CUPW negotiations: Canada Post presents new global offers
October 29, 2024, 08:18 pm
Canada Post has presented new global offers to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), for both the RSMC and Urban bargaining units.
Higher wage increases
We’ve presented enhanced offers that propose higher wage increases and demonstrate that we’re serious about reaching negotiated agreements, without any labour disruption.
The offers continue to protect and enhance what’s most important to you, including your defined benefit pension, job security provisions, cost of living allowance, leave entitlements and health benefits. We continue to propose moving RSMC employees to an hourly rate of pay. Like the previous ones, the offers also propose changes that would only affect future employees hired after the signing of the new collective agreements.
Urgency needed at the table
Both parties must urgently focus their energies on resolving outstanding issues to reach negotiated agreements. Nobody wins if there’s a strike. A labour disruption would have significant consequences for employees and the millions of Canadians who rely on Canada Post.
A labour disruption would affect Canada Post’s ability to invest in its employees. It would deepen the company’s already serious financial situation as customers move their holiday shipments to other carriers – which has already started happening due to the uncertainty surrounding a labour disruption.
For this reason, the offers are conditional on reaching negotiated agreements, without a labour disruption. We’ll continue to keep you informed as the negotiations process unfolds.
Read about the new global offers
- Watch for a mailing sent to employees’ homes (for CUPW-represented employees).
- You can also read PDF versions of the mailings – for the RSMC unit and for the Urban unit.
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Dear CUPW:
I absolutely, wholeheartedly feel that our employees affected by a possible strike, should have had the democratic opportunity to vote a 2nd time on the 2nd proposal offered by our employer.
When a small cohort of our employee base decides strike action, it is blatantly unfair. Especially when initial action is not communicated to employees/members effectively. For those of us in small rural offices, this action snuck up on us. There is a feeling of being blindsided.
Going to hourly pay is going to hurt employees not help! Why was this even suggested!? Also I disagree with ‘Senior Check Ins’. We are not health care professionals and are putting staff in possibly unsafe situations and a possible liability issue! Not a good idea. OCRE’s only making 85% of what route holders are making when we are doing the exact same work.
I must be misunderstanding the reasons for strike. If we move to hourly, wouldn’t this mean that any personalized way we do things for efficiency, any knowledge we have of our houses along the way to our next stop that saves time on door deliveries, any quiet days in traffic or parking, any businesses closed for personal days or if some decide to take a lunch break… these are now tools against us? And what about some who are just learning? Then theyd be payed more than those with seniority? What is wrong with how RSMC routes are valued?
I would moreso be concerned over how our benefits don’t cover anything that is with current health needs or new prescription needs. How we don’t get reimbursed for our fuel or vehicle maintenance or insurance… where is the real fairness now for ones who supply their own vehicles?
Brilliant! Well said. We rsmc’s get shafted no matter what.
There is a lot of deal Canada post still not done on last contract. How can we trust you again on new contract? Over 6 years now. Canada Post never keep their word which follow Pay equity award 2018.
Company vehicle(because all rsmc losing money on gas prices and higher maintance cost), hourly rate (pay equity award 2018), full 8 hours route system(pay equity award 2018), over time pay(Sunday special delivery should count 1.5) pay equity award 2018 , rsmc route measurement system switch to LC route measurement system. (pay equity award 2018)
I have no interest in a corporate vehicle
One word to Canada Post: You fool me once shame on you. You fool me twice shame on me.
Folks never and ever trust lies again and again.
1. RSMC hourly pay rate over 6 years now. (2018)
2. RSMC route measurement system never switch to LC route measurement system over 4 years now.
3. RSMC own vehicle gas prices and maintance cost are much higher than Canada post vehicle allowance. It means all RSMC lost wages income on their tools.
Folks, all Carriers works are too physical. Every morning we need moving our shoulder up and down for sorting. Heavy set of flyers make you more painful day. Our pay much less than a simple bus driver at city. Same benefits but much less pay. RSMC route system always benefits to company. Do you think why we have two delivery route system? Even my station no walk LC but using two different route measurement system because RSMC route measurement is benefits to company. Using company vehicle to delivery is more benefits than we using our. When company vehicle brake down U have an OT pay for waiting someone coming to fit it or replace it for you. You don’t worry about your vehicle brake down on road. Also the gas prices and maintenance are too expensive for us. Our vehicle allowance just more benefits to company. We need increase vehicle allowance (gas and maintenance cost too much). Uisng company vehicle delivery are much less stress pressure. Also every 5 years RSMC route restructure our increase wage pay go back to square one. My brother working at city his pay up and never go back down. We need fight for future. Enough now. No more bully. All working hard carriers need reasonable wage increase, we need company vehicle, we need company good benefits because we are working hard for company future.
Folks, all Carriers works are too physical. Every morning we need moving our shoulder up and down for sorting. Heavy set of flyers make you more painful day. Our pay much less than a simple bus driver at city. Same benefits but much less pay. RSMC route system always benefits to company. Do you think why we have two delivery route system? Even my station no walk LC but using two different route measurement system because RSMC route measurement is benefits to company. Using company vehicle to delivery is more benefits than we using our. When company vehicle brake down U have an OT pay for waiting someone coming to fit it or replace it for you. You don’t worry about your vehicle brake down on road. Much less stress pressure. Our vehicle allowance just benefits to company. Also every 5 years RSMC route restructure our increase wage pay go back to square one. My brother working at city his pay up and never go back down. We need fight for future. Enough now. No more bully. All working hard carriers need reasonable wage increase, we need company vehicle, we need company good benefits because we are working hard for company future.
Strike Strike show courage they mistreat us!
Let’s not forget if they have rotating strikes again we will not get strike pay.
And RSMC OCRE’s get absolutely nothing again. We get 85% of a route holders pay and the expectation from management to be available at all times and come into work on a moments notice. And no one from management or our own union cares that we make less money and receive zero benefits for doing the very same work. Thanks, Brothers and Sisters, for sticking up for us…
If we do go on strike for more than a couple of weeks will we not loose all if not more of our first years income raise.
Everyone please remember some important facts 1 – the Liberals are about to fall and a federal election to follow best to agree to a contract before this happens. A PC majority government will no doubt bring Trudreau 6 sick days . This proposal puts these days into our contract 13 total.
Also once the general public finds out that postal workers are rejecting a 5% wage increase in first year lets just say we will lose in the court of public opinion. Go on strike we will be forced back and we will lose once again. A PC government has shown that it is not good for workers anywhere in Canada
Back to 7 personal days we go
This is how I feel as well.
And here we go. Reminds me a lot of 2011
No deal is best deal. Keep fight for future not today.
Well, it’s up to the union to risk a strike and loose what is being offered, I highly suggest a vote happens and let the membership decide.
I totally agree 👍🏻
Where were you during the voting process?
I agree with you, Dustin