Statement from Canada Post
December 8, 2024, 12:58 pm
Canada Post continues to wait for a formal response to the proposals shared with CUPW through the mediator on Friday afternoon. Our proposals include significant moves to close the gap on key issues like weekend delivery, pensions and wages to reach new agreements and get our people back to work.
While we wait for a formal response at the table, CUPW has been actively and publicly sharing their views and details on our proposals since Friday night. We continue to operate within a confidential process, which was agreed to by Canada Post and CUPW. While we strongly disagree with the responses the union has shared publicly, we encourage CUPW to share their positions through the formal process.
Our focus should be on moving forward and focusing on the key issues, rather than causing added concern for those most impacted by the national strike. With the strike now into its fourth week, CUPW remains persistent in their demands to represent people outside their bargaining unit, such as making our cleaning staff, and other contracted support services, permanent Canada Post employees.
Canada Post has continued to put forward fair offers that are focused on our customers and our employees – improving service to grow our parcel business, while protecting and enhancing what our employees have today.
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The way Canada Post is structured is unsustainable. Do you remember the movie projectionist strike in 1999, they wanted more money but unfortunately the industry modernized and the job became obsolete, but they still wanted a raise. The job was eliminated and they became obsolete. Well postal workers now deliver less, drive their route, and complete their route in 4 hours and go home, steal 4 hours from the company. Times are changing, your job requires no education and no skill, your obsolete, like projectionists. The company should be allowed to restructure, modernize, become competitive and profitable and move forward. If Canada post doesn’t make change then postal workers will have no job to go to tomorrow, well maybe Starbucks, but they are skilled labor. 99 percent of my mail is junk, goes right into recycling. The remaining mail I now do online, so Canada post , for me, is obsolete.
Mail for you is obsolete. But everyone is not like you. Many people and businesses depend on CP
CP is a crown corporation. It is not supposed to be making profits. Just be sustainable if you take out plant costs and ev fleet. CP is fine
Fat cats want to crush workers
Stay the course
It’s not supposed to be making profits? What is that supposed to mean? It’s not supposed to be drowning in debt either. This strike is doing nothing but making matters worse for everyone. Someone is going to have to pay for this mess and guess who that is?
u/KoraKildem avatar
4y ago
It is a profit making corporation, that is regulated by the Government. Not only is it not funded by taxpayer money, all profits are turned over to the treasury department. The pension is also funded by a combination of employer/employee contributions.
It is not funded by the tax payer, but the tax payer is responsible to pay for their losses. Also any profits are held as surpluses, not sent to the treasury
How do you know. Are you analyzing the financials or something. They can’t lie on the financials. Do you think Saint Albert Jackson plant was finished and there was one big bill at the end. It was costed out over many years in capital investment on the statement. So many ignorant brainwashed members.
CP is a Crown Corporation funded by TAX PAYERS and as far as I am concerned if the postal workers cannot manage on their current wage then find another job that will give them what they now earn with CP including clothing , stat holidays,overtime and pension. Enough is enough ..Get back to work
Needs a change at the top and when it comes to other matters there has to be flexibility you scratch my back ill scratch yours my dad was a big union rep for shell oil he never expected take without giving something back later-on he worked for uk royal mail in retirement thing is we moved on and adapted and moved with times canada post is stuck put
I would like to thank CUPW, CPC and anyone who voted yes to strike.
I my family, friends and all Canadians greatly appreciate that you have ruined Christmas.
As a 35 year group 3 employee who has seen it all , I must say this is bye far the worst Christmas yet, again, Thanks.
When this or if this ever comes to an end, CPC will have no choice but layoff all temps and anyone who does not have job security, so long.
The business is also ruined, just like Christmas.
Completely agree with you brother. It is a sad state of affairs that we have been led into. A devastating strike and a government who refuses to give the post office back to its public.
The government is dreaming heavily if they think the two sides will ever come to an agreement. It ain’t happening!! Send this to arbitration before we all end up at the soup kitchen.
you can count me out of you favours next week when you need those cheques delivered. forget it.
1000%!! I think everybody should say no! We’re only helping cp save face, while we are being punished. Not a chance!!
All members should stop as well!
So here we go again, the corporation says they’re still far apart, when is CUPW going to show us all Their proposals..? Let see where we’re far apart, the proposal should’ve been easily accepted, but CUPW still hiding something.. SSD is not going away, give it CUPW you lost that in arbitration already..!!
Where are we far apart, we deserve to know, enough of this BS from Both sides, CUPW you represent us, we pay you, we’re your BOSS, show us everything, enough is enough of this..
We are all cupw
Geez we are the union. Everyone that pays dues
Stay strong
That’s not how negotiations work. Put the blame where it belongs.
Actually Canada post receives no government funding, they operate on profits, unfortunately in their current state they are hemorrhaging money. So they are not paid by tax payers
Crown corporation
And it’s not drowning
Clever accounting
Operational costs of expanding plants and new ev vehicles
Crown corporation to serve public not earn huge profits
That’s why delivery from anyone to anywhere coast to coast
Lowering your wage demand to just below 20% doesn’t fool anybody.
And the all time classic….Bargaining over items that have already been arbitrated (ssd) is simply foolish.
Unfortunately, the union is doomed..!
CUPW holding us hostage, they’re hiding more from us, why don’t they show us the whole proposal..? Why don’t they show us Canada Post offers..? This is becoming childish. CUPW post everything so we can see where the problem lies.. Enough of your games, we lost a months pay already, so stop the BS NOW..!!!
Here we go again. Canada Post just said on the news “” it’s extremely disappointed the unions intent appears to widen the gap in negotiations rather than close it”” Such blatant corporate greed!!!
Let’s see the whole proposal from CUPW and see where we’re really far apart, why is the union with holding that information..?
CUPW offer is still ridiculous, ssd is staying .. and it should be max 13% over 4 years, and that’s generous
Why should it be max 13% just because you say so? Who are you?
Why is SSD a problem for foot routes and not park and loop routes? I don’t see a difference
“confidential process” to avoid added concerns LOL, we’re grown adults CPC. Guessing Corp heads don’t like being exposed as complete tyrants.
Looks like cupw presented a proposal AND there did NOT seem to be any mention of how to staff future weekend parcel delivery- hopefully a tentative agreement can come quickly
Ok so lets be fair and let us see what the CPC offer was, compare it, and see where middle ground on each of the issues or what concessions must be made on both sides to make a deal!
CUPW won’t show us the offer because it doesn’t include extra CUPW demands of cleaners, snow removal, Postal Banking, removing SSD (which they lost in arbitration) EV Chargers etc.. CUPW stop with the flipping games and show us prior offers from Canada Post.Now stop lying to us all..
Union took in almost if not $3 Billion dollars in 59 years, can anyone explain where the money has gone..? They don’t run a corporation, where’s all that mo anyone..? Let’s see the financials since we’re bashing the corporation for losses.. C’mon CUPW let’s see where our money goes, you spend all the time about the corporation, let’s see how honest you are, you haven’t been honest with the members during this Negotiations, so lets see the truth..
Well…you already know…so many trips to Cuba….right?? Dot, dot, dot!!
Fot god sake enough with the petty bickering. Let’s get a deal first. Then spend the rest of your sorry life going after the union
I’m impressed that the union dropped 5%. Seems like they are willing to meet in the middle.
How about you CPC?
Eventually, many of CUPW will cross the picket line and go back to work. This is the only way to stop our union.
Not a chance
Go ahead and try it
Stop with the threatening tone.
The problem is that Canada Post has locked out cupw, so crossing a picket line does no good
Canada Post has not locked out the workers. The Union went on strike first and they started to not allow anyone in or out of any Canada Post facility.
We are all still waiting for an official response CP. What is taking you so long?
Union sat on their response All weekend. I am betting CP response will come quicker then what it took CUPW.
Well, we can all hope that it is quicker than the 10 months that the company took to even make its first wage offer. I’m sure that you will be more than happy to agree with me on how pathetic that was, right? Right?
They waited 4 days last time
You must be new. They just recieved this 5 mins ago. Settle down
You must be new. This was a sarcastic comment, making fun of all the soups that were asking where the cupw response was after they received the CP offer on Friday night.
Sooooooo it took 4 days for CUPW to respond and you expect same day by corporation..? First day on the Internet..?
Well CUPW responded with a proposal that didn’t include ridiculous demands, I’d like to thank whoever picked them up from the bar and get them to do their job for the membership, hopefully the corporation will agree which I see attainable before the negotiating committees hang over wears off.. Let get this done . Go team. Bud lites for all.
A 9% increase and cost of living allowance??? And 17 sick/personal days?? Thats ridiculous! Why do you need a raise if you have a COLA?
If you dont want it say no or quit
All of this plus NO SSD ? Good luck to that !!
Don’t forget to play your lottery tickets
Why so sour soup? Everything we fight to gain you get without lifting a finger
After having the members out on picket lines for over 3 weeks, the negotiating team is now asking for members original demands without any additional nonsense demands. WOW. This was their mandate going into the negotiation. This is what the members had approved. This is what they should have presented on day one. Thanks CUPW for costing your members thousands of dollars.
Here is some good news for both CPC AND CUPW. I have family coming and they wanna see the following , CN Tower ,Niagara Falls ,Eaton Centre in Toronto and Canada Post Strike . They will be leaving Sunday Dec16,so please let the strike keep going til then. Thank You
It’s a good deal.
Come on, CPC.
Take the deal now so Canadians are no longer hostages to public postal service.
We need this to happen NOW!
I don’t see cupw proposal on weekend delivery does that mean cupw has accepted it?
That is possible. If part-timers were guaranteed 20 hours, that would be reasonable. This is the most realistic proposal yet frim CUPW and could be the basis for an agreement. Let’s hope the company responds positively and quickly!
What Constitutes a “Foot Route”? Are these Relay Routes only or does this term include Mobile park and loop routes with NO CMBs?
Definitely not motorized routes.
CUPW came out with its counter proposal… will we keep on playing the counter proposal cards? Or will this be enough?
CUPW seems to be a lot into medical day… I hope that CUPW realizes that medical days is not what most of us want!
Medical days need Doctors notes. Who has a doctor that they can access with ease and get a note for free. NOBODY. 13 personal days that we currently have is MUCH better.
$20 per note plus 2 hour wait ( if your lucky or even get an appointment) to get It
We are ready to get back to work now. This is a FAIR deal.
Thank you CUPW for letting our voices be heard.
Well it’s not actually a deal. This is just a proposal by CUPW. Canada Post hasn’t responded yet. However these demands seem much more reasonable. Judging from the release not mentioning weekend work, I wonder if the union has conceded on this point. Either way, I’m cautiously optimistic for the first time in weeks. Let’s hope both sides can put their egos aside and get this done ASAP!
As long as CUPW does NOT add anymore ridiculous demands the corporation should accept it.
As long as CPC does not add anymore ridiculous demands the workers might accept it
You are no more a negotiator as I am part of the monarchy. Lol
Time for CUPW to cross the line and save their job!
Try it. See what happens
I worked for Canada Post for 40 years in various roles including stints in CUPW. I know that Christmas overtime is a big plus for any one the wants/needs it.
I stongly doubt that this will be available once thee strike is settled. I feel sorry for those who have bills/mortagaes to mange in 2025.
As a s side note, you pension date is now extended by the time you are out on strike.
But the members just do not get this! Sad for them.
You have a counter offer hurry up and accept it or make a quick counter. You rushed cupw your clock is running now. The media is waiting for your response
CUPW’s new proposal looks more reasonable.
Please accept this proposal CPC.
The Canadian people, seniors, poverty stricken, customers, businesses, and postal workers need this to happen.
Make Christmas happen for everyone.
Who actually cares aboutnthe media? instead let’s care about 55,000 workers and millions of customers. Let’s get this done!
Is it time for another vague statement from CPC? Why doesn’t Canada Post put its cards on the table like CUPW did? What are you hiding CPC?!!!
cpc made already 4 public offers ! this is first one from cupw ! i would love 9+4+3+3 but will not happened and 17 sick days ? too funny > and no ssd on walking routes ? ssd is only system that can saved mail delivery ! sill nothing about part time weekend workfores ? this will give cpc oportunity to deliver on weekends and not to loose money .I THING WE ARE OUT TO NEW YEAR .
I just reviewed CUPWs latest proposal. They seem much more reasonable now. I’m cautiously optimistic these talks might actually go somewhere now. We’ll see how the company responds. 55,000 workers have been outside long enough!
That’s great news. Now if only CUPW would let CPC see their latest proposal maybe we could get somewhere.
Don’t blame the company for you walking out
I’m sure that’s not the whole proposal the union gave CPC, they’re probably just showing us the highlights to win back the membership.
CP has made huge sacrifices to meet demands what workers want, CUPW demands are related to Future workers, Cleaners and other services…. Enough is enough, CPC must send us back to work ignoring CUPW, it is CPC that pays us, not CUPW!
Canada Post can’t ‘send’ us back to work. We can be ordered ba k by the government. Or the two sides could reach an agreement. Those are the only ways we go back. Everybody should know that by now.
Exactly, CUPW looking to profit by adding stipulations to demands instead of doing their jobs.. I’m for going to work as well, Let’s Do It..!!!
CUPW has forwarded a new proposal. Unlike CPC they have listed our basic demands so all can read. Stop playing games CPC!!!
CUPW just posted New Proposal
All I could say is “ Make sure you keep warm on picket lines & pray we somehow get forced back to work”
Here, here.

Is it possible that Canada Post is quietly orchestrating its own downsizing, with CUPW inadvertently aiding the process? Reflecting on the leadership of Deepak Chopra, former CEO of Canada Post, one can recall his peculiar encouragement for Canadians to stop mailing letters and switch to the e-post service. It was akin to the CEO of VIA Rail suggesting passengers fly instead because it’s faster—a strategy that seemed counterproductive to sustaining the core business.
Canada Post is a sprawling operation requiring vast resources and manpower to serve Canadians. With mail volumes declining and digital alternatives flourishing, the question arises: Could this strike be part of a larger plan to shrink Canada Post’s footprint while conveniently blaming external factors?
Recent developments suggest it might be. The CUPW strike, while framed as a labor dispute, has caused disruptions at the busiest time of year, pushing businesses and consumers toward competitors or digital solutions. Many of these changes, like switching to online billing, are likely permanent. Add to this the planned 25% rate hike for January—arguably designed to further discourage customers—and it begins to look like a deliberate effort to reduce reliance on Canada Post services.
If management is indeed pursuing downsizing, the government could see significant benefits:
Reduced Operating Costs: A smaller workforce, fewer locations, and leaner operations could mean lower expenses for taxpayers. Canada Post has consistently struggled to break even, and a scaled-down service might ease that financial burden.
Increased Profitability: While full privatization is politically sensitive, reducing operations to focus on profitable sectors (like parcel delivery for e-commerce) might transform Canada Post into a self-sustaining entity, reducing reliance on public funds.
Policy Flexibility: A leaner Canada Post would allow future governments to reimagine its role, whether through further privatization, integration with private courier services, or a shift to exclusively digital communications.
Resource Reallocation: With less money allocated to subsidizing Canada Post, those funds could be redirected to other pressing priorities, such as housing, healthcare, or infrastructure.
That said, achieving profitability through downsizing is easier said than done. The reality is that postal services in many rural and remote areas are unprofitable but vital for connectivity. Stripping these services away risks alienating communities and causing political fallout. The bigger question may be whether taxpayers would accept a Canada Post that prioritizes profit over accessibility.
If the ultimate goal is to shrink Canada Post to a point of profitability—or even phase it out entirely—it’s possible this strike is an ideal opportunity. Disruptions, customer attrition, and public frustration with rising costs all help make the case for restructuring.
But if this theory holds true, what does it mean for CUPW members on strike? They may well be the sacrificial lambs in this process—workers fighting for fair wages and working conditions who, in the end, find themselves unwittingly advancing the very downsizing and restructuring they fear. Their sacrifices could ultimately pave the way for a smaller, leaner Canada Post, with fewer jobs and less influence for their union. If so, they deserve not only empathy but a broader conversation about the true future of Canada Post and its workforce.
Wouldn’t be a surprise because CUPW notorious for making deals without the members knowledge.
You make it sound as if the government subsidizes CP. It does not. Never has. Canada Post pays dividends to the government. There goes your theory.
Thank you Mr. President. This scare tactic has been going on for the last 25 years I have been working here. I remember in 2001 my immediate supervisor talking about how we have no mail anymore. My co worker with 20 years at the time got very angry and walked to every case and pointed out the fact that most slots could hardly fit another letter in. We all had a good laugh.
Not sure if it happens in all offices but everytime we had a good day the supervisor would be on the floor laughing and joking about how easy the job is. You never would see them when the mail was heavy or if there was a problem on the floor.
Too bad we don’t take money from government and in fact, if we had a competent upper management, give money to the government when not spending like drunken sailors and awarding themselves bonuses for nothing
Has anyone else emailed the Labour Minister?
I did
Yes and many more, apparently he’s getting thousands of emails from everywhere I’ve been informed to be legislated back..
Canada Post AND the union need to exercise REALITY here. How about the fat cat executives live with a less bloated income, how about the postal workers agree but also be glad for any raise and bide their time as Canada Post remakes itself into a user-friendly solution for folks and businesses.
Executive compensation has no relevance to a union of 55,000 people. Not even comparable the numbers.
Well the union gave it’s response. Balls in your court CP.
Heres an idea
Have another strike vote, have those who voted YES continue to picket
Have those who voted NO, given the CERB benefit that we didnt get when we worked our butts off keeping the country running during the pandemic
Win Win= the union services those who want to continue to strike, those who voted no, have their suffering ended
Not how it works. We are in it to win it now. No turning back! FIGHT!!!!!
Here’s an idea. Whomever voted to strike gets to have the negotiated agreement. Whomever voted no, gets a separate contract of whatever the company wants to give them.
Great idea because those that voted no got offered wage increases by the corporation, and the rest of you Yes votes will get legislated back for less, that’s awesome.. I agree
No, the union is not negotiating fairly, everyone is in a lose lose because of them adding demands that don’t benefit the membership, only their pockets. If they stuck to wages, benefits and Pension instead of Postal Banking, Cleaners, EV Chargers and the other BS they’re trying to swindle, we’d be back to work.. 14+ months of negotiations for this result is unfair to all, blaming the post office, yet they made things under their conditions. The corporation pays you and everyone else, we pay the union, they have to listen us and not profit off our backs, that’s a win win
Santa Clause is a union man and supports our struggle against the mean employer.
CUPW and CPC have never come to any agreement in my 35 years. Two stubborn sides. Please Government of Canada do what you do best and end this nonsense. I going broke and tired of the bad mouthing of management on the picket line. We all work under the same roof, and some of this managers are friends as well as coworkers.
They have arrived at many agreements in the past. Why spread nonsense and lies???
Union stalling for a full year shows they’re stalling just to cause us stress, no negotiation should go that long, government should arbitrate to stop service disruption..
Saying the managers are still being paid their regular paycheck and received bonuses is not slander. Those are the facts.
The rest of us stand outside picket line for $56.20 per day struggling to pay most our bills and have to cutback on spending for Christmas.
If the managers are your friends, they would be standing outside and supporting our fight to get collective agreement in place.
I doubt management actually think of you as a friend.
Stop and think where their loyalties lie.
Your Union Executives are still being paid their full wage while you are on the picket line making 56.20 a day
“You don’t negotiate with the captain of a sinking ship.”
“When the company you’re working for is losing a billion dollars a year, not a great place to be negotiating from”
“Employees are going to bankrupt Canada post and I’m not paying for a bailout”
“75% of people’s wages aren’t enough.
Welcome to Canada in 2025.”
“Gov not motivated to end strike. They save 2 Million a day having the post office closed! Lol”
No one is on your side CUPW. You are harming yourself and 55,000 workers.
Your words do not negate the fact that we are going to have our demands met!
Yess! We may not get every demand ,but we are gonna put mean employer through hell.
No you wont. Statistically, CUPW loses on every strike.
You want to talk about a hostile work environment? Wait until the CUPW workers have to come back to a CPAA office!
Why would they be hostile they haven’t lost a dime
Totally agree!
Well well well….
This article is correct. If CUPW didn’t spend so much time on these ridiculous causes maybe they could concentrate on getting a settlement for 55,000 workers now outside!
I agree with you, too much extra curricular and not for the membership that pays them to do their job..
In the media is not where contracts are done, they are done in a room with BOTH sides working through the issues and agreeing on a deal that is fair to both sides. The the memberships votes on it (which I have yet to see happen on what has been brought forward by CPC) It is time for both sides to drop the measuring sticks and think about those that they represent and the customers that we serve. The public is starting to get fed up with this strike. I truly hope the membership remembers the total lack of representation and support CUPW. Bring something to at least vote on! Now and not 1 week from now. Keep your faces out of the media and get to work!
Union has to drop extra demands that benefit themselves, showing greed and profiting off our backs. They’re trying to add cleaners, EV Chargers, Postal Banking (again and again which failed to organize) and other nonsense, if they negotiated without those ridiculous demands and on a fair wage, benefits and pension we wouldn’t be in this mess. The corporation made an offer before union proposal that boosted wages and the union did not show us and made more ridiculous demands, that’s why Canada Post rolled back. CUPW playing with our jobs now and people are getting angry and will result to backlash when this is done.
Union is waiting for results of non confidence vote at 3 today
What does that mean?
NDP will back Liberals but if they do not. The parliament is dismissed and no one can force cupw to go back to work….. cupw is holding the candle that NDP backs the Liberals lol
NDP always backs the Liberals, they are basically the same party.
Nice to see think it’s so funny that out of work postal workers and Canadians who aren’t getting their social assistance cheques and struggling businesses who rely on the public postal system is so funny to you.
You are just another Maple MAGA hangers-on.
From what you’re saying you support the Cons who want to dismantle Canada Post.
Do you know that if the Cons form government, even more people will be laid off? That party doesn’t care about people like you. All they care about are their political investment backers.
I hope you enjoy the misery of others for now, but it will be even funnier if you end up in our situation and cry that no loves you.
Union is waiting for government to bail them out again and order us back, why aren’t we just paying our union dues to government, they do a better job than CUPW
lets goooooooooo
trigger an election and cupw is gone…..
You know this how??
There is a vote today…. check the news… It is about the 250$ paycheck next year….
There was just a vote of Non-Confidence in the House of Commons today, the Liberal government survived the vote, and the government survives yet again.
No. They are not waiting for this non issue. Everyone knows Jagmeet will never vote to ruin his pension…
Can we get a response CUPW..? Clock is ticking and time is of the essence, get back to the table and negotiate, 55,000 workers expect you to do your job.. Let’s go.. Let’s earn Canadians and business trust again..
While I do admire your enthusiasm this hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck of a negotiations fiasco is going nowhere fast. For a company so desperate to avoid labor disruption and unable to sustain loss of business of their own admission,their inaction sure doesn’t match their words. I guess money being made hand over fist at purolator and not paying 55 000 people for 4 weeks deserves another round of bonuses!
Why did union wait 4 days to respond..? You blame the corporation but avoid the real problem here, CUPW. If they did their job and not behave like a bunch of babies and concentrated on wages, benefits and pension we’d be back to work, but they’re not satisfied not profiting additional demands, that’s why we’re outside.. Stop defending the drunks, also Purolator is delivering our parcels, you think the corporation is as dumb as CUPW, I’d do the same if i ran the corporation, look for alternatives while a dispute falls apart because I won’t support EV Chargers, cleaners, senior check ins, etc..
Yep peeps complain about once in awhile getting too many requests on here…I agree
% with you…get blocked on CUPW…Last time I looked i lived in a Democratic country…Cuba is perfect for CUPW!
That’s why CUPW goes to Cuba, to send our money there and divide it as well. Wish we got free trips like CUPW..
Why hasn’t CUPW responded to Canada Post yet..? What’s going on, Christmas around the corner, Canadians need us, small businesses losing money, get a grip, drop the ego and the demands that don’t benefit the members.
Some history of CUPW
59 years of CUPW and only 2 ever signed Contracts signed, the last in one 2011..That means 50+ years of failures, yeah Solidarity, ill see you at the bar..
CUPW playing games as usual. What a pathetic situation they gotten us all into. Losing $ by the minute!
Time to privatize. Government fails at everything it does. What a waste of money!
At least for those with children, CERB payments will go up next year when its adjusted to 2024 income…. Silver lining.
Ready to scab these postal jobs today!
Get a deal done TODAY.
stay strong now-cant vack down now damage has been done
What if any accomplishments, has this unioun made in the last 25 years. Is it being legislated back in the past, that we are about to lose a months pay and benefits with no resolution in sight, our wages with you presiding have fallen behind, we make less for flyers now, the new delivery system that is now in place or our severance you lost. Congrats your consistent
The unions last signed contract was in 2011, they haven’t accomplished anything, nothing but failures sing 1965.. They need to be removed, with a track record of being legislated back so many years why isn’t the membership speaking up .? Why is everyone afraid to demand what WE want, not what THEY want. This is what’s happened now, the union making demands to line their pockets instead of doing their jobs, they should all be removed.. We’re picketing while they sleep and not responding to Canada Post on Friday, this is a joke.. I knew this would happen because history with these Bozo’s repeats itself contract after contract, why anyone voted yes to support them is beyond myself.
The problem is CUPW refuses to compromise. Otherwise there would be a deal now. The two sides are actually close on wages now. They could sign off on everything else and send the unresolved issues to arbitration. We want to get back to work now!
How do you know they’re close on wages?
They are truly the worst union in Canada. Congratulations CUPW on helping your membership lose a month of wages for nothing.
And yet you stay and never leave. I wonder why that is?
Only. 2 successful contracts signed and the last one in 2011, they have no accomplishments except dividing the members and spending our money, that’s their biggest accomplishment to date, year after year
What has this corporation accomplished in the last 15 years or so?
You pay your bills and have a job… Go elsewhere if you don’t like your job, we need people who want to work and contribute to our pensions.. Bye don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
The way Canada Post is treating their workers is absolutely disgusting.
If you’ve ever had any doubt how little they value and care about us, here it is.
It is absolutely disgusting that the cupw members go on strike especially during peak season when for 25 years, CPC has been paying their wage, benefits and pensions.
there is holes in the line….
It took me 30 years to truly believe that but I sure do now. The fact they cut people off benefits that have cancer shows their true colours. Cant wait to depart this useless company.
the fact that the union went on strike thinking that they will still get paid, benefits and pension is absurb. It truely show the smartness and shamefulness of your representatives as if this was the first strike ever happened in history. why didnt cupw cover the benefits? not caring is the reason.
Union had the benefits cut, stop blaming CPC for union decisions. CUPW decided to stop paying monthly premium. Stop defending CUPW with fake news, do your research first..
How do you mean? I’d like a chance to vote on Canada Post’s latest offer. I’m sure 90% of us want to get back to work now!
Wrong. Nice fake numbers you casually throw around
it is not fake numbers. he said 90%. you didnt ask out of how many workers…. just like cupw didn’t tell us those 95% is out of how many numbers…..
Ok. So what exactly would we be voting on? Some of you so adamant so tell us what EXACTLY wed be voting on. I have no idea as to details but you must have special access so what exactly are we voting on? Rolled back start times? How much wages over how many yeats? Did they eliminate the idea of ridding route ownership? Benefits,pension,days off, greivance time reductions,new admail pay rates, what about admail bags overloading? Please tell all of us what it is we are voting on that you keep going on about over and over? Hurry tell us time is of the essence. Dont forget all the devils in the details stuff CPC hiding into the fine print. Let’s overlook all that and quickly vote to make you happy
Talk to people other then the loud mouths you call your leaders
Yes, the Minister of Labour can actually force a vote on Canada Post’s latest offer. Then we’d really find out how much support there is for staying out on strike.
What’s this supposed offer?
I was wondering why there’s no Employee Engagement Survey this year… Now I know…. Low results wouldn’t be good.
So CPC can’t even run a comments section on a website (“Too Many Requests”) and these people are supposed to efficiently turn around a multi-billion dollar enterprise?
Why are you here than?
Where’s CUPW’s comment section?
They are too busy blocking people for unfavorable comments in Facebook.
Exactly, CUPW won’t set up a forum for its members because if you don’t drink their cool-aid and brainwashing you’re either blocked or removed. CUPW is a sorry excuse to negotiate groceries out of a paper bag. They’re not for the members, only the alcoholics at the bar they spend our money at.. Congratulations CUPW another failed contract since 1965
Yep peeps complain about once in awhile getting too many requests on here…I agree
% with you…get blocked on CUPW…Last time I looked i lived in a Democratic country…Cuba is perfect for CUPW!
But at least Canada Post provides a comments section.
I’m thinking about applying at Canada Post. I hear it’s a financially solid company and the union looks out for the employee. There is no strife between them Sounds like a great atmosphere. Where can I send my resume?
The union is a failure, apply to be a supervisor, at least during strikes you’ll get paid, instead of waiting for CUPW to get their …t together to even pay us properly. They couldn’t negotiate against children.
Send to North POLE. ASAP. Before Canada post won’t let the volunteers collect the letters North Pole Attention Santa or Doug HOH OHO
Everyone who voted Yes to strike can strike, I voted No with others, open the doors I’m ready to work and give Canadians the service they need now..!! The rest of CUPW who voted for this, Bah humbug to you all.Open the doors CPC I’m ready to do my job and serve Canadians, small businesses and save face..
Whos with me…
No one is with you
Actually A LOT of people are “with this person”. Ever wonder why voter turnout is extremely low and unions NEVER publish the accurate stats? It’s because spoiled and disgruntled employees always turn up to vote YES to a strike. People that are grateful and enjoy life have better things to do. Have a pleasant day freezing on the line and making peanuts
So decline and forfeit any gains that may be made going forward. In fact why don’t YOU cut your own pay and benefits and days off and remit back to your cpc overlords. You obviously don’t need any of them because you can’t even be bothered to make a stand against the tyranny. Why even work at all. Stay home and milk the system. Should be more than adequate seeing as you make too much already.
You are welcome to quit if you don’t like fighting for what is right.
Please email the Minister of Labour and ask for help from the government. The Minister has the power to force a vote on Canada Post’s latest proposal. Our union doesn’t actually care about us enough to compromise. It’s all about rheir own egos and being ‘right’.
I am with you
me too
I didn’t vote at all, don’t have time to play union games. Wanna go back to work!
Well you’re part of the problem then. If more people had the courage to show up and vote ‘No’, CUPW would have been forced to compromise and negotiate. We could have avoided this strike and nobody would have lost a month of wages. So thanks….
100% agree!
All for one and one for all. You aren’t special. You will follow the process like everybody else because you have no choice.
“All for one and one for all”. Now that is just pathetic. I guess Marvel Superhero movies are your life guidelines. You are correct however, individuals did have their say with a simple yes or no for this. However closed mindedness and negativity unfortunately always trumps positive people in a union hence why we are on strike. “All for one blah blah”. Ha that’s hysterical
Speak for yourself, enjoy Christmas outside getting less than minimum wage, where is prefer to be paid by my employer, not my slave owners CUPW.. No one needed this, and all they do is stall and add bogus demands, like EV Chargers, Cleaners, Senior check ins, Postal Banking BS, yeah fighting for themselves not the membership, stop smoking the cheap stuff, I want to work, go on unemployment if you want.
Since when do unions bargain for contract workers? Stick to the issues at hand please. Quite clearly if both parties have not come to an agreement in a year , and neither side are willing to meet the other, so let get to binding arbitration and be done with it. Your holding Canada hostage at this point.
2003. RSMC. That’s when. And look where that got us.
Not many with you pal. Stay united workers.
Those who are complaining about the strike yet failed to exercise their vote should keep quiet. No reason to complain. You should have exercised your right to vote.
Scabs ahoy
Always someone willing to accept all the perks but do none of the legwork. Then they have kids and teach them to take and leave nothing behind. As far as saving face, to late. You have to wear that now. This is your baby. Go get em scabby
CUPW should take another week to respond and tell CPC the new parameters for continuing negotiations. It is time to put the CPC bully in their place!
Yes Sir! You deserve a cigar for that comment. Hold the line fight fight fight! Stand up for something once in your life CUPW sheep learn from the fighters!
Amen to that!
That’s great that you don’t care about losing another week of pay. Congratulations! We’ve now lost so much money that even a 20% raise will not make up for it. If we had accepted 12% with no strike we would have actually been ahead. Great job CUPW!
Intelligent comment. Well done
It’s about the bigger picture of it ALL! Your Canada your children! Why are we wanting to accept a Canada mirroring a 3WC? One week two week 10 weeks whoa cares! We all have long lives ahead of us stand up and fight!
The math isn’t mathing !!
This forum has become comical now! Near every comment by management, apoc or a cupw softie sheep baaaa baaaaa haha.
HOLD THE LINE! Victory is near and the workers prevail!
Victorious just like last couple of decades!:):) Union sheep are always guided into the wolf’s den.
Absolutely! We are united and strong! CPC is desperate and scared and censoring a comment section…
Everytime I send a message that has any teeth it doesn’t get posted. This forum only accepts buzzwords
do you work for CPC ? where is victory ? we already lost any possible gain ? never heard about union that is fighting for future employees and not for the current ones. news is we not going back till new year …thanks few people from NEB
Yes if we’d accepted 12% with no strike we would have been further ahead than a 20% raise with 4-6 weeks of lost wages. In other words this strike has been useless and CUPW has failed again.
It’s all one troll with his fondness for ellipses.
He thinks his jokes about Cuba and 5 star hotels and non stop parties are intelligent, but they show the exact opposite. The guy has been commenting every few minutes thinking he speaks for all, not realizing he is far in the minority. Conspiracy theories abound!
This won’t be settled until February and even then it will be with massive job losses. Better go see our bankers and beg for cash.
Yes! Go to your bank and continue the fight! Eat the rich!
Can somebody wake up CUPW, we’re here waiting to hear their half wit response to the corporation. I’m sure they’re recovering from the weekend of doing nothing and drinking..
No news from CUPW when they were issued a proposal Friday, is anyone surprised..? They paid to work but took the weekend off to party on our dime, the corporation is making ey with Purolator and we can’t even get strike pay on time, bunch of drunks and clowns that represent us, I know there’s no way 95% voted for this, votes must’ve been counted at the bar during happy hour by CUPW.
People get involved in the union because they don’t like working. 90% of members stay as far away as possible.
CUPW execs are in Cuba this week. They are wasting our dues money. these useless people should be jailed and fired. CUPW must disappear from Canada, Deport them to Cuba.
Wherever they are, we know they’re doing nothing. Let’s hope the government steps in soon to end this nonsense.
You first
It’s as though Canadians are watching a bad soap opera play out before our eyes. Who did who wrong, who’s gonna give an inch? Loose the union negotiator, exit stage left to Canada Post executives. Parcel delivery…who needs flyers and what little mail is out there anyway. Time to move forward Canada Post. Time these unions stop trying to stay relevant.
Both canada post and the union are idiots acting like school kids in the playground and effecting the public…. Give them a pay rise of 18 and a compromise on weekend work it is that dam simple….or before too long there wont be a canada post it will go-into liquidation and there will be no jobs …its bad management and-no flexibility stopping the company moving forward
Yes it should be simple. However CUPW won’t compromise about the weekend work. That’s why 55,000 workers are outside suffering. Is it possible for our union to behave like adults so we can get back to work?
Both sides are doing no favours and n the end will result n the big wall falling down around them you have to move n in business or you wlll get wiped out by competition the public want fair price reliability good fast service playing cat and ball deliberately chosen at this-time of year for impact has damaged the value of the company and services it provides plus all the small companies it’s harmed who were reliant on Canada post there would have been better ways that the issues could have been sorted without causing all this damage
CPC Board and CEO need to be shown the door without the golden handshake. Ever since present Board and CEO have held positions with CPC…it has lost money every year. Coincidence? What have they done/not done to lose that kind of money? Any other business/service would have turfed execs after posting losses for 3 consecutive years. This Board and CEO have long overstayed their welcome. Mr. Minister, I ask you to have a solid look at what this CEO/Board have done the past 6years and come to your own conclusion.
I agree. But the reality is fat chance! CEO was appointed by trudeau!
That would explain why JT hasn’t said boo publicly re service disruption. Thank you
Common Sense Conservatives will fire this Management group and hire Common Sense business people that don’t spend money they don’t have.
No, if Cons are running the government, you’ll be getting nothing except kick on the
out the door. Canada Post will be sold off and privatized. They will only hire you for minimum wage.
Common Sense Cons sounds like an oxymoron.
can’t fix Canada Post.
in their pants to care about the rest of people suffering.
PeePee hasn’t said a word either because betting on a non – confidence vote to disrupt the system even more, so dream of being PM will come true.
Even that
The only people who can are the CPC and CUPW negotiators who are too busy
Duty of fair representation complaint – Section 37 of the Canada Labour Code
This form will guide you if you want to file a complaint against your union or its representative for a breach of their duty of fair representation. It will help you provide all the information the Canada Industrial Relations Board needs to process your complaint.
I’m curious who posted this?
Union has followed the rules. Maybe you should find a different job.
Time to decertify
A revocation application cannot be filed during a legal strike or lockout, except in very limited circumstances and with the Board’s consent.
Quit whining and find another job if you are upset. Our demands shall be met!
We must get rid of this useless union.
Union was up early tweeting this morning their twice daily message…
Third-party violence is one of the most common sources of harassment and violence in the workplace…..
I think they should get rid of all the CUPW riff raff first.
Fire the CUPW representatives, or Resign Now!!
CUPW choose black friday and christmas to go on strike to pressure CPC in conceding. Plan A didnt work well CUPW??
What else?? Fire the board of CPC now? Is that Plan C?
Because Plan B of having Canadians by your side also did not work!! Lets go until there is no more letters in the alphabet….
Going out November 15 was the mistake they need to go out after black Friday.. December 1st would have given us more negotiating it stands right now we are picketing empty buildings
Rent those empty buildings so that all the picketers can get paid. Eventually.
Ugghhh! John, amazing take on this one. That would have been ideal couldn’t agree more. Let Black Friday happen and all the chaos surrounding them walk out. Leave the building bursting and full instead like you said we left empty buildings.
Advocating for Canadians to purchase on black Friday and then strategically strike afterwards to literally hold all their Christmas gifts hostages in locked facilities?
Have you no shame???
All that for what? To advocate for cleaners in CUPW, DB pensions for new hires and preventing weekend delivery without being paid overtime?
Y’all have lost it. This isn’t even about wages.
I think the plan worked pretty well. National strike, three companies buckling under the workload. And no movement of a single flyer.
I think we have their attention
Buckling under the workload? Did we buckle during the pandemic with our massive volumes? They won’t buckle either, they can just put more trucks on the road and increase capacity. We are no longer essential workers.
Definitely CUPW needs to be fired and be held accountable for all our losses, for 4 years of paying dues for this poor Representation, give us back our money..!! They still haven’t responded to Canada Post when they sent proposal. Must still be drunk from partying on the weekend on our dime.. Bozo’s
it is true. That is what union bozos do.
I’m doing a survey for Prapaganda magazine. I wanna know which entity you believe has screwed you more over the years. CPC CUPW OR BOTH? If you answer you will be allowed to continue not working and not getting paid.
I’m not answering this. Its too weird. Does this mean I can start working and get paid?
CUPW has caused hardship to its membership and Canadians every time due to their inability to negotiate with CP.
Anyone know when CUPW will give an answer to CPCs proposal back on Friday? Customers and workers need things to speed up, NOW!
Why the urgency now? It only took CPC over 10 months to give their 1st low ball offer.
I’m still wonder how it was possible for us to go on a strike , with only 15% or so of the workforce saying yes? Less then 50% of the workforce vote shouldn’t even be valid!
Obviously yes. So if you were too lazy to vote, you’re just ad much to blame as those foolish members who were duped into voting ‘Yes’.
If there’s so many people against, then why didn’t they show up to vote no? There wasn’t a strong ‘no’ mandate, 5% of whatever turnout isn’t compelling either.
It clearly shows that there is NO 55,000 workers picketing….. we know that this 95% is not really big in number who voted Yes
And even way less that said no.
Still, under 50% shouldn’t be valid. A lot of workers were already complaining at the time that the locations to vote were not close and they don’t trust in organization like CUPW. 80% not voting should make the union wake up for the reallity that people don’t trust such organizations, it’s all about agendas! This strike doesn’t represent most workers at all, as only 20% voted!
Get a clue about how democracy works. It comes down to who shows up and votes. 95%+ who did said YES!
How would 20a% of the with force decide for 80% ? How is this democracy? For me it’s more like those Russian election, that are always won by the same guy with more then 85%:):)
Did cupw force anyone to or not to vote? Did people on here complaining ad nauseum show up to vote either way. If not whichever side you fall on shut up
That is true. I guess those who did vote ‘Yes’ have now found out that they were duped by CUPW. We’ve lost almost a month of pay for nothing!
Kamloops had nearly 90% turn out for the strike vote
Anyone know how much RBC is paid to manage our pension Fund. Last time I checked it was $200 million annually if I’m not mistaken. probably more by now as its a percentage of assets managed..
Well it’s actually a board, who members elect. They do a great job, unlike the management of Canada Post or CUPW!
RBC yuck! Another group of people that should all be jailed
Lots of talk regarding decertifying CUPW.
Why not look at that using survey monkey as that I think it’s free.
How come CUPW hasnt responded yet?
They’re recovering from their partying over the weekend. They will wake up later today.
The top has to eliminate positions. Do we really need 20 vice presidents. Something to think about.
Maybe we could think about that when and if we ever go back to work. Maybe CUPW should think about compromising so we can get an agreement done. 55,000 workers are about to lose another week of pay. Something to think about!
mertolinx in Ontario had 85 VPs !
are CUPW NEB people willing to destroy CPC ?
I am surprised that with CPC loosing so much money we got any wage increase offers .
I think that some people posting here and specially on CUPW FB don’t work for CPC or retired long time ago. My station lost 35% parcels from 2023 .We work 4 hrs a day for last 3years and get paid for 8 ! How long this can go on ? I hope company stays solvent to pay my pension.IT WAS WRONG CALL BY CUPW TO GO ON STRIKE ! WE SHOULD WAITE TO BE LOCKED IN.
Why is CPC willing to distroy itself?
They were pumping all the news in the springtime of loosing money.
Aren’t there enough VPs to do marketing? Make new contracts, offer services to businesses, etc.
If your volume has dropped so much it is incumbent on the hundreds of high paid managers to solve by finding new business or right sizing the workforce.
Why are workers to blame? There are enough managers of managers of managers who’s actual jobs are to figure out business solutions.
Stop with your work 4 hrs a day and 8hrs pay BS, most carriers I know and I’ve worked over 8hours of you’ve actually done your line of route properly, that also includes not walking on lawns, wait till SSD full implementation if you’re fabricating those hours. I’m sure you’re not even an employee either or a supervisor who hates his job..
This is comical. Nobody works close to 8 right now. There is no volume. Heck, some probably complaining about having to picket for 4hrs.
RSMCs in my area work 2.5-3.5h/day for 7.5h routes
It’s definitely a part time job with full time pay and benefits.
I’m all for the union fight but there’s something wrong when you can work 2.5h/day and retire and live 40 years with a full DB pension.
It’s obviously unsustainable, and I think we’re seeing that now, I don’t think CPC is messing around with this time.
As a postmaster you are 1000% correct. We have said this for years. Where else are you going to work 4 to 5 hours and get paid for 8+ hours. I want to know, I’m applying. Now CUPW wants 11/2 and double time to deliver parcels on the weekends and no more part time workers or contractors. As for creating a 2 tier pay system, they already have let that happen they are called OCR’s. They get less pay for doing the same routes, no clothing allowances and no benefits. How did the union let that happen from day one. As a business, which we are supposed to be this makes no sense. Best of luck to all and hopefully we see you all when this is over.
ENOUGH of this “ going to the table” … you had ur chance to make a deal and obviously both sides are a huge failure.
Time to go back to work , find outside negotiators or someone who knows what they’re doing … both sides running it into the ground…
If only they’d done that at the beginning. I certainly support the idea of automatic binding arbitration if both sides can’t reach a deal. CUPW has proven once again they are incapable of compromise. Government intervention may be our only hope to get back to work. This is nothing new. Please email the Labour Minister and express your concerns. The government does have the power to end this mess for everyone’s sake.
Is it correct the corp offered 16%? But union is still screwing around with weekends and cleaners?
Yes, CUPW doesn’t actually want to settle. They could sign off on everything else and put the unresolved issues into arbitration. Then we could all go back to work.
Wow seriously? How do you know that?, they’re not telling us anything?
What is this all about? Is this CUPW’s plan?
Just how delusional is CUPW? If the liberal government falls, we get the conservatives in power. They would not put up with CUPW for a second. Just when I thought that CUPW couldn’t get any more stupid.
Why does CUPW tell us that CP is lying to us about how rich CP is and how our pension is overfunded.?
Canadian government provided temporary relief to the Canada Post Pension Plan (CPC) in 2022 to help with solvency funding. The Canada Post Corporation Pension Plan Funding Regulations, which came into effect on April 7, 2022, provided relief until December 31, 2024. Without this relief, Canada Post would have had to make a special payment of around $796 million in 2022.
Canada Post is responsible for funding the difference between employee contributions and the amount required for pension benefits. Canada Post also makes additional payments to cover deficits. An independent actuary performs an annual actuarial valuation to determine how much Canada Post needs to contribute to meet the plan’s financial obligations. When CP can’t make the payments, the government steps in and saves them.
Thats old news….The pension is over funded Now. As the government was No longer able to suppress interest rates any longer so they could borrow at much cheaper rates. Most pension went from underfunded to overfunded.
Old news? It changed in just two years. More people retire every year and less workforce replace them. It’ll only worsen with automation. But you’re right – and I’m sure so are the financial gurus in CUPW management.
Even if you retire today, you can easily draw from the pension for 35 years!
CUPW wants to meet at the table being at the table hasn’t resolved anything whats the difference at the table or mediator going from board room to board room
Bring us the offers so we can see for ourselves what the offers are your not representing us you only fighting for your own agendas
Yes Thank you, I also said let’s see the offers, I guarantee CUPW added extra demands to profit themselves while they should be negotiating for the membership. All this BS about cleaners, senior check ins, EV Chargers… This is not what we need. CUPW wants to control post office, that’s not their job, our wages , benefits and pension are their job, that’s it.. Grow up CUPW and stop stalling
While I am all for decertifying CUPW from a personal basis, it is the process that is broken
The MEMBERSHIP votes on a strike mandate, which is the way it should be, however that is where it currently ends
Once that mandate is given , then accountability to the membership ends
Going forward , there should be a clause/ language given to CUPW or any other union, that EACH and EVERY offer is presented to its MEMBERSHIP and those offers should be VOTED on by the MEMBERSHIP that pays monthly union dues
The unions job is to negotiate , recommend , and then present
Only by voting on offers does a MMBERSHIP show true SOLIDARITY
How about doing the votes online? Might get more than 10% of the membership to vote that way
I’m curious, many apoc commenters here. What happens if the company closes up, like you ask and threaten?
Do you think you’ll still be on the payroll, doing nothing? What job will you go and get?
I think you should send a message to your boss to negotiate fairly…
How do you know that there are many APOC commenter’s. I haven’t noticed many commenter’s identifying themselves as supervisors or APOC?
No. There will be mass layoff including me potentially.
Do I care about being laid off? No
Do I care about the future of the company? Yes
Will I get another job after CPC? Yes
Will I get same wage, benefit and pension? Probably not
Am I willing to do be laid off for the better of the company? Yes, I do not want tax payers money to be paying for my salary and especially the salary of the slackers.
Am I willing to sacrifice my job for the future of the company? Yes
What a strange comment
Seriously? Tax payers don’t pay our salaries, for one. I’m really happy that you’ll get another job and move on. I’m 61 yrs old, I’m not sure how easy it’s going to be for me to get another job.
What’s wrong with you .? Just quit and go somewhere else already since you feel that way.
Do you understand that your fight isn’t with apoc? That your collective agreement is between cupw and cpc, not cupw and apoc? Just like it’s not between cupw and cpaa or psac?
Be careful what you wish for.CPC gets tossed to the curb so do you and unfortunately most people
CPC to give for current and future EEs:
-10% raise year 1, followed by 2% or inflation rate each year after (whatever is higher)
-Elimination of tiered wage system after 2000 hours worked graduate to top wage
-Executive extended health plan
-Maintain DB Pension
-7 day delivery to include ALL POC and product types
-Redesign all routes based on 7 days
-Extend all negotatiated corporate discounts to all employees (cell phones, insurance, tires, etc)
-Elimination of PCI by carrier. All PCI to be sent to RPO.
-NO items to go to door to avoid all hazards.
-All OS parcel that dont fit into cmb or parcel locker go to RPO.
-SSD sorter to perform all NM Prep/ collation.
-Double HH Bonus for NM delivery
-$5 per CMB snow clear bonus
-$2 per lock change/ install bonus
-5 min time value per day to clean/wash vehicle (35min over a 7 day week)
-yearly christmas bonus based on percentage of profit
-Paternity leave to be equal to maternity top up
In exchange for CUPW to allow:
-Merge group 1 ,2 and rsmc to eliminate wasted labour
-Eliminate full time relief (as vacancies come up)
-Temps to cover all absences.
-PT Permanent 2 day weekend positions. With option to transfer to FT.
-10 year collective agreement
-Carriers to do all customer lock changes, panel lock installs
-Inside workers to add facility cleaning as part of possible jobs
-Carriers to clear snow from cmb
-Carriers to wash exterior / clean interior of their delivery vehicles each week
-SSD and CMB to be agreed to
-union dues based on percentage of pay, not fixed $
-no strike during Nov/Dec added to CA
Elimination of PCI and OS to the door its ludicrous. That’s one of the top things why many customers don’t like for CP. We should be given time values to contact every door , residencial , business and apartment (no buzzing), that would be the correct things to do.
A lot of those points are pretty thoughtful.
Strike pay is a joke
Not even minimum wage…in the 90s whole on strike for saw mill we were paid 400.00 a week and only had to attend once a week
Show me the money or get us back to work..
Well alot of you are dillusional… CP has screwed us many times over now through tbe years and you think this is a fault on the union… well guess what… leave and go to some other job, we dont want you as part of our union… nobody is holding you back.. good riddance.. We deserve more…. too many uneducated workers posting here
We work for Canada Post this is a Canada Post website, I wish the CUPW groupies would vanish to their own website, sorry this unioun is a colossal failure
I love the Commies come on the CPC site and try to boss people around.
I agree. I think cupw members should abandon this forum and let these nit wits walk in circles and mumble to each other alone.
It is all supervisors comments. Just trying to create an illusion of disharmony amongst the workers and a need to settle for a bad deal. I don’t remember seeing this type of behavior in even children before. I hope that they are acting alone and not being directed or encouraged.
Brainwashed much? CUPW leadership is a vile and useless group of human being
Canada Post strips employees on strike of their benefits, illegally lays off striking employees, bargains in bad faith, loves unsafe working conditions, and pockets bonuses every year despite reporting losses. As for employees, their top wages are much lower than UPS, FEDEX, and many others, and their starting wages are lower than warehouse workers at Wal-Mart. The problem here is Canada Post!
CUPW is the problem, adding demands to negotiations that don’t benefit us, stop drinking their cool-aid. They’re lying to all of us showing no proof.. Let us see the proposal and offers, stop giving them the right to sing a song and us their propaganda while they support communist groups. If they have nothing to hide let’s see the offers..
What if the parties agreed to a temporary ceasefire that will get us back to work and get the mail moving again during the busiest time of the year?
CUPW would call off the general strike and Canada Post would restore the collective agreements, with vital health benefits (retroactively if possible, for those who have been struggling to pay for meds out of pocket).
The parties would go back to the negotiating table during the ceasefire, with the agreement that there will be no binding arbitration at any time (except on specific issues by mutual agreement). The ceasefire would hold until some agreed upon date in January, and if a deal is not reach by then, the parties can again exercise their full rights under the Canada Labour Code.
I can’t see how either party would refuse this unless they are acting in extremely bad faith. If one or the other does so, at least Canadians will know who the real Grinch is.
Binding arbitration is the only way CUPW will stop adding useless demands and get us back to work, in the end we lose again, but that’s CUPW’s plan like every contract. 2 contracts signed in over 40 years, what kind of union is that..?
Going to bed sad and mad.
Talked to alot of members up and down the food chain. Seems like we are now on the line for the cleaners in the big hubs. If that’s the case let’s just be out till February.
Exactly, so many brainwashed people here think CUPW is fighting for us. Really Pathetic when the truth is right in front of them and the liars crying without showing proof. Only Canada Post has given us updates, where’s the Union..?
I pray for all those struggling through this hardship, hopefully both sides wake up because they’re both at fault, but this can’t go on, we’re losing trust of Canadians and small businesses right now, so hoping for a resolution or the Minister of labor to step in to end this, CUPW you better get this done stop changing the demands. Let’s see all the offers, I heard CPC upped the wages, but CUPW won’t show us anything why..?
Becuase that is what negotiating teams are for, they are the ones that see the offers, they know the mandate of both sides what they want, so no negotiation does not take place in the public or even amoung employees, that is why you voted for the strike and intrusted the union leadership to bargain on your behalf, if you dont trust them then show up to vote next time.
I didn’t vote to strike, I voted No because I knew this would happen, you voted yes because of brainwashing and manipulation used by the union, not realizing all the extras the union wants from CPC. Postal Banking attempted and failed, Cleaners..? EV Chargers..? Senior Check ins..? Are you serious right now, we have a right to see all offers to see who’s lying, I don’t believe a word any National rep has told us.If the corporation is lying show us the offer because they increased wages, and let’s see the demands CUPW has. Don’t defend anyone who shows you no proof and tell other they’re doing their job and you voted this BS. My money also CUPW lying 95% voted yes because I know the ones that voted NO province wide are minimum 30-45%
Woohoo losing the parcel business now, can’t wait to get back to work with job cuts.. E-shipper one of the biggest shipper to Canada Post looking also for permanent alternative that we also will lose. Purolator and UPS so busy but delivering our parcels so it will be easier to get what ever is left delivered by us, if it’s not too late..
Congratulations CUPW, job cuts for everyone.. another unsuccessful negotiation . Useless
So here it is,Canada Post is a crown corporation and can have forced binding arbitration if there was a lockout .But because there is a strike the government has to use back to work legislation.That is not going to happen because the House of Commons is in limbo right now and also ndp would have to vote for it and they said they would not support the motion.If this strike goes past Christmas cupw is screwed because Canada post probably won’t budge
Ministry of labour can force ùs back
Canada Post how about you present us with your best offer. Make it public for everyone to see. At this point the minister of labour can force CUPW into a ratification vote. I wonder what the result would be?
There is no offer that the mediator is satisfied with. Why does no one get this. The company has not done anything but try to damage the image of the workers
Nothing from CUPW but Canada Post making statements and CUPW not responding..
Hmmm who’s stalling here ..?
They’ll respond when good and ready. And not under the typical bully timeline of management. Recall that it only took management over 10 months to present their 1st lowball offer.
Cupw had a spa day
Maybe hear something Tommorrow
Only 1? Management has spa days everyday!
Why no updates from CUPW..? Oh yes weekends off, I guess I’ll get ready to picket tomorrow again because no progress and they’re warm in their homes sleeping because they’re not out with us all, with their fridge full of food..
Can’t wait for another late strike pay.
– UPS delivery drivers (top end) currently make $35.44/h
– Purolator delivery drivers (top end, in Toronto) currently make $34.66/h (with a 3% bump in each of the next two years which will only widen the divide).
– CPC drivers (top end) make $30.34/h, with an offer for an 11% bump that doesn’t even match current competition wages, never mind in four years.
Both UPS & Purolator personnel are on defined benefit pension plans. NOT defined contributions.
These figures should incense everyone currently striking. This CEO has done nothing but blow the company’s cash reserves on failed investments that haven’t panned out. All the while systematically suppressing wages to cover for his lack of foresight, and executive mismanagement.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious to all the naysayers and management who can’t see past their own noses.
I think we could potentially get there if CUPW wasn’t including cleaners, future employees and others non needed things in their negotiations
Let’s compare apples to apples. Take away the paid lunch, hand wash, beat time value by 2 hours. Your on road productivity is half of what UPS and Purolator is. We buy larger trucks to fit more parcels so we can compete with the private sector but yet you refuse to drive them because you might have to actually pick up clearance volume. We limit the weight of our parcels to 50 lbs while the competition goes to 150lbs. While we are at it, please go ahead and see how the inside operations are managed in those companies? (PT, students, tuition reimbursement, lower wage rate)
The math says they’re underpaid by 20%. If this CEO wants to sink a 157 year old institution in this country to avoid paying its frontline workers industry standard pay, then he can wear his contemptible record as CEO here proudly. He’ll be remembered as the guy who finally killed the post office through years of mismanagement, bungled investments, and lack of anticipatory foresight.
defined contributions is better than defined pension. I would go for DC all way long instead of DP.
But the two sides are actually close on wages. What’s holding up a contract is the weekend work and SSD. Why not sign off on everything else and send these issues to arbitration? Then we can get back to work. Or is that too much common sense for CUPW?
I don’t know of any UPS, FED-EX, or any other delivery service driver/person who gets paid for 8 hours when they only work 5 hours or work 8 hours but get paid 2 hours or more of OT when they worked a maximum of 8 hours
The workers at UPS, FedEx etc don’t make the decisions on the hours of day they deliver, the management of those companies do. CPC management seems ok with 5 hour days and unfull trucks. And then calls themselves poor and blames the workers instead of themselves.
There were many news stories reporting UPS drivers finishing routes early, then taking OT. They report over $200,000 annual income for their delivery drivers!
Are they UPS and Purolator unionized workers? Are they represented by cup who?
We shoud make online petition for decertification of the union.It looks like that most of the membrts are afraid of CUPW .There is nobody who wants to say something to opose them.
Maybe just a complete overhaul of the brass and a culture shift at CUPW, that would be better for workers, unions have a place but you have to be able to read the room.
This is the 1st Common sense comment made here
You want to send a message, don’t picket
Decertification of this wretched union would be advisable at this point. I believe we need 30% to agree by petition sent to the appropriate authority. We should get this rolling. Opinions?
100% but I think we need up to 45% and get rid of them and bring in Teamsters. CUPE and unifor are corrupt with political BS..Let’s get this started..Down with CUPW and this stalling, we want our Wages, Benefits and Pension, who cares about the rest, not our concern. We want to work and CUPW wants to divide us all that way they stay in power, let’s come together and remove them.
Isn’t what your suggesting divisive as well? Why is your divisiveness acceptable? Because you agree with it?
Think it is 50%? but nobody even comes out to vote so not sure how many will support this. It does need to be done though.
Leta do it
Um, you took zero time to figure out how to decertify a union but for some reason believe there is a will to do this? Please wake up anytime.
I’m game. I’ve said I’d spearhead the whole thing I’ve got some helpers too!
I agree!
Something needs to be done!
That is true. According to the Canada Labour Code; if 30% of members sign for recertification, a vote must be held. Members could then choose another union to represent them. Teamsters or Longshoremen are both much more professional and successful in negotiations, without all the ridiculous social causes of CUPW. PSAC or CUPE would also do a better job. As long as none of our current national or local execs were involved, most members would support this idea.
Yeah. The union ain’t going nowhere. Grow up.
I agree
Yup, let’s all contact the minister to tell them how much we hate CUPW. We should just sign whatever is placed in front of us, after all it’s Canada Post that’s been taking such great care of its workers for so long! Forget that they lied to public about their losses. Forget that they instituted delivery systems that are dangerous for its workers. Forget that they gave away our biggest contract, lost billions, and yet were still able to give out millions in bonuses for such a good job the management did. Forget that they want to rollback pensions and benefits and have the biggest “on call” staff in Canada. We should just sign because they’ve been so proactive and up front with all of us for so long. Forget that we all agreed to a two year extension of our CBA and they took nearly three years to come back with an offer, right around the busiest time of the year, making the public think the workers are holding their packages hostage.
But keep listening to some guy who thinks CUPW goes to Cuba every month and stay in 5 star hotels with 15 three course meals a day. Ya, let’s listen to him!
Forget it all and sign.
You’re all so pathetic…
Who’s paying your bills Bud .? Not CUPW.. let’s see. The offers CUPW is hiding before you bash who gives you a paycheck.. 14+ months in a 5 star hotel..? You support that..? Trip to Cuba in the middle of negotiations..? Yeah you’re one of the CUPW cronies, you don’t speak for anyone here, you’re part of the problem..
No proof of rollbacks?? That was in their initial offer. Maybe you should understand how negotiations work before telling me I’m misinformed. If we voted on every offer we’d be out of work for MONTHS! We voted for CUPW to negotiate on our behalf…95% of us that took the time to actually vote. They fight for the best deal, and then we vote on it. That’s how this works!
We had 4 offers, how naive are you. 2 of them the union not showing us because they’re trying to include EV Chargers, Postal Banking again, cleaners etc.. That’s all included in negotiations BOB.
Why won’t CUPW create a forum for us..? Just like on Facebook they ban people who have an opinion, it’s called control. You’re a letter Carrier and you represent the majority of Carriers, thanks for the laughs.. BOB
How naive of you to think that any of those offers are even worth the paper they are written on. I don’t like this any more than you but we are in for the long haul. If you think all this has been a waste of time so far, think about this. Having wasted all this time so far and as you would suggest, going back with nothing accomplished ,no gains,no improvements ,big fat zero! That is a collosal waste of time for nothing. And if you think even for a second, going back would help us in any way shape or form, you are not only naive but also delusional. We could die working for free and they would not care
95% voted yes..? Where’s your proof..? Oh so CUPW says so, so it must be true. If they told you to jump in a lake, would you ask them which one as well..? I can bet less than 12,000 people voted and it wasn’t 95% yes either.. I can rig an election also, they’re experience comes from rigged elections.. Nice one, you should run for president with your lack of knowledge.
Hey, there he is! Tell me, what hotel are they staying in? Where is this 5 star hotel you speak of? And exactly when did they all go to Cuba?
I speak for a vast majority of carriers, it’s just that you’re so loud you think YOU speak for everyone.
You, me “Anonymous” ARE the problem!
Hey, you know that the carriers are not the only people that work here right? You think you can get off your high horse for a second and realize that you are just another cog in the machine. You are not better.
You have no proof of any rollbacks, only what CUPW says.. Let’s see the offers and see the truth, till then stop spreading misinformation to others. Until we all have proof why it’s gone to crap you have nothing to say, so stop defending CUPW not showing us the last 2 offers.
Fact. The last offer was full of rollbacks.
Where’s the last offer..? We had 2 that CUPW won’t show us. You’re not proving anything..
Where’s the proof..? Where the document..? Post a link
It’s with the proof of CUPW staying in a 5 star hotel taking trips to Cuba every week.
So says CUPW
What was actually a roll-back? What did CPC want to take away that you already had? A roll-back doesn’t mean that they offered less than you wanted. I keep seeing people claiming roll-backs but to date I haven’t actually seen any.
Yup, plenty of rollbacks.
Sure, whatever you say. Our union has just ‘rolled back’ one month of pay for 55,000 members. We’re just about to lose another week of pay for nothing!
We have proof. Cpc has no clue whatsoever what they’re doing which is why we are where we are. The only thing they are good at is convincing gullibles like you they’re the good guys.
Of course both sides are to blame. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that CUPW refuses to compromise. That’s why we’ve been out for a month with no end in sight. We pay the union to represent us and get a deal. They seem unable to do that. Government intervention may be the only answer. Unless everyone enjoys continuing to lose thousands of dollars in wages for nothing!
Can’t argue with a single thing, well said
Not every month, but to even go to Cuba once at members expense is incredibly wasteful and corrupt. That is the type of people who are CUPW execs. Most hard working members would be ashamed to do that.
Is there even a five star hotel in Cuba…seriously
Quit playing with people’s mental health .enough already !
So on a CUPW facebook anybody posting against NEB is automaticly blocked and kicked out ….freedom of speeach does not exist.What if few of NEB people got paid by UPS or FEDEX or Amazon to destroy Canada Post ? Why few people make a decision for 55000 ? we want to see offers and vote on it ! People already lost 10% wages and with holiday ,sick days and benefits a lost is around 20% !!!
That is what is happening with CPC executives.
If you look into their LinkedIn profiles, you will see some have conflicts of interest being board of directors of both Canada Post and Puralotor.
If we researched further we could possibly dig up more dirt on these fat cats.
Let’s see the Nationals financials, I bet they’re being paid as much as Canada Post execs, don’t kid yourself.
Lol that’s a great assumption. We’ll run with that. “I bet” they’re doing this and that
If you look at one of those profiles in particular, you might wonder why an executive who did two stints as CEO in the private sector had neither of those contracts renewed.
If you dig a little deeper, you might wonder if that had anything to do with selling a division of one of those companies to a former employer (which later closed one of plants involved).
CUPW sending an email demanding members give all their private information supporting them and negotiations, everyone please email your mp telling them CUPW is not negotiating for us but for themselves. CUPW has destroyed small business with stupid demands that put money in their pockets and not ours. A win win for them and a lose lose for us again.. File complaints to labour board regarding CUPW and these gaslighting tactics, their narcissistic ways and violations to fair negotiations. CUPW always looking for an excuse not to negotiate, and like always after we are arbitrated back, they will blame corporation for another contract failure, then raise our dues .
The demands are fair. CPC refuses to negotiate.
what are the demands?
CUPW keeps adding to the demands that’s why they’re negotiating unfairly.. That’s also why they’re not showing us anything, who’s the real liar here..? CUPW or they’d show us what they’re asking as well as Canada Post offers.. They’re scum and full of fake news
Let’s see the offers that CUPW is hiding, Canada Post has been negotiating, are you endorsing the trip to Cuba negotiating committee went on in the middle of negotiations..? Why hasn’t CUPW responded since Friday..? Because weekends off to party on our dues while we don’t even get strike pay on time.
cpc made 4 offers why cupw does not let us vote ? why 10 people make a decision for 55000 ? what are they hiding
Exactly, they’re hiding the truth, and we will see the extra demands the union is putting in the contract that benefits them and not us..
Cupw made a great counter offer today. It’s time for CPC to accept one
That is correct. CUPW refuses to compromise and get an agreement done. In negotiations neither side can get everything they want. Any reasonable person knows this. Unfortunately our union executives are not reasonable people. They are ideologues who must be ‘right’ at all costs. Now, because of this, 55,000 people have lost one month of pay. With no end in sight. Please email the Minister of Labour and express your concerns. Government intervention may be the only way out of this mess. We know our union doesn’t really care about all the workers out in the cold. The union offices and member-paid hotels are nice and cozy. Our CUPW execs would be fine if this nonsense went on for months and months!
Justice for
Janitors agenda
At Canada Post, outsourced workers are also still struggling for their rights. Several workers who had been hired through a temporary agency to work at processing plants in Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto have been terminated arbitrarily. In November 2014, these workers ratified their first collective agreement and became members of CUPW. It was the first time that the union had managed to organize temp agency workers. But in a move that the union is calling blatant union busting, Canada Post has pulled the rug out from under these members by tendering the contract to another placement agency.
Why cant the union just support their own members instead of others? Are they the new ROBINHOOD of this world?
Puts more money in CUPW’s pocket that’s why, they should be negotiating for us the members, not others.. They’re a joke and Canadians and small businesses hate us also, Thank CUPW for losing out on a months full pay, and failing Canada
“Why cant the union just support their own members instead of others?”
I guess you missed this part:
“In November 2014, these workers ratified their first collective agreement and became members of CUPW.”
Bye bye Christmas…. enjoying the time off. Take your time cpc, as you business implodes. Who needs a fair deal…. longer this goes on, more managment will get cut
Yes agreed. Glad we built up a war chest of funds and ride this out. Cupw will run outta strike pay in a few weeks. $56.20 a day is a bonus. Anyone with anytime in knows for decades Cupw did everything they could not to pay their striking members.
cupw for bankruptcy….
If they get cut, we get cut. Careful with what you wish for. Karma might just bite you on the butt
They can’t cut because they’re responsible and will lose in court, there’s conditions in strikes and that includes picketing and getting strike pay, if they run out of money they’ll borrow, because when we go back they will make the money back in no time
Solidarity! I’m enjoying the long holiday break as well. CUPW is doing their best to get us everything we want. We need to give them as much time as needed to bring us an optimal deal. We’ll all be better off for it.
CUPW is stalling and playing games with our jobs, businesses and Canadians.. Contact the Minister of labor and let him know how useless CUPW is because they’re playing games with our livelihood and not negotiating for us, but ways for them to profit from the negotiations. If you’ve finally have had enough and being burdened by late strike pay and union hiding offers, time to force them to negotiate ONLY for WAGES, BENEFITS, and PENSION, what Canada Post does for weekend delivery is not our problem as long as it’s active. The union is trying to get gig workers under their wings so they can bring minimum wage scabs In. Enough is enough we suffered enough..
Contact Minister of labor and let’s force them to negotiate, Canada Post upped the wages and union saying nothing and showing us nothing..
Yes everyone who wants this nonsense to end should email the minister. He does have the power to order arbitration or allow CUPW members a vote on Canada Post’s latest offer. Don’t let our union intimidate you. Please remember, we pay them ($1200 a year). They’re supposed to work for us. By refusing to compromise and pro-longing this strike, CUPW has cost every member thousands of dollars… so far. The government might be our only hope to end this disaster.
Thats exactly what CPC wants you to do… lol. Thats why they haven’t bargained in good faith. Conservatives did it back in 2011, LIberals in 2018. They’re hoping the longer this drags, the more likely CUPW is forced back to work and then they can get away with a very cheap deal.
Sure, and CUPW just wants everyone to keep losing thousands of dollars fighting for… janitors?
You seem confused. It’s CPC that wants to give weekend deliveries to gig workers, while CUPW is fighting for the creation of permanent positions, as already provided for in the collective agreement.
And you conveniently left out HEALTH & SAFETY in your little list. And WORKING CONDITIONS. And STAFFING. All legitimate issues for the bargaining table.
Speaking of weekends, I’m wondering you get paid extra for these strategic communications on Sundays.
gig workers are still workers. they are fighting for permanent positions because they want the dues.
why should someone be paid extra on sundays? work sat and sunday and take 2 other days off.
What is funny is that even the full-time workers do not want to work on sat and sundays because they say “I have a life”. So why is the union even fighting for permanent positions on those days or using full-time employees on those days?
Great point, let the corporation do what they want on weekends, a part time job is a job, people will work and don’t need to be paid overtime to do so either. Union just dragging this on hoping we’ll be forced back so they can cry foul and add another unsuccessful negotiation to the pile while people praise them for doing nothing but making noise, this is a joke, and no pay for anyone if we get forced back for a month, Congratulations CUPW, you deserve jail for this and what you’ve done to Canadians and the membership for over 14+ months
So everyone, what can we as employees do about this?? How do we get in touch with these incompetent negotiators and have OUR voices heard?? Enough of this stupid behavior on both sides. Does anyone know, any senior employees?
We need help here seriously.
Everyone should email the Minister of labor regarding this negotiations because now Canada Post has had enough of CUPW and their added demands to line their pockets. Let him know you’re upset at the whole negotiating and demand the union only negotiate Wages, benefits and Pension. CUPW is withholding offers from CPC without the membership knowing, I think we’ve had enough now, we won’t get paid till after Christmas if not by January.. Time for us to force change, write To Steven MacKinnon the minister of labor to force the union to stop making demands that profit then and do their job and represent the members..
That’s a very good idea. Thank you for the link. The minister also has the power to force a vote by members on Canada Post’s latest offer. Our union won’t even show it to us. They just want us to trust them after we’ve already given up almost four weeks of wages.
Have emailed the Minister of Labour and other govt officials . I used small words and grade 1 level English so they would understand the email,after all they are politicians, honest…smart..hum? Still waiting for a response.
Write to the government via email or social media.
Yes, tired of these CUPW games being played, they’re not negotiating for us the members, their negotiating to line their pockets.. This is now abusive in their behavior..
What the union doesn’t tell you in their little speech before strike votes is that once you vote yes to a strike mandate, they won’t take any offer to a vote unless it’s close to what they’re demanding. If you looked at the 50 or so demands, one would know that would never happen. I learned this lesson back in 2011 and have voted NO ever since. Now I’m hostage to both stubborn parties that seem content driving the company further into the ground.
That’s why I voted ‘No’. The only good thing to come out of this mess is members realizing CUPW duped them and not trusting the union again. Meanwhile everyone get ready to lose another week of pay. Please email the Minister of Labour and ask for his help in this situation.
I think 2011 was the year we threw all the new hirees under the bus for wages , pensions and we also gave up our banked days. We had a bunch of me first people back then too. When push came to shove they voted for themselves. Now a decade later we are still trying to fix what wasn’t broken in the first place. Man up already. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Is that link you?
I understand that the executives at CPC and CUPW will be having a Christmas Party before they go for Christmas break Dec16. I think it’s great that our union dues will pay for their good time. After all they have been working hard the last little while,getting paid well with benefits,while the workers getting paid nada without benefits. I t does my heart and bank account good that I and all of us workers can help CPC and CUPW executives celebrate Christmas… Cuba. Enjoy the rum punches.
Yes they cam celebrate their complete failure!
Like always, they can never celebrate success when they don’t have any..
When Rsmc goes hourly, will urban be able to bid on rural routes? How will they deal with seniority?
Good question. rsmcs did not pay any dues until 2004. There seniority in our union should reflect that.
No because they are still two completely different bargaining groups with separate contracts.
The Membership
• about 54,000 members
• the “traditional” membership, employed by Canada Post, includes letter carriers, postal clerks, mail handlers and despatchers, vehicle mechanics and electronic technicians
• rural and suburban mail carriers (RSMCs)
• newer members include postal cleaners, mailing house workers, couriers, truck drivers, emergency medical dispatchers, warehouse workers
What is and why is emergency medical dispatchers part of CUPW???
The government is not going to do jack. CUPW has the right to fight for their members. CPC needs to negotiate or be tossed to the curb.
Right to fight for their future members…..
You mean the right to help their members lose thousands of dollars and wreck the company we all work for? I thought the union was supposed to work for us, not the other way around.
Put the offers online for all of us to see CUPW.
Why CUPW are you causing problems for everyone..?
Isn’t it bad enough you screwed up negotiations again .?
They want more dues. They are going beyond what that union is supposed to be doing which is postal workers…… GREED!
“Uber also says in its response that it was not aware that CUPW was even trying to unionize Uber drivers and asks for further details about the efforts.”
That union’s way of working…underground/behind your back work
Cupw upset they missed out 100k new members in strike pay. They are trying to drum up new business for their new GIGAFY union.
What have they screwed up? The sky is not falling. Its not over yet chicken little
Sure, sure. We’ve only lost one month of pay plus overtime… so far. Everything is going great!
Notice the capitalized portion:
“ In its filed response, Uber says the complaint by CUPW should be dismissed because the company has not violated the Labour Relations Act and because THE UNION TOOK TOO LONG IN RAISING ITS CONCERNS ABOUT THE AGREEMENT .”
That line alone show how CUPW has dragging their heals to get negotiations done. It’s now about 14 months since they started negotiating with Canada Post.
CPC is not innocent in these negotiations either. They keep spending money and giving out bonuses to executives and management while offering nothing to postal workers.
The business is dying because they give little or no incentives for business customers to bring in their mail and parcels for shipping. They franchise out all their retail post offices with employing actual trained postal workers to do the work properly.
Neither side is blameless.
Correction * They franchise out all their retail post offices without employing actual trained postal workers to do the work properly.*
If you want postal banking so bad, why don’t you open up your own credit union where you can offer loans to who can’t pay their bills?
Stop with the postal banking, seniors check-in and adding cleaners into our postal workers negotiations.
It’s less than 14 days till Christmas Eve. The Canadian people hate us and our reputations as essential workers is no longer respected.
We want results now.
Both Canada Post and CUPW need to stop holding us hostage. Please do something positive to help salvage whatever’s left of our dignity.
Stop drinking CUPW Cool-aid, and communication or change in negotiation should be shared with its members, what are they hiding..?
I’m a small time rural delivery in northern Saskatchewan need to get back to work its hurting the north big time
The big shots should with the big salaries should take a pay cut
I agree. Those on top should all take pay cuts and reimburse their bonuses.
CUPW also needs to stay focused on trying to get postal workers who actually handle mail back to work.
The more I see either side talk to the media before notifying the postal workers, it makes it more inflammatory.
CUPW claims last offer was in the wrong direction…BS!!! I wish I could thank our CUPW leadership for all there hard work…but all they are being is immature and stubborn. They are in way over their heads. Our current leadership has our best interests at heart, but they aren’t capable of getting anything done. We need a real professional union, not washed up postal workers trying to prove a point of how stubborn they can be. This is so bad for business, and bad for our membership and bad for our customers, our country and the whole planet this time of year. If we survive this debacle, I hope we can can collectively look to options like Unifor and CUPE, so we are never again at the mercy of fools.
It’s like the Union doesn’t understand they could be the demise of Canada Post with their 1980s thinking, we have to evolve with the market we are currently in to stay viable. There are plenty of people who are willing to just work Saturdays, students getting the foot in the door should be encouraged.
We can wait, why can’t you CPC?
5 years of spending freely, but times up…new CEO and upper management will be welcomed. So easy to make money in this business
The only time you will see CUPW care and interact with the membership is election time for them, and we all know that’s true, but contract talks, crickets and late strike pay, and you think they’re doing a good job.. Anyone here go to Cuba with the union during negotiations..? Oh that’s right only negotiating committee because they work so hard, in 4 years they worked 1 year with 4 year salaries.. Congratulations to those that support this disgusting behavior and treatment of the members
Well, as strike pay is done locally, not nationally, your argument is junk. All CUPW negotiators are also regular workfloor members or national representatives
Useless like your Defense for them all
Yeah let’s have Joe the clerk, with his one weekend of union bargaining training, negotiating. with people with law degrees and extensive history, that should go well…
Well actually could it be worse than our current negotiators? They literally have zero results in more than a year of talks. CUPW has settled two contracts since 1965. Every other negotiation ended in a strike or lock-out. No other union in Canada has a track record this bad. But let’s stick with them and continue to lose thousands of dollars for nothing!
Every union negotiated this year and got what they demanded in less than 2 months. CUPW 14+ months and going still, weekends off and trips to Cuba..You really think the post office doesn’t want to negotiate..? Remember rotating strikes last contract..? Over a year and we were arbitrated back.. and lost again..
You just keep making stuff up. Direct your frustrations elsewhere.
Exactly!! Stay unified workers.
So true. CUPW has negotiated two contracts since 1965. Every other negotiation ended in a strike or lock-out. There is no union in Canada that has done a worse job for their dues-paying members. Remember we all pay $1200 a year for this unprofessional representation!
Every union negotiated this year and got what they demanded in less than 2 months. Of course, they were negotiating with companies that wanted to settle and weren’t digging in their heels over a demand for cutbacks.
Every union? What about the railroad union or the longshoremen?
Great comment… I didn’t hear anything that wasn’t true.
Our union can’t compromise or negotiate. In a real negotiation, neither side gets everything they want. I hope the next time CUPW execs go to Cuba they stay there and never come back!
Why doesn’t CUPW start a forum for members..? Oh yes I know why because of the pissed off membership would rip them a new one. Stop blaming Canada Post for not being transparent, blame CUPW for not telling us the recent 2 offers but going to the Media and telling the public first. What a joke, they’re cowards and afraid to accept the truth.. Show us the offers NOW and let us be the judge who’s screwing who.. Transparency NOW
Not every point of communication is an “offer”. Wake up.
Stop drinking CUPW Cool-aid, and communication or change in negotiation should be shared with its members, what are they hiding..?
CUPW will never show us Canada Post’s current offer let alone allow us to vote on it. Why? Because the membership would very likely vote to accept. Our union would never allow this. They don’t really care about the 55,000 workers outside or Canada Post’s customers. Our CUPW execs only care about their own egos and being ‘right’. Who cares that everyone has now lost one month of pay.
So all you fake union members don’t understand how a list of demands work. You don’t bring anything to the members to vote on that doesn’t come close to those demands.
How about if the union’s demands are so unreasonable they can never be met? CUPW doesn’t know how to compromise, that’s why we’re all about to lose one month of pay!
I 100% agree, wish other saw your logic, but you can’t unbrainwash the brainwashed..
With push overs like you thats exactly why we don’t vote on every offer. If up to you we’d say yes to first offer out there mouths even if it was pay cuts and elimination of benefits
Yes because even a 12% raise with no strike would have been more money than a 20% raise with 4-6 weeks of lost wages due to this strike. Another complete failure by CUPW. They’ll have to celebrate with a trip to Cuba using member’s money!
Absolutely, well said!!
You think we are still in week 1 or something? We are in the 4th week! You’re saying we should be happy to be kept completely in the dark after losing 4 weeks of pay already? Great! I guess these union leaders are definitely smarter than us and know exactly what we want better than ourselves
If you’ve seen the news coverage and the interviews, you know that CUPW spokespeople have not told the public what is in CPC’s “offers” (it was a “framwork”), because they can’t under confidentiality agreements.
Canada Post is free to reveal it’s own proposals to anyone they want. Why aren’t you asking management why they haven’t?
Why should the union have to hold to any kind of commitment about not going to the media, when the corporation takes a stop back in the wrong direction. All bets are off the table at that point.
Canada post had no problem going to media but has a problem when the union has with good points
Union has no good points, only excuses.wake up,how about let’s see all the offers and the union demands, let’s see who’s at fault here. I bet CUPW doesn’t have the cahunas to show what they’re demanding because they know it’s not want we asked for. CUPW the epidimy of failure, to us and all of Canada
Totally agreed!!!
Why did you take a step back with the offers CPC? Why?
It might be a step back for CUPW, but not necessarily for workers. Why won’t CUPW let us decide that for ourselves? They haven’t even told us what kind of step back they’re talking about. Is it about wages? pensions? or what? I don’t see how limiting the hiring of cleaners as permanent CP employees is a step backward to me if that’s the case
No, we only get to hear their spin. If we could see and vote on Canada Post’s latest proposal, members would very likely would accept it. Instead, we’re about to lose another week of pay!
Ok Mr supervisor.
Mr Supervisor does not care how long you want to hold out. You fight your battle for the “not yet hired”. What a crazy hill to die on
CUPW is respecting confidentiality agreements; they are not telling us the details of CPC’s “framework” because they can’t. Each party can talk about their own proposals, not the other sides. If you want to know the details of CPC’s proposals, you’ll have to ask them.
Week 4 CPC finally responded late Friday after taking the days to look over offer with multiple paid negotiations n team. Fri gives counter offer at end of day after previous day saying they have an announcement no hurry no crying hurry up.
Point here is CPC to was not in any hurry for one year to make offers. Now when they realize they will have to cut management and perhaps the job they have scramblin. Not hard to make a deal CPC. 15 percent over 4. 8% in the first year. Back pay immediately within 2 weeks weekend work established hours of 4 per day minimum with Monday and Tuesday 4 hrs doing customer pick ups.
You have your facts wrong. The corp provided the union with a framework proposal last Sunday and CUPW took 5 days to respond giving CPC an
answer at the end of the day Thurs.. CPC responded in 24 hrs and CUPW has yet to respond, but instead are complaining that they have to work Friday night and all weekend now and how that’s not considerate to them. CUPW are the ones dragging this out !!
Are not most cleaners part time, wonder how the unioun will rectify this
Nope. All are FT here.
If the cleaners were full time, why is our depot so dirty, especially the washrooms?
Dear Canada Post Negotiators:
As a concerned employee (who cares for co-workers, the Canadian public and, yes, the continued success of The Canada Post Corporation) I have reviewed all 43 areas of discussion from CUPW and see no reason The Corporation has not come to an agreement with us. The demands are all human demands. They address areas of safety, work life balance, protection from abuse in many areas. They are legitimate concerns that will only help The Corporation meet its need to deliver mail to every address in Canada. I urge the CPC Negotiators to agree to these terms, and moving forward, work with the union to help create new revenue streams. Thank you.
Finally,I can’t believe it a well thought of intelligent comment. Thank you P04
2nd attempt. Finally a breath of fresh air in an otherwise toxic poisonous forum
Tell that to the union making additional demands, you can’t talk common sense in CUPW. Why doesn’t the union just show us the corporation offers..? Why because they don’t want the membership to see the added stipulations put in place for CUPW to make profits behind our backs. Why don’t you ask our union why they’re bringing in scabs (gig workers) before you defend those who don’t care about you..
Why does the union let them vote on line and not us?
Well, first off, the u ion is NOT bringing in any gig workers to scab. They are however, unionizing underpaid and at risk gig workers for OTHER industries
Waiting for well thought of intelligent comment
…………………………………………still waiting.
The union creates unnecessary divisions and bureaucracy, slowing communication and limiting flexibility.
How is that?
You are part of the union are you not? Knock off the incessant whining and let’s fight these tyrants who would cost us our jobs, pay us peanuts and leave us for dead given the chance. CPC cares about nothing and no one except their bonuses
both sides are looking for their own greed, cps and the union both do not care about employees at all.. maybe we should just disband as public wishes.
Prevail we shall and pay CPC will
Funny-not going to happen.
CUPW took the weekend off like usual (not responding to CPC ) that’s why there’s no response, we’re being held hostage like the rest of Canada and small businesses. We picket in the cold while they’re living it up in an expensive 5 star hotel stalling talks to their convenience. They run to social media first instead of updating the members and won’t show us the 2 recent offers the corporation sent them, why.. ? Because they don’t want us the membership to see the added demands they included where the corporation said NO.. typical CUPW tactic, let us suffer and pay our strike payments late. Useless and Disgusting
I noticed CUPW updates their twitter every few hours with nonsense that nobody cares about but crickets to the membership…
No point in getting updates when they do nothing, like the 14+ months of wasted costs to the members for the negotiating committee to sta at 5 star Hotels and 5 meals a day while people can’t afford their bills and food. I’m so glad negotiating committee went to Cuba in the middle of negotiations (insert sarcasm here) what a joke they are.
Cupw…. if your not going to respond to cpc then at the very least RESPOND TO THE MEMBERSHIP. It’s your constitutional duty. Post an update so at least WE know why you haven’t responded.
It has been less than 2 days. Calm down. CUPW is ready to negotiate fairly.
Stop deflecting the truth, CUPW keeps adding nonsense demands, they don’t want to negotiate fairly, they want to profit from added demands. If CUPW cared they’d show us the 2 recent offers from the corporation, and not take over 14+ months of stalling and leaving us, Canadians and small businesses with no answers. If CPC is so bad why don’t they post the last 2 offers from the corporation and let us be the judge, not them..
You need to stop. All youre doing is trying to rattle everybody because of your misguided closeminded thinking or likely because you are management. Either way your vindictive and petty comments do absolutely nothing to help the situation we’re all in. If you think Canada post will ever have your back you are sadly mistaken and need to smarten up and grow up
No answer is an answer. They do not care. We are leverage to them that is it. They gave up our severance to bring RSMCs in for more union dues in their pockets. This time they are using our contract to leverage bringing in cleaners and other workers, again for more union dues. What a pathetic excuse for a union, professional grifters.
Exactly… I don’t understand why anyone is defending CUPW at this point when the truth is in front of them..
The RSMCs were a predominantly female workforce being paid unfair wages by cpc for decades. They won the right in courts to be allowed to be treated fairly. It was a long hard fight but cpc was ordered to pay the RSMCs the money they were owed. Any chance this settlement is part of the losses they are claiming. CP would be a sweat shop if a union wasn’t here to stop them. Keep fighting or lay down and take your medicine.
If anyone doesn’t cate it’s Canada post. They were crying they couldn’t afford a work stoppage and were urgently working to avoid a labour disruption. And yet 4 weeks later we are no closer to a deal. Why? Because they don’t care one way or the other. They carry on with impunity and all you do is justify what they’re doing by bashing the union. Cupw is far from perfect but at least they’re on our side unlike you and your fat cats greedy corporation
Stop being fooled by cpc semantics.
How do you know we’re being fooled?
When you know you know
They are all made up of LC. They don’t work weekends!
Let’s send a message to cupw EVERY ONE STAY HOME DO NOT PICKET SHOW THEM HOW MUCH WE BACK THEM they will look like fools cause all members are sticking together
Despite your attempt at anarchy, the lines will hold for as long as it takes.
Lines are dead anyways. What 5 people come out and sing some cult solidarity song lol. Nobody is picketing.
So leave Canada post and just go away. In Canada we fight for what’s right. Not cave in like you
i love this. the fight is doing nothing anyway. they both have steadfast agendas, to be the biggest overgrown selfish child.
You should find another job. You clearly do not like being in a union.
Exactly, unknown meaning a lot less and CUPW manipulating the votes so they can put us out to avoid being blamed. I guarantee less than 12,000 people actually voted and I highly doubt 95% of them voted yes.. You can’t get any truth from CUPW
Your speculations are 100% baseless. We gave CUPW the power to strike and negotiate for us. End of story. If we had not voted to strike the wage increases would have been crap, the pension would already be gone, and our benefits would have already been cut…
I voted No so I could care less of your views, only contract CUPW signed was back in 2011, go national somewhere else, CUPW couldn’t negotiate out of a room full of open doors.
I also voted ‘No’ to a strike. I wanted a negotiated agreement. Unfortunately 95% of members voted ‘Yes’ or didn’t bother to vote at all. This is the result. Everyone gets to lose thousands of dollars for no reason. A four year contract (with one year already gone) and a 20% wage increase (if we get that) is actually less money than a 12% increase with no strike. So to all thosenwho voted ‘Yes’, great job. I hope you enjoy losing even more money.
CUPW did not sign a contract in 2011, we were legislated back to work by Harper/Poilievre Conservative Party of Canada with a contract that dictated the length (4 years) and the yearly raises, which were far below the Corpaorations final offer.
Approximately 20% of the membership voted and 95% of that 20% voted yes…
Gaslight much?
CP makes a public statement about how “disappointed” they are that CUPW is sharing details of their “fair” offer, all the while sharing supposed demands about cleaners by the union.
The only thing I’ve seen the union state about your “fair” offer is that it is taking backwards steps and is disappointing, while you freely trot out catastrophic loss numbers and propaganda to curry public favor.
Get real.
This whole forum is riddled with gas lighting management. They just say anything and think it is real and expect us to think getting a raise is a ridiculous demand. Antiquated notions? Lol. When it comes to respect it does seem like a thing if the past.
If the union was being unreasonable, we would have been forced back a long time ago. But the government sees the incompetence of this management, and is intending to make a change, but they can’t say that. That’s why it has been radio silence from them.
Are you serious? NDP point blankly told the liberals that if they get involved and arbitration back to work, that they would no longer support them in a non confidence vote. That’s why the strike continues.
Word is to expect to be out for a long time. Company is not interested in coming up by an notable amount from their original offer. All CPC seems interested in doing is giving back what they initially tried to take from us. CUPW can’t agree to deal without real improvements or a split-down-the-middle type of negotiation. The weekend issues remain a sticking point, but even if this problem was solved there is no deal to be had. Not yet anyways. Buckle up for a few more rough weeks….
Ready and willing to wait for as long as it takes. Stay united workers.
Months….cold cold February
Nobody cares about your statements
Why is it okay for Canada Post’s spokesperson to share management’s views but it’s not okay for CUPW to share theirs?
And why is it okay for the VP Strategic Communications to tell Canadians that management is offering additional leave when all it is “offering” is to update the collective agreement to include existing leave required by law? What is “additional” about that?
At least we know what “strategic” really means in his title.
Little free advice, if you don’t have money for expenses mortgage rent, bills, food , whatever,you can always pay with credit card. Eventually this satanism will end and you will get paid and pay off all bills. Cheers
Really? Just go into debt more? Thanks for the advice. Will we also get back our month of lost wages and overtime? All well worth it to satisfy our CUPW execs egos!
Nice advice. Telling postal workers to go into more debt.
I will just have to stop picketing and work 8 hours delivering food for DoorDash or pick up people through Uber until a contract is in place.
I had 2 months medication, I’m almost at the end, they wouldn’t give me any more than that and I forsure thought you crybabies would have something together by now.. thanks a lot you fools, I’m going to have to sell off my vehicle to afford this!! Quit playing games. Christmas is already ruined for a majority of members, how much more can they take. Give up a little!! It’s not 1970s anymore you archaic extremists
I agree and sorry for your struggle. If our ridiculous union leadership could compromise and get a deal done, we could all go back to work!
95% out of Unknown numbers ruined christmas for 55,000 members + millions of canadians
If you got 2 months worth of meds you should still have half left????? Strikes in the 60s and 70s were dangerous situations. This is only a work stoppage for a decent contract. Go on line and Google work riots
95% voted themselves out of the job, let us see CPC offer and let workers vote on it.
We get nothing unless we fight. Period.
you got an offer, not enough. Door is open.
The Membership
• about 54,000 members
• the “traditional” membership, employed by Canada Post, includes letter carriers, postal clerks, mail handlers and despatchers, vehicle mechanics and electronic technicians
• rural and suburban mail carriers (RSMCs)
• newer members include postal cleaners, mailing house workers, couriers, truck drivers, emergency medical dispatchers, warehouse workers
What is and why is emergency medical dispatchers part of CUPW???
This is crazy, maybe if we had a union that focused on postal workers, (the way I thought it was supposed to), then maybe we would have been back to work by now. CUPW , you’re getting HUGE money from members, can you focus on getting a contact after 1 YEAR!! Or maybe you’re too busy elsewhere. Why hasn’t CUPW responded to the latest proposal? And why can’t we know about it? WTH is going on????
CPC is playing the same game CUPW is now, the union should be ashamed of themselves while we picket in the cold for less than minimum wage. The union has to stop including demands as cleaners and EV Chargers and the BS Postal Banking, we need wages, benefits and pension, I could care less about the new hires
CPC: the union is publicly releasing details… waaaah no fair
Also CPC: the union wants to unionize cleaners in their proposal.
Seriously you guys need to act like adults omg
CPC getting nervous. They know they are done.
More like cupw after 2 months no dues
Worst case scenario; a shorter trip to Cuba for the CUPW execs. Of course they still should celebrate the great job they’ve done, helping 55,000 workers lose 3 or 4 weeks of pay… so far.
They’ll probably collect double and make up for it when we’re back to work.
Then so are you, yay
I wonder how many members are in the very small minority that spoiled their ballot and stated they didn’t wanna Strike and predicted this shit show.
I am assuming all the members that voted to strike all have lots of money put away.
My local executive said they were told this would be a long one, so clearly cupw had this plan all along. unfortunately I didn’t get told this until we were on the picket line, it would have been nice to have been able to prepare a little from what I do get paid.
Any brain-dead slug should have seen this coming for 3 years and been putting some aside every pay. I was able to get my war-chest big enough that I can stay off 3 months before I notice. Stop blaming the union and take personal responsibility for not being informed.
Nice to have another adult in the room.
Our union always does a terrible job negotiating. This is nothing new. If more people had voted no, CUPW would have been forced to compromise and get a deal done. But I guess, 95% of those who voted wanted a strike. We must have a lot of wealthy members who don’t care about losing thousands of dollars. Who knew?
Actually if you cared and were following the updates, we were told in August. How much more time did you need?
Yes everyone who voted ‘Yes’ to a strike, voted ‘Yes’ to losing a month’s pay. Those who didn’t even bother to vote are just as much to blame. All to sacrifice at the great altar of CUPW!
Exactly, the thing is I think there was high, very high, percentage that didn’t vote at all. Well hate to say it, but the one’s that didn’t even bother to vote, you can’t complain about the situation we’re in now. If you want to be heard, you should’ve gone out to vote. I know a lot of people were against the strike, but not enough used their right to vote. Don’t cry now!!
Unless the offer is in line with inflation and the cost of living, it’s anything but fair. Even Purolator drivers get paid more than your average LC at this point.
This CEO, and his executive team have got to go. A month into a national strike with no progress. Where is the urgency?
No non union jobs do adjustments on inflation for pay. If inflation goes to less than 1, are you getting a pay cut?
Well unfortunately for you, UPS, FedEX, and Purolator are all union. That is the standard for wages in this industry, and many others (inflation and cost of living as adjusted in the CPI).
This CEO and his executive team are now asking LC’s to get paid less than industry standard. Is that fair?
FedEx is NOT unionized
The average LC makes $60,000 plus an pension most people can’t even dream of.
This so called dream pension is not free. We ALL put into our pension. If you put this much money aside every pay as we put into our pension then if properly invested, you would have a dream retirement as well.
It is dream pension. No one has defined contribution anymore. If you are on defined benefit, the employer matches it, so it is excellent pension.
That is true. Our pension hust happens to be well and independently managed. By the time our workers retire, they will have contributed many thousands of dollars to it. Our retirees have certainly earned their pensions. It’s too bad the company and the union were nowhere near as well managed as our pension!
Employee’s contribute to those pensions, to the tune of about $500 a month for full-timers.
CPC has had a pension contribution holiday for about a year and a half that is expected to continue into the foreseeable future.
purolator drivers regularly work 8 hrs a day
Around Dec 17,18 govt ,Cpc,Cupw Mediators will go on Christmas Break til middle of January 2025. For those who are slow,that means no chance of agreement or forced back . However we will set the record for longest strike in Canada Post history. And if somehow we get back to work ,our next full pay will February.
Yes. But obviously the 95% that wanted to Strike have the money till then. Who would want to Strike with no money.
Our focus should be on moving forward and focusing on the KEY issues, rather than causing added concern for those most impacted by the national strike. With the strike now into its fourth week, CUPW remains persistent in their demands to represent people outside their bargaining unit, such as making our cleaning staff, and other contracted support services, permanent Canada Post employees.”
Why is the Union doing this??
Because of the 95% ‘strike mandate’ CUPW thinks they can do whatever they want for as long as they want. So to the members who voted ‘Yes’, congratulations. I hope you’re loving losing thousands of dollars. Intelligent members who’ve been around for years know our union is incapable of compromise. They’ve always been this way. Guess what? They don’t really care about the 55,000 workers out on the line.
Every good organization eventually gets contaminated.
Canada post has never actually had to negotiate. Always been legislation. First for you and you have no clue what to do. I know your calling the govt daily asking to force back but they won’t agree
So here you bring in contract negotiations issues of inside cleaners etc. if this is true provide the written details. Kinda like you tell the media you don’t receive bonuses because you changed the name to at risk pay
And here, 5 minutes ago, I thought CP was complaining about the public commentary. ” Do I say, not as I do”, said someone smarter than both sides negotiating……..
Look, I just want to go back to work. Please stop these childish games of chicken and make a deal now. Most of postal workers have been suffering like the rest of Canada.
You have made us look like selfish money grubbing idiots with low I.Q.s.
We did not ask to be help hostage by the CPC and CUPW.
You seem desperate and would take any roll backs solidarity until fairness
Not at all. It is frustrating to be out of work and not have enough money for food and rent.
Not everyone is as lucky. It sucks having to go to your family members for social assistance and get turned away.
I have had to line up at the food bank and soup kitchen for hand outs.
The only money I get is the $56.20 per day of picketing.
I have been out in the cold with my fellow worker struggling to keep warm for four hours each day.
I have only been paid $112.40 +281.00=$393.40 these three weeks. The union failed to count two days of the first week we were on strike.
How dare you judge me by saying “ You seem desperate and would take any roll backs solidarity until fairness?”
Who are you to judge when most of the unions demands are ridiculous and out of context?
Right now, we need to get a contract agreement done so that we don’t lose anymore than we have to.
Canadians are losing faith in Canada Post. We will all be out of a job if this not settled now.
This strike action has been unbelievable cruel and unfair to postal workers and the customers.
How do you know what these so-called ‘roll backs’ are? You only know what CUPW propoganda tells you. If members were actually allowed to see, and then vote on Canada Post’s latest proposal, there’s a great chance it would be accepted. Of course, that’s why our union would never allow this!
Just put my transfer in for PO7 FT cleaner.
From the sounds of it…this is not going to get resolved anytime soon
They’re no closer together than this time last week…CUPW is still asking for contract workers to join the Union and CPC will not budge on that which I don’t blame them…it’s RIDICULOUS! However I don’t think CPC is playing fair either on other issues…what a mess
The corporation complains that the union goes through the media when there’s supposed to be a gag order but then they do the exact same thing. Clearly these negotiations are going nowhere so I guess it’s time for intervention.
Exactly!! Gaslighting at its finest.
Week four is now starting Monday with no end in sight. That’s 8% yearly income lost. What was the best offer so far-5% year one?
The minister of Labour should force a vote on the latest proposal from CPC now. Let the members decide what is rectifiable instead of a few individuals representing CUPW’s and not their members’ interests.
The inaction from the minister will all but guarantee the demise of his government and usher in a new Conservative government that bents on gutting public services including the CPC.
No arbitration this go round. CUPW and CPC will eventually figure it out. Wait until 2025.
Why-let the 2 parties settle it or do you not have confidence in your union?
No, union should be dissolved and replaced. 40+ years of failed negotiations, so the math. Why have confidence when they keep adding to the demands which are not to our benefit, but only theirs.
Yes I agree, that may be our only option. CUPW seems incapable of compromise and only cares about being ‘right’. Both sides are lying and spinning everything. They are both equally to blame. Meanwhile the actual workers are about to lose a month’s wages for nothing.
Because of the archaic way CUPW does the vote, which is in their constitution, it takes 3 months to complete the vote. This is why they can’t let you vote on every offer and proposal. Perhaps minister could task some modern third party to administer the vote thus at least the vote could be considered to be free and fair.
Definitely feel for the workers and the small businesses being impacted by all this. Big infrastructure spending by the corporation should not count towards their operating expenses. I’d like to see the real numbers.
“CUPW remains persistent in their demands to represent people outside their bargaining unit, such as making our cleaning staff, and other contracted support services, permanent Canada Post employees.”
Don’t believe what CPC says. This is a tactic to divide us.
Cupw has not addressed this topic formally, they should.
You’re wrong, those demands from CUPW should not be included in negotiations, it’s should be about the current employees, not lining their pockets. Why should we pay for trips to Cuba, women’s retreats and Niagara falls..? So they can party..? Most people are looking for jobs now because the union can’t negotiate, and with a 40+ year of failed negotiations, you blame CPC. You must be part of the national, take note you’ll be decertified and removed for good to bring in a real Union, bunch of liars, were suffering while they get full pay and can’t even make strike payments on time, shame on you and CUPW.
Okay… but believe CUPW leadership? Do you actually think they’re not lying and spinning just as much? The difference is Canada Post pays us (when we’re not on strike) but we pay CUPW $1200 a year to represent us. They’re supposed to work for us, the 55,000 workers outside in the cold. Unfortunately it looks like we’ll now have to wait for the government to end this disaster.
We have never been united and never will with this union???
Check cupw website. Postal Cleaners are new members.
They want to charge more union dues and make more money, it’s not the membership at all, only union Greed.
Yes, they are using us to get more union dues from other workers. We are just leverage to them. This is not right.
“Our focus should be on moving forward and focusing on the key issues, rather than causing added concern for those most impacted by the national strike.”
What we are concerned about is the backward steps CPC has taken in an effort to undermine any chance of negotiation. Stop saying your offer is fair and show us the garbage you intend on foisting on employees….
Why doesn’t cupw show us the offer. Where is their update?
Why doesn’t CPC show us the offer? With fluid negotiations not every discussion is worth sharing with the membership.
Canada Post can’t show us an offer, the union has to as part of the agreement between the negotiations, stop blaming CPC when the union has clearly damaged the membership to their benefit. CUPW won’t show us their demands because they keep adding for outside of the membership. Wake up, we’re out here because CUPW, small business suffering as well as others who can’t even get strike pay properly.
You are 100% wrong. CPC can show us their last offer. They showed us parts of the first two offers. They choose not to because the offer is terrible and they are praying for arbitration.
Cupw has been critical of the offer but refuse to share details. It is Cupw who should show us the offer not CPC.
Really? How would we know? Our union will never even let us see Canada Post’s latest offer and modifications, let alone vote on it. Why? Because the majority of members would vote yes. We only see whatever spin CUPW wants to show us. But hey no problem if you don’t mind losing thousands of dollars in pay to support our amazing union!
Exactly, well said. Wish the rest of the membership wasn’t brainwashed to believe CUPW.
Believing CUPW has cost the membership almost a month of pay…. so far. Just look at their track record, two contracts settled since 1965. Apparently 95% of members who actually voted thought a ‘Yes’ vote would somehow help negotiations. Well I hope you’re happy losing thousands of dollars for nothing! BTW, I was one of the 5% who wanted a negotiated agreement with no strike. Those who didn’t bother voting at all are just as much to blame.
Wait what?
We’ve been waiting for 8 months for an offer and now you can’t wait 2 days.
You created this mess, and now messed up both your companies.
Kudos to the stellar leadership!
Don’t they realize our great leaders at CUPW are enjoying the weekend and will respond when they’re good and ready. They don’t really care about the 55,000 workers outside who are about to lose another week of pay. Who cares?