CUPW negotiations: CUPW’s latest offer would add billions of dollars in unsustainable fixed costs to Canada Post

December 11, 2024, 11:17 am 1,154 comments

Canada Post has carefully reviewed the latest offers from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) and determined that the union’s demands are unaffordable and unsustainable – adding billions of dollars in long-term fixed costs.

Added up, all the demands in CUPW’s latest offers would cost more than $3 billion over four years, at a time when the postal service is already recording large financial losses. Some of the big-ticket items include wage increases and staffing changes. Canada Post will record another significant loss in 2024, the seventh consecutive annual loss for the Corporation. Since 2018, Canada Post has lost more than $3 billion.

The union’s demands would also further reinforce the status quo, when the postal service must transform to meet the changing needs of Canadians and businesses. The latest CUPW offers for the Urban and RSMC (Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers) units do not address Canada Post’s urgent requirements to modernize its operations.

We understand the strike is having a huge impact on employees, small businesses, charities and communities across the country. We remain committed to reaching negotiated agreements and have put forward proposals that are fair, balanced and would bring much-needed flexibility to our delivery model.

We wanted to share more information on CUPW’s latest offer, why it is far from where we need to be, and how it’s widening the gap in negotiations.


  • The union has proposed wage increases of 19% over four years – including a 9% increase in the first year – while Canada Post has offered wage hikes of 11.5% over four years (11.97% compounded).
  • While we recognize that CUPW has moved on its wage demands, the union’s proposal remains well beyond what the Corporation can afford, given its significant losses and deteriorating financial position.

Personal/medical days

  • CUPW is demanding 10 medical days a year on top of the seven personal days already in the collective agreement.
  • Canada Post is proposing 13 multi-use personal days per year, protected and built into the collective agreement. This includes the six additional personal days per year that employees received as a result of changes to the Canada Labour Code in 2022. Employees would have flexibility on how to use the six additional days (e.g. personal day, vacation, sick leave, etc.).

Making contracted staff permanent employees

  • The union continues to focus on adding workers they don’t represent, which would add further unsustainable long-term fixed costs for Canada Post. For example, CUPW continues to demand that our facility cleaning staff and other contracted support services become permanent Canada Post employees.
  • Canada Post encourages CUPW to focus on the terms and conditions of employment for the people they actually represent.

Flexible and affordable delivery

  • To better serve customers and align with their evolving needs, we need a delivery model that allows us to deliver seven days a week and more quickly adapt to the growing ecommerce market.
  • Canada Post has proposed creating new staffing positions that would support weekend delivery, providing permanent jobs with guaranteed hours and benefits.
  • The Corporation has also proposed measures (dynamic routing) that would allow it to plan and optimize delivery routes based on volumes, delivery addresses and pickups. Although the Corporation has signalled that a dynamic routing model is necessary to secure its future and remain competitive, the union has refused to engage or propose any solutions regarding dynamic routing.

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  • One pissed off CUPW member

    You had to be blind not to see that coming, now CUPW is off the hook for a bit for not getting a contract, they will blame the government and CPC. What a waste of time and loss of income for nothing. I have had no faith in CUPW and they have proven why none of us should.

  • Once again the Janitors and Custodial used as Pawns and thrown under the Bus. J4J

  • Bob my dearest friend. Where are you??

  • So thanks so much to CUPW, we end up getting screwed anyway, lost almost 5 weeks of pay and more than likely won’t even get what CP was offering in the first place!!!! The good news is we finally get back to work!!

  • Where is Bob? He has been quiet for the first time. I’m sure he is losing his mind with this turn of events. What a wasted effort that was…

  • Hope it was worth it CUPW 😆😆😆😆😆

    Hopefully you have some spare change to get your kids a gift for Christmas

  • Guessing Tuesday or Wednesday back to work government moves slow

  • On top of ordering us back, the government will have an inquiry as to why these two sides can’t come to an agreement. This should be interesting for CUPW.

  • When do our benefits kick in again

  • All serious aside ,I wanna thank all the people involved in the strike . In a kinda sick and twisted way, all of were are effected ,either emotionally ,mentally physically and of course financially. A lot separation and discontent among people and it will take some time to repair the damage. However ,with Santa’s birthday coming its great place to start. So let’s look forward to and enjoy coming back to work and working as well oiled machine. Thank You,Cheers.

  • I just saw an interview on CP24 (Toronto station) with a picketer. What a total buffoon, so embarrassing. He made sure the public sentiment will turn against us even if it wasn’t up to this point.

    • I’ll be kind of embarrassed to go out again and possibly see all those mad faces looking at you, but the secret is to treat people nicely, do a good job, and de escalate rough conversation, all should be back to normal after a couple of week at work

  • We should refuse to go back. We have a legal right to strike.

  • Union posted a “ordered back to work ” bulletin extremely quick. While the minister was still talking, almost like they had it ready ahead of time? Doesn’t even include the caviet that only if the CIRB agrees no possibility of an imminent deal.

  • BOY are done revisit in May 2025 cupw negotiatars should all be fired even the president should not be allowed to attend in May ..this is the biggest disaster in cupw history being out at xmas and ordered back for most likely alot less then the second global offer with a company that is going to show massive massive losses and maybe a new government …MERRY XMAS CUPW WORST XMAS OF 2024

  • Most of us already knew that this strike was going to be a big bread full of nothing. Thankfully we are sent back to work, and I’m very positive that when we get to June, there will still be no agreements and there will have to be Binding arbitration.
    Let all put our man pants and start working!

  • I wonder why when CUPW does there strategy this is never the outcome they predict. even though it happens over and over Again. NUTS

  • Rudolph the unemployed raindeer

    Industrial board to look see if CPC and CUPW are going anywhere with negotiations or time to force us back next week.Hum,I hope they can wait til Dec28 before forcing us back ,that’s the day we set the record for longest strike in Canada Post history.

  • The union executive and negotiators need to be relieved of their duties!!!

  • We can all be back to work “early next week “ as per the Minister.

  • Weather you like it or not CUPW is going to be there. Want a non union job, there are plenty. Go get one of those, enjoy and work hard.

  • Finally a glimmer of hope, the minister has ordered the CIRB to “ORDER WORKERS BACK IF A DEAL IS NOT IMMINENT ” Asking Labour board to intervene

  • THANKS MINISTER! Long live common sense!

  • Forced back to work. Anyone who’s been here for a contract or two could see this coming. 2 paycheques lost and who knows how much damage short and long term. This union is FINISHED. Make us essential service since this happens everytime. At least as essential service we’d be guaranteed decent wage increases in exchange for not being allowed to strike.

  • Unstoppable huh???

  • UPS is now surcharging, Thats a different strategy then CPC had which was Delivering Parcels at a loss a few years back.


  • Intelcom, A Canada Post Courier start-up. Is very busy

  • Week 5 starts today for the Champ. I think we should write a little J4J in the corners of our picket signs as a show of support to our future members.

  • We just have to be honest here. Unions are a good thing but CUPW is absolutely terrible at representing us and not acknowledging that simple fact and blindly screaming ‘Solidarity’ is why we are in this mess.

    • There is no Solidarity and never was with this useless union. They’ve done nothing to bring us together and now have pissed off Canadians and the membership, this is a big joke and we lost pay because of it all. Watch CUPW run out of money and our cheques start bouncing.

    • I fully agree. Unions have done a lot of good for workers and society as a whole. The sad part is CUPW just happens to be completely incompetent and does a horrible job representing us, the workers who pay dues every month. They blew it again by being greedy and asking for too much. In the end their tactics didn’t work. They never do.

  • I am happy to sit here and wait. I would love to see this company attempt to get rid of workers and then try to retrain a new workforce that is willing to work for peanuts. They can’t even do it on a small scale, imagine a nationwide scale?

    Yes you will always have some that will work for nothing, but let’s face it most would quit in a short time.

    • They can only retain 10% of the new hires for the past 10 years.
      The 10% that do stay need so much support, usually in the form of 20+ yr carriers taking sections for them.
      Only 10% of the 10% of new hires become successful employees.
      Good luck hiring gig workers lol

    • They did this already. Dec 2012. Lower wages and 5 more years to get pension.

  • Apparently the ministry of labour will give an update on Canada post dispute this morning. 55.000 workers and thousands of businesses are really hoping to hear good news from the minster today. We need to go back to work!

  • Will the government pass back to work legislation on Tuesday just before they go on break to avoid backlash till end of Jan.

  • I was watching one of our Negotiators from CUPW being interviewed by CTV.Said to the reporter “You’re missing the point” Real classy…

  • Get off the pot..cpc claims not making money ..same claim all large corporations say lining their pockets..we do not need more weight and time on our what you should for using my body as a work tool..

  • Broken record here- all this craziness would be better explained if MEMBERS , not a negotiating team got to vote on each and every contract offer
    Again this would provide valuable information to CUPW- if the majority vote NO to the offer, we continue to strike, if we vote YES, then we go back to work
    In each scenario, the MEMBERS decide- the workers that have to pay union dues each month have the final say over their own futures
    Personally I would only vote to decertify CUPW , if any new representation were forced to have each and every offer voted on by its members- Cupw isnt the problem, the PROCESS is
    Having PAYING MEMBERSHIP VOTE is the definition true SOLIDARITY

  • Helping those less fortunate,CPC and CUPW

    Let’s all thank everybody at CPC and CUPW who is involved in the negotiations. It’s obvious they are not letting silly things like,ego ,power trip ,control freak issues,stubbornness ,not to mention total disconcern for those who are struggling financially get in the way of agreeing on a new contract.

  • Zero chance of returning before New Year and management firings. Happy New Year. Sol!

  • Overthrow CUPW today! If no movement today I’m quitting this dumpster fire. 14 years seniority PO 4. I was a nice job despite CUPW.

  • Anyone else as completely disgusted and embarrassed as I am?
    Spoke with some friends last night and my worse fears are realized – people think we are a bunch of greedy , entitled , unionized workers that are holding out for more than they deserve- have screwed over seniors, people who need medications. small businesses, rural communities and the general population all at Xmas
    They are correct!

    • This song has been played lots lately. People are tired of hearing about unions.
      Wesjet, Air Canada Pilots, Cn/Cpkc, Boeing machinests, dock workers union and probably others I am missing.

    • The videos online of people trashing us on strike, CUPW failed miserably thinking CPC would give into their ridiculous demands, I heard something about union going broke and if a deal is not reached there may be no more strike pay because they will file for bankruptcy. Another Successful Failure of CUPW, their time is done we must remove them, now they’re running broke, what a joke.

  • Helping those less fortunate,CPC and CUPW

    For those of a certain age today is Friday the 13th. These were several movies in the 1980s and 90s. If you don’t like horror,then go back and watch the CPC and CUPW on the radio to get your fill of comedy relief.

  • Helping those less fortunate,CPC and CUPW

    I’m almost certain this comment won’t be allowed;I’m praising CPC and CUPW for showing the rest of us what skills are required to reach a collective bargaining agreement, in a reasonable amount of time

  • Helping those less fortunate,CPC and CUPW

    Since I’m a po4 on strike I not paying union dues. Therefore, I wanna help out all reps,leaders,managers ,presidents,directors,negotiators both from CUPE and CPC by giving each one of them equal share of my union dues that I saved,so they can buy a small double double coffee at Tim Hortons. Your welcome,

  • The strike vote has repeatedly been soft-pedaled as not necessitating an immediate call to job action, merely formality of labour law. Subsequently, union representatives swoop in and parrot what is effectively a propaganda CUPW press release, invariably urging complete faith and fealty. This is delivered with all the fervor and authenticity of a hostage reciting their captors’ manifesto. Whether the actual strike vote result was 95% or 51% is irrelevant, as apathy and naiveté have consequently led us all to the current situation we now face. 

    “Solidarity” is trumpeted loudly these days, which is all fine and good. What about the true measure of collective will: democracy! Rubberstamping the strike authorization has stripped us ALL of the ability to demonstrate any authentic, uncoerced, and specific directives to our negotiators; they will restore this power to determine our fate IF and when they see fit. Indeed, a strike mandate holds the potential of galvanizing negotiators’ contracting power – in theory. Due to convenient confidentiality of negotiations, none of us outsiders can foresee just how harshly these present-day actions will negatively affect the livelihood of CUPW, Canada Post, and our most important stakeholders: the Canadian public.

  • I see a lot of comments that CUPW is requesting medical days that they want 10 and the 7 personal days. To my knowledge the federal government requires CPC to give 10 sick days and 3 personal days. For a total of 13 days, currently CPC offers 13 personal days that can be used for anything not just illness. I have been an employee for over 20 years when we did have sick days and no personal, I only took sick days when sick and used 3 in the 5 years before they changed the contract. I prefer personal days as I can and do use them whenever I want. I don’t want sick days because unless I need them I won’t take them. Don’t forget that we also have STDP when our days run out.
    I do not know of many other employers who give 28 days or 5 1/2 weeks of leave for brand new employees. Ask your friends and family if they think what we have is fair. The company could provide only what is federally regulated but I prefer to use what we have.
    I don’t want sick days I won’t use or need when I have what we have and STDP if I have a long term illness which covers me from day one if I am admitted to hospital.

    • We already had 7 personal days in contract. The government then mandated 10 medical days. We should have 17 total. We did not ask for the 10 days. The government imposed these on Federal workers. Crown corps are expected to follow.

  • I have a question, two days prior to CUPW going on strike I had to have surgery because of an injury I sustained as a casual. Neither CUPW or CPC would do anything for me because I was a casual and because it was a workplace accident workplace health and safety were involved and because again of being a casual they said they couldn’t do anything financially for me and recommended I sue the home owner, which I did because of no other choice, and it took two years to reach a settlement. Fast forward to now just before my surgery date I contacted workplace health and safety and was told yet again they can’t do anything for me because I used the home owner 7 years ago and that I would have to use our STDP. I fill out the forms, get a case manager who tells me that I will be covered until mid January under the program, I asked if the strike would cause an issue and was told it wouldn’t. So I’m off on STDP not getting paid because of the strike and I can’t participate in the strike to get strike because of my injury, I assume it’s the same for all members on STDP, and I am not getting strike pay and CUPW doesn’t care. So how is that fair to me and any other members on STDP?

  • There is no Goodwill between the two negotiating teams. CPC knows the employees will turn against CUPW and get their way the longer it takes and get forced back. We loose every time! CUPW adds new demands that have nothing to do with its members. Most members are happy to accept the CPC medical days to get a settlement. Yes, CUPW is fighting for four more lazy days the few members want! CPC needs to offer few more percentage points on the wages, period. Looks like Christmas and New Year are done for. See you all at the Food Bank! That is if we are healthy enough if we start skipping medications that we cannot afford anymore!

  • Imavgine having route not measured involving impossible loads undervalued wages no defined pension
    There is already no respect from management good luck hanging on the valuable dedicated employees it will be another Amazon

  • So instead of taking weekends off, they are going to take full weeks off to refresh!!

  • The last I heard cpc has lost a billion dollars during the strike. It hasn’t been a month yet. So lets keep that in mind when they throw the 3 billion number out there for contract demands for the next 4 years.
    Losing 1 billion dollars in revenue in 3 weeks means that in 9 weeks they can make up the difference in wages for the duration of the 4 year contract right?

  • Radio silence. I wonder if they both know arbitration is coming. Seems like their both tired and stubborn. Thanks for ruining all of our lives. When we go back it’s gonna be a disaster. Worse than imagined

  • Not Gary Not Bob where is Tuna?

    Just a story for you because I’ve got nothing better to do.

    When I started at CPC our shift had one supervisor. Morale was great amongst everyone, we all watched our for one another (including the supervisor) and the job got done.

    The only thing the supervisor worried about was the job getting done so things ran smooth for ALL of us. The manager was a ghost somewhere and there was no superintendent. Coffee was brought almost daily and donuts weekly. I don’t recall any health and safety meetings and shocker, no one was getting hurt!

    I’m sorry many of you will never get to experience a positive work environment like that where we all got along and liked coming to work.

  • Imagine what life would be like with no union working at Canada Post. No benefits, no pension, horrible wages, and no seniority/bumping rights. Stay strong people…

  • it is so neat how we can’t just choose kindness. nobody is enjoying this. can’t we just let people know where they may be misinformed in a decent way, like maybe you are speaking to your grandchild or grandparent instead of always choosing the path of school yard bullies? honestly, grow up and choose kindness.

  • “ We don’t expect you to agree with everything posted on this website. However, we do expect comments to be respectful of the opinions of others. Offensive comments will not be published.
    This website is intended to support discussion among CUPW-represented employees about the issues, not people. Comments that include people’s names will not be posted.”

    Canada Post’s comment policy. I try to respond to dot dot, I don’t get published. Dot dot keeps saying how much those that support CUPW are ignorant, he gets published. Canada Post’s does not want to hear from the workers, only the corporate shills that, maybe, get paid to spread lies, misinformation and discontent among the workers. Let’s see if this one makes it. If it does, we will not bend! This corporation has lost all sense of reality. They have no intention of negotiating, never had. They’d rather watch it burn. What do they care? They’ve earned millions! What have the workers earned???

    • Can you stop complaining..? We don’t pay you union dues to represent us, just imagine if your employer decided to punish you for the constant slanderous complaints about the corporation and fire you.. The ones who also pay us. CUPW who represents us has done a horrible job representing us, and your showing you so what ever they say. Do you have seniority..? Are you a new employee..? Are you a shop Stewart..? Guess what we don’t care, you don’t speak for us all, you don’t represent sent us all, but all you do is union is right, union this, union that, union blah blah. Without Canada Post you don’t have a job, or anyone of us, how about learn manners and stop attacking people who disagree with you and have proof of violations which you cover up with your false facts. Enough with me me me, you must be one of those individuals that thinks everything is a competition, and I’ll bet at the picket line you are so proper..😂Hi I’m Bob, I’m obsessed with someone I need Dot Dot, I seen a guy post your comment online about a BOB saying he’s going to quit, I found it hilarious, was that you..? It definitely sounds like you.. Sis CUPW give you complainer of the month..? I’m curious if you even have seniority or your just some casual trying to hijack this page.. The union can do no wrong with you, you must b paid to attack others who actually have valid points to fit CUPW narratives. Step back, we don’t align with your nonsense and you don’t control this page, it’s free for all and it’s the corporation that allows us the freedom to express ourselves, where does CUPW allow that..? I’ll wait..

    • Surprised it’s only supposed to be cupw employees commenting here.

      Maybe the corp should should fire all the apoc and mgmt people posting here. It’s at least half at this point. We all know they have nothing else to do.

    • Just my Experience

      You sound like a Bully Bob.

  • We have 4 supervisors for 35 people on our shift. Most of them stay out of our way and we don’t see them most of the shift. They don’t even check on the part timers who hide and not are there for the benefits……both don’t care! That’s who you cut!

  • Week 5 on the line starts for me in the am. Are we back to work before Christmas? J4J

  • $80,000 a year to pay someone to follow a carrier around on the street and make sure they didn’t miss putting a flyer in a box. If you cuts, may I suggest starting there? You’re welcome. And no charge.

    • Don’t forget the parking brake

    • Someone needs to watch you, you know, with the cutting of corners and safety infractions, not to mention theft and improper conduct.

      • Exactly, if they’re going on STDP multiple times and chip a finger nail and call it an injury. They’re being followed for a reason, those are the people we need less of, do your line of route, don’t rush and call it a day then they won’t follow you..

    • Supervisor = Babysitter

      • Needed babysitter

      • And why do we need babysitters? Take a look at some of our employees, its actually kind of sad. In the olden days, people showed up for work, did their job and went home. Now people sometimes come to work, sometimes they don’t and do some of their work, or all, depends on how they are feeling. But I’ve seen people actually tell their soups that they just don’t feel like delivering any more so they are going home now. And expect that their route will be finished by someone else. Or they take an emergency p-day on Friday when they know that there is overtime delivering on Saturday so they get paid for the p-day Friday and then deliver their own route on double time on Saturday.

    • They do that because of people like you obviously. Customers pay large dollars for admail to ge delivered. It doesn’t take rocket science to deliver it correctly, thats why!

    • Absolutely cut from the top why did everyone get bonuses except the workers slugging out on the bottom
      And they say they are losing money…. How do you pay management bonuses if you are losing so much
      Money d dry year let alone keep your job. If this was a sports team you all would of been fired years ago
      Wake up CP

  • Imagine the only thing you’ve moved on negotiations is from 11.5 to 11.97 wage increase, and then pretend like you’ve done absolutely anything in terms of movement. Even if this wretched company I work for comes back, you ain’t getting an ounce of care from me again.

    • You have no idea what has been offered, just like you have no idea what kind of demands have been made. You asked for this, now eat it.

      • They told us what they offered for wages. They didn’t move. Are you just trying to provoke people for no reason with nonsense?

        • You don’t trust anything from the company but you lap up the union stories. You don’t even know what is going on. You are not getting the full story and if you don’t know that, that explains why you are in this pickle

          • Another management troll with a useless post. Go play doodle bop on your phone.

          • Are you dumb? Did you read the article posted by CANADA POST not the union? Did you read this article you are replying to?
            If you did it clearly states the 11.97% wage increase.

    • Employees like you is the reason the union should not exist.

    • That is less than .5%. CPC negotiators need to go back to elementary school to redo Grade 1 or 2 Arithmetic.
      CPC’s math is not mathing. They have not accounted to COLA or inflation for the past 4 years since COVID.
      Nice try CPC. Stop gaslighting your workers and the union. Stop spreading your misinformation to the media first before communicating to your employees. Horrible Boses. Just Disgusting.🤮

  • Figure it out, concede a bit and get us back to work!!!!

  • I’m hoping that someone can explain to me what happened???? On December 1 CPC presents a framework to get a collective agreement. On December 2 the union cupw said that CPC had made some concessions that were ENCOURAGING. On December 4th cupw submits a counter proposal. On December 5th CPC follow up with response to cupw AND on December 6th cupw indicates that CPC offer is moving backwards. My question is this: What was in the proposal from cupw on December 3 that made CPC go from an encouraging proposal from December 1 to a proposal that has moved backwards on December 6???????

    • We’ll never know. It’s all part of CUPWs secret master strategy. Not really working so far but just keep waiting.

      • As CUPW members we have a right to know what’s going on and CUPW is hiding the documents with included demands for our negotiations. It shows the union is going back to tactics that were denied from other negotiations and trying to bring in outside contractors that the corporation stopped. If CUPW so honest they should show all the CPC offers and all their country offers with included demands the members know nothing about. CUPW is playing the blame game when we had made some progress and went back to cheap negotiating tactics. I want to see the offers and let the membership decide what should be included in the demands instead of the shady ethics that CUPW is demonstrating..

  • Say you will not pay any bonuses until we as profitable and I will forgo anybody raise. Cpc bad company

  • Privatizing postal services in Canada only requires Ottawa’s stamp of approval. Canada Post is a dinosaur on its last legs and it’s time we follow in the footsteps of European countries and open up competition in the postal market for the benefit of Canadians.

    Fraser institute

    • And this helps us here and now how……?

    • Been there, done that!

      So true!

    • They still have access to around $1.5 billion should they need it. We are not at the point of potential break up yet. Also, if interest rates keep declining CPC could easily refinance and keep the train going for much longer. Maybe with new management we can even become profitable!

    • Sure, get rid of every public service. Why are we subsidizing anything. Get rid of Via Rail, any public transit. Privatize everything. If they want to be ruthless and cut throat when it comes to the CanadaPost, then I for one don’t want my tax dollars being used to subsidize anything.

      • Good idea. We just need the buyers.

      • Privatization is totally the answer to all the problems. Definitely won’t rise the prices to an unsustainable level. It’s not like it’ll encourage much more competition then what is here now. Monopolys are a thing of the USA & Canada. They “create/buy” other companies to show artifical competition and to rise the prices even further. It doesn’t work.

  • Everyone is unionized in the plant except upper management. I am not sure what the big deal is to include the cleaners. We have 2 per shift in our plant. Big deal.
    Security, well that is another group not included in the union. About a month ago they removed all security from the Windsor depo. 2 weeks notice. Gone. They took out the security monitors and the gate is now monitored from Ottawa or London. That is cpc without a union.

  • I am embarrassed to work for this company.
    Sad .. but true.
    30+year Employee

    • 24 years and I have felt that way for the last 10 years. This forum solidified alot of my disgust with cpc.

      • Same. 5 Years at CPC and I am disgusted that employees can go against the employer and affect millions of people because they feel that they need more moneyyy…

        • We don’t feel we do,we actually really do need more money. You’ve only been here 5 yrs so compared to whatever you used to do makes you feel youre earning enough here. In that case you can thank all those who came and did before you for what you enjoy now. So quiet down and get back in the line

    • I was so embarrassed after 4 months, I switched to po4 from LC.
      It got too warm outside to keep wearing my ski mask, who wants to be seen as a mailman 😆

    • I thought Anonymous only had 20 years. We need more nicknames. To follow logic and humour.

  • Union is trying to grow their own business is going to backfire so bad, costing many layoffs!!!

  • This doesn’t bode well for APOC. I believe this was the plan all along. They won’t get a deal either. Hope you’ve seen the writing on the wall long ago and, like me, have already started to pivot to another career. It was fun while it lasted

    • APOC will be fine. Sales and service bring in and try to retain business that is lost every few years because of this. Supervisors are running the day to day despite what they say up in the LC ivory tower. Instead of swinging for the fences they have performance bonus targets. It only pays out if they do what they have to, instead of heading home at noon

  • So Canada Post says that the unions latest offer would add 3 to 4 billion over 4 years. I guess we are to interpret to be an admission that there are no grand plans or ideas to increase our revenues and grow the business. Why is that? Why is it that all Canada Post’s gains have to be made by cutting from within. Chip away, chip away, till there’s nothing left. Extremely disappointing and very sad.

    • Very good comment. I agree with you. Funny how there has never been any mention about substantially hiking fees for all “last mile” deliveries we perform for all the other companies. They certainly don’t do us any favours

    • I am sure that they “forgot” to factor in the fact that 55,000 people are all paying tax on their wages, so the government gets close to half of that money back come tax time and on every purchase we make. What about the community that benefits from our wages on a daily basis. The restaurants, bars, grocery stores, department stores, gas stations, gyms, day care centers etc. Pull the plug on us and it all goes down the drain too. As for the snarky management posters in this forum, you ll come down like all the rest of us.

    • Did you notice that they planned for a big stamp price increase, coming up at a time when they undoubtably thought this contract would be done (with cuts)? Good plan. Secure cutbacks from the employees, then increase revenues…….big year end bonus….for themselves.

    • Canada Post Postal Banking

      Don’t trust CPC management? They are inflating the numbers to make it look like CUPW are a bunch of uneducated morons.

      If they added postal banking and financial services (such as loan services like Money Mart), they would have access to more money to fund improvements to the Crown Corporations without trying to sell of properties to make up for financial losses. The corporation would be able to reinvest clients’ money and benefit from the investment returns. Look at all the top countries postal systems. You will notice that the world’s best postal services all have postal banking.,same%20at%20an%20even%20100.

      The corporation could require all employees and management to open accounts which would make it easier to direct deposit for payroll.
      The general public would be invited to open postal banking accounts. Postal banking would be useful for people in rural and remote areas like in NWT, Yukon, Nunavut and other less populated areas that do not have nearby banks.

      Over time, Canada Post could run self sufficiently without having to divest in operations of the corporations and depriving employees of fair wages and benefits.

      Even retails like Loblaws have opened their own financial institutions and other companies like Amazon, Walmart, The Bay, Canadian Tires, Costco, and etc. have customers signed up for credit cards that them to pay for goods and services in stores, online and by telephone. Canada Post could also have credit cards in their financial services.

      In addition, the chances of work stoppage or a strike at Canada Post would be less likely since employees would be deemed essential and a no strike clause could be added. Employees would be prevented from striking since banks need to be operation 24/7 every day of the year due to the following reasons:
      Bank strikes adversely affect profit-making in the short term.
      The stock market feels temporary shockwaves because several investors prefer to invest in banking stocks.
      The general public also suffers as basic banking services get disrupted.

      I seriously think the benefits outweighs the over inflated numbers the CPC has described about the cost of CUPW’s latest offer. The corporation has already blow through $3 billion since 2018. It appears CPC executives are trying ignore the facts they paid themselves and the rest of management an unreasonable amount of money in bonuses and labeled it at risk pay. How in bonuses has Canada Post paid out the executives and management since 2018 (the year the corporation started reporting losses under the present CEO and president)? 🤔

      • Hey, what happened to TD loan by CPC?

        No one will trust their money with CUPW workers after this strike. CUPW Postal Banking is already a failure before starting…

        • Canada Post partnered up with TD. That was TDs fault for their unsecured website. TD got hacked. Not Canada Post’s fault.
          It’s still a lesson learned for them to improve the online security with more fail safe protocols such as texting and emailing passcodes.
          Back then, the security in the log-in was too easy for hackers.

        • You sound like a sup.

        • Exactly, it failed from the beginning, CUPW tried to profit and got caught and the TD knew it wasn’t worth the investment. Why doesn’t CUPW open a credit union instead and they can hire their own staff and take dues from them and profit.. Brilliant…

      • Not too sure the public will trust CPC with their money… they did just lose $3B… my paycheck would go in Thursday and come out to my own financial institution of choice before sundown.

        Maybe let banks be banks and post offices do mail…

  • APOC started negotiations. Bet they are asking for a bigger raise then cupw and begging to keep the at risk pay or whatever they will call it this time. How about freezing their pay tell it’s profitable since they just answer phones and hand out keys

  • Was reading this on another chat:

    “Local pointed out soup kitchen locations, food banks, churches that offer free meals. And also offered up suicide hotline and all counseling services available. And Debt consolidation, debt repayment, credit counselling.”

    Hilarious but sad at the same time .

    • Actually not funny at all. Many people on the line are already suffering, including single parents or those with no savings. This strike is really hurting people who trusted CUPW to fight for us and not wreck everything with side issues like the Janitors. The strike needs to end. CUPW must compromise and drop their insane demands, so an agreement can happen now!

      • How is this all on cupw? How about cpc actually care about its employees lives and make some moves towards us

        • How about CUPW only ask what the members ratified as the demands and then we will see what CP comes back with.

        • It’s on CUPW because there initial demands were so far out of line that Canada Post would never meet them. They came down after 3 1/2 weeks but they’re still too high. If they’d started at 19%, there would have been room to come down from there. We could have shortened the strike by weeks. The crazy ideas about bringing in cleaners ate also wrecking everything. Our union is It’s own worst enemy. As usual. But hey, we can still break the record for longest strike on Dec 28th. So there’s that.

          • Instead of wasting your superior intellect and valuable time here, go to Ottawa and take over negotiations if so simple
            Apparently you have an answer for everything and never involves any blame for a company that has made multiple monumental mistakes and now dumping on us. So there’s that

          • Maybe for you 19%is high but 24 was better. Dont forget how long and overdue we are

    • 😆😆😆💀

  • What do we all make of the fact talks have also broken down with the CPAA union??

  • Im an honest politician.

    I still have hope that CPC and CUPW can play nice and respect the process ,and each other. There will a Christmas miracle and we will have a new contract.

    • The cleaners and the outside contractors demand has to be dropped, CPC not playing the CUPW game no more, and I don’t blame them. CUPW still hasn’t denied they’re bringing in outside workers.

    • Pollievre actually said something smart in question period yesterday. The government must force the two sides into a room with the mediator, and not leave until an agreement is reached. They’ll never do it on their own!

      • I think he was indirectly letting Trudeau know that he would get the conservatives support if the Liberals decide to legislate an end to the strike

        • Well let’s hope so and hope it happens ASAP.

          • Just before parliament breaks on Tuesday, then Trudeau won’t have to worry about an NDP non confidence vote until February and then he doesn’t care because the rumor is Trudeau will likely call for a spring election

  • As if the janitor thing wasn’t enough, I heard today they want to include snow removal crews from Cuba. What’s next!

  • None of my replies are getting through on Gary’s posts or dot dot’s posts. What does this tell us all, folks??
    Absolute corporate shills just trying to divide.
    Stand pat, fellow workers! We will not bend!

  • “According to cupw annual reports, they weren’t keeping up with their mandate to grow the membership.
    Hence this janitor, cleaners, gigafy workers, and security guard membership drive. It will just cost the present members huge $$.“

    • It’s costing us our negotiations, and we’re losing pay the longer this goes on, and the corporation not biting their bait. CUPW has to drop the demands and stop putting a burden on the members for their irresponsible behaviors and actions. CUPW does NOT care about it’s members yet people eat into the drama they’ve created and the mess they’ve made. Why should we be responsible for their negligence, we shouldn’t and this nonsense has to stop. Thank you for sharing, hopefully people actually read what you wrote.

  • Email your local MP.

    Justice for Janitors.

  • Everyone is disappointed with CUPW negotiating. The only way is with member support. The first step is to review the union’s constitution or bylaws. These documents usually outline the processes for challenging executive decisions, calling for votes, or removing officers.

    • I want to add the proposal written below was not written by me. I do not support it and do not write proposals for the people or members.

    • Why is CUPW only posting samples of demands on the CUPW website..? I’d like to see the full demands, and the Canadian post offers so we can be allowed to intervene and vote. CUPW needs to show us all the documents, because I’m sure there’s other demands were unaware of .
      I agree with you regarding Constitution as I believe CUPW violated it in ways that need to be examined and challenged. Removal of officers is a definite that’s needed.

  • Anybody actually ask CUPW why they’re bringing in Justice Janitors union..? I bet there’s an incentive for them besides pocketing more union dues. Notice CUPW didn’t deny it either..? What else is next that the membership knows nothing about, when are we actually see transparency of CUPW before we bash the corporation.. Let’s put all the offers on the table with both side demands instead of a sample of them like CUPW has done..

    Written on the bottom, sample of demands, why aren’t we seeing all the demands..? If you wonder why because they’re out for themselves like usual. CUPW we deserve to see it all, stop stalling, your failed negotiations show your secrets. Let’s see it all NOW..

  • CUPW has to go. There is no other way around. Time to eliminate them now.

  • Just watched a video on the CUPW Oshawa page; even if we are legislated back, CUPW is trying to rally members and other locals to refuse the return to work order if it happens.

  • If cupw focused and fought for 55000 postal employees that pay the majority of their income and not for all workers present and future in all industries across the world we would be back at work. Probably would not have went on strike to start.

    We are the pawns in their fight. Have a look at the educational courses they offer or the social causes they support. This is a much bigger game for them. This is not really about us.

    Unfortunately we as workers are caught in the middle. As many have said the plan for both sides always seemed to be wait for the return to work legislation and blame the government. Doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen this time.

    As we begin week 5 where does that leave us? Both sides say the other should not negotiate in the media then puts out their own press release with some details but not all to try and win sympathy. We can argue who has moved more on their list of demands but again we don’t know all the details.

    At the end of week 4 we have all lost a months income. We have lost the trust and sympathy of the public to what ever degree we had it. We have created a more hostile and volatile workplace if we ever get to return. We have also learned a great deal about both the union and the company. The company pays us to work. We pay the union to represent US. I had faith and trust in both to be looking out for me as an employee. Unfortunately the actions, words and behavior of both sides has failed me as well as all Canadians.

    I guess our competitors are the only real winners in this.

    • Yes that’s correct. 90% of CUPW members do not want to save the world. We simply want a decent raise and our pension and benefits protected. We’ve all sacrificed more than enough at the altar of CUPW. Only a union groupie would want to break the record for longest strike on Dec 28th. The rest of us want CUPW to compromise, reach an agreement and let us get back to work now!

  • Solidarity for Anonymous, we are the majority here.. Let’s go to Ottawa and make CUPW listen to our demands, not make up their own.
    Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous

  • Lets get solidarity behind same benefits for ALL members

  • Give us bennefits equal to executives!!!

  • Give a final offer CPC!!!!

    1.) Improve extended health benefit amounts to same as executives, plan 51390.

    2.) 15 flex days that carry over if not used. Concession: IOD to be lowered to same % as STDP.

    3.) 19% wage but consession for allowing corp to be flexible with hiring 16hr a week perm part timers for weekend operations, and allow temps and part timers to take on any work before it gets offered as overtime.

    4.) Bring in RSMC to Urban but in any area where there isnt depot, and it doesnt make fiscal sense – move those calls to a PO Community hub and allow RSMC to be transfered to work within the hub.

    5.) SSD sorter collate NM as part of duties. NM weight/ volumes to be included into time values for delivery. NO more HH bonus

    6.) No more PCI. All PCI direct to post office to save labour and safety.

    7.) CMB expansion for all remaining door to door in exchange for 7 day delivery of ALL products.

    8.) Pilot project for LM to be delivered every 3 days along with NM.

    Send this to arb!!!

    • PCI directly to Post office?? Lol.
      If we have CMB’s, delivery to door will be significantly safer. And there will be no need to go against the layout of routes and cutting lawns. Delivery Agent safety will be improved 100 fold. CUPW has done more to make this job unsafe than anything the Corporation has.
      Standard lettermail delivery 3 days per week. NM delivery to occur on those days at 100% to CMB’s.
      With CMB implementation, NM weight and collation will not be a factor. If CUPW cares about safety, CMB’s are the only way to go.

      Executive Benefits? For Labour & Supervisors; Comical. Next thing you know you’ll be asking for the cleaners and snow clearing to be part of the Union as well!

      • Well CUPW is asking to bring in cleaners and snow removal, it’s all about dues for them, not safety of its employees, their narrative is not safety at all, it’s controlling all Contractors.

    • Unrealistic proposals not made by me. Keep on dreaming and sing solidarity to yourself.

    • I guess this really is a strike about water carriers and their issues because I have absolutely no clue what you were talking about!

      The extent of my job is grabbing a box and putting it inside and IDC and when I run out of IDCs, I go grab a nested pair and I build two IDCs so I can put more boxes into IDCs.

    • What part do you not understand about cp can’t afford that kind of raise? Absolute maximum I could see would be 14%, and that’s if you’re lucky.

  • Short term memory

    The majority of working Canadians have crummy lives and things will eventually return and struggling life will continue for everyone. At the end of the day we are all gonna die and none of this really matters at all.

  • With a war chest of 93,000.000 as of 2023.
    The estimated total strike pay for 70% of 55,000 employees, each receiving $56 per day, is $2,156,000 per day. 
    My math says 44 days 🤔

  • Why no final offer..cpc can force one vote…cupw bring us something to vote see how your members vot I doubt you still have strike mandate

    • There has been no last offer because the company knows their existing proposals don’t pass the mustard. They are still hoping for government intervention. The demands of CUPW members are fair. CPC management is to blame for this mess and changes are needed.

      • You’re a dreamer if bringing in outside workers is fair, we don’t need them. That’s a problem with negotiations, and that’s what stalling them as well. Why are Justice Janitors union involved..? Why is CUPW concerned about snow removal..? You think the offer is fair, how about the union show everything including their secret demands before you think we’re being fairly by those crooks and corrupt members of the NEB.. I’ll wait because you have nothing, I’m glad CPC exposed the union and the union didn’t even deny it.. So you have nothing, please sit down.

    • Where is your real response to the unions fair demands? Weren’t you in a big hurry last week for CUPW to respond?

  • The 95% figure was used by the union as a solidarity tactic, aiming to create a sense of unity and show that the majority is behind the strike. Even if the actual vote split were closer to 50/50, the union is still within its rights to report that 95% of members voted in favor of a strike.

    The union is not required to disclose voting breakdowns by region, much like how a legal representative does not need to disclose every detail when making decisions on behalf of their client. As employees, we signed a document when we were hired, granting CUPW the right to represent us in matters like this. While it may feel unethical at times, the union cannot be held for such practices. Therefore they are allowed to tell us 95 % voted in favor of a strike even if the number was really 50%. They are not required to break it down in regions or even count the votes like federal/provincial elections. I want to let you all know the votes were not counted, but the number 95% was already determined before you even voted.

    In the end, the system is rooted in bureaucracy. The unfortunate truth is that, in many cases, the individual member’s voice may not have the influence we would hope for, as the decisions are ultimately made through the structure of the union as our representative.

    To sum it up, I want to inform you all, YOUR VOTE DOES NOT MATTER. Right now we are on the picket line for 56 dollars a day. We are muppets standing there with signs around our neck for a cause that we do not support. We need to go back to work. Im content and agree with 11.5% and 13 personal days. I personally feel its a great offer. What’s happening right now is the future could be jeopardized because of this egotistic approach by the executives and not by the members choices.

    • Do you have proof of the predetermined 95% number that was agreed upon by the executive or are you just spreading misinformation?

    • Forgetting all your other mumbo jumbo, no way 11.5% Even 19% is too low but I would agree to that if over 3 yrs

    • I don’t know if you’re right about the vote% being fradulent. I do know that many members didn’t bother to vote. I did got to our local strike-vote and voted ‘No’ because I knew this would happen. I also know that silly demands like bringing cleaners intomthe union were not mentioned at the strike-vote meeting. So in a sense many members who did vote ‘Yes’ were duped. The strike itself has been a disaster and full-time workers have now lost $6000 and counting. Please CUPW, compromise and get a deal done so we can get back to work now!

      • What kind of math is being used here? I clear about $3400 a month. How is anybody losing $6000??

        • It should be obvious, $72,000 average salary ÷ 12 months = $6000. Gross, not net. That doesn’t even include overtime which many LCs would be getting if we were actually working. But hey, it’s only money. Who needs that anyway, especially at Christmas?

          • What should be obvious is that nobody loses $6000 a month because nobody pockets $6000 a month. Just feeding the fire!

          • Don’t forget that taxes, pension,CPP, extended health, accrued vacation, and even union dues are all paid out of gross earnings. So yeah, we really do earn and have now lost $6000 and counting. Everyone will also be rquired to work one more month before they can retire, or advance to the next pay level. Not to mention all the medications and health, dental, vision care expenses that have not been paid for almost a month. So it’s actually a huge impact already. But if you love losing money, keep supporting CUPW right or wrong.

  • Seems to me that both sides are trying there best to kill Canada Post…

  • Someone please make a new Facebook group, Canada post employees or something. One that has no CUPW wording in it, one that can be free speech. The far left socialist CUPW unofficial members only is run by children.

    • That’s a great idea, I wish I was on Facebook and I would creat that group, let me look online to see how to set up a forum and we can go from there..
      We don’t need CUPW NEB kicking people out and blocking them because we have an opinion about them.. Fantastic idea, and no CUPW NEBs allowed..

  • Justice Janitors-are they in the next Marvel movie? Justice Janitors vs. Wolverine?

    • That was from almost 10 years ago?

      • This company has no problem doubling the rates of services yet hasn’t moved at all when it comes to our wages. They quickly throw numbers in the billions around like a hot potato only when it is not near contract time do they say how much they are making. We all got the notices in the mail ( what do they cost times 55,000) congratulating us on smashing the parcel records. A million parcels a day was unheard of. Now we have consecutive days at a million and sometimes 2 million but somehow we are losing money. CP is flush with revenue. This is all creative accounting on their part. Let the arbitrator force out the truth. We will get our 19% plus some. Go ask the teachers what the arbitrator did for them.

        • The first “Anonymous” comment that makes sense. Thank you!

        • We’re not teachers unfortunately and they have a competent union that doesn’t have secret agendas, the government also uses our tax dollars also, which in our situation the corporation generates it’s own sustainability meaning wages cant be negotiated the same way. If the corporation shows losses they can use them with the government and arbitration to get us less. Tax dollars are unlimited, were limited to what revenue and losses the corporation generates.

          • We provide a service just like the teachers do only we create revenue as well. Their revenue is kids minds. Their union got them squat. They had to go back after the fact and appeal everything in order to get paid. That was an arbitration win. Talk to a teacher about it

    • You are not meeting the conditions or rationality. STRIKE!

  • 4 million for convention
    Many expenses not submitted

    During the last mandate of the National Board of Trustees, concern was raised that the External Organizing Fund was not being utilized. The National Board of Trustees is pleased to report that this was not the case during this mandate.

  • Next pay day Dec 19 ,ahh NO!
    Jan 2, ahh NO!
    Jan 16,ahh probably NO!
    Jan 30,ahh probably NO!
    Feb 13,ahh maybe
    Feb 27,ahh maybe
    March 13,ahh perhaps
    March 27,ahh perhaps
    April 10,ahh yes

  • Cupw annual report states

    The National Board of Trustees is very disappointed that the reports from our second and third verifications, which we have noted were extremely difficult to produce, were simply shelved by the National Executive Board and not shared with the members via Perspective magazine (or
    National Journal) as is required by the National Constitution.

  • Unions must provide a free copy of their financial statements to members who request them. The financial statements must be certified by the union’s president and treasurer, or by the president and another officer responsible for handling funds.

    Has anyone seen CUPW annual reports?

  • No disrespect, but Anonymous you seem to have taken complete control of all CPC comments. Where do you find the time? Are you upper management ? 96.4 % of all comments are yours, an outsider getting paid on the side by either CPC or CUPW , I think. Trying to stir up both sides it seems.

  • Kinda sad to see that most feds don’t care about tax payers … businesses struggling financially, CP workers the same… what matters is the negotiations, for as long as it takes. Weird way of thinking.

  • Keep up the good fight brothers! All jobs matter!

  • This forum is a toxic dumping ground full of misinformation, lies, mirepresentations and rumours. Only came on here to see if any credible information could be found in this otherwise ultra secretive process where both parties tell all of us, little or nothing. Considering how much this is (or will eventually be) costing everyone at this company, you would think a little more respect and decorum would be afforded to all. At this rate it appears there is no end in sight

    • It is a forum. You can close the browser and go to sleep.

      What is disrespectful is ruining everyone’s Christmas especially Canadians’ Christmas period. You want to fight CPC, do not drag other people with you. It is selfish and disrespectful from CUPW.

      • Must be sad for you living alone with anger management issues that likely drove any friends and family away. I didn’t want to fight anyone. I’m just trying to find out some information that ultimatly affects every employee anywhere I can. That certainly is not here and with the likes of you

    • Cupw had a mandate to grow the membership and that’s exactly what they are trying to do

      • Who told them to grow it? Only they want to grow it. Us workers could not care if you grow it or not. Just use your logic if any of you have any and stop with your unrealistic asks, like banking, janitors and whatever other crap you want. We are a delivery company and have a great gig, so get it finished. Nobody in their right mind would ever put any Money into anything with cupw’s name on it.

    • Tell CUPW to set up a forum, I will gladly tell them the incompetents they are. I’m sure people who’ve been blocked on social media platforms by CUPW would gladly rip them a new one.. CUPW the cowards or the unions and the sellouts of the membership.. Let’s see them set up a forum and watch the majority turn on them there and turn it into a dumpster fire…

  • Can those that are organizing this bread full of nothing strike sleep well at night knowing that 55.000 workers are in line to anccu unnecessary debt , possibly losing their homes and possibly their jobs, because of their lack of common sense? Wake up, this strike has ran its course! Time to go back to work!

  • Purolator delivering our parcels and passports now, adding to more lost business the longer it goes on. Private companies are delivering mail and fliers as well, other companies in the wing just waiting for the opportunity. When things return to normal, which will probably be temporary, keep in mind the corporation will coming to send our work to other channels. We might salvage some business, but we won’t get it all back. Tic Tok the clock is ticking, if you’ve seen the comments on all social media platforms, people have detest and anger towards us, and it only continues to get worse. Let’s get back to work and solve these issues, CUPW drop the cleaners BS, you won’t win and the membership did not agree to it either, we want to work, us the members, not non members, so stop the games, you will cost many their jobs.

  • We are having this part time work condition for year and years now 16 hour part time weekend working and no one want to do it every weekend we are calling on for so many overtime only way to complete this schedules.

  • I’d like to thank the 95% ( I doubt) that voted Yes to not force the union to negotiate. To the small businesses, the children, the charities, and Canadians I voted NO to force CUPW to negotiate with others. I’d like to see every offer the corporation made to CUPW and all the secret demands the union has made on our backs. For those that voted Yes and struggling now you deserve it because you were manipulated again by a union that keeps secrets from the membership. For those that want to work to provide for their families, I feel bad with the burden of the bills, unable to feed their families, and mortgages that can’t be paid because of this. During these times we should come together yet I’m seeing fighting on the picket lines, shame on you CUPW. Everyone can blame CPC all you want, but remember who writes your paychecks cheques that don’t bounce like strike pays. We can’t control the bonuses management makes because that’s an issue the government must do to audit the post office, which I’m for. Management is getting paid while at home, while we hope to make scraps and just get by while our failed negotiation committee who has a proven record of not signing contracts since 2011, sit in warm quarters. Shame on both sides, and CUPW stop focusing on their bonuses and get to work, remove the contract workers you’re involving with the membership, CPC will not move till you remove your stipulations and hidden agendas. Enough is enough, stop the games, people are struggling and need to work to pay their bills. We lost Christmas and faith of Canadians because of this strike, you hoped the government and you lost again CUPW, can’t wait for this to be over so our lives will return to normal. CUPW do your job and stop the BS NOW…!! Also pay us strike pay on time, week 5 starts Friday and we haven’t received week 3, how pathetic, get things organized NOW..

    • Well if people were duped by the union, which of course they were, into voting ‘Yes’ you can’t really blame them. I voted ‘No’ because I knew this would happen. CUPWs demands were way too high and Canada Post couldn’t possibly agree ro them. Now we’ve all lost a month of wages for nothing. That’s $6000 ( plus overtime) lost for every full-time worker. Maybe members will know for next time. Our union is completlt incompetent when it comes ro negotiations. They’ve settled two contracts since 1965. Literally the worst track record of any union in Canada!

      • So for all your critiques where do you stand on not having any substantial increases in over 5 years while also sacrificing much during the pandemic. All the while no real improvements in benefits or vision or std. Our buying power has degraded to the equivalent of losing many dollars per hour. What do you say to all that?

        • CUPW brought in the RSMC’S for 3 contracts which resulted in no significant wage increases, now they’re trying to bring in Justice Janitors union.. Are you not noticing a pattern here yet..? It looks as if the only people benefitting from bringing others in is CUPW. Why don’t they drop the cleaners BS, the EV Chargers BS, Snow Removal BS and negotiate for us to get a decent wage. Leave the personal days to 13 because the corporation not budging and watch is getting a decent wage. CUPW is using unfair negotiating practices and as a result we’re the ones being hostage instead of CUPW accountable. We had 4 offers already from CPC, why doesn’t CUPW show them to us and why they only sharing Little details about demands..? Because they’re looking out for themselves.. It’s very clear, that’s why we haven’t had a wage increase, started with the RSMC’S. All they had to do was apply as letter Carriers instead of just included with all of the existing members and given all our benefits and such. It’s a no brainer, ask the CUPW National Executive Board and they won’t tell you or show you anything.

          • Justice janitor guy you are back!

          • Ok for all your dwelling on the past i understand you have issues with the union. I get that. But once again what is your take as to how all of this affects us directly and our ability to move forward. Week 5 is around the corner. How do we gain what we need and must obtain here and now?

          • Hidden agenda
            Looking for another eighties victory on backs of 55k employees

          • You’re actually right. Sorry to say, but ever since RSMCs joined our union, it’s been downhill all the way. The irony is most RSMCs didn’t want to join, but were happy as contractors.

  • How do we stay relevant

    Keep existing infrastructure for remote and rural communities. Move Suburban part of RSMC in to the same unit as LC. Complete the installation of CMB’s in all urban areas, Add parcel lockers to all CMBs. Give them 19% raise. Increase our rates so that our revenue matches our cost to operate. Force retirement on anyone that has the right combination of years of service and age. Weekend deliveries are required to match what the competition is offering, with Part Time employees.

    • “increase are rates so that our revenue matches our cost to operate” YET “give them 19% raise.” Ok buddy!! Obviously you don’t understand that we have competitors who can operate as we do at a lower cost to operate and have lower rates.

      • So what? Do they go everywhere in Canada as we must? No they cherry pick in large markets and thats it even transfering to us for remote areas. How about charging them much higher rates for that privilege You people keep comparing us to them. We are not for profit as they are but maybe time to start charging accordingly instead of putting all blame on employees

    • Sounds so easy. You must be a genius.

    • I certainly don’t want to merge and have an rsmc anchor around my neck dragging us down as rsmc issues always do

    • It is illegal to force retirement on anyone. It’s in the Charter of Rights.

  • Canada Post employees, do you not realize CUPW leaders are trolling you?
    Do you know where your Union dues are being spent on? You should ask (and be shocked with the answer)

  • Canadians should be ashamed of themselves not standing up for CUPW and the long standing service they have provided (on their backs) thru the 125years of service to the public!

  • In regards to the lay off battle that union has won, so they think, the company will just reissue the layoffs after they settle. I think they can do this even if job security is in place as the Industrial Labor Board decision trumps the contract.

    “In a statement issued Wednesday night, the union said a mediated settlement has been reached that requires Canada Post to notify affected employees that they are not on a temporary layoff.

    However, Canada Post says under the terms of the resolution, it reserves the right to make staffing adjustments in the future if required.”

    • Job cuts coming, CUPW gambled and lost this battle, the longer this goes, the more likely those Layoff notices could still stick, because no one was notified they were removed..

  • Privatization Canada Post, put 20 percentage of Canada Post shares into the stock mark like Ontario hydro. Extra service charge apply on weekend packages delivery to customer covering OT wages. Double the postage price (too low on the postage service charge).

    • Time to change Canada management. Not a big deal delivery parcel on X’Mas seasonal. Canada Post employee need a fair market value on their wages. How much for min wage now? Think about Canada post employee wage was back to 20 years ago ..$17.XX/ hour. Consider Government lost income tax for 55k employee each day average $10 daily (0.5 million). Off course compared 3B is small amount but this is an unseen cost to government that due to Canada Post holding Union contract.

  • One month on strike = one more month of working here before you can retire.

  • Is it just me or is it weird that the cleaners cross the picket line daily and are being paid yet we are striking for them? Strange no… ?

    Justice 4 janitors!


    Canada Post negotiation tactics.

    1) Threaten to take everything away from employees for a year.
    2) Act the hero and offer to give back some of the stuff you threatened to take away.
    3) Give in to CUPW’s fair demands and get fired in 2025.

    Happy New Year CPC!

    • Tell CUPW drop the Justice Janitors union, stop showing your national committee side, we’re not falling for you to take a holiday on our backs anymore.
      Outside contractors are Not allowed to be part of our negotiations, no one agreed to them, quit your job if you want to be replaced, save us the trouble.

  • 1.) Improve extended health benefit amounts to same as executives, plan 51390. Give up the 17 day request for all members, and lower IOD top up to be same as STDP top up % to get on this extended health plan.

    2.) Trade the 19% wage for allowing corp to be flexible with hiring 16hr a week perm part timers for weekend operations, and allow temps and part timers to take on any work before it gets offered as overtime.

    3.) Bring in RSMC to Urban. However, as compromise agree to expand and build Corporate POs as community hubs in small towns and allow current RSMC to transfer as postal clerk inside the PO where delivery is not affordable or feasable. That way no impact to members, and remote communities still recieve items.

    Ask corp to have SSD sorter collate NM as part of duties, and SSD sorters be able to go home once completed and the NM bonus to not change for delivery employee, but in exchange for agreeing to expanding CMB delivery and SSD.

    Get back to work!!!

    • You want us not to get a wage increase for part timers..? No, speak for yourself, you’re not a negotiator and thankfully so.
      Please keep your nonsense to yourself, we’re not giving up a wage increase because of part timers getting 16hr days. Part timers will also get a wage increase that you also want to give up, it’s a NO..

      • 1.) Improve extended health benefit amounts to same as executives, plan 51390. Give up the 17 day request for all members, and lower IOD top up to be same as STDP top up % to get on this extended health plan.

        2.) Demand the 19% wage, and as a concession allow the corp to be flexible with hiring 16hr a week perm part timers for weekend operations, and allow temps and part timers to take on any work before it gets offered as overtime.

        3.) Bring in RSMC to Urban. However, as compromise agree to expand and build Corporate POs as community hubs in small towns and allow current RSMC to transfer as postal clerk inside the PO where delivery is not affordable or feasable. That way no impact to members, and remote communities still recieve items.

        4.) Ask corp to have SSD sorter collate NM as part of duties, and SSD sorters be able to go home once completed and the NM bonus to not change for delivery employee, but in exchange for agreeing to expanding CMB delivery and SSD.

        Get back to work!!!

  • Why are we not fighting for the security guards to be a part of cupw? Not fair that janitors get all the focus

  • Get rid of union offices and full time union officials other than national level. Members should be able to file a grievance with an app. The folks in Ottawa and Regional could easily handle all local grievances, and with better expertise.

    Get rid of cupw directors, sub comittees and any money wasted on trips/ outings/ retreats etc. Every dollar from members should be to fight the fight. NOT wine and dine in CUBA!!

    Cut union dues to $50/ month. Thats 33 million dollars per year. If you cant protect members and negotiate contracts with those funds.. move aside so somebody else can step in.

  • At least the weekend is almost here so I can take a couple days off from checking this site for a faint hope of an agreement


    Congrats to Canada Post. Just confirmed even if contract agreed to,no chance parcels and cards would be delivered in time for Christmas. Nice going CPC and CPUW ,the plan worked . Now let’s see if you can reach the other goal, you remember ,setting the record for longest strike in Canada Post history Dec 28.

    • We got this. Jointly ruined Xmas for a lot of Canadians.

      It might be a Xmas miracle for the cleaners though.

      Fingers crossed.

    • I believe they will set a record! But who cares they don’t care because the 12 members on the board and 22 vice presidents are still getting paid and will still collect their bonuses!

    • I agree, CUPW and their side deals with corporation becoming more and more obvious. Then the union tries to bring outside workers into our contract without our knowledge or approval, there’s more going on than both sides are saying, but in the end CPC pays our bills. CUPW tried to play them with this strike, and CPC didn’t fall for it, now Christmas ruined for small businesses, Canadians. Let’s not forget the union being gigify united.. Bet they thought we wouldn’t find out as well.. I want to work and others as well, and union failed us like usual..

    • Time to change Canada management. Not a big deal delivery parcel on X’Mas seasonal. Canada Post employee need a fair market value on their wages. How much for min wage now? Think about Canada post employee wage was back to 20 years ago ..$17.XX/ hour. Consider Government lost income tax for 55k employee each day average $10 daily (0.5 million). Off course compared 3B is small amount but this is an unseen cost to government that due to Canada Post holding Union contract.

    • Change is needed…..

      CUPW record breaker, Guiness World Record breaker.

  • Happy with Canada Post

    12 days of Christmas my true love gave to me ,parcels ,packages and cards. Of course delivered by a reliable company. Canada Post. Lolololo. Joke of the year.

  • This ends with only one of two outcomes,
    Take the CPC offer or look for another job.
    Trust me , I have been around this nonsense for 35 years.
    Both parties will never give in and government not bailing us out this time.

  • Just curious, how many facilities have the janitors and snow removal people picketing alongside you?

  • Do any of you people realize a three billion dollar loss is? I know that you don’t believe that, but if you have eyes and work in a depot or a plant, you have seen the decline in in all product. You can say management, what not got bonuses. As far as we can see, you guys have a bonus every day. You work 4 hrs and get paid 8, I’d say that’s winning. You guys complain when you go on vacation or take a day off. If you are caking more than your 8 hours a day to do your route, you might want to find a different route or job, because maybe it’s not the job for you. 97% of the time there is no product. You are the cause of the reason for the losses because we invite you back everyday to fail again and we keep giving you a pay cheque’s. We need to be able to get rid of the people who the job isn’t made for and not be protected by the union. They protect the worst of the bunch and do nothing for the good employees.

    • Now THAT was hilarious!!! 😂😂😂

    • Been there, done that!

      Very, very true!
      as a 25 year cupw member I have seen how they protect those that do not want to work. It is sad, I think with this strike it might be coming to an end. I highly doubt that CPC is not taking this time to revamp and restructure. I think the end of this strike will be quite different from the beginning.
      It will be interesting to see how they have streamlined the business when and IF we get back.

    • Well said. The sentiment is shared by any reasonable and conscientious worker, except those intend on gaming and milking the company to the fullest possible with the union’s endorsement.

  • For those of you that are serious about going back to work stop showing up on the picket line than you will see how quick cupw ends this charade when no support

    • I think we will be back in a week or so after Union funds depleted and we can’t save Christmas but we can salvage it for Rural and First Nations Communities

    • I’m no CUPW fan, but you are asking people to enter the Christmas season with literally no money. I’m sure there are union members picketing who really don’t want to but have to somehow feed their families. Not everyone has a dual-income family, and a lot of people have to pay for life-saving prescriptions. 95% of you voted to strike when in reality you could of stayed at the bargaining table until a reasonable contract was created while still getting paid and receiving benefits.

      • Stop making sense. Wait maybe that’s why you’re here. Some of us were kicked off the CUPW FB for making sense and questioning anything.

        • CUPW doesn’t care about how much money we’ve all lost. They don’t care about Canada Post losing money either. They only seem to care about cleaners who are not even part of the union.

      • It was not possible, we would have been waiting forever. On wages alone, our perspective is with record inflation it’s time to catch up with a significant increase. At the same time the corporation is claiming financials that won’t allow more than their offering.

      • I seriously doubt 95% of those who showed up to vote elected to strike. It’s an unaudited number dished out by the union. Please stop quoting it as fact.

        • Great point! CUPW is not telling the truth to us!

        • Exactly.. no proof.. Still waiting for the union to show us all the offers they’re hiding from us..

        • Listen I was disagreeing with the original post stating that “For those of you that are serious about going back to work stop showing up on the picket line than you will see how quick CUPW ends this charade when no support”. Ultimately your union chose to strike irrelevant of if 95% agreed. Therefore you have CUPW members who cannot afford food and pay for prescriptions because of it and therefore have to picket to earn at least some money. Right now your members have no stable income and have zero benefits, hell they can’t even apply for EI. This could of all been avoided if your union stayed at the negotiation table and at least kept talking. No one said they had to accept any offer, but at least don’t strike during the busiest times. The damage is not only on the company as a whole (as I’m sure your aware there is no CUPW without CPC), but honestly it’s your union’s members who are impacted the most. PSAC/APOC/CPAA/EXEMPT/MGT are still getting paid whether you come to work or not.

        • 95% figure was used by the union as a solidarity tactic, aiming to create a sense of unity and show that the majority is behind the strike. Even if the actual vote split were closer to 50/50, the union is still within its rights to report that 95% of members voted in favor of a strike.

          The union is not required to disclose voting breakdowns by region, much like how a legal representative does not need to disclose every detail when making decisions on behalf of their client. As employees, we signed a document when we were hired, granting CUPW the right to represent us in matters like this. While it may feel unethical at times, the union cannot be held accountable for such practices. This is dishonesty to its members, as they are allowed to do this and report a 95% strike vote because we granted them the right to represent us.

          In the end, the system is rooted in bureaucracy. The unfortunate truth is that, in many cases, the individual member’s voice may not always have the influence we would hope for, as the decisions are ultimately made through the structure of the union as our representative. We as members have no say. They only make us think we do by allowing us to vote.

  • What im seeing here is a concerted effort between CPC mgmt and the government of Canada to bankrupt both CUPW and CPC then sell it to a private entity. The concessions made by CUPW in the last counter are huge yet CPC wants more. It’s CPC original offer or nothing. For a CPC mgmt team hell bent on a “negotiated settlement”…it doesnt seem like CPC wants to accept anything other than what they propose. With this mentality…there will never be a fair negotiated settlement. Shame on CPC. Solidarity!!!!

    • The only reason concessions seem huge is because they were too high to begin with. If CPC starts off by offering a 6% increase over 4 years, and after a while they move up to 11%, would that also be a huge concession in your mind?

      • Some of those concessions were already in previous collective agreements. Something that was fought for long ago and agreed to… CUPW gave up. Giving up things that were already fought for and won are not huge concessions? Wake up. CPC isnt even looking at what CUPW is countering with. CPC has it in their heads that the “$3B loss” is all because of CUPW and that the only fair settlement is one that CPC puts forth no matter what it looks like. Middle finger goes out to all the haters

      • You realize how negotiations work right? One side low balls, other side asks the world. Somewhere in that fine mess there is a reasonable middle ground. CPC doesnt care about middle ground or even less than middle ground. Only concerned about getting signatures on a lowball offer. Good luck CPC.

    • Self-sustainable mandate period

      • Time for that to end. Canada Post should continue as a necessary public service and in turn be subsidized when needed. Just like is accepted for other public services, Via Rail, public transit.

        • So commercial companies give us packages to deliver for them. Small businesses give us packages to deliver for them. We deliver them literally for FREE?

          I create a business, ship my packages by CPC. Delivered late, I apply for a refund. Revenue goes higher than Cost because of the refunds.

    • Been there, done that!

      CPC is in the driving seat this time. They have tried for a year to get a contract. Now they are driving the bus! CUPW negotiating team are running scared. They did not expect this, funny enough!

      • Nope they were the BIG SHOTS and now don’t know where to turn! CUPW you were finally played and it looks good on you.But not for the good,honest decent working people,your Groupies will always back you up til you run out of KoolAid! 😂

    • Please think critically before you speak. If CPC management and the government wanted to bankrupt CPC so it could be privatized, they would have accepted the union’s demands and just let the ship sink with $3 billing more added cost. After all, according to the polls (if they can be believed), there will be a new government and so the CPC appointed execs will be replaced come next year. That CPC management is still exercising their due diligence and making an effort to ensure the new contract can give CPC a fighting chance is exemplary, and in my book, the hero in this contract negotiation saga.

  • Back to the line today. 4 weeks. Hoping for positivity and some light at the end of the tunnel


    I will not annoy people anymore by sending comments saying I will not annoy people anymore.

  • I m about to get a bonus.

    Geez ,I wish I could read a comment that was written with intellect and credibility. Like this one! Lol

  • This person who keeps sending comments asking you to vote on various questions is definitely a tool.

  • Pissed Off Employee

    You know to the head of CUPW union – you guys/ladies do not have a Brain at all. TRYING to get an additional 10 on top of what you already have in the personal days like are you guys stupid or what. Again as for Canada Post you cant get what they can’t give – until Canada Post declares a a Bankruptcy you guy’s wont be happy. That unemployment line is Getting Bigger By the day!! Way to go CUPW Members

  • Soup counting elastics

    One great thing about strikes there is no shortage of people making comments without fear of consequences.

  • Thank you so much for this response CPC. But rather than waste your breath, can you just put forth an offer in response please?

    We would like to see numbers and detailed bullet points from you.
    If they are so fair, I’m sure the members would be able to get a message to the union that we would accept…but let’s face it you have not, from day one, offered anything that anyone would accept.

  • Chances are,
    CPC and CUPW agreeing on a new contract before Mon Dec 16
    CPC and CUPW not agreeing on new contract before Mon Dec 16 ,
    Replace all negotiators with high school debating team

  • I will not be called a......

    Which is greater chance to happen?
    The inmates,workers allowed to vote on new contract ,when we get one.
    CPC and CUPW having Christmas party together ,
    Winning the lottery

  • I will not send any comments

    Who has better chance to settle strike?
    Grade 12 high school debating team ,
    Santa and his reindeers

  • Yes you are allowed to vote

    Pls vote on best propaganda
    Person asking this question
    Thank you for allowing us to vote

  • Yes you are allowed to vote

    Pls vote for story of the year.
    Canada Post strike
    Canada Post strike settled ,eventually ,
    CPC and CUPE living in harmony ,
    Leafs winning the Stanley Cup before strike settled

  • CUPW is toxic
    no more holding the line, cross it 👊🏾

  • Dazed and Confused

    Great move striking right at peak season, who knew the company would not be receptive, and that consequences might happen. Today is a new day and despite all yesterdays failures, make it productive swallow some pride and DO YOUR JOB

  • So serious note. We have obviously lost this round of negotiations. Questions is are back before Xmas to salvage things for some or back to work in January ?

  • So we coming down on demands for wages, then looks like we will except 13 days from requested 17.

    So looks like that hill we are gonna die on is gonna be. You got it.

    Justice for Janitors.

  • PSAC settled for a 14.8%; 4 year contract with a $2, 500 ‘signing bonus without a strike no reason you board members couldnt have done the same last July and avoided this mess.
    Shelve your dynamic delivery inventions till you fix the mess you already made and for God sakes give your employees proper health insurance.

  • Think about it, everyone. The strike was planned to hurt the company during its busiest time, and yes, in that sense, it succeeded. But what was actually achieved? The business is what pays our wages, regardless of what CP does with the money in overspending. You were hired as an employee to work for CP, not engage in what they do with their funds. Thats not your business.

    Has there been any meaningful resolution over the past month? We all lost wages, and yet neither side has accomplished anything.

    Now, the strategy seems to have backfired because they thought CP would fold under pressure, but they didn’t. The reality is, it’s not easy to find a good job these days. I
    appreciate what I do and respect my job, and I know some of you may feel differently or believe you’re entitled to more. That’s fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion. But for me, it’s important to think about the bigger picture and the future if you plan to be working long-term.

    What’s the endgame here? It’s an egotist approach if you ask me. I’m not anti-union and I can see what’s fair and what’s reasonable. Whats happening is unreasonable and unfair to most who actually want to work. For the people who want to keep fighting; there is an option. Find another job that will pay more. I can guarantee you that after this contract is ever negotiated, and if unsuccessful; which it will be, the complainers will still be employed with Canada Post.

    The CUPW negotiators and executives are not helping us in any way. Who chose this negotiator? the executives? who chose the president? the executies? who forged our votes to 95 percent without doing a count? the executives? who is to blame? the executives? Who needs out? the executives? enough said : )

  • Yes. Work under cpc new dynamic routing. I sure you will enjoy that. Just sign anything. YOU will be the first crying to the union oh… boo hoo.

  • Another group of workers that stand beside us every day that are taken advantage of by Canada Post’s system on contract work are cleaners. Money is shared between contractors and subcontractors and the workers get what is left. In many locations, these workers are fighting for provincial minimum wage for doing tasks many of us would not do, few benefits, and no pension. We will not apologize for trying to help workers that helped us stay safe during the pandemic, and we have successfully bargained for other exploited workers in the past.

  • Some people think that Canada Post has already written off any chance of making any money over Xmas and are now going to wait for CUPW to completely drain its bank accounts and go bankrupt. And then have the workers sign whatever contract gets waved at them… 5% and everyone is part time and claim it as a victory for the strikers.
    But I don’t believe for a second that Canada Post would do that. Nor do I believe CUPW would let itself fall into this trap.

  • Calling on all 95% of the 55,000 CUPW members who didn’t and still don’t want to strike to come out to the picket lines. Why? This is the only way we as members have control over the strike. By all showing up and collect our strike pay, we can deplete the strike fund and force an end to the strike.

  • Both CUPW and CP weren’t ready for this. It’s time to take out your diapers and wear your big boy pants. It ain’t that hard. Literally everyone is suffering from this. Nobody wins whatever the outcome

  • I’m ready to cross the line and let’s see anyone try stopping me

  • Why is Canada post subsidizing China mail still?

  • For all those begging to be able to vote on the company offer…. know that the company has the ability to make a “final offer”, and force a vote on it, but they can only do this ONCE. The fact that this is not happening tells you everything you need to know. They absolutely know that they have not presented anything that they think will be accepted by the membership, and yet they still won’t make meaningful moves and don’t seem to care. It looks like demanding cuts is a hill that they are willing to die on. We are not going back to work ever, unless we are forced back by the government or this current management is fired by the government.

  • The only best thing that will happen in this strike is that the members finally open their eyes!!! That CUPW has hidden agendas with their new GIGAFY unions to grow their membership.

  • 19% over 4 years equals to just under 700 million. A long cry from 3 billion dollars.
    Meanwhile most people get 6 sick days therefore 13 days is the double. Why add 4% more per annum. So stop squabbling like little children and get this deal done

  • Worst case scenario. If 55000 employees make over $30 per hour and all 55000 employees do 2080 hours per year. 19% pay hike over 4 years equal to just under 700 million dollars. A long cry from 3 billion dollars. So forget the 10 extra medical days which would add an extra 2% per annum. Just give them the money and let’s move on from this childish tantrum. BTW STATUS QUO MEANS EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME. MEANWHILE BOTH PARTIES ARE ASKING FOR CHANGE. HOW IRONIC?

  • It seems the union’s strike fund may on the brink of collapse. Ie: rubbery cheques!

    With only 55,000 members and a historical length of strikes for 2-3 weeks, the financial strain must be mounting?
    It may not be too long before the union finds itself needing their own external assistance to stay afloat.
    The question is: how much longer can they sustain this charade before they’re forced to compromise or…

    CUPE’s National Strike Fund currently stands at about $123 million as of December 31, 2023, with total assets including $117.7 ml

    Oh and,
    CUPE has over 715k members.

  • Congratulations, you didn’t get layed off. Nothing has changed and there is still no work for you when it’s over. You win, I guess. They can just add that to the 10,000 other layoffs that will be needed after this contract gets signed, since we won’t need as many people

    • Another CUPW success, can’t wait to hear them cry when they get laid off supporting a union that Supports outside contractors more than it’s members..

      • Agreed! Why is CUPW putting so much emphasis on these contactors?? I guess your pockets or wallets aren’t full enough from all the dues your current members are paying you! Can you focus on the members you should be helping right now!!?? Do you understand what you are doing to peoples lives??? I understand that we deserve and want more, but its pretty clear that it’s just not going to happen and in the process we’ve lost so much already, that we will NEVER get back! Let’s get a deal already and get back to work. For so many of us, our lives depend on it.

    • But they still need thousands of casuals.

    • But I thought that they didn’t do anything to go against the labour code. Isn’t that what they said to the press? Right to their faces? Huh. No way cpc would lie or cheat its own employees. Musta been a typo. The next sentence after something like this starts with, ” moving forward “. Just forget about illegal layoffs and lets get back to the part where we are offering pensions to old people now. Act quick because after 2026, you pay half of your benefits. Moving forward. Omg

  • Pissed Off CUPW member

    So CUPW and CPC come to terms on the lay offs after CUPW filed a complaint. Must be nice to be able to settle a complaint so quickly. I filed a complaint against CUPW and CPC several months ago for lack of representation and discrimination and both CUPW and CPC were offered arbitration, CPC said yes and of course our union, CUPW, said no and has not cooperated with the process at all. Just shows how stubborn and unwilling they are to admit to making a mistake. I have no faith in CUPW and have been paying union dues for several years for nothing as far as I’m concerned.

  • Another example of Canada Post wasting time and resources attacking workers and playing mind games. Why did you do this Canada Post???

    • Good news- too bad this could NOT apply to unfair labour practice by not negotiating fairly

    • Because they don’t care at all about us “grunts”. Only the bonuses they pocket!

      • I thought you were quitting Bob?

        • Yes he did say he’s quitting, can’t wait, we won’t see him troll this page anymore. Quit Bob Quit, you said it yourself.

        • Can’t quit until your lies are shown to everyone reading this thread. You are so transparent. Changing your “name”, saying the same crap over and over again. Nobody believes you’re an actual carrier, and nobody is buying into your propaganda!

      • Just my Experience.

        “Because they don’t care at all about us “grunts”. Only the bonuses they pocket!”
        You left the part out about the LC bonus – working 4 hours daily, getting paid 8. No that’s a Bonus!
        Then coming back to milk OT. Another Daily Bonus.

    • Lame, cry harder when we’re ordered back or go look for another job, it’s been brought up in parliament and the Minister of labor.. boo hoo.. job losses coming, you won’t be missed

      • Thanks for your input dot dot. Nobody is taking what you say seriously. You’ve proven yourself as a corporate shill. Keep yapping!

        • You’re nothing but a lazy carrier, Everytime you get in trouble oh please CUPW save me, not saving you or anyone anymore. They will also be removed as the majority of the members are tired of foul negotiating practices. Bye Bob, can’t wait till you’re delivering over 10hrs with your small seniority date.. We want to work, stay unemployed, you won’t be missed.

          • Assumptions and lies. Thanks dot dot. Proving what an unintelligent carrier you are.
            Never been in trouble, always finish my work, and you, with apparently 25 years of service, probably have the easiest route in your depot. Keep blabbing, you corporate shill.

        • You’re mad because I have seniority and you don’t, can’t wait to see you outside while I’m home, talking about you on this page. I’m sure others here feel the same for you, most likely no one cares, so go take your old age CPP and low seniority and mosey on from here, you did say you’d Quit, so bye Bob you won’t be missed.

      • Don’t trust the Cons.

        Don’t you have anything better to do than to come here and act like a 🫏 ?
        Maybe you should get another job since you’re too busy trolling this comment section.
        May I suggest you go work for Amazon and don’t come back to Canada Post.

    • “This settlement provides immediate relief ..”

      I don’t have any relief at all, I’m not in temp layoff, but it’s if I’m in layoff, as I’m not being paid.

    • Now there EI will be cancelled!!!
      Thx CUPW

  • Why is the union fighting for 17 sick/personal days, where 10 of them you need to be legitimately sick, and 7 flexible vs 13 all flexible days!! Which CPC has agreed to??? So we continue to strike because one of the issues is for 4 days!! Why would anyone rather have 7 flexible days and 10 days you need to show you are sick, than have 13 days to use for whatever you want!!

  • Give is a good raise. %10 year one. 2% or inflation rate after that.

    Extended medical plan equal to the big bosses in Ottawa.

    Bring in sat sunday part timers so our routes go out every day.

    CMB remaining door to door area to save money and make routes safer.

    Get rid of delivery in remote rural towns to save money. Post office boxes until an area reaches density worth delivering to.

    Maybe deliver mail every 3 days like flyers. That will save labour too.

  • **Remember:** Strikes are a powerful tool for workers to fight for fair wages and working conditions. By participating actively and supporting your fellow workers, you can contribute to a successful outcome. Cheers

  • As for Sups, I cannot complain, I just do my job and everything runs smooth . The only complaint I have from Sups, was just hired some of them were kind of dry, but after a few years I understand, a lot of them deal with so much crap, including workers that should do their job and don’t.

  • Polievre made a statement and the Minister of labor also, we’ll be getting ordered back before Christmas, proving CUPW is an epic failure and it takes this government AGAIN to step in to save Small Businesses, save our jobs, and save Canadians from this ridiculous strike full of unreasonable CUPW demands. Remember Trudeau down NOT support us, and also remember the union made this mess involving outside contractors. Can’t wait till election time for these CUPW clowns, I will ask management to keep them out of the building. Good riddance to CUPW when we’re forced back because they stalled and left us broke and pissed off the public and small businesses.. Stay strong everyone the government will save us, it will be forced now.

  • So you are telling me I can’t go to work because we are fighting for the unionized cleaners to quit their union and join ours?

    ALL OUT FOR CUPW! 💌🚩SEIU Janitors who clean Canada Post facilities — such as our shop steward Amado and his coworkers — are walking the picket line with our postal siblings. On a cold day in Vancouver, we’re leading solidarity chants to raise collective spirits.

  • According to federal government website
    We’re entitled to 10 medical sick days per year. If you don’t use these days you can carryover (bank) up to 10 sick days towards the next year. The problem is the 10 days you receive in the new year will be reduced by the # of days you have banked.SO if you carryover (Bank) 10 days from previous year you’ll receive Zero (0) days in new year.

    So if your happy with zero(0) banked days at end of year this will work for you….

    • Works for me. Plus we still have our 7 PDs and accumulated night workers leave.

    • CP offered 13 personal days per year.
      You would be allowed to bank up to 10 personal days. In the new year you would get an additional 13 personal days no matter if we had banked 10 personal days from previous year. In essence we’d have 23 personal at our disposal at start of new year had we banked 10 days from previous year.
      These are days we could use as we want with “No” medical notes required or the time and cost $ to get these medical notes.

  • If a supervisor or someone higher up the food chain made 5 fake cupw posts per hour, which is probably giving them too much credit, that is 40 per 8 hour day. For the love of all that is holy, can you please take a break from your phone and print me some new case strips? I’ve been asking for 2 months already

  • This is a bit disconcerting. $56.20x5x2=$562×55,000=$30,910,000. That’s just for 2 weeks of strike pay. Some of us have said that their cheques bounced. $30,910,000×3 (being out 6 weeks) =$92,730,000. I’m not convinced that there won’t be more bouncing. And if they don’t, great. But wow, that’s a lot of money in the kitty. And, again, that’s just 6 weeks. As of Friday, we’re going into the 5th week, with no end in sight. I wonder how much they actually have for us??

  • Let raise up brothers , CUPW is messing up with our livelihoods, let’s cross the picket lines and let the few that wanna picket , picket while we go and feed our families!

    • Never cross a picket line bro.

      • That is philosophy from the past. Cross if you need too.

        • In 2013 CPC said we would be losing $1 billion by 2020. That was false. Instead, CPC started spending money that they don’t have and refused to be flexible on pricing and utilize fixed costs to generate revenue and maintain market share. Instead of investing in employees and implementing an experimental weekend delivery program across the nation in urban areas, they elected to sit by idly and watch gig workers. CPC can deliver parcels on weekends Aldo if they have enough volume- we used to do it all the time. But we have no volume. Even on weekdays- Monday volume and that’s it- the rest of the days we are headed home after 5-6 hours. We’re getting snowed. All these $100,000 plus new RHDs and $125,000 Stepvans… your low wages subsidize these poor purchasing decisions. All these CUPW hate comments are clearly from juniors who are broke and never fought for anything. CPC says something and then CUPW juniors make it out like Canada Post is the grand saviour. Heck no- they managed us into this mess of losses. At the outset of bargaining Canada Post said they had no intention of improving the CPC situation off the backs of workers- well what a false statement that turned into. Instead of all you folks complaining about and end to the strike- you should be looking for another temporary job to make some money until we all get back in 2025.

    • There’s no mail to process in the system, what work are you going to do?

      • Mail was cleared and not processed. People have been dropping off packages at CPC franchise locations. So there is mail that needs to be collected, processed, and delivered.

        • No they have not! Nobody has or will mail anything through Canada post during a strike. lol they are also not stupid enough to invest their money in postal banking. If we go on strike they are screwed!

          • Yes they have been. Most people didn’t think it would last this long so why wouldn’t they take their packages to the franchise locations. They just didn’t think they’d still be sitting there. It’s possible that by now most franchises no longer have room for anymore to sit on the shelves waiting for this to be over.

        • Parcels are being delivered by Purolator, but now Purolator is swamped and we need to get the post office running to save face. UPS and Purolator turning away parcels because they’re all swamped

      • … um there are trailers worth of mail sitting in a yard.

      • I have nearly $2000 worth of parcels in your facility. They could start with those.

    • No. I’m no cupw fan but no you cannot.

      You signed up for this.

    • Curious, did you vote to strike ?

    • Let the process play out. SCAB’s are not appreciated by anybody.

    • Take your anger out on management. They seem to be proud to not budge on their offer.

  • What I can’t understand is why CUPW is so worried about the contracted workers??? Shouldn’t your priority be current members paying their dues now? I know you want more of that but how about you take care of us first and worry about them later!! I know we deserve much better wages and your proposal of 19% was good, but the longer we stay out the more we lose! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WE CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO BE OUT OF WORK ANY LONGER??!! CPC and CUPW can you both stop acting like children and just get it done already!!!

    • Why doesn’t CUPW show us all the offers also..? They’re hiding more than we know and I’m sure there is incentive to bring them in, more than just monthly dues. I can’t understand why anyone here supports something we didn’t agree upon.. To many national committee trolls here pushing CUPW agendas and Propaganda

    • I agree, let them go to arbitration and let’s take what CPC offers us. None of this outside contractors garbage CUPW is trying to profit from, I need to provide for my family and pay my bills, the rest of the circus can stay outside supporting liars.. Let’s go to work and bring Canadians faith in the Post office back…NOW

    • Because if they settle our agreement without the janitors included they won’t get it after.

      Cupw needs leverage to get these workers in and we’re that leverage.

      • Are the members willing to lose it all so that CUPW can bring in people who have jobs, with companies that CPC contracts. These people are not destitute. They are employed and they get paid. If they want to be a CPC employee, they can apply just like everyone else.

        Question for anyone here. Are the janitorial staff and snow removal people who are already employed by the contracted companies, on the picket lines with you? If they aren’t – why not? Shouldn’t they also be losing wages and be out in the cold?

    • Cupw is just trying to grow their own business and promote their new unions

  • I try to eat KFC once a week. Now, I don’t know if I can afford these types of treats. Please sit down at the table like grown up and make a deal! KFC makes great deals all the time…

  • At last its finally disclosed!
    Give us a 15% raise, plus a COLA clause- 6/3/3/3% over the 4 years ( mid ground concession)
    Give us 15 personal days that can be carried over – back to the original 15 we had a few contracts ago-get rid of the 6 non carry over and let us bank the balance if wanted
    Drop the contracted employee demand- no need for that fight
    Weekend delivery needs to happen- in theory , we would not get bombarded with parcels on a Monday/day after long weekend
    Dynamic routing is fine as long as start times are are in line with seasonal daylight especially during winter- have customer pick ups and clearances scheduled later in the day when the daylight is not a factor and have us delivering during daylight hours , this should help reduce injuries

    • I look forward to dynamic routing so I can deliver my walk then half of the lazy guys that complains he has too much mail / parcels and has no desire to ever finish his walk. Less stress for him

    • Now you’re talking reasonable.. Kudos.. CUPW not dropping the contractors thing because there’s incentive for them to bring them in, I want to work and I’m also tired of CUPW games. My CPC cheque never bounced, other members strike pays have.. CUPW home of the rubber cheques

  • Time to cross the line! They are not looking out for us! They are looking out for themselves! More members, more dues and through the old members under the bus!

  • Laughing at all the CUPW people who think that they are the only ones who work here, and everyone else is just dead weight. Who do you think processes your pay? Who goes out and gets mail contracts from customers? Who designs the network so the mail can actually get to your plant or depot? Who looks after your benefits and pension? Who purchases and builds the buildings you work in? Who makes sure that there are SLBs and CMBs that you can pick up or deliver mail to? Who coordinates with municipalities to deal with new construction? Who maintains the delivery network?
    I’ll give you a hint. None of these are done by CUPW but without them none of you would have a job to do. Stop being so self-centered and think you are the business when in fact you are only a small part of the business.

  • I’m done, I’m going back to work

  • The only entity to blame here is the gov for not stepping in!

    • Things are going well. Stay strong. We shall prevail in March.

    • This isn’t the government’s battle. The company needs to change and change fast. If the government gets involved, the change we need won’t happen. We haven’t been competitive for quite some time, and COVID expedited bringing out more competition that offer more flexibility. CPC however still has the advantage of having an extensive delivery reach including air stage offices and PO boxes but that advantage may not last for long, and isn’t enough given the competition. CPC must get back in the game and offer new, flexible delivery options that make sense without a significant increase in labour costs. In order for change to happen it takes both sides – the CUPW members and CPC. I guess the question is, how much are you willing to risk, or lose? By the way, the CUPW executive and negotiating team are doing the members a disservice with this janitorial thing and whatever else they pulled out of the hat without letting members know they were putting these things on the table.

      • People will line up to buy gas if it’s 2 cents a litre cheaper. Canada Posts parcel and mail rates can’t be matched. The price is a lot cheaper they will be back. Spend more time getting the Parcels to the routes and out as quick as possible instead of delaying and harassing the carriers. I maybe deliver before some people go to work in morning so many times there are delayed that you go to business when they are almost closed.

  • As mentioned before CUPW workers with no pay starting to lose faith. Rebelling, in fighting ,begging neighbors for money to buy groceries.Exactly what CPC desires. Keep it up.

  • Poilievre commented on the house today about the importance and sending CP workers back to work. It’s enough of this!

    • Even though I can’t stand him, I agree with him on this point. We know the chances of these two sides reaching an agreement are slim to none. This disaster needs to be brought to an end.

    • Anyone working at CANADA POST better hope Poilievre doesn’t get in with a majority. “All bets are off” after that. Say what you will about Justin, but at least he’s not going to get rid of us like a majority conservative government may.

    • AND Trudeau sluffed it off by mentioning that previous Conservative governments had legislated a number of strikes back to work- BUT Trudeau seems to forget that his government has done it at least twice this year- Trudeau has the support of the Conservatives to end this strike, so hurry up and do it before Tuesday Dec 17th when parliament breaks for Christmas

  • Cp is offering 11.5% for 4 years which works out to roughly 2.87% per year. Cupw currently takes 2% of my income for union dues. Therefore if cupw stops taking my 2% effective Jan 1 2025 I will get 4.87 wage increase x the next 3 years and only 2.87 for the current year since I wouldn’t expect to receive a refund for dues already paid. Roughly 17.48% increase over 4 years. Problem solved.

    • Or the company could raise their initial offer to meet in the middle

    • Good luck with that. If anything, CUPW will likely raise our dues whenever we finally go back. They’re going broke because they actually are paying strike-pay this time Lol.

      • If we get a raise, dues automatically go up. Dues amounts are set out in our constitution, and are a percentage of our earnings. Wages go up, dues go up, but the percentage amount is the same.

        • FYI… CUPW have one of the highest union dues in North America!! Look it up if you don’t believe me. They are also one of the few unions who charge flat rates. Most do percentages. This means the FTer who works 40.hrs a week, plus any potential OT pays exactly the same as a causal who may only get a few shifts a month. Explain the logic in that?? Of course it’s in their best interest to unionize current contractors. More unearned, unfair income for them.

    • I would love to take my name out of the union list, and just be a CP worker… it’s a shame that we are obligated to be CUPW members when we are hired to work for CP!

    • That is one idiotic comment. The union collects dues to operate. We only have what we have because of collective bargaining. No union… rollbacks and no protections.

  • Not so special cupw

    Purolator are the official passport delivery service for Canada now!

    Let’s see what we lose next!

    • Great!!! THANKS CPC AND CUPW!!

    • That’s awesome, another CUPW and Justice Janitors union success.. Woohoo workers lose, membership is pissed off, Fantastic.. Going to call a labor lawyer for me being on strike against my will and bringing in outside workers which nobody was told about . Illegal practices by the union, doing things without membership knowledge..

  • My knee hurts constantly because Canada Post made me work too hard. Please make a deal soon so I get rehab!

  • Can we delay strike for 3months?

  • Please make a deal soon. I need new tires for my Jeep.

  • 1981. Strike for Maternity Leave.
    Strike 2024-2025.Strike for Custodial services.
    Stay on the line.
    Justice for Janitors.

    • Its about wages now bud. CPC has not budged and we have already moved too much.

    • Tell you what, we go back to work and you can hold the line. We will even keep you supplied with pallets just so you stay warm.

      • If only that were an option. We know the Labour Minister can force a vote on Canada Post’s latest proposal. If that happens I’m sure the offer would be accepted. CUPW once again wrecked these negotiations by making too many demands including crazy ones like the ‘Justice for Janitors’. If they had ever been reasonable, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    • No.. Stop spreading your CUPW propaganda.. you can stay on strike while we go back to work without those Justice Janitors gearboxes..

    • That just proves that this strike is a total waste of time. Full-time workers have now lost $6000 in wages. Does CUPW actually want 55,000 workers to stay outside fighting for people who are not even part of our union? They sure didn’t mention this demand at any strike votes. Time for CUPW to drop this nonsense and get a deal done!

    • Go clean McDonald’s toilets, you won’t need to strike with a job for life, Canada Post and the rest of the membership are not interested. If they’re interfering there will be legal repercussions for interference and you’ll face fines and legal bills. Stop pushing CUPW agendas. Labour board will be pursuing charges against CUPW for unfair representation and illegal negotiating practices

    • The Champ – You aren’t seriously comparing negotiating for maternity leave to negotiating for people who provide cleaning services who are ALREADY EMPLOYED by the companies CPC has contracts with are you? It’s ludicrous that this is even on the table.

      • If most people think an idea is ludicrous, then CUPW will automatically think it’s a brilliant idea. Maybe our union could hold a contest for ‘Most ridiculous idea to build our next strike around’. The winner would receive a trip to Cuba, paid by CUPW dues!

      • Agreed. You are 100% right. I am just trying to point out the stupidity and keep my sanity.

    • 50000k employees not getting paid because of Cupw hidden agendas!!!!

      From Cupw
      Another group of workers that stand beside us every day that are taken advantage of by Canada Post’s system on contract work are cleaners. Money is shared between contractors and subcontractors and the workers get what is left. In many locations, these workers are fighting for provincial minimum wage for doing tasks many of us would not do, few benefits, and no pension. We will not apologize for trying to help workers that helped us stay safe during the pandemic, and we have successfully bargained for other exploited workers in the past.

  • CUPW members are very fortunate to have access to this forum by the good graces of Canada Post.
    You don’t have one of your own to use so how isolated would you feel otherwise. What does that tell you about your own leadership and all the money you have given them?

    • CUPW only for the trouble makers, the workers don’t get in trouble and never use them. If it wasn’t for the union the lazy people wouldn’t have a job. It’s because we have lazy people who don’t work and cause problems the corporation needs to remove. Outside contractors can stay outside, they’re not us, and anyone who wants them can quit and give them their jobs..

  • Why do cupw sheep care what other workers get paid, by other workers I meant management. Their respective unions or skills if they are a manager or higher got them that pay. The question should be why has cupw not obtained us more.

    Apoc got Supes and Supt whatever they get and so on. Stop crying about jobs you don’t even work. Go apply for supervisor if you care so much. Your precious cupw can do no wrong. Unfortunately it is only when you are homeless and dead broke on the streets you will realize what cupw did and did not do. Enjoy the koolaid.

  • Don't speak english

    I will not write any more comments that make me come across as a Homer Flintstones. That’s why we have CUPW and CPC.

  • Saw a supervisor outside today just staring at the parked trucks for ten minutes.

    Literally trying to supervise parked trucks.

    I think CPC needs to give them pet hamsters or something to yell at so they don’t forget how to make their employees feel like garbage.

  • Remember the cartoon the coyote and the sheep dog. thats CUPW and CPC and guess who the sheep are.

  • I will not call myself anonymous

    Thursday will be 28 days off work. Do these go against our sick ,medical ,personal days or are they part of the collective agreement that we will get between this comment and my next comment.

    • You have to work at least 10 days per month to earn the prorated amount of entitlements for each month of the year. Otherwise you lose them, and or have to pay them back.

    • You get nothing, since the CPC grinches refuse to honor the current collective agreements for both the Urban and RSMC bargaining units. The no longer apply as of Friday, November 15 at 8 a.m. ET.
      You will be able to use them as soon as an agreement is made by both CPC and CUPW and we all go back to work.

      • There is no contract to honor. That ceased when you walked off the job.

        • That ceased when Canada Post terminated it. There, fixed it for you

          • Oh Bobby, you’re such an inspirational fellow spreading so much sunshine and lies for everyone. It’s always CPC’s fault, regardless of the strike initiated by the Union. Employees should be rewarded with full pay and benefits for shutting down operations across the entire country with this strike. Shame on CPC!!

  • Let go of most of the management n see how the company WILL make profit.

  • Thanks for the 13 days we already had CPC. You are my hero.

  • You tube is broken

    I was watching the Canada Post strike on the radio. I can’t remember loving so hard in my life. There are some great character actors in CPC and CUPW.

  • Is this not just a snapshot that can be added to the mess Justin Trudeau has our country in? Average workers are just falling further and further behind.

  • To the one that clarified whos the boss.
    lets get spmething straight..

  • PoorManInTheMaking

    This comment section was clearly created by the corporation to facilitate mudslinging amongst its employees. It’s a very telling snapshot of the attitude of this Corporation towards its employees by creating an unnecessary toxic place that serves no purpose. Does this expediate us getting back to serving Canadians? Absolutely not. Then why have it?

  • Doesn’t the company realize these words and threats will simply harden our resolve?

  • I tried to post that as well…didn’t make it ..go figure. I think it’s something we will put out in the media and our local communities though through our voices. How does that sound Canada Post management??

    • Can’t wait to do the same about CUPW corruption to the Labor board and labor lawyers for improper representation and involving outside contractors without the memberships consent, and make it public about CUPW National salaries, guess who the public will hate more..? Don’t forget who writes your paychecks when you work, compared to getting a cheque that bounces from CUPW.. sit down, you have no grounds, and you will not represent all of us, your opinion is your own. Ask CUPW to setup a forum instead of banning and blocking members that speak up on Facebook and other social media platforms. CPC allowed you to make a comment, something CUPW wouldn’t allow.

  • So worried about losing money? What company is out there giving their executives bonuses when that company is bleeding money? Mismanage, lose billions and still keep your job and get paid bonuses and pretend you find the solution to revive the company taking on employees! I want a job like that!

    • Maybe their bonuses are in their contract? Wouldn’t want to break a contract right? See where I’m going with this……..

    • They’re still operational, Purolator doing our parcels, and I’m sure other as well. You think the company is just going to sit closed..? You only don’t know how business works, and it’s good you don’t run on, it would be broke.

      • Purolator,UPS,FedEx are not doing OUR PARCELS! The only parcels that are ours are what’s stuck in the plants.Canadians are sick of this nonsense 😒 Probably never get half our business back

  • This is for all the Seinfeld fans- do you ever get the feeling CPC is run by Mr.Kruger from Kruger Industrial Smoothing?

  • The supervisors and management aren’t even bothering to pretend to show up for work anymore.

    They’re sitting at home collection 100k+ salaries doing nothing.

  • There will be no negotiated contract. This will drag out until the new year when everybody is broke and defeated and then the govt will shove something down our throats. Start filling your freezer and cupboards and live below your means. It’s going to be a long, bumpy ride. Peace out!

  • Why are CUPW member so focused on what the executives and management make in their salaries and whether they get bonuses or not.
    Why don’t CUPW members focus on what they are paid in relation to others in similar roles. Like Amazon, Intelcom, UPS and Fedex drivers etc. Compare apples to apples instead of apples to chiefs.
    Do you think Amazon pays its drivers the same as Mr. Bezos?
    Also let’s talk about them sick days. You were offered 13 but you want 17 days. I’ve asked around to my network outside of CP and I know no other person working anywhere else that gets 17 paid sick days. This is an outrageous demand.

    • It’s ridiculous! If the members could vote on 11.97% compounded over 4 years, the top wage would be $34/hr in January 2028. But the union wants $36.50/ hr. I’d take 13 flexible personal days any day of the week.

      At this point, we’re all screwed. This Friday will be 4 full weeks, so there’s $5000 down the drain. Let’s keep going cupw, you’re doing great!

      • Yes,you’re exactly right. If members were allowed a vote on Canada Post’s current offer it would very likely pass. A full-time worker at $30 per hour has now lost $6000 in wages. The Labour Minister has the power to force a vote on Canada Post’s offer. It may be our only way out of this mess because our union is still being unreasonable!

        • It wont happen. Non confidence vote because singh is pro union unless he really cares about his pension.

          • Just saw a clip on line from the Question Period. Conservatives would vote to put us back to work. Who know PQ may vote that way as well. They don’t need NDP.

          • Actually, IF the Liberals pass legislation late Friday or early Monday before parliament breaks for Christmas on Tuesday Dec 17th- they would probably have the support of the conservatives AND parliament doesn’t reconvene until late January and by this time the Liberals don’t care about non confidence because there is a strong indication that they will call an early election in the spring

        • We have been out 3 and a half weeks. $6000?? $30/ hour. That is how dumb you sound to everyone. Maybe you get alot of OT? If so, why does your department have so much OT available?

        • Yes, yes 😛
          Vote , vote 🙌.
          And back to work, 😄

    • Amazon is a sweat shop operation, so leave them out of this comparison.

      You obviously have no idea what UPS, FEDEX and Purolator make in comparison to CP do you?

      • Oh now we choose with whom to compare because it benefits you.

      • Do you know then? Perhaps you can chime in on if this quick search of the web is accurate:
        Canada Post: Approximately $23.64/hour, above the national average for delivery drivers
        Amazon: Around $22.07–$22.09/hour, depending on the region and delivery partner
        FedEx: Approximately $21.16/hour, meeting the national average.
        UPS: Typically ranges between $20–$23/hour, varying slightly by role and region
        Intelcom: Around $1,314/week, translating to roughly $32.85/hour for full-time work.
        Intelcom’s higher average wage could be attributed to several factors, such as its operational model and the responsibilities of its drivers. Unlike some companies that directly employ drivers, Intelcom often works with independent contractors who bear additional costs, such as vehicle maintenance, insurance, and fuel. To offset these expenses, the per-hour rate is generally higher.

        I see Amazon, UPS, Puro, Intelcom driving around out there, running all over town; hustling and delivery tons of xmas packages right now but we are sadly delivering none and many of our customer will never come back after this fiasco.

    • We’d love to focus on our pay but you keep stalling and lying and crying the blues. Also the focus on executive pay is due to the fact that the reason we’re all in this mess is because those same executives have no clue what they are doing.! Then you have the gall to ask us for concessions to fix your mistakes. Never going to happen. You should really re examine your pompous arrogance in your posting rhetoric

      • (Insert name here)

        Also seems like the union has no idea what it is doing. What is this I hear about “Justice for the Janitors” and wasn’t it the union that called the full-on national strike? Soon there be no Canada Post left for any of us to work at. But you are out there holding that line while Canadians all over the country suffer so you can make more gains. I was taught not to bite the hand that feeds me. The whole of Canada can see that Canada Post isn’t a terrible place to work and you already have a good job with decent pay and benefits. I bet you aren’t getting many honks of support on the picket lines. Canada is sick and tired of this nonsense.

    • First of all Jeff Bezos is not in logistics business but if he was Mr Bezos wouldn’t hand out bonuses like candies while his executives driving his company to bankruptcy year over year. Would he? I work for Canada Post, let me tell you how they run this company. You have a flat tire, they send you a spare vehicle, then they send another employee with a two seater CPC vehicle to pick that person up, then they send a contractor with flat bed to take the vehicle with the flat tire. That’s three employees on over time, a contractor with a flat bed paid at least $400. All for a flat tire! What kind of logistics company pays over 500$ to remedy a situation involves a flat? This people don’t have a cost effective plan to deal with a flat tire yet pretend to run a multibillion dollar company!

      • Regarding the spare tire bit. The reason we can’t just fix a flat tire is that CUPW members “own” the work, so a Supervisor can’t just change the tire. We have to send a CUPW employee to pick up the vehicle, so a second CUPW person has to drive the spare vehicle to replace the one with the flat. Then, because there are no spare tires in the depot (because only a CUPW employee in the maintenance group can change a flat tire), the vehicle with the flat has to be towed to the shop to be repaired or replaced.
        This kind of nonsense is why CPC is losing money. Not because of their mismanagement but because of the stranglehold that CUPW has over the work they “own”.

      • Mr Bezos Assistant

        Haven’t laughed so hard in a long while regarding your comment on Jeff not being in the logistics business.

    • Cupw works in many elements that are most causes to sick days ,days of recovery/and healing..lots of unseen wear and 100of lbs.of weight is carried on the bodies of various sized human beings daily and can wear you down..

  • Let’s all give CPC a shoulder to cry on while we vilify the employees. I love how it’s the “WORKERS” that are the demise of CP. I guess the 12 or 13 people that sit on the board and the 22 vice presidents, all collecting big salaries and sweet bonuses aren’t a financial burden? You need good talent to run a company, I know. I guess running into the ground is still a form of running!

    I also love how CP spins building, vehicle, technology and infrastructure investment into revenue losses?

    What other company can claim that much financial loss and still keep the same board members? What other company would allow board members to sit on 2 different boards, especially when the other board is your competitor?

    Hmmmm…. I guess only Canada Post!

  • Cut down management employees. We see supervisors n acting managements n etc all around walking n on their cell phones all the time.

    • So what !! mind your own business. Let supervisors do whatever they want. Focus on the incompetent union not thinking like a normal person would do,

      • What a great job being in management. All the bonuses paid out for screwing everything up but then also being despised by every other employee that works in the building

  • Saturday night, we had our Christmas party with colleagues, spouses, and friends, and it was absolutely wonderful. The dinner, the drinks, and the festive atmosphere reminded me how grateful I am for the people in my life. Everyone was in great spirits, and the Secret Santa exchange was such a hit—thank you for the Firestick!

    This season feels especially magical for me. With the strike, I’ve had the unique opportunity to spend more time with my family, completely stress-free. We’ve already enjoyed all our favourite Christmas movies together and spent evenings driving around to admire beautifully decorated homes. It’s been one of the most joyous and relaxed holiday seasons I’ve ever experienced.

    I’m truly thankful to still receive a paycheck during this time, knowing it’s a challenging period for many others. This has made me even more appreciative of what I have.

    To everyone, I wish you good luck, happiness, and a heartfelt MERRY CHRISTMAS! May this season bring you peace and joy.

    • You’re on the right team this season, you’re welcome.

    • Thanks buddy! I just got back from vacation last week. I’m truly grateful for the 3 weeks of annual leave my staffing supervisor will be putting back into my allotment that I can take at another time. It’s the most wonderful time of the year for sure

      • Me too! The sunburn still stings though! The sun is a lot stronger in the Dominican

      • Glad someone’s having fun while I’m running out of my medication and a 2 postie income family. Will have to start selling off some things to afford my life saving meds. Tried to find another job but a couple places said well you are just going to leave us when you go back to work, so why hire you ..

    • This will be my first Christmas off in years! Thanks CPC!

    • Way to rub it into the noses of freezing cold postal workers on strike who would usually work tirelessly under SSD in unsafe working conditions this time of year.

      Thanks for nothing.

      • PoorManInTheMaking

        Don’t take it personally. It’s just an another supervisor benefiting off the backs of our labour. They’ll be back to performing make-work projects soon upon our return. I’m wondering what new arts & crafts they’ll be engaging in. New glue sticks are on hand ready to decorate our kindergarten looking operation.

  • Heard management on floors make bonuses on our safety. Safety bonuses…no wonder they try so hard to talk us into not seeing a Dr when we slip or fall and get seriously hurt. 300 days without an injury they throw a pizza party for us meanwhile knowing they are getting closer to their bonus.

  • The days of the 35 year employee are over. Dynamic routing= burning out letter carriers in 5 years so they quit, then hire a new batch at minimum pay and less benefits/pension. They’ve wanted this for years

  • We cupw are to expensive the postal rate increase goes part to run corporation our wages or management bonuses for 2025. The bonuses always win it’s not easy to lose so much Parcel share this needs to be rewarded.

  • Why won’t you post my comment about upper the board of directors and how they sit on another board which just so happens to be one of their competitors?

  • An inconvenient truth:
    Physical labourers will be able find other physical labour.
    The CPC ‘intelligentsia’ I am not so confident any other place will find their skills of value.

  • AAAHHHH, the union complaining that CPC shouldn’t run as a profitable company yet complaining about dwindling members causing a shortfall in profits. Why are profits important to CUPW but not CPC?

    • How do you pay for raises and new Benefits if CP is loosing money. The whole system needs a rebuild based on Parcel delivery and not the 2 pieces of mail per house each week. Change is needed for safety and efficiency. Less Door delivery, More CMBs, alternate delivery days, and leave the cleaning staff with their own union.

    • and CUPW want Postal Banking ????? not for profit???? CUPW are smoking bad weed.

  • The last time I checked the cleaners in the GTA belong to their own union oh by the way receive 100% benefit coverage. How do you plan on breaking that union genius?

  • Lie detectors for CPC

    Canada post make another offer this isn’t negotiating tattle telling on each other.
    CPC u have to realize that come 2025 you have no choice but to lay off your managers / superviors etc. they haven’t done a day of work for 4 weeks and your paying full wages and benefits for over 40 million already. Showing they don’t really do anything that generates revenue.
    Meet in the middle 14 percent done and do the weekends etc as a project because today you’re saying you only need weekend work occasionally. Well that sure defeats the we need to work every weekend. Which is every or maybe once a month.

  • There is no corporation without the workers. We the knowledge and experience. They last a few years, screw things up, and move on. Power to the people!

  • Unlike your exemplary supervisor skillset at counting elastics?

  • Never surrender to this evil employer

  • Canada Post encourages CUPW to focus on the terms and conditions of employment from the people they actually represent.

    Not potential employees. I can only hope CUPW understands the above statement but not likely.

    • Yes that would be nice. I’m sure 90% of workers who are outside now agree. Please CUPW drop your crazy ‘cleaners in the union’ demands and get this deal done.

  • Cupw is no noble and kind and this is how you repay them. You members should be ashamed speaking of Cupw like this.

    • You should be ashamed for embarrassing your parents.

    • I totally agree. CUPW has been great to workers. Stopped them from working,,collecting pay ,benefits. Buying presents for family and friends. Oh yea paying all their bills on time. Wow.,I don’t understand why anybody is angry with CUPW. Be angry with CPC

    • You should be ashamed and say an apology to all those canadians whose passports are locked up in CPC facilities because crybabies like you want to strike. Their holidays are ruined.

      • Wow, crybabies like us!?! Are we just supposed to idly sit by and let cpc do whatever they want including rewarding themselves while shafting employees. You should be ashamed for having the audacity to even make a comment like that. Remember this post because the day will come when they shaft you as well. Not if but when,you’ll see.

      • Canadians should be ashamed of themselves not standing up for CUPW and the long standing service they have provided (on their backs) thru the 125years of service to the public/world..pathetic that claims are being made that losing money ..for it to have been carried this long on the backs of CUPW human of 2 million dollar losses everyday with on strike, where’s this money going when we are at work,??definitely not to CUPW payrolls..hmmm ??

  • By the end of this week, all back to work.



  • Everyone better keep in mind the corporation pays our bills. How’s that late strike pay doing for those struggling and defending the clowns of CUPW .?? You can bad mouth the corporation all you want, but it’s not our job to tell them what to do, we’re employees not their bosses, and CUPW better realize we’re THEIR BOSS, they’re not ours..

  • In what universe does doing different unknown things at different unknown times without any idea of what was actually accomplished the day before make any sense other than after a few hits of acid and lsd? Honestly who thinks this garbage up and thinks this is in any way the way forward?

  • CUPW complaining about living wages when they plan a one week trip all expenses paid that cost millions for all their leaders? Why not start by cutting that cost and pay us more an hour to picket? You have been paying us the same daily wage to picket for the last 2 decades, how about you pay us living wage while picketing?

  • It’s Thursday and I don’t know what to do. My kid has hockey practice and I’m scared to go outside without my weekly safety talk from my heavily tattooed supervisor

  • I’m willing to strike for as long as it takes!

  • Merry Christmas to everyone but CUPW, because we won’t be going back before because of their shady demands of bringing in Justice Janitors union and other contractors instead of working for its membership. Guess who will be inside a warm home during the holidays while we picket and hope our strike doesn’t bounce like others have. Way to screw up negotiations again, and again . CUPW you deserve biggest failure award for creating biggest job losses in Canada Post history..

    • So you give up posting about Cuba trips and take up Justice Janitors? Interesting choice

      • Canada Post should never, ever put more money in the union’s “Education fund ” unions execs misuse all the funds on trips to Cuba, radicalization of members that sabotage Canada Post operation. Instead, those large amounts of money should come to us, members who work every day. I hope CP negotiators realize that gifting that money to the union is a terrible mistake and must stop it now!!

  • This CEO invested in everything except the people actually doing the job, and now he’s asking those same people to shoulder the burden of his failed investments.

    Your new C250 trucks suck, by the way. What is that, $110,000.00 per truck? There’s where your raises went to.

  • Time to fire all the executives at canada post. They’ve earned it.

    • Start with the president, executives and negotiating committee from CUPW first.. CPC pays our bills, the union steals from us with high dues, if you don’t like who pays your bills please leave and go elsewhere. People would be happy with a job..

    • Sure, but haven’t you noticed? It’s always the same issues doesn’t matter who are CP or CUPW execs, all comes back to the same issues , over and over again

  • the ceo and directors are firm in their attempt to keep their jobs amidst the financial loses of their administration facing a different pm. (“look boss ! see, I did good !” ) this stike/lockout is entirely their own doing, playing this out until the end of the contract was totally unnecessary.
    economic financial harm to not just the employees of canada post, but all the people and shops the employees do business with. 55000+ folks not xmas shopping this year- think about that….and they want rollbacks from us now?
    no way !

  • Dynamic route, meaning we will all become RLCs…Fun days coming ahead!


    The vast majority of Canadians mistakenly think that Canada Post is paid for by their tax dollars, and are most angry at workers because they feel they are ‘subsidizing’ the company when it loses money. This misconception is PR failure and rarely seems to be addressed in press by CUPW. This should have been a priority.

    However, given the state of things and the need for a better way forward, the union should propose to Canada Post that they request the government adds a Canada Post subsidy in line with Via Rail, Air Canada, CBC, that directly goes toward helping support small business and the Canadian public by further reducing the cost to mail small items within Canada and to the USA.

    Canada Post accepts pennies to deliver items from China and elsewhere – Canada Post accepts low payment to deliver items for giant companies like Amazon and others – WHY NOT CANADIAN SMALL BUSINESSES?

    Let’s put forward a proposal that clarifies that Canada Post has not been subsidized or paid for by tax dollars – but that now, actually, part of it should be – specifically, to directly benefit small business and individuals in Canada looking to mail small items at a lower cost.

    USPS has their media mail and low cost for small item shipping, Canada Post should do the same.

    This will help invigorate Canadian productivity, contribute further to Canadian society, and benefit small business and consumers across the country.

    Let’s focus on the mandate of being a SERVICE for Canadians by Canadians.

    Canada Post – your employees are your biggest asset. Stop the race to the bottom. If a 19% raise was given today it would barely (if even?) bring wages equal to the inflation of the last 4 years, let alone what inflation will be after the next 4. Stop trying to balance your budget and pay for your asset purchases on the backs of your lowest paid workers. DO BETTER!

    If management hasn’t even tried or figured out that they should be increasing charges to large corporations and USA private equity firms for admail, and keeping cost of stamps in line with inflation, then they clearly aren’t really trying to remain revenue-neutral… what is their goal?

    Let’s turn the page and demonstrate the ways Canada Post can better serve Canadians. This is an important national service that will not be improved or made cheaper by privatization. Have some pride!

    PS. CUPW, you charging temporary on-call workers and part-time workers (many of whom are at the bottom of the wage scale) the same fees as full-time employees is a disgrace, a moral failure, and the result of your own priorities and decision making. DO BETTER!

    • CUPW doesn’t care about common sense, only cares about lining their pockets. Don’t waste your time, only the government forcing us back and a forced contract will get us back to work. CUPW never cared about the membership, that’s why they need to be removed..


      Nice comment, one of the only level headed CUPW members I have read a comment from in this thread. You are suited to be a MGT employee. You seem to have ambition and to want to see the company move forward in a positive way, MGT could use some more people with your outlook.

    • Well said!
      I recommend you for the negotiation committee.

  • Is it worth getting in go unnecessary debt, or possibly lose your home just because of a forever strike that won’t get us too much ahead? We’ve seen that CPC cannot go and won’t go beyond too much what it can offer , and CUPW is stuck in it demands not related to what workers are looking for! When a deal is done for sure we won’t be able to get back what we already lost in terms of wages, and we definitely won’t get well off with a new deal. I will certainly not stick around for this bread full of nothing strike, and also I’m one of the good workers at at my depot, I guess doing things properly and doing good work doesn’t pay doesn’t pay here!

    • One of the few places that your reward for doing a good job is to do yours and someone else’s job. No early starts or you will be suspended. Make sure tou zip your vest up or we will suspend you. We care about you and your safety. Sorry I just threw up a little…

  • I agree with the 19% wage increase, that’s fair enough. But I don’t agree with the additional 10 days medical leave, too much burden for the company as of this time and also I don’t agree with the contracted staff to make them permanent CPC employees, it’s a non-business of CUPW.

  • a good job is not buying protection

    a good job is good pay for good work
    not good pay for 50% work

    greed is the root of all evil, sports with greedy owners, dictators, or democratic idealism

    when, how , and why should any employee tell their employer how to manage their business

    quit n get another job

    stop the foolishness
    cupw/ cpc negotiations has always been a tangled web of greed

    be thankful

  • If this continues past Friday They can kiss away $100 million in Christmas cards.

    • Enough is Enough… I have been a letter carrier for 34 years.. our union is asking to much… on top of fighting for the cleaners… what are they thinking… our raise is gone..2 pay checks gone… customers mad at us.. loosing business.. etc etc… we have a pension…WHICH NO ONE GETS… ITS cps company…there choice to change the way things are run… union does not OWN cp… I am fed up.

  • Former CUPW supporter

    CUPW you disgust me even more than CPC disgusts me and that is fairly hard to accomplish.

    The level of incompetence is unfathomable and you should be embarrassed and hopefully held accountable. Your disconnect with what is happening on the work floor is shameful!

    Furthermore I want everyone to know that if the union dropped all of their absurd demands. We would get our wage increase of 20% over 4 years ~ NO PROBLEM ~ it is all the other absurd demands that are offsetting this which is why it’s a non starter!

    The government hates us, the public hates us and clearly the company hates us even more now.

    Lastly, if you are a young person or new hire please read the writing on the wall and pursue other job ambitions for your future.

  • Haha. Canada Post blesses us with stuff we already have and they call this negotiating. Never forget what these immoral beings did. EVER!

  • This is funny. Company crying poor. Sounding nervous that the government has informed them they are not on their side. Especially after the spending spree

  • Invigorate and demonstrate. Invigorate and demonstrate.

  • The cult members even support bringing the janitors in to our union and making it a wedge issue.

    Cupw will sacrifice ever member submitted demand before letting go of the janitor demand, which mind you was never member submitted. Cupw is shady.

    • Not a wedge issue at all. Wages and how weekend work will be done is what keeps us apart. CUPW will gladly leave cleaning work as is if CPC makes a realistic offer.

      • haha then why is it a demand! and lets look at your logic for a moment. Cupw dropped wage demands and made other concessions but did not drop the cleaner demand so…..

  • Janitors the hill cupw will die on and sacrifice us all for. Solidarity. Lol.

  • I’m tired of the selfish responses from an incompetent group at CPC that failed to secure additional revenue or make any sensible changes or take any reasonable action for years. I’m no way will I bow down or suffer for a group of people that don’t know what they’re doing. If CPC doesn’t WAKE UP and understand these are changing times and people will not stand for greedy capitalist BS that’s happening here; they can kiss their positions goodbye. I will personally petition my representative to push this along.

  • 4 weeks in and CPC is too scared to actually show anything new they offering. Give it another 4 weeks and maybe they will budge.

  • Hi it’s me CUPW I generate no wealth I only take but let me tell you how to be fiscally responsible LOL

  • Wow !!! What i see is CPC hasn’t move an inch since last offer. I thought they would at least give us a better increase of wage but no and that the only thing that can make me come back to work. Oh well see you all after the holidays. And please CUPW keep the cleaning staff and other contracted support services out of this negotiations.

  • Who agreed to the two year contract extension? Oh yeah that’s right it was CUPW I guess there was a “we owe you one” clause in there? CUPW crying about the bed they made. Another brilliant move on or Unions part

  • Fire all upper management it will solve the problem. We will have some intelligent people that know how to run Canada Post.

  • Jeese this is gone on far too long. CUPW has to offer up CMB conversion Stop with outside of our union people. Cleaners and others. Nonsense garbage. 7 day a week has been done before by Part timers ? So why is this union doing this? Less dues ? Is this place going to be pieced off and these union hard liners will be out of a job Upper management too But let’s get off this line. Back to work. Bah humbug ☹️

  • How much actual change could CPC have implemented over the past 6 years when they are locked into a CBA with a union

  • Jeeezus. The unions proposals will add 30 Billion over 40 years. Talk about gaslighting. Welcome to a world where inflation increases. Increase prices over the 4 years, just like every other company on the planet and stop giving excuses.

    • If inflation is below 2 percent, the cupw members need to give back the money… a deal?

      • Actually, yes. I have always said that wage negotiations should go like this… Our raise is whatever the rate of inflation was for the previous year. 10% one year. Yup that’s the raise. Deflation of -1%. Yup wages go down 1%. Should be the easy and FAIR negotiation ever.

  • Canada post please STOP .misinformation propaganda to the public and to your employees. public is not stupid. Canadians know Canada post management is top heavy as they claim they’re losing millions while the management still get bonuses or they call it hazard pay. Any company that loses millions of dollars for consecutive years will not keep the same management why Canada Post has kept the same management for many years. United States Postal Service is 10 times larger than Canada Post and they are less top heavy. Look it up.

  • CPC has to come clean, Show us the math, Show us the projections of synergies for SSD and the costs of operating 7 days A week. Show us how much closing Gateway will save.
    We are tired of listening to both side and are only interested in numbers.

  • Your wage hikes are a JOKE! You can’t keep employees as it is! I hate the company I have worked at for over 30 years. Management has destroyed what was once a decent job.

  • See you all in February. Happy Holidays everyone!!!🎄

    • Yep, February if we’re lucky. All because of CUPW’s hidden agenda’s that membership knew nothing about. But you’re right… Merry Christmas to all!

      • You supers will be laid off soon if this keeps going too much longer. When the company throws you guys to the curb maybe you might see this supposed cupw hidden agenda of fighting for what is owed to us as opposed to breaking our backs fixing the mess.they totally brought upon themselves

      • Hidden agenda to prop up their new union

  • I’ve talked to quite a few members that had strike pay bounce, way to go CUPW, bet if we went back to work our CPC pay cheque wouldn’t bounce.. Yay Solidarity and bouncy cheques

  • This is going to get interesting!

    Does not look like we will be back this year!

    CPC has to do what they have to do in order to keep Canada Post alive!

    Time to back the ones that sign the checks!

    • I agree, my cheque has never bounced from CPC meanwhile members can’t even get strike pay on time or their cheques bounce.. I guess those trips CUPW take and lavish lifestyles they live has caught up to them.. Let’s get forced back and then remove CUPW and bring in Teamsters.. Yes Yes Yes

    • Well all they have to do is cut one day of mail delivery and we are even!

  • Since both sides are lying to us and negotiations are going no ware, here is a proposal that may not be popular with some. Offer buyout to senior members to reduce staffing. Convert to CMB thus reducing injuries. Structure schedules to cover 7 days similar to inside workers. With reduced workforce, company can offer a decent wage increase.

    Remaining workers get a raise. Company covers 7 day delivery and hopefully makes money. This may appeal to more people as the solution for this stalemate. I am sure union would not like it as it would have fewer members paying dues.

    • I’ve seen posts coming from national to email the Minister of labor to get us back to work, the union has lost another negotiation and hoping the government will save face for us the members. Imagine in 59 years only signing 2 contracts, our last one 2011 and the government legislating us every other time.. Why is CUPW representing us when Teamsters has an impeccable track record and don’t require holidays to Cuba, women’s retreats and Niagara falls to party.. What a joke CUPW has become to everyone especially the customers of CPC.. this is ridiculous now, we want to work..!!

  • CPC hasn’t moved on anything except giving us our pension (which we already had). Brutal.

  • I think the union should just start making up numbers too.

  • If you fire all of CPC upper management I will come back to work for minimum wage. If not I will strike for the rest of my life. It is personal now. CPC lied when they said they have moved! ENOUGH!!!

  • CUPW must get back, if it was ever there, to its core mission: defending workers’ fundamental rights, wages, benefits, job security, and of course pensions.

    Engaging in business ventures and misguided conflicts was, and continues to be, a huge mistake. This approach has jeopardized the well-being of the very members you are meant to protect.

    Unfortunately, it now seems too late. The Corporation is actually currently negotiating with ALL of its unions, CUPW, CPAA, APOC, and CUPW itself is at the forefront of a complete and total restructuring of the company. And yes, it can be done.

    The message is clear. It’s regrettable that some very good dedicated folks may be left behind, but those who are proactive will act now.

    Good luck

  • I believe that Dynamic Routing is ONLY for weekend parcel delivery

    • Beware when they use the term, flex or dynamic. These are catch terms that mean you have given up your normal life. Forget about OT, weekends and schedules. You are flex, dynamic. Sounds athletic and exciting but it means on call whenever. Now you are a janitor. Now you go shovel the sidewalk etc

    • They are in fact talking about dynamic delivery during the WEEK. This is a totally separate agenda from weekend delivery using flexible part timers.

  • Hey CUPW create a forum so we can tell you how we really feel, seeing you block and remove people from Facebook and other platforms. Just like when we aren’t meetings and you shut us down also when we bring concerns. I agree with the corporation, drop outside workers, 13 days personal but the wages have to go up, under 12% is too low.. Do your job for once. I’ve seen National committee posting somewhere asking us to contact Minister of labor to bail them out of the mess they’ve made. I’ve heard people have had their strike pay cheques bounce.. I’ve never had a pay cheque from the corporation bounce yet.. Are you CUPW groupies awake and aware yet .? Where’s are money going CUPW..?

  • CUPW and CP should speed this process up and send out final offers, it’s obviously going to arbitration anyhow.

  • Translation / Coles notes version

    Boohoo if we meet a demand there will be a cost.

  • Why does CPC reward incompetance?

    There comes a time when striking over certain issues is not as important as scorching the earth and ensuring ALL CPC leaders are on the street looking for work. That time is now.

  • Those against what CUPW is fighting for please do find another job. Those that know CUPW is fighting the good fight please continues to FIGHT!!!!

    • That what CUPW want, the want the lazy and the people that are always making mistakes to keep on working and good worker that don’t need CUPW help to go find another job!

  • Interesting, somehow “lost” 3+ billion since 2018. But their net worth gone up almost 5 billion since 2017. In my house we don’t lose money for 6 years and some how have our networth go up significantly.

  • Remember guys. The union went on strike and CPC is paying for the members paycheck. Do not like it, door is open to leave.

  • On top of the wages and outside workers yes the union is asking too much for the personal days…13 is good enough…

  • Raise prices on deliveries and start charging the government a little bit of money for all the stuff they send. Come up with a plan to make more money and make a fair offer to employees. Stop attacking your workforce because will not bend anymore to your bully tactics.

  • I agree we shouldnt be supportong workers that arent part of cupw and maybe the wage demand is still too high…but dynamic routing?
    Dynamic routing is such a positive sounding name for something that will impact the group 2 so negatively
    It means no one will own a walk anymore…you will pick a different route everyday and they will tack on extra if your volumes are low for that day…not taking into account all the 3rd class mail that wont get counted and all the flyers on top….the injuries would go thru the roof!

    • If you have seniority you can take the same walks everyday. You will get more choice. Also there is no 3rd class of Mail, this isn’t the titanic. If you are still class shaming Mail, you are too old for this nonsense anyway. Nobody should retire doing the same job as a new employee. You always had options

  • Maybe it’s time to think about investing in your workforce for a change. Working conditions and pay matter. But I forgot, management doesn’t care about morale. So just keep ramming through your unreasonable demands!

  • Weekends don't exist anymore?

    How much extra business and PROFITS are we getting by delivering at straight time on weekends? After the Monday rush we are not swamped with parcels now during the week. Are people really clamoring to shift business our way once we deliver 7 days a week?

  • Negotiations are a two way street. What exactly has the Corp backed down on? You just keep crying poor and insisting on your demands. Cupw is moving on some of theirs, why can’t you?

    CP was already a toxic workplace before this strike, no matter how this ends, the workers will not forget how you treated us.

  • It’s strange how union had never mentioned anything about the cleaning staff. They only stated the demands that members approved.

  • I wish CUPW stop with the demands of bringing in outside workers and contractors under their control and focus on the current membership, stop with games CUPW we are struggling to get by and your costing Businesses millions, focus on wages, benefits and pension.. Leave the 13 personal days alone, you’re not going to win, and if we go to arbitration we’ll lose those 6 days as well.Drop the demands and focus on the wages, leave your profit schemes out of this negotiation. The government won’t save you CUPW from the mess you made, stop with the stalling and ways to pocket extra dues, let’s get back to work.. Unbelievable how naive you all are

    • WRONG! The 10 sick days are Federal Law. You clearly don’t have a clue. The contractors issue is not holding things up. Canada Post deplorable business savvy and stubborness is.

    • What’s unbelievable is how you keep coming here defending CP while they haven’t budged in any of their “negotiations” at all! Keep blaming CUPW. See where that’ll get you.
      You’re just a management troll and it’s completely transparent. We get it, you hate unions. Makes perfect sense to work for a unionized company. The ones screaming naivety are ALWAYS the most!

      • Bob you’re clueless and don’t understand business, I have over 25+ years here, what do you have..? 5 or 10.? In 59 years the union has only signed 2 contracts and the last one was 2011, with the rest legislated back to work. Do some research instead of embarrassing yourself with all your unrealistic posts, get a hint and go elsewhere Mr less than 10 years..

        • 13 years, two strikes, and both forced back to work because Canada Post doesn’t budge while padding the pockets of upper management while losing “BILLIONS”. THAT ALL MAKES SENSE TO YOU, DOES IT?
          You’re 25 years means NOTHING when you take sides against your fellow workers. Retire old man, nobody needs you!

  • Highest unemployment rates in Canada since 2017 just announced at 6.8%.
    Not a great time to be looking for work.

  • “CUPW is demanding 10 medical days a year on top of the seven personal days already in the collective agreement.”

    We are not demanding anything of the sort. These 10 days are supposed to be federally mandated because of the pandemic! Stop spreading falsehoods Canada Post!

    • 13 is bigger than 10. So explain where we are getting screwed, the fact you argue about this point is why Canadians are not supporting us. How do you even use 13 yet 17? oh yes by milking the system and not working which is what got us in the situation

    • The mandated number of days is 10. You currently have 13 which is what most members prefer as there is no questions asked to take them. 10 medical days would require a doctors note which most people can’t easily get as access to a doctor is not easy for a lot of people.

  • The union proposals will bring more financial hardship, but isn’t an never ending strike going to bring even more financial hardship? Send us back to work before there is no more work!

  • “….the union has refused to engage or propose any solutions regarding dynamic routing.”

    Canada Post can’t even keep fixed routes in order and they think they can master “dynamic routing”? Nonsense. And the union has proposed many solutions but CPC management is too stubborn to listen. Show us the financial projections of why all these plans will yield so much productivity and profit improvements? Show us!

  • For how long can this drag on?
    Year or Two – They already discussed all of this in the past year and made no deal.
    So will it be done in a few days?
    Please legislate us back and stop this nonsense

    Both parties personnel will be out in a year with full pensions, bonus and 50% of the present workforce will be out.
    Thank you guys for making great Christmas 2024 deal

  • Hey, if we stop paying the workers, we’d save billions. And there will be more for ME! Love the CP thought process. Woohoo!!

  • Remember kids ,we will set the record for the longest strike in Canada Post history on Dec 28. And I will bet my union dues we will reach this dubious goal. That’s what I call a belated Christmas gift from both CUPW and CPC.

  • When does Canada Post plan on starting to negotiate?

  • CPC Needs New Management

    The union put out a press release showing how they have moved. Canada Post puts out a release showing they have not moved at all. One party wants a deal and one does not. Shame on CPC…

    • What we really need and urgently is to get rid of the union. It does not make sense to pay dues when they cannot even articulate and make reasonable demands based on reality. Good bye incompetent gang.

    • We’re crown corporation, we are not entitled to that because we sustain ourselves regardless if we’re controlled by government, not paid by tax dollars. Also union had a chance to fight for them when they were announced, why did they wait for our contract to expire first. CUPW is so disorganized and controlling all of you brainwashed by their lies. CUPW stop demanding bringing outside people to contract, that’s not your job.. This is why we can’t get a contract, anyone who supports this demand that was not agreed upon by the workers, should leave now..

      • They did and are fighting for them in arb (takes time). Also, we are under the umbrella of Federal. We had to follow the Federal vax-mandates, didn’t we? The sick days are supposed to be available for pandemics and such. Duclos says we are government and so does everyone else. GIVE US OUR MEDICAL DAYS!


  • It feels like we are at a point where the employees can’t make enough income to live and the corporation can’t be profitable under its current mandate. Also Mgmt. keeps pushing unsafe working conditions such as SSD and dynamic routing which simply will not work for its workers. I think the Federal Government needs to change the mandate for Canada Post to allow alternate day delivery or CMB’s and others changes to cut costs. I know for myself as a LC I cannot keep walking 25-30km a day under SSD versus the 12-15km I was walking before when I sorted my own walk.

    • CMB’s are coming and 3000points of call to make sure you’re all safe and outside till midnight because the union will agree to it. How about not running your routes, crossing lawns and being safe..? There’s a great piece of advice. Then they can assess the routes properly and address over assessment. Don’t give me the I’m not a letter Carrier BS either, I was a carrier during PT with 16+ years as a Carrier, and I had my route reassessed with additional over assessed payment. Win win if you do the job safely and don’t destroy people’s lawns.

    • I believe that Dynamic Routing is ONLY for weekend parcel delivery

  • I thought Canada Post said they came up on their wage offer? Did they lie???? These proposals will not do. We will stay out until there is a management shakeup and new parties are willing to negotiate.

  • I quit! There, saved you some money.
    Absolute worst company I’ve ever worked for. What an embarrassment!

  • If you are asking the workers to accept this as is.. And i don’t, you Canada Post should start trimming your bloated management.. Far too many mangers and bureaucrats!

  • An 11.5% raise over 4 years is a slap in the face to employees. Falls way short of inflation we have experienced the last 4 years. If the 20 vice presidents didnt take a pay cut why should we?

  • I got it!! We’ll all take a decrease in our wages! Hell, pay us $12/hour if you like, that’ll make up for the complete mismanagement of this corporation for the last 10 years. No problem, we’ll take the hit for the good of the people and all of upper management can continue to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in pay and bonuses!! How does that sound?
    YOU got us into this mess and now you want US to pay for it?? Not in my lifetime!

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