada Post for making mailing letters or cards obsolete.

          • mailing letters and cards was going away since 2008. Not something they wanted or could control. Raising the lettermail price is the smartest thing they can do, since only those that need it use it. The cost of shipping parcels is more expensive with CPC, did you stop to think why that is? Not the bonus money, nobody can prove exists, or the company charging too much. What could it be????

        • Where are these bonuses you speak of? Does anyone actually know of any bonuses or it it done legendary myth? Doesn’t seem real

      • You assume that it will be arbitrated but I am not so sure on that. NDP has quite clearly told the Liberals to stay out of it or they wont support them on any non confidence votes. That will then in turn force a snap election if they do interfere which will put the P.C’s in power since they already have the support of the block. I don’t think I need to tell you how it will go with the P.C’s in power now do I especially in 2 years when this rolls around again with them in power.
        Either way, it will not go well and I think going to drag on for some time time. There are no volumes to speak of so no panic to settle this really.

      • Strange how the arbitrator sided with CUPW in the last lockout (2018)… you can end your chicken little act now.

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