CUPW negotiations: Canada Post presents global offers
September 25, 2024, 03:31 pm
After almost 11 months of constructive discussions with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), Canada Post has presented CUPW with global offers for both the Urban and RSMC (Rural and Suburban Mail Carriers) bargaining units. These offers outline the company’s proposals for each of the bargaining groups.
With the goal of reaching negotiated agreements without any labour disruption, we’ve heard CUPW’s concerns and have worked together to find solutions.
As you know, these negotiations come at a critical juncture for Canada Post. We’re seeking fair agreements that recognize the important work of our employees, while balancing their needs with the changes that are necessary to secure the future of the postal service.
Highlights of Canada Post’s offer for the Urban unit
- Annual wage increases over four years.
- No changes to the defined benefit pension for current employees.
- No changes to job security provisions for current employees.
- Improved leave entitlements for current employees.
- Enhanced personalized health benefits, with an option for current employees to stay in the current plan.
- Higher levels of income replacement under the Short-term Disability Program.
- Creating a more flexible, affordable delivery model to better serve customers and deliver seven days a week.
- We propose to work with CUPW to address various specified issues about Separate Sort from Delivery (SSD) and make changes to improve the employee experience with SSD.
- We support CUPW’s proposal for a future merger of the Urban and RSMC bargaining units.
Read more about the global offers
For more information on Canada Post’s global offers, watch for a mailing sent to employees’ homes (for CUPW-represented employees). You can also read PDF versions of the mailings – for the Urban unit and for the RSMC unit.
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I recently had a conversation with a retired Canada post employee
He told me he worked for 27 years full time.
I asked him exactly what he gets from Canada post defined pension plan
27 years
Equals 1588.00 a month
If your not over 60 to get cpp
Or over 65 that is all you get
The formula 50 percent of your wages after 25 years of service
70 percent after 35 yrs of service .
I know I’m going to live to 100 yrs
We are bridged between 55 and 65. The bridge pays Old age pension and Canada pension till 65. So we get quite a bit more than what your saying
We will be forced back to work by this government should we go on strike or lockout. Public does not see Canada Post as relevant anymore with our mail delivery. With so many scams online Canada Post should be promoting fast secure mail deliveries same day within same city. Will need management and CUPW to think out of the box and cooperate.
Binding Arbitration should be considered instead of strike! No one wins with a strike. Will be forced into Arbitration that’s what the Management always count on and we loss our bargaining ability.
I agree with you 100%
Not to mention the potential to lose customers who may not return this time.. Our market share has dwindled from the 60+% to the low 30s and dropping
A strike would be devastating for the company! It is totally illogical to interrupt service in these times. Other carriers are just waiting to get their hands on all those businesses. Much of the volume lost will not come back. CUPW needs to wake up and really consider the consequences of going this route. This is not the 90s. I do not understand how they are singlehandedly willing to bring the company to its knees. This will have negative effects on ALL employees… Even the ones thinking a strike will get them what they want. Without the volume, the company is done. All members should encourage the union to sign a contract and move on.
They dont have the money to offer their workers what they want. Its as simple as that. Canada Post loses 750 million per year.
Just wondering how many strikes have you been through? So lets roll over and quit fighting. Ridiculous
I am going to start by saying that I am not management nor am I in CUPW. I work at Gateway West and I can attest to these things
1. Our mail volumes are at an all-time low, yet all you CUPW geniuses seem to forget that we have lost over 3 billion dollars in the last 4 years. But yet you want 20% increases so that you can sit on milk crates and then want overtime to complete work that should have been done during your shift. The laziness and entitlement i have seen from senior CUPW workers is honestly why this company is failing. Instead of leading by example, you show new employees how to scam overtime and do the bare minimum instead of leading by example. Honestly disgusting behaviour
2. CUPW is horribly overstaffed, there are poeple wandering around the building complaining about being overworked but doing nothing. There needs to be a mass cut of staff
3. People need a living wage increase. Having said all that I think that the world has gotten more expensive and canada post should give a 20% raise this one time, but cut staff dramatically in the process. and when I say staff I mean the 68 yr old workers who think that getting to work is their main job and then make all the less senior staff do all the actual work. RETIRE and let those under you make a living. I see these workers hanging on like leeches hoping for a buyout. They want to be paid for their lifetime of mediocrity, which is sad.
The following line from CUPW counter proposal sums everything up perfectly
***Contract in cleaning, highway services, Combined Urban Services, and other work CUPW members can perform***
This is a direct admission that we have no work and we need to supplement the workers with other work. Long story short, I am looking for other work because nothing is worth staying in this place. Everyone from management to the workers on the floor are clueless.
I can’t agree more.
I work at Gateway also. I agree 100%
excellent comment
I’m sorry but I’m an employee I work my butt off everyday and extra u only see what u want to see this gs go on in all jobs so pay attention and see who works
Way to support brothers and sisters. You sound like management. You should leave just hearing an attitude like that. Wow! You know the whole world is in a bit of a recession at the moment not just cpc.
In what other dream world does an entity such as Canada Post where the service offered is deplorable on average, would anyone think that they deserve not only to be rewarded handsomely as they already are, but to get increases to those Rewards. Remember that we’re basically dealing with unskilled labor, a job that requires no specialized education or training! Their remuneration was already gold-plated compared to your average Joe public with the same qualifications! The Royal Mail in the UK was in the same situation with shoddy service and overpaid employees and nothing changed until they threatened to fire everybody in privatize and the unions called their Bluff and so they did just that they went private and that was that, the quality of service went up the cost to operate it went down win for everyone except the overly entitled workers and it look good on them because they had just gotten too big for their britches anyway much like the workers here! Similarly nothing is going to change here until the service privatizes and in the private sector the spoiled entitled employees who seem to not realize how good they’ve got it will get laughed at with their demands!
They forgot the lol at the end!
unions counter offer is good. Let see whats next by cpc.
Is it realistic to hope Canada Post could ever be an efficient and profitable operation?
When you have CUPW fighting progress tooth and nail and defending the worst employees the company have how can we ever be successful?
Paying inside workers $10 an hour more than the competition and yet they are the biggest whiners around.
Then there’s the bloated management, way too many supervisors and we need 0 vice presidents- what a waste of millions.
I sadly see us sold for pennies in the future if this sinking ship isn’t righted.
Don’t worry. Our superintendent told us that her bonus for us delivering the flyers is barely more than what we get for
Actually doing the work.
If the members were offered buy outs as retirement incentives by seniority, I am sure CPC would have no trouble getting thousands to jump off this ship of fools.
Instead CPC will try the bully tactic and offer to cut our retirement benefits if you “choose” to retire after 2026. If they offered a buy out they would see a mass exodus of senior staff. Then they will have a whole new generation of staff that will abide.
In a perfect world that may work. Have you looked at Canada Post financial situation.? Time to wake up and look at the big picture.
Royal Mail comes to mind.
Cpc has over 30 plus billion in pension funding for cupw employeea , it’s 7 billion over what is actually needed..surplus…don’t know anything about POMs Royal mail.
yea, where did you get those phantom numbers from?
canada post is billions in debt.
Evaluation of the Wage Proposal:
The proposed wage increases of 3.5% in Year 1, 2.5% in Year 2, and 2% in Years 3 and 4 add up to 10.4% over four years. While this might seem reasonable, it overlooks the impact of inflation during the time since the last contract expired. The proposal claims to outpace the Bank of Canada’s inflation projections, but it doesn’t account for the actual inflation that workers have experienced during the contract gap.
The biggest problem with this proposal is that it lacks an adjustment to make up for the loss in purchasing power over the past two years. During this time, Canada Post pensioners received an 11% increase to offset inflation, but current employees have not seen their wages rise accordingly. To address this, I suggest a one-time 11% top-up to bring wages in line with current inflation, followed by the proposed wage increases.
Without this top-up, employees will continue to fall behind as living costs rise, potentially pushing their wages closer to minimum wage over time.
Revised Evaluation:
While the proposed wage increases seem fair at first glance, they fail to close the gap between wages and inflation caused by the contract delay. An initial 11% top-up is necessary to bring wages in line with inflation. This would prevent employees from losing purchasing power, ensuring their wages reflect the true cost of living.
Incorporating this top-up, along with the proposed increases, would keep wages aligned with inflation and protect employees’ financial stability moving forward.
Wouldn’t that be nice. If CUPW makes a counter-offer maybe it’s possible to meet in the middle, 14-16% over the four years. But the union needs to drop some of their outrageous demands , like vehicles for RSMC’s etc. This kund of nonsense wrecks the chance of a negotiated settlement.
Very logical idea- backed by tangible data and rational thought
I thought an 11% increase sounded rather lavish, but taking the inflation and the reasonable percentage raises over the duration of the contract, seems more than fair, only thing I would amend is a retroactive payment in year 1-great idea!
How do you propose they pay for this top up plus annual raises? It would be different if this place was flush with revenue, but it is under water and paying workers more solves nothing. Everyone says they can run the place without management and supervisors…come on now. Just try to image how poorly that would function.
Depot ran just fine when all the supervisors gave each others Covid and none of them
Were there.
Very well said and 100% true. Thank you Stu.
I guess only tepid comments are accepted. Two posts of mine that were within the guidelines of the comment policy were not posted. This one probably won t be either. 1984.
it worked. i CAN SEE IT
We need a postal committie to discuss how we can make the post office the best in the world! I have confidence it can be done. 🙂
waiting for cupw counter offer. When will that be out.
You need to ask them. Message national
CUPW? Are they awake yet😂
Obviously you don’t know how this works. Even though it’s called a negotiation, CUPW reviews the offer given by the company. Then recommends some changes that would ensure we would agree to the contract. The company would continue to make updated offers. Let’s just say that the company loves to waste as much time as possible. They know what offer would get some sort of consideration. We will continue to wait. If history has shown anything it won’t be until strike action has started.
Actually those of us who have been working here a long time know exactly what will happen; CUPW will not make a reasonable counter-offer in time and there will be a strike or lock-out. After every worker has lost thousands of dollars, we will be ordered back. The arbitrator will pick Canada Post’s final offer which will be worse than the current offer! Remember, we pay more than $1200 a year to be represented by an incompetent, un-professional union. I’ll be happy if I’m wrong, but I won’t hold my breath.
100% correct
A coworker said it to me best. Let the union and CPC hammer out an agreement as best they can. Let the membership vote on it. If both sides are not happy with it, let the arbitrator ammend it till its fair. There would be no need for a work stoppage which would only hurt both sides.
You’re 100% correct. I’d rather burn my union dues than give it to the useless union
Truer words never spoken
We need a postal committie to discuss how we can make the post office the best in the world
We were the number one parcel delivery service before Canada Post pushed transformation and combined letter carrier / parcel routes. We were still the main parcel service when we had Amazon parcels.
When Amazon wanted Canada Post to have us do same day and next day deliveries the Knuckleheads at Canada Post and Union DID NOT see the writing on the wall. That’s what the future of parcels is now!
We had the opportunity to be a strong player. Now Canada Post is trying to change after the fact. But the Union is hell bent in the Old ways. We have to change with the times! Letter mail and flyers are in decline. Will soon be a 3 day a week delivery! Only packets and parcels will be growing in business. Amazon may soon be looking for companies to deliver their parcels again. We should be in a position to change with the times! I am a 20+ employee.
Your are right. Also dont forget the hudson bay. All the top management has destroyed the parcel system which created loses and loss of business. Top management needs to be completely removed and jobs given to people with proper qualifications. Instead of I know you and ye I can get you in.
Top management ruined The Bay?? How about online shopping and the huge options and price comparisons out there now. Exact same with us and parcel deliveries and costs. Nothing to do with management.
who sets pricing strategies to be more attractive so you are saying that theres no way to match or beat price. How are the other guys doing it and succeeding maybe we need there sales team aka management.
Get a grip…..its that more came into the market place with lower prices. We do less for same pay with zero education. Where else you going to get a job that pays what we get with a pension and benefits? Used to be major player yes, when there was less competition. Strike is bad idea..we are going to lose more customers, means less money to go around. Anyone with zero education or just moved to our country can do our job if you can read and write.
Completely true and now with SSD and no sortation for LCa it’s even easier.
Eventually the carrier will just arrive and all the mail and parcels will be in his truck ready to go!
Whenever things like this happen, there’s one out of two options: bad management AND/OR corruption. Moreover, if bad management takes place for too long, then the latter is DEFINITELY on the table!
I’m concerned about these items:
No changes to the defined benefit pension for current employees.
No changes to job security provisions for current employees.
Improved leave entitlements for current employees.
It infers if someone new is hired they are second class. Always be careful about the divide and conquer tactic. Eventually new workers will outnumber the old and have no interested in supporting these programs that they cannot access. It is worth a lower pay raise to keep these, and the principle that we are looking out for each other.
Let’s respect the process of working towards a fair collective agreement between both parties. Neither party will get everything they want but you get what will keep everyone fairly happy for a duration of time. So let’s stay focused keep personalities out if it and come to a reasonable and fair contract so we can all enjoy a years of working together not against each other. Cheers.
I can’t wait for the strike, I wanna see how quickly CUPW members go broke. Whatever raise they get, will probably not even cover the amount of wage loss they’re gonna take sitting on the streets. Hahaha
Why would you want that? See, this is the attitude from the top down. Let’s get a fair contract
Your comment bring this adage to my mind.
Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty. The pig likes it.
Another business is pulling the plug today as both the union and the corporation drag their feet. Does anyone at head office of the union or the corporation even care about the future of the postal system?
The corporation needs to have a full audit. There are far too many white collars making more money than the people who work the mail, who make the money for the corporation. They need to cut white collar jobs to give workers what they should be paid and end some of the white collar free loading.
How many white collar jobs are there? You don’t know? Then why do you believe this to be the case?
the white collars bring in the business, thus making the money for the company. You are an expense, like the vehicles, plant and materials needed to run the business. You are no less important than the white collar but, you don’t make the money
Perfect answer, hilarious when the mailmen think the “white collars” do nothing, or are over paid. A white collar could do your job, a mailman could never run a company.
Right they bring in the business. Which is why we lost all of the contracts and now only deliver 29% of all parcels, down from %66 just a year ago (CPC provided numbers) I may not bring in business, but I’m definitely not as big of an expense as these clowns
So funny. That’s what I hear every week and our station meetings. We are the reason for the failures of this company. This message is constantly pushed. And so another reason why you cannot keep employees. The new ones don’t want to come to work and hear that, all the while being underpaid. But us 20+ year employees know how to ignore the nonsense. Once it gets the busy season, they will be thanking us for coming in to work. 😂
We need a deal so we can secure thr future for everyone.
We need to set the pace for a better wage for our future and survival and if strike vote yes will push that and resolve this. I would request everyone to think about the long run and future. Penny raises dont take you anywhere. If we get a big raise union gets a raise so in the end it might be a wash. So bigger the wage increase the better. Please vote yes for strike its ok to be suffer now for a better future.
Big wage increases, but loses in hundreds of millions. Do you understand how businesses work?
Business was lost due to CPC hiring incompetent people in position that set future for the company. Just cause they cant make good decisions up top doesnt mean I need to take a pay cut and feel bad.
Correction hundreds of millions spent, not lost. Don’t be fooled by what they tell you. When Covid hit, most companies had to stop operating or truly lost business by being forced to stay closed. Canada Post actually thrived and business grew. They just could do the job well and it took them months to get people their packages. Disorganized, but have never lost money
Better Future? We used to have over 60% of the market place for deliveries and are now below 20% of market share. There will be cutbacks and closures. If we strike we lose more customers than we already have.
I love my job
My favourite part from the latest newsletter regarding their proposal: regarding SSD, “we’ve heard the concerns. We propose to work with CUPW to address various specified issues and make changes.”
We have a grievance in that has taken 2 yrs to be addressed, another year of hearings and final payment awarded us and the actual addressing of the issue still to come.
This will take years and many injuries until something is done. Health and safety is not on this companies radar. It’s happened before. Address the issues now, and maybe we will agree to a contract….no less than a 20% raise of course
You are 100% correct. Why does “working on the issues” need to be negotiated? They have had years to work on the issues already if they actually cared at all to fix them.
Canada Post had a better deal on the table, a few contracts ago, but the Union were in it for a strike. Did Not let the members vote! We were handed a worst contract than what Canada Post had on table!
It seems to be repeating the same process. Let’s hope the members do have a say this time around.
I agree, Canada Post’s offer is not great, but it’s a start. If CUPW actually wants a deal, they need to present a reasonable counter-offer. So many of our union execs just seem militant and angry, excited by the chance to go on strike amd unwilling to compromise. If this ends in a strike or lock-out, then arbitration, the arbitrator will almost certainly go with Canada Post’s final offer because CUPW’s demands are so unrealistic. We will lose thousands from the action and end up with a worse result then Canada Post’s current offer. It’s happened many times before. If you have a chance, vote no to a strike to show you demand a negotiated settlement. Both sides have to compromise to get a deal done!
We vote for a better contract and for the company to listen to the staff. I’ve been with the company 20+ years never once been asked, what does the company need to succeed, what can we do more for our customers. Yet, I’ve watched and managers make the worst decisions for everyone.
Honestly we are lucky to have our jobs with a pension. No other person with zero education gets what we get. Higher wages for delivering to a box…we dont do anything special. Get a grip people. Be happy with what we got. I know on my route I have WAAAYYY less to deliver then I used to. I am doing less work for same pay…not sure where else I can get that.
Voting no to a strike. I want a negotiated settlement.
a strike is a means to a negotiated settlement. If there is no strike, the corporation just lets you go on and do the work with no new Collective Agreement.
Fellow coworkers, imagine Canada Post is privatized all the useless employees you have to work with GONE!
Good workers would be rewarded and NO union dues too!
Letter carriers would be rewarded for the most difficult job and inside workers would be paid at the same level as they are at UPS and FedEx!
That would be far superior than today when the useless whiner beside you makes the same wage eg?
Bring it on!!
Fellow posties, imagine Canada Post is privatized and your wages are slashed 30%, pension is destroyed, and virtually all of your benefits are being cut. Meanwhile, management bonuses get even bigger, just like you routes that are now increased by 50%…
Having one bad employee out of 20 will be the very least of your concerns!!!! Just imagine how happy you will be!!!!
Your proposal doesn’t appeal to your ‘fellow worker’ because you’re a new supervisor. I love the useless employee, I get the OT at time and a half when they can’t do their job. Showing all the more my value. This company hired them, they can deal with them. Looking forward to the 20% raise and the holiday season where I pick up all kinds of OT!
I agree wholeheartedly
and the remaining workers would also be ‘rewarded with $16 per hour, if that. I get the feeling that you are one of those ‘useless’ ones that you referred to.
The company should cut down on supervisors. They do nothing all day , but sit around and chat . They have no clue what they doing. Family members should not be allowed to work together. There is a big favouritism for some employee. Union dues are to high. Wonder where the money goes.
I agree. My office used to run great with 2 supervisors. Now we have five and a full time superintendent. Ridiculous! They sit around playing on their phones.
Then the corporation nickel and dimes those of us who actually work and move product. I’ve heard they are hiring more now. Now wonder we lose so much money. Between that and the shredding of perfectly good vehicles we don’t stand a chance
If you really think you need more supervisors, maybe start hiring people who are qualified. My depot seems to hire as favours to friends and family. I can’t believe how clueless our cell and staffing “supervisors “ are. It’s pathetic
I have a supervisor that does absolutely nothing but sit in a chair. Complains when you bring anything to his attention. Useless.
What’s with people turning up to a strike vote with company vehicles?
Isn’t this time theft?
Vote No in your strike vote to let Cupw know you want a contact without a strike.
It is a pretty solid OPENING offer, lets counter with an equally solid and reasonable response
The rate of increase seems to be the sticking points, so lets compromise with a 16 percent over 4 year period, with a retroactive payment for this year
As per the new tier structure for new employees, let THEM decide if CPC is a place for their future, not anyone else. and let the CURRENT employee who have EARNED the new contract ,reap the rewards
It is obvious we need a 7 day parcel delivery to be competitive, no BS from their end on that – lots more competition, etc-delivery is the only piece that does not work weekends
We have to be careful and not let what happened to Fed Ex in the US happen to us- great contract followed by massive layoffs
Concessions should be made in a COLLECTIVE agreement on BOTH sides- arbitration has not been kind to us in the past
We may know that CPC is not always transparent in their disclosing ,but the information given to arbitration is how things are ultimately decided
I wish CUPW took this kind of common-sense approach to bargaining instead of just making demands and rejecting all compromise. We know the company needs to get business back on the parcel delivery side. Seven day delivery would allow us to compete better. I started in 1991 and Canada Post had a lower wage for new employees even then! It took four years for me to reach the top level. I also was not able to join the pension plan until I became full-time. Our union is wasting time fighting ‘two-tier’ wages when they’ve already existed for decades. Every large company has lower wages and probationary periods for new employees. Canada Post’s offer isn’t great, but it’s the start of a settlement. If we go on strike fighting for unrealistic demands, we’ll simply lose thousands of dollars and end up with an imposed settlement which is worse than the current offer. Vote no to a strike to show the union the membership wants a negotiated contract. Let’s be adults and realize both sides need to compromise.
This is not true. I started in 2012 and I was making the same wage as the 30 year vets. The only things that were different were benefits, pension and guaranteed work (as a “term” we may go days, sometimes weeks without an assignment). It took me nearly 5 years to become full time. Last I heard, terms are getting full time positions in less than a year now because of the old guard retiring. They should make what we make….they do the same job.
Sorry to tell you, but it’s definitely true. CUPW historic collective agreements are public information and are searchable on Government of Canada websites. I was able to quickly check and found agreement #08902-01, effective 1992-07-31 and expiring 1995-01-31. In that agreement a year one LC made $13.88 rising to $16.40 after 5 years. It was the same idea for every other CUPW classification. If you don’t remember correctly, then check the archives yourself. Please don’t fall victim to propoganda that multi-tiered wages are something new. We need a union that is honest with it’s membership. After all, we pay over $1200 per year vor hopefully competent representation. My point is this silly fight over two tiered wages is taking away from us reaching a settlement with a good percentage wage increase for all members.
I made the same as everyone else made as a temp LC in 2002. It was $18 and change.
Why exactly do we need a union taking $95 off a paycheque monthly?
To support those who cannot do the job?
Yes, that’s exactly what CUPW is for, the postal employees who are incapable of performing their tasks!
First cp should stop hiring manager and supervisors in the new plant there more than needed supervisors in each section they are just chilling there doing nothing. Wasting cp money.
Cp bought some robot which just parked doing nothing these are covered by dust just wasting cp money.
Mangers and supervisors are not have enough knowledge to manage or run this facility fire all the management staff and highers a qualified and experienced manager also reduce the unwanted or surplus supervisors most of them are not suitable for this position
The global offer is not good
Specially the wages
Interesting you mention management and corruption, what about lazy employees? From some of the comments above there seems to be clear consensus that is an issue too.
As a customer of Canada Post and not an employee I see a few solutions to the problem.
Super mailboxes for every residential address with no exceptions. Less super mailbox locations in each community and centralized locations. Reduce the time to travel between locations.
Reduce delivery service to Tuesday / Thursday for 1/2 the delivery area and Wednesday / Friday for the other 1/2.
Business delivery every day.
Automate where ever possible to reduce the man hours required.
💰greed the roots of all evil
My starting wage back in 2000 was $16/hour, which works out to $29.53/hour in 2024 wages. Right now, LCs max out at $30.36/hour. So glad I wasted 24 years of my life to get an 83 cent/hour raise.
Meanwhile, minimum wage in Ontario was $7/hour in 2000, which works out to $12.80/hour in
2024, yet it is now over $17/hour.
This company has no respect for it’s employees.
Absolutely agreed. Wages have fallen drastically behind inflation and our tasks have been expanded by 20% with SSD.
The absolute minimum offer we will take seriously is 20% + inflation.
And? Delivering mail should be minimum wage, and it should just keep matching minimum wage whenever it goes up.
Spoken like someone who’s never delivered the mail & wouldn’t last one week…
Yeah, that helps the economy 🙄🙄🙄
Keep everyone making minimum wage while the 1% get richer off their backs. Brilliant idea!
Not everyone, just jobs that are non skilled or no education required. The 1% get rich, because they deserve it. It’s interesting that everyone who lives cheque to cheque, like to say “oh the rich don’t even work hard”. Hahaha they have worked a level of difficultly that your non educated brain can’t even comprehend. When they stayed up late night after night studying, continuing education, working all hours to make it to the top. Meanwhile others drop out of school in grade 10, get a non skilled job and think they deserve the same.
Another keyboard warrior. Walk a day in another’s shoe. You do a week as a carrier and then try and say they are undeserving. They’d probably love to trade a week to sit behind a PC and make uneducated comments.
I do agree that hard work should be rewarded. To be a supervisor all that is required is grade 12 plus knowledge of microsoft word. To be a super intendant you must sit at your desk for 2 more years. To move beyond that is just sly manipulations. So sly that they can give themselves wages that exceed the prime minister of Canada. Hard work? Educated brain?
I guess everything is relative.
Just a note. Just because the job does not require a University education does not mean no employees have one. I am a PO4 and I have a BSc degree and several diplomas.
Just a note. Just because the job does not require a University education does not mean no employees have one. I am a casual inside worker and I have a 4yr degree
A little perspective here.
Based on the Canadian Inflation Calculator on the government of Canada website $16 in 2000 would be $26.82 per hour in 2024 or about $3 per hour less than your estimate. $7 per hour would be $11.83 per hour in 2024. It is clear that comparing minimum wage to your salary is not a fair comparison. Like it or not the minimum wage has outpaced the market.
While I do feel for you, Canada Post is losing money and if it was a private company you would have done much worse. In truth if it were a private company you would have lost your job a few years ago and never had the benefits and pension plan you do.
Remember that private sector employees, for the most part, took pay roll backs and lost benefits durning Covid. Our company took 20% of the vacation days, eliminated bonuses, and some had to take a small rate cut. I’m not happy about it but I can always look for another job and so can you.
Be happy with what you have before you lose it.
This company gives its management bonuses. Any company supposedly losing money would be firing managers, not giving them bonuses. CPC spent 1/2 a billion dollars on a new plant and calls it a loss and investment?!?
This, exactly this and more. Back to the table and cut us a better deal.
Trust Respect Deliver. Canada Post continues to employ us throughout continuous backlash and fear from CUPW. We are public servants, we are paid less, even those in management and exec, APOC and PSAC. Please think about others when speaking down, it’s really not fair to spread misinformation. Remember CUPW is also a business, and they have their own profit agenda. Ultimately if CPC can’t innovate and make agile decisions with work design, we will continue to suffer. If you ran a business would you be ok with your workforce only working 4-6 hours in an 8 hours shift? I guarantee not. Would you be able to sustain the increasing cost of doing business? How would you deal with the employees out of the workforce and the injured. What would you do if competitors take your business model and undercut your price. How long could you keep them on your coat tail before you fold. Support your leaders, change takes time, everyone is struggling, we are in this together as humans and employees. Work hard, take some worth from the job, we are literally fighting for every parcel! Our customers are #1. Remember our Purpose- A Stronger Canada Delivered!
Brand new sorting facilities, brand new trucks across the country. Millions of dollars invested into delivery changes. Canada Post corp wants to portray all these investments as losses to railroad it’s staff into a bad deal. The company is strong, so workers need to stay strong, for a stronger contract.
We just need a contract with good wages, benefits. Let them have their dam weekend delivery.
This here exactly. Spend, spend, spend, and then cry poor.
There needs to be a total overhaul of all levels and processes. Yes jobs need to be cut at all levels but starting with a top down re-organization. There was an article from the Globe and mail or maybe it was even on CP website breaking down the levels. Canada Post has just over 300 executive positions, it has about 2500 management positions and also 3000 supervisor positions. That is almost a 1 to 1 ratio of management to supervisor. Something is definitely not right there. So yes you can cut CUPW positions but first cut the real fat from the corporation. No corporation needs that many execs and managers especially wen they openly show $3 billion lost in 6 years. And yes there is just as much abuse by union employees in many many ways.
Most of the reported 2500 management positions are not management, they are MGT/Exempt, as in no union affiliation or protection. They are not meant to supervise, they are process, secretarial and various other roles that are required to run this company. They just dont get raises or any job security. Know what you are talking about before you start judging
I am not judging, the comments here confirm the facts by union membership. Processes are broken. LC’s are working 6 hours but get paid for 8. These are the very processes being managed and implemented by whom. Who is to be held accountable for $3 billion in losses? Why has their not been an audit by the federal gov’t? Who allows continuous financial drain with no repercussions. I know we will hire and promote incompetence. They can’t deliver the mail so let’s make them supervisors and managers.
This is what they treat us with, after working through the COVID nonstop.
They were crying that economies were bad then, asked for extension. Now things are looking better, they cry losing money, after spending millions on investments. Who lost the customer contracts? What’s the natural course of action in weak sales performance? Who signed all the deals past few years? Maybe you should restructure your sales team and their ‘managers’ and perhaps VPs who hasn’t got a clue how to turn around this situation with all those high paying seats.
My feelings exactly.. wheres the accountability at the top.?
Fire 25% of all the managers and cupw members and finally privatize the post office. I bunch of lazy people who just keep opposing the company from saving itself.
Our union president is a retail cashier. I have no faith
The saddest thing about working for Canada Post is the amount of useless employees we have.
If we have 65,000 CUPW members, we could drop 15,000 and not even notice. The mail would get delivered just as efficiently maybe even more so than it is now.
That’s sad.
How about the obvious mgmnt posters return to make seem as if actually doing something or counting bonuses instead of stirring the pot with the fake positive posts!
It is a good global offer. WE WILL VOTE TO ACCEPT THE OFFER!
Thank you Canada Post.
I be voting no in my strike vote.
I have a Morgage to pay so I’m with you guys! Cupw doesn’t get that we can’t afford essentials if we go on strike
Said no one ever!
Until CUPW pays my mortgage don’t tell me how to vote.
You are clearly management trying to stir the pot. Just stop please, you’re embarrassing yourself. No reasonable person would accept this offer. We asked for an offer and got a slap in the face instead.
how much bonus are you getting to accept the offer.
everyone has a price
cupw or not
actuarial financial audit is needed for how and where and who cupw protection dues are doled out to
slake my head
Okay anonymous.. say that on the work floor, tool.
Oh, I sure did and its i tell you it’s very split about the offer. Let’s have a vote and see if you’re afraid we are going to win, then you will show up to vote against the offer.
All of you want wage increment and better benefits without going on strike useless cowards people
You’re adorable.. absolute no way. Horrific offer
We NEVER accept rollbacks. STRIKE!
I can’t wait for the back to work legislation 🙂
no back to work legislation coming, Liberal government wont risk non-confidence vote by allowing NDP to vote against them along with the conservitives.. normally the conservitives would legislate but they would do anything to force an election, even voting against legislation to force non-confidence.
If only you actually HAD a vote…
As it is, it’s going to be an overwhelming yes to a strike.
doesent matter what we vote the useless money sucking Union will say it was a YES to stike,
they dont tell you that all these union executives get paid and claim expensives when were on stike,what do they care,
I think CP offer is pretty decent. The only thing is the wage increase, in today’s world we need decent wages , so I really hope that the wage percentage goes up, if so, sign the deal.
CUPW wants a strike, and last time we went on strike , we got less then what was offered and we lost a lot of business, I think CUPW should negotiate more for our wages, and try to bump that up, I agree with CP, a strike right now would damage our jobs significantly , and seeing what CP is offering, which is decent , it’s not worth a strike in my opinion.
In summary, try to negotiate a better wage increase, try to increase our flyer pay if possible , and seal the deal.
It’s not just about money. There is zero mention of our health and safety concerns.
Delivering in the dark in winter? SSD routes requiring overtime to complete? SSD unvaried duties causing RSI? Delivering in wildfire smoke? Delivering the hottest hours of the day in summer, sometimes with no A/C?
Canada Post can’t just disregard all these issues in their offer.
The vast majority are finishing SSD routes in 6 hours or less, perhaps those who cannot need to find new employment??
That’s because they work straight without taking any breaks and lunch breaks, afterwards you need minimum 1.5 hours to collate next day’s flyers also mail is brought back
No they aren’t. They’re doing 2/3rds of the SSD route in 6 hours or less (the same delivery as before), and saving tomorrow’s colour of the day for the next day. It’s the only way to make it work, unless you’ve got a bird route.
Every LC agrees SSD is a giant downgrade. Juggling 3 bundles of mail instead of 1 is nonsensical. Let us sort our mail.
This post is correct. We can almost guarantee if we have a strike or lock-out we will lose thousands of dollars in wages, and then be ordered back to work with an imposed settlement. The imposed agreement will be much worse than Canada Post’s offer, as it always is. If we had a responsible union, they would use this offer as a starting-point and keep negotiating to get more. Let’s try to be adults and realize each side needs to make some concessions. That’s called negotiating.
Bang on
Hence the reason / need for the strike mandate to be in a better bargaining position.
CP is billions and billions in debt. how are they magically going to offer workers any more money?
Just privatize already, that’s the only way Canada Post can grow. Capitalism is the best economic system.
And the government pay off the pensions?
That’s the only way to privatize it.
There will be a pension fund the government pays into for the next 40 years?
People, lets stop fighting each other. Canada post reads these comments, why do you think we see comments like… ” I like the offer, where do I vote “.
Haven’t we learned anything about covid propaganda and wars!!!!!
I know!!! Please stop! Canada Post will read these comments and see how weak and divided CUPW is !! We already have half of the members who want to vote NO
Sorry but I still want to sign so i can pay my morgage. No hard feelings.
There is no future of Canada post if we don’t get an agreement.
Haha. We don’t actually think half of your comments are anyone but APOC. Nobody is fooled. Strike is imminent. 20% raise over 4 years minimum or no deal.
why would APOC care, they get to work the rest of the year, while you hash it out with the Corporation. Good time to clean up the work stations, organize paperwork, look out to see you walking the line.
I can see you are a NEW APOC employee. They would care because no deliveries means no business. Cleaning depots and organizing can only be done for a little while. We already have contractors doing those things. That’s not what supervisors were hired for. This I don’t care attitude has come from the top down and that’s why we LC’s get our job done and get out as quickly as possible. I have supervisors asking me questions everyday about their job. It’s embarrassing. This job has not changed in the past 20+ years. The mailboxes haven’t moved. Yet, somehow, endorsing your flyers everyday, signing your truck out is more important than real health and safety issues. Meanwhile, we have broken down trucks sitting in the yard for months. All the while they just sit there watching the computer screen checking for a new email from the top.
Please, you don’t actually think any of these commenters saying ‘it’s a great deal,’ are anyone other than APOC, do you?
Some comments here are from CPC pretending to be CUPW members and trying to divide us. I hope CUPW members are more smart to know and not to fight in here which CPC is happy to read about.
APOC piggy backs off of CUPW negotiations. What we get they will get. They (APOC) want CUPW to get the best deal possible, best raise possible because they will get the same. Not better, just the same.
SSD makes our routes 20% longer.
To give us less than 20% wage increase, plus inflation, is a non-starter.
Not anywhere near good enough of an offer. Try again.
Bigger routes means more overtime 🙂 more money in my pocket.
I’m trying to letter carry my whole life, John, not blow myself out in 5 years.
The old routes were tough but fair. The new routes are knee-busters.
Some of them are so hilly there’s no way people can do it for more than a year or two before gradual injury overwhelms them and they can’t carry anymore.
It’s overkill and it needs to be rolled back.
LC & RSCM’s should be on their own contract!
Get rid of CUPW – talk to Teamsters
Get rid of the time stealers of CPC – its pathetic
Yes! It’s time letter carriers had their own union. Absolutely ridiculous that we get paid the same as inside workers.
At FedEx and other couriers the inside workers make far less than the delivery people do and that’s the way it should be!
I don’t want to strike but if this is the best they can do, looks like Nov 3rd we’ll be picketing 🪧
Canada Post let them strike, they couldn’t last 4 weeks without members being broke. Starve them out. They’ll be crying to come back to work once they realize they bit off more than they can chew.
Better start panhandling on picket lines.
Bet. See you there.
The corp said they’d work with the union about SSD before, and now every depot that converts is constantly putting out calls for city wide overtime. Volume is getting delayed, workloads are increasing, the only thing going up are bonuses for those up top and false claims about losses.
10% over 4 years is a slap in the face, and nothing else in this offer is a positive.
Yet the majority of letter carriers are finishing their routes in less than 6 hours even with SSD.
Is it possible those who cannot are not up to the job and should be dismissed??
That’s because those lc’s are working straight without breaks (lunch and 2x 10 mins) even after 6 hours walking (inhumane) arriving back you need to collate flyers for at least 1.5 hours because of the higher points of calls. Also they cut across lawns.
Why is anyone here using working through Covid as a reason for receiving more than what is offered? I was delivering mail through Covid and I was happy to be doing so. So many people that I know lost jobs because of Covid and are still feeling the effects of losing those jobs. Would you have rather been temporarily laid off for 3, 6 or 12 months? Weird logic for sure.
Letter carriers have this big ego thinking they were “super heroes” doing it! Hahahahahahahahah haha
Nobody cares!
It’s not like everyone wasn’t all of sudden essential as well, you were just an essential as the guy working at the gas station, or the lady bagging your groceries. Now everyone is a hero hahahaha
It’s not about being a super-hero. it’s just that most employees got “covid bonuses”…. and our union did one mistake, accept an extension for 2 years at 2% each year without being sure of the inflation and without being sure CP would catch back salaries afterwards. dont talk to me about COLA….worst protection against inflation ever….if i get 2%, the COLA has to start at 2%, NOT 5.3%…….
That being said, CUPW made a mistake. CP , if they valued their employees, should be more than happy to correct those mistakes.10% over 4 years is not a fair treatment of their employées, CUPW asked for 22-24% over those 4 years….
Counter-offers should bring this to 16-18% for 4 years….then they should allow us to vote…
Not a question of being a superhero, just a question of pay equity….
P.S. Remembrer that during covid, LC had to go in elevators with coughing strangers refusing to wear masks to go deliver catfood, catliter, dogfood to our clients, for those scared to go outside animal lovers, we were superheroes……
The operational model needs to change so, while we signed an extension 2 years ago why wasn’t there conversations about the future? Now we are in unknown territory, and everyone has to make the hard decisions. After reading the comments it seems they need to double their wage offering from 10.4% to 20% to get over 50% of the members to agree.
The company is as much to blame as its employees. I have experienced many problems with misdelivered packages and packages sitting in a depot day on end. Neither the staff nor management make a reasonable effort to have on time deliveries.
Where is the complete offer?
You mean where the 20% wage is increase instead of the 10%
Petty CPC is censoring negative opinions in here. Get ready to strike against our corrupt and childish owners.
CUPW also sensors our comments. Try talking to your buddies over at CUPW uncut or unofficial on Facebook.
its full of negative opinions. what are you even talking about?
Canada Post wants to offer weekend delivery! It barely has enough parcels for the full-time routes.
Canada Post lost the businesses of Sephora, LCBO, The Bay, and Amazon. The ambition and innovation to be competitive are not there. This business is gained at the National level but also lost at the National level. It’s sad to see that we as front-line employees face customers every day knowing that we are not competitive.
Canada Post’s Board of Directors and National President including National executives, are so far removed from the true realities of our business. It has failed to realize that it has an employee and potential salesperson in every community across Canada while limiting its employees to just delivering mail and parcels. Canada Post can’t grow and be a major competitor, as it does not invest in the growth of its employees, including DAs.
The reality of this business is that decisions that are made at the 20,000 feet level (Nationally) are not in tune with the practical operations on the ground. Leading to epic failures only to be realized after a few years. SSD is an example of that, and employees will be injured or leave the company and poor service levels will become apparent after the loss of customers.
If Canada Post is interested in providing incentives for those close to retirement. Don’t insult them with a date, that if they leave by Jan 2026 their retirement benefit will not change to 50/50 cost share.
Rather, offer those close to retirement the benefit of capping their year of pension retirement to the max, a greater incentive for those employees close to retirement to retire with dignity and not be forced to leave due to the additional cost of 50/50 shared retirement benefits. This will reduce the higher-paid employees and leave room for the opportunity for new and less expensive paying employees including their new lower-end benefits.
Well said.
I agree 100%.
Well thought out comment full of common sense.
This makes complete sense for those of us that will be retiring in the next few years. However, the union would also be losing members who pay higher union dues and I’m sure they would would try to block any incentive given by CPC. The union has always been about the money and what’s in it for them.
we all pay the same union dues. Top tier or bottom tier same region same dues whether PT or FT. The 15 hour PT shifts?!? $100 to union dues a month. 1/10 of your pay is going to union dues after taxes. 15 hour guarantee is a low ball and then flex you when you least expect it?
Our union dues differ from region to region, you can find this on the union site. The union can charge us up to 300% of our hourly wage for our dues, so a new hire would not be paying the same union dues as myself.
As someone else already posted, CUPW is also a business and have their own profit agenda. The more money they negotiate for us the more union dues they can take from us. The NEB has their own union pension, who do you think funds that?
10% (or 2.5% average) over four years is outrageous when you consider how inflation has affected the cost of living for every Canadian over the last several years.
If this change were to go through, I’d have to give serious thought to becoming a part-time LC, and switching up my schedule so I could go full-time at my older job, just so we could keep our heads above water when it comes to our bills and mortgage.
Is this the type of company we’re becoming?
Double the wage offer and I’m on board.
If any if you are believe that CUPW has the ability or intent to negotiate a good deal for employees- you are mistaken. 10% over 4 years amount to $3/hour or less over 4 years. Will not even cover ever increasing useless union dues. This proposal is abominable & insulting. Cupw continues to sell out CP employees. Disgusting
Time to privatize the post office and cut cupw.
YES!!!! and get rid of the time stealing or discipline those that arent working
WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT CUPW, probably without a job
the mistake was made in extending the contract in 2021 . this is Never heard of . The excuse proffered by the union execs, at the time was its covids fault , so covid is the workers fault , Sorry that just does not cut it . The workers in cupw have lost at least 10-12% in this 2 year contract extension , while us retires have lost next to nothing . What a colossal blunder on the part of the NEB . The Neb should resign along with the presidents of the locals that supported this extension. The edmonton local , and fraser valley locals voted against the contract extension . Thank god there is still some common sense left . Most people saw inflation coming . The NEB never consulted with an economic advisor , obviously , or considered that this might happen , they have hung the workers out to dry , what a disgrace ……RESIGN N.E.B.
Absolutely insulting!@
Nous avons besoin d’un salaire décent. Les employés qui ont donné de nombreuses années de loyaux services n’ont plus les moyens de faire leurs courses, de trouver un logement ou de payer leurs factures. Ils sont démoralisés après s’être fait dire qu’ils sont improductifs et traités comme ayant moins de valeur que les nouvelles technologies. Les gestionnaires de Postes Canada ont gaspillé des milliards dans de nouvelles technologies qui ne fonctionnent pas aussi rapidement et efficacement que nous et on nous dit constamment d’augmenter la productivité afin de rivaliser avec des sociétés psychopathes comme Amazon avec leur longue histoire de maltraitance des travailleurs. livrer également des colis Amazon dans tous les endroits au Canada où il n’est pas économiquement rentable pour eux de le faire)
Postes Canada est un service public qui dessert tous les Canadiens et leur permet d’expédier et de recevoir des marchandises ainsi que de communiquer facilement et en toute sécurité avec d’autres Canadiens, où qu’ils soient. Notre réseau de bureaux de poste ruraux et locaux est un trésor national et non une ressource immobilière vendue aux enchères aux promoteurs comme cela se produit fréquemment dans notre ville de Montréal. Bon nombre de ces bureaux de poste constituent un carrefour de quartier et soutiennent leurs communautés de nombreuses manières.
La direction actuelle de Postes Canada n’agit pas de bonne foi, son intention est de miner nos délégués syndicaux et de nous forcer à accepter une faible augmentation de salaire, inférieure au taux d’inflation. Nous travaillons de nuit, nous nous levons avant l’aube et je connais des salariés qui doivent aussi avoir un deuxième emploi pour joindre les deux bouts.
Je vous exhorte à écouter la voix des gens qui travaillent à Postes Canada et à offrir à nous et aux citoyens canadiens un service postal qui est l’un des meilleurs au monde. C’est certainement possible, mais pas avec la direction actuelle.
Offer should be as follows:
LCs 5% per year for 4 years.
Inside workers 0% for 4 years
New LCs. Too wage after 1 year!
That’s a fair deal!
Inside workers – 0%. The ppl that get the letter carriers their work!! You’re brain dead for even saying something like that. How about eliminating more LC routes and combining them so you lazy fks have to work full days.
I love how we are one team, one voice towards fighting for our rights. In all movies, actions flicks and specially in politics…. Divide the population or your enemy and you win the battle. Thank you for showing Canada post that they don’t have much to do in this case.
Ive never been an inside worker, but have heard that they spent more time sitting down then working, also I’ve dropped item there and most of those people are just like statues waiting for you to offload your RPO items into the monos, not even an offer to help… inside workers are overpaid in my opinion and I agree with you idea of 0% wage increase for inside workers. Also they get a bunch of OT opportunities, outside workers don’t .
If they have bunch of OT opportunity, business must be up and they should probably hire more staff.
Until our wages catch up to inflation there will be no deal. Get back to the table and make a realistic offer.
Love the videos on CUPW unofficial members only, of posties making “noise” acting like spoiled children. Grow up and get to work!! People are waiting for the paperboy to bring them some fresh coupons.
Oh – do you think it’s easy to bring 2000 people across 15km their coupons, bills, cheques, letters, and parcels? Every single day?
I guarantee you cannot do my job, Sam.
This wage offer needs to be 2.5x higher and safety demands must be addressed, or Canada Post will struggle to find anyone willing to do this job.
I’m not destroying my body for Canada Post for less than a living wage.
CUPW members are too busy fighting common sense admail about Trans dangers, literally not doing their jobs delivering that admail.. because they know what’s best for Canada.
Good luck fighting Canada Post.. CUPW go woke, go broke.
Thanks Chad
What ??
I can understand letter carriers . I am a fleet mechanic with a skilled trades worker. I have to pay for my qualifications license every year out of pocket. My wage compared to all the rest of federally regulated work places is very low. Look at to hire more technician at fleets without us fixing these trucks or delivery vehicles nothing is happening. We cant get any heavy duty tech’s due to pay being so low. We need a raise…. noww.
Does anyone happen to know the best way to contact the Canadian Post Corporation as a member of CPSAC to update my mailing address with PSAC or to contact my Shop Stewart PSAC I am currently on LTD wage replacement Sunlife Assurance of Canada a Division of SUN LIFE Group of Companies Alberta members LTD Wage replacement. Sunlife and SUN Life informed but Canada Post Corparation not so. Never very many of us always were a CPC employee and always within Edmonton Alberta.
This offer is insulting. Wage increases not even close to keeping up with cost of living. No mention of the colossal failure of SSD, a structure that has transformed tough but fair routes into impossible to deliver routes that destroy our bodies well before we reach retirement age.
Canada Post acts like we’re bleeding money after spending $1 billion on carbon credits. Laughable.
Management needs a reminder that without the people who do the real labour, this company doesn’t run.
Looking forward to the strike.
Wait 1 billion for carbon credits? Where did you see that? Most of my customers laugh at this green washing nonsense.. embarrassing how this corporation is so poorly managed
Here you go:
And another newer one:
This doesn’t state they specifically spent 1 billion on the carbon credits. It’s that they have set aside 1 billion for green transition. The CEO will lose his job once the conservatives get in and they will cut all this when they appoint a new CEO.
Not only fare wages but decrease in upper Management. The direction is where Canada Post is failing. We are extremely top heavy and creating to many projects that just waste money.
Alot of these comments on here aren’t even from employee’s! Anybody can comment on here.. So much for “I’m an employee”
i am an employee
I am also an employee of Canada Post Corporation, Canada Post. I am a PSAC member on ltd wage replacement and wow they don’t even want to know my current mailing address just give me the run around. No wonder Canada Post Corporation is bleeding red ink and running at a deficit to their budget if I want to try returning to work on modified duties even.
wow thats harsh
Freedom of speech friend. Try that on the CUPW Facebook page, you’ll get banned. Why don’t they allow other opinions there? Scared of the truth??
good question but thats beyound my pay grade. all i can say is corporations vs union employees has always been like this. CP needs to look at AIR canada and see if they can do what they did to avoid a strike.
Yes I was banned from there for not agreeing with them. It’s not a democracy if you can’t agree or disagree with someone.
I got banned from both for having an opinion. There is no such thing as free speech anymore.
That sucks
Didn’t know inside workers get paid more the lca…
Where is this information
Apparently , few comments here suggest that but i am not entirely how accurate that is or even true . If they are long time employees maybe few bucks but i doubt its 10 more then a lc because inside workers barely have any work unlike an lc
Am I missing something? Inside workers getting the increase too? Their already overpaid by $10, the wages of this group needs to be frozen!!
I was an inside worker before I went LC..Inside workers dont get paid more lol
Inside workers that got hired under an old contract like 2-3 contracts ago make about 10-12$ more then what we max out at
Over paid? You must be a letter carrier who works 4 hours and gets paid for the whole day.
What does this mean for terms? No option to become permanent??
Canada Post if you’re reading, I’m willing to continue working during the strike. I’ll cross the lines, and nobody will stop me.
Cupw is not respecting My democratic right to vote.
Very funny!!!( So why are you anonymous?)
I think it hilarious on CUPW unofficial Facebook, people actually think we’re management or bots lol
CUPW is broken… I’d rather Canada Post finally privatize
I wouldn’t want to go that far. But we definitely need go focus on wages, and the operational changes above anything else.
Call temps early instead of 12 pm and 11:30 , so yes thats a start and maybe eliminate 11 pm start time to 10:30? I mean if mail is ready and flyers are done if i get called late i am okay (and which i have been ), canr expect to start that late everyday
Company trying to attack our benefits in retirement. NO!
Why should they have to foot the bill it’s fair 50 / 50
This is adorable. Where’s the rest of it? Thanks for the laugh, let me know when negotiations start.
Disrespectful offer to say the least. Claiming the offer is more than projected inflation is a clear indication that Canada Post doesn’t care that our spending power has been completely eroded. You are clearly begging for a labour dispute.
It’s a great offer you don’t speak for me.
how about for temps?? my 1000 hours finished in january but due to the CB ending, i havent gotten the raise yet. well one pay it did then went back. also does this new offer mean, i am eligible for benefits or still have to wait to become permanent?
All temps should have a pathway to permanent after 1000 hours. That would be a reasonable ask.
And part timers should have a clear path to full time after 5 years. But in my department it takes 21 years before full time placement.
You’ll like the next offer even more guaranteed. Always starts with a low ball so don’t be foolish
this is a junk offer – with inflation after Covid we lost 27.8% against the cost of living just on increases. all other unions in Canada have been able to get 21% and higher why can’t we. do not take this – Also no, increases for our trades people and that needs to happen without them you have no trucks running how about some respect for them. they have fallen behind by 73% against trades industry and that not fail. They are professional skilled people. you are not the reason for over spending in this company or this country. but they are sure going to make you pay for their mismanagement of it all. know your numbers before you approve
This corporation lies about losing money. They couldn’t continue paying the bills if this is true. Guys we need to strike. They are giving the guys at the top record breaking bonuses and they leave us with crumbs and think we’d be happy with it. I’M NOT…..we deserve more and better, while the parcel business is exploding and flyers breaking my back and knees. NO, if you vote NO your selfish and shouldn’t be working in a union.
Last week, Walmart-owned Sam’s Club said it would raise hourly pay to $16 for about 100,000 entry-level workers.
That’s not enough for Sam’s Club either.
But our work is much more demanding than retail, even before SSD which has made it impossible.
Defined contribution for new employees is not good for those of us that are ready to retire
This offer is insulting. With how difficult the job has become, we deserve more. We are the backbone of Canada post! Time to walk!!!!
You can walk. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
This offer is a spit in the face of ALL Canada Post workers. All other unionized companies similar to ours are raising their workers salaries to anywhere between 18-22%. Air Canada pilots got 30% folks…they want to give us 2% this year… give your head a shake and read the fine print before you say this is a good offer. You are uneducated on the issues facing us if you think this a good offer. You are also spitting in the face of posties that went to jail. I’m an old postie and telling me to quit because you can’t afford to strike is just crazy. This is a terrible offer. 2% will barely fill my gas tank.
If you want a 30% raise go work for Air Canada. Delivering mail is a lot less skilled than flying a plane.
Management plant
Funny the autopilot does most of the work, pilots are there now mostly as a “just in case”, and even then air canada wants to get rid of the co pilot all together. Still need a human to shove flyers in a box
You’re not seriously comparing yourself to an airline pilot are you?
Wow. You going to feel comfortable flying in a plane when the pilot only has a high school education and flew model airplanes when he was a kid? They are paid for their skill, if an engine fails or we have to land in a snow storm, I’m glad he/she is there and not you. Anyone can shove a flyer in a slot, you are easily replaceable and should be when you don’t appreciate how good you have it.
Nice thought, try landing a heavy aircraft in a 30 knot crosswind on an icy runway at night. Don’t kid yourself a pilot is a highly trained person and they earn their pay when things go wrong.
I’m sure there a machines that could sort the mail and stick it in the box as well.
Home delivery will be a thing in the past sooner than later, this is a dying industry.
Look at Amazon they deliver faster and cheaper than Canada Post. Time to get with the times people.
Ummm, air Canada gave a cumulative 4 year raise of almost 42 % , not 30…..
Its 3.5% this year not 2%
Wow a 3.5% raise yippie a 1.25$ lol
This is a starting point but not good enough to sign.
Sacrificing the future workers pension and benefits will not help anyone of us current or future. It will only divide us and allow CPC to implement more cut backs next round.
The wages need to go up. When I first started 20+ years ago. Starting wage was double that of minimum wage. Now days top group 2 is less than that. So wages need to be better. I’m not expecting to return to previous ratios but at least to cover the cost of inflation.
For those who say the senior employees ask to much. Take note that it was because of those before us that we do enjoy the benefits we have. They negotiated and strike for them. Let’s not throw it out the window.
Hère are thé last 3 Yeats inflation rates un canada :
2023: 3.40%
2022: 6.32%
2021: 4.80%
Keep in mind inflation does not go back down, it stays where it is with either smaller increases or higher increases BUtT it never goes back down so we are stuck with these prices.
To catch up with inflation we need to have increase that catch up with inflation so 2024 should be a bit higher than 2.5% so putting everything together and starting by the fact that pay increases mean pay increases, we need to make back what we lost so about 17% and add to that 2% pay increase per year….
What does it mean…. Well not to loose salary we need at least 15&17% increase first year to catch up to inflation then add 2-2.5% each year for the remainder of the 4 year contract. THATS WHAT CANADA POST SHOULD GIVE if it respects its employees and cares about them. If we accept this our purchasing power looses over 6000$ for a full time employee per year!!!! Who is going to accept lowering its salary!!!! Wake up people, don’t be sheep.
10% increase over 4 years?
Is this a joke.. during covid we were forced to work, my kids weren’t even accepted at daycare cuz we aren’t an essential service. Yet you claim we are..
As a mechanic we haven’t received any significant wage increases ever.. my friend works at Kia in Ontario and literally makes almost double my income per year.. Start respecting and appreciating your employees!!
If they are going to leave our pension and benefits alone, I can live with 10.4%.
99% of us cannot afford to strike.
Why fight and strike and defy?
The more they give the more they will take.
Some need to be concerned about what our future AFTER Canada Post looks like, not just in the moment.
If they are going to leave our pension and benefits alone I can live with 10.4%.
99% of us cannot afford to strike!
Is there really a need to fight and strike and defy? To give more they will just take more. Some need to be concerned about their future AFTER Canada Post…not just now in the moment.
CUPW has attained more customers in terms of taking RSMC monthly payments. But what they have given up just for their gain is nothing to be proud of. CPC got one of the worst Health& Drugs Benefit plans compare to other Government sectors.
Each time CUPW giving up something would leave them nothing to negotiate in longer run. Remember we are not negotiating on what we can give up. Thanks.
A slap to the face to all postal workers.
Only for you. You don’t speak for me!
Not just for him, for all of us. You’re too shortsighted or inexperienced to see and grasp what’s actually going here, or else you’re a management plant stirring the pot. Either way go tell your overlords this offer is an insult to ALL of us and to come back when serious about negotiating
This offer is too generous. It doesn’t solve the abysmal work ethic of so many entitled posties. Is there a clause added for terminating employees denigrating the company on the CUPW website?
Are inside employees still making the same wage as letter carriers?
Unless these issues are solved, Canada Post isn’t dying – it’s dead.
Wondering how many people who are urging us to take the corporation’s first offer are actually management trying to sway folks’ opinions and to avoid a labour disruption? We fought hard for every single gain in our collective agreements – the corporation gives NOTHING without a fight. Stand strong, folks. We…especially new hires…deserve so much better than what’s being offered here.
Good offer, considering everything at stake at the moment. CPC needs to make changes or it will be left behind. Anyone that doesn’t like it can take their skilled labour somewhere else, I’m sure they’ll receive the same compensation.
Dear Postal Management.
You say the huge financial loss was a result of not having flexibility.
But you know the problem was largely caused by reduced revenues due to reduced letter mail.
The countries responded to this by increasing revenues. Between 2018 and 2023 the average increase in postal rates around the world was 55%.
In Canada the rate increase was 7%.
You chose to give the corporate mailers bargain basement prices and now you want rollbacks from the workers.
To verify what I am saying go to:
This is a recent report from the US Office of the Inspector General.
USPS lost $6.5 billion last year but are propped up by the government. Not even close to the same situation here.
That’s because it’s treated like the essential public service that it is, not like a Crown Corporation that is expected to turn profits for the government. No one ever says the military lost money last year – it’s a public service. It COSTS money.
CPC loves harping on how they lost $3B over the last 6 years, but nary a mention of how many billions they’ve received over the previous 30. It’s a one-way street with management – all take and no give.
Then make us a federal department again. Why wasnt that a demand
That’s above everybody’s pay grade. Only the politicians can decide to do that.
I think SSD is great. I’m a PO4, and I get to see runners get paid for 8 hours, but done in half the time. If I have to stay for my whole shift, so should routers, and letter carriers. SSD will make them earn their money.
Boo hoo you have to walk in the dark. Your job is not hard.
Your ft? How about term workers? Its been a year for me now
I’m a LC, I don’t care about working 8hrs or SSD. Work methods don’t matte to me. P.S. I was a P04 for my first 8 years of my 30. Your job is brain numbing and could probably be done in half the time too but you can’t leaves so your brain just stays numb and angry.
thank you
Don’t know where you work , I’m a LC and the PO4s in my station take all there breaks and leave after 4-5 hrs and get paid for 8 and are the biggest complainers
I’m an LC and in my station the PO4s take all their breaks and leave after 4-5hrs and get paid for 8 and always complain
Weird, if we’re done we literally sit against the wall and wait for 8:00am to go home.
Those workers have to clock out so how would they get paid for 8hrs if they clock out at 4?
This offer from CPC must only be a starting point. On the offer of a wage increase, it’s simply not enough. Economist, Dr Richard Wolff, explained that the “real wage” which keeps pace with inflation, has been stagnant since the 1970’s. According to Dr Wolff, the current minimum wage is about $24. Clearly, we’ve been underpaid for a very long time. On the issue of the Corporation loosing money, well…..we the workers are simply not responsible for that. We show up to do a specific job and we do it well. Upper management is responsible for making the calls and bringing in business. If revenue is down, they are at fault. It is their job to be proactive not reactive which hurts our livelihood. Once CPC realizes “take care of your employees and they’ll take care of you” we’ll have a starting point for discussion.
1. SSD is not working. Want to see concrete changes in writing.
2. Fair compensation for neighbourhood mail. 12.5 cents for bags, 2.5 cents for all other admail.
3. Earlier start times. Working in the dark at night is unsafe.
4. Electronic surveillance of any kind can not be accepted.
I will be voting to strike if these issues are not addressed.
Perhaps a better idea would be that you quit and find a job that you can afford rent then…… you obviously aren’t paid enough if you can’t afford basic life necessities.
This is an offer…try not to go premature on an offer. We are allowed to counter it
Do people actually realize that “THEY ARE THROWING US ONLY 2% RAISE OVER NEXT 4 YEARS” compared to the previous agreement? We already have 2% of annual raise to cope with the inflation on Feb 1st each year with the previous agreement. That’s 8% over 4 years without compounded rate. So basically, as a result, with the NEW OFFER, we are ONLY getting a 2% raise over next 4 years.
Housing up 150 %
Gas up 20%
Groceries up 20%
Taxes up…
…and we are getting offered 3.5% AFTER WE WORKED ALL THROUGH COVID AND GOT NOTHING!
I guess we’re striking if this is the best they can offer.
The wage increases is not enough. The two tiered pension is not good for any employee old or new.
Cuts in holidays and continuing with ssd and 4 bundle system is an attack on our health and safety.
Better come up with a better Global offer before Nov 3rd
We should accept their terms (not everything obviously) only with 35%+ raise over 4 years, not even a half percent less, even then we will barely get by with this economy realistically speaking.
I can’t afford to strike, BUT this wage increase offered doesn’t even cover inflation over the past 2 years let alone future inflation. It’s a joke. With an offer like this I can’t afford NOT to strike!
Union forcing members to vote yes for strike like always they go for strike and get worst than this offer 😞😞😞
This is my 35th year and this has to be the best offer I have seen in all my years at CPC.
Take the deal and save whats left to CPC, afterall we are losing busniess, and thoughts of even a strike only hurts us all.
We’re losing business due to lazy workers.
The workers are not lazy. Their jobs can and are being done by less qualified people from other companies though. The end user doesn’t care, just like when they shop at Amazon and Temu instead of the small local shop
Lmfao, YES most of the workers are lazy! I witness it day to day.
Terms getting the hit as usual??
Pension is worth fighting for. This is a bad deal designed to affect the strike mandate votes
The wage offer is very weak. Our pay is about 3 dollars below the national average for federal workers. Our pension is very healthy. Don’t touch it. You promised us a great contract. This is far from it. YOU OWE US!!!
I’ve now worked for Canada Post for almost 2 years, please take this offer. All the older posties just complain, move on and quit if you don’t like it. I can’t pay my rent if we strike, we make better wages than most people for what we do.
No we don’t make better wages than comparable work…
Yeah well I need to pay my morgage. I vote yes for this offer as well.
We make good wages so stop spreading misinformation sir.
We do not make enough!!!
Then maybe you should go work ups. And let me pay my morgage.
For the most part CUPW members do make more than comparable work.
All the following are median ($/hr) across Canada. Can be found
Retail Salesperson average $16
Deliver Driver $18.35
Forklift Operator $20
Material Handlers(warehouse personnel) $20
The only group in CUPW that comes close to being under median rate is the maintenance technicians. Which is $35 and which is about what CP pays technicians.
Comparable to Intelcom, Amazon, Apple express, uniuni……yes, you do. And much better benefits.
Inside workers make almost $10 an hour more than the competitors wages – that’s a fact and Canada Post needs to LOWER the wages of inside employees.
I agree. It’s ridiculous how much they earn, and the audacity to ask for more? It seriously should be cut to minimum wage.
how do they earn more baffles me? i see them just putting up flyers and mails and its pretty easy lol and moving around the monos.
LOWER THE WAGES ON INSIDE EMPLOYEES? How do you think all of Canada gets their mail? LC’s aren’t unloading trucks and sorting mail & parcels to their destinations. How about we just shorten every route and you lazy fks actually work full 8 hour days.
Really? How do you think you overpaid letter carriers get your mail? I’ll wait…….
What is comparable work? FedEx, UPS, Purolator? They all work a minimum of 8 hours and easily do over 100 actual stops everyday of the week. Yes, they get paid more because they are actually productive and are willing to work the extra hours when they need more money. We need to realize that we are competing with the private sector and unless we keep our cost to serve below our revenue per piece we will never compete except for the rural areas where we have no competition. Lets take the offer and start growing our revenue with good revenue generating volume and not everything that nobody else wants to handle (NM, radar, returns).
Lol this is a horrible take. Completely disregard the future employees so current employees retire? Find another job please.
We have been trying to fix the two tiered wages. That’s worth striking for
I can’t pay my rent even with these wages, lol!
With that mindset your expressing, ask yourself how you got a decent wage for what you do…… it wasn’t because the old lettercarrier folder like a cheap lawnchair and just accepted whatever they tabled. Weak
Get another job.
And no you don’t make enough $
Dear Anonymous, don’t sell yourself short. You are worth more than a wage that barely allows you to get by. Seriously. I imagine only a person with little self worth would say $23 a hour is great. And if it is as great as you claim why is it so hard to keep most new employees? why do more than 50% quit? If you think you’re only worth a 2% annual increase that’s your business but please keep it to yourself because the rest of us know we’re worth more. I hope you realize soon you are too.
$23 to be a grown up paper boy?
You literally walk around all day putting letters in mailboxes. How wages are even that high blows my mind.
You obviously have ZERO idea what our job entails. There is SO much more we do that no one sees!
Do you think the mail and parcels gets sorted by itself? Do you think the routes prepare themselves for the route in the correct line of travel? One screw up and you mess the whole thing up. I have over 1200 points of call on my route. It is physically exhausting! I’d love to see you do all of the inside brain work and then strap 40 lbs of mail to you while you walk 20km up and down everyone’s stairs etc.
Guess you didn’t have the skills to make it as a postie
Haha you’re a goof. UPS is making $75k/year in the US.. so that’s around 100 here. We do much more than just paper.. all the passports go through us, most signature items, anything overseas, customer pickups and drop offs.. the list goes on. Wake up.
And? It’s not like you’re processing the passports, majority of the items you deliver in envelopes or parcel is a mystery to you. It doesn’t matter what you deliver, a monkey can do it “hey find the house that says 123 and put this letter in the box” haha
We definitely don’t make better wages than what most people do. Currently we’re make well under the average wage in Canada and we need to strike for the sake of future employees and what the corporation is trying to take away from us
You make more than any fast food restaurants, and that’s probably more skilled of a job.
I invite you to try and do it! Just 1 day. Please actually!
Sounds embarrassing to be honest, I do give you credit for having the nerve letting the whole city know what you do for a living.
I personally would feel so ashamed having successful people seeing walking around delivering mail.
But back to the point, I don’t feel like your job is worth paying what you already earn
Have you looked at the details of what Canada Post wants to change? I you definitely haven’t worked here long enough to understand how damaging these changes will be to our mental health a lone.
This is precisely the issue and why your voice is not in the best interest of ALL. If you don’t have enough money to pay next month’s rent and are more concerned about the next two-week pay period than the next 4+ years, you will forever be in misery. Even a second job won’t fix your issues
With a 2 percent raise its likely you won’t be able to pay your rent…as for you comments about older workers you have what you have in terms of benefits and a decent wage because we stuck to our guns and fought for wages and benefits..
You won’t be able to pay rent under this offer either.
Why do they even have comments on this site lmao
Worst offer ever
Better then what we will get if we go on strike.
Define your offer on benifits list what the new proposal is What is this more leave options again open ended. As we know CPC makes up rules as they please. Retire after 2026 and get penalties for benifits. Again hurt the senior members not rewarding for years making CPC profitable vague offer if you want cupw memebers to accept ya better define all the things you offered. Raise needs to be higher first year. And leave the pension be for new people employees. Remember you won’t be able to take a holiday on new pension as it’s matched. Not like currently
The “financial constraints” brought by on by others decisions, have no bearing to me. The crazy price increases that we have seen the past few years in groceries , rents and virtually everything to do with surviving, do have bearing to me. That year one raise has to be better. Much, much better. We do still have to eat……
This offer is terrible and an absolute insult to the hard working CUPW members who worked during Covid and who’s wages have not even come close to keeping up with inflation!
That’s right. This was a self-inflicted problem. Nothing less than 7% 5% 5% 5% or back to the table…
Yup. The union made a huge tactical error and decided to play nice with the 2% and 2% extension during Covid when they actually had leverage. To accept 2 & 2 when inflation was at 4% and 6% was pure idiocy.
I’m ready to retire soon, and others are ready as well. Let’s get this done. Members don’t listen to others on the CUPW (unofficial)(members only) page, it’s bad advice. We can’t afford to strike.
Really? As someone who’s about to retire, you’d better hope we strike over this and get a better deal. Once a DC pension plans gains a foothold, your guaranteed pension won’t be.
We can’t afford not to strike pal. Stop thinking of yourself
Thank you for screen sharing this to the Cupw (unofficial) page.. I’m not management, many members are sick of this union.
Do you realize this offer is going to make retirees benefits more expensive?
I don’t know who in this world thinks there going to get better. Best to wake up and smell the roses.
First offer… always hets better lol
Literally any related jobs pay the same wages.
This is a great deal. Cupw is too woke and weak to do better. Vote NO to strike.
Too woke. What does that even mean?
They don’t list a number for the wage increase, could be .05%per year. This doesn’t tell us anything!
I guess you missed it
If you go into the “urban unit” it lists the raise, 10.4% over 4 years..which is about $3 over 4 years.
3.5, 2.5, 2, 2% is their GARBAGE offer
3.5% 2.5%. 2% 2%
3.5, 2.5, 2 and 2%
strike strike strik
Considering the company is on the brink I guess I can see this is a decent offer.
you really believe that propaganda ? its called reinvestment. they still all got their bonuses
Yes I believe it because no matter what they day you won’t actually go digging for the facts.
Please download their Sustainability report on where they spent over 700 million dollars , 1.2 million donated to initiatives, 82,000 given to their customers for free shipping Tuesday, 500,000 to Tales of Triumph to buy prizes, 500 million to building Albert Jackson plant. Oh let’s not forget about all the management and supervisor bonuses plus the pension holiday they took from putting their share into our pension plan. Wake up and see the CPC misinformation. There is money for everyone else except its employees, don’t be fooled this is a terrible offer. It’s insulting.
They just ordered new 100 000$ right hand drive vehicles.. at least 100 of them+ $240k each full electric new utility vehicles, but… “We have no money”
The real question is Why is the company on the brink? What has been done to lower costs so that raises reflect the times? What has been done to change the operational model?
The operational model needs to change. I propose they offer a 1 year contract at 5% raise and leave everything else the same until they come back with a concrete solution to figuring out an operational model that works for everyone.
this offer is garbage. at least 20% over four years. what about the inflation during the covid. do supervisor and management also getting the same 10% increase over the 4 years.
Speak for yourself! This offer is realistic.
Are you an executive? Do you have any higher education? You walk around and put envelopes into mailboxes, you should be thankful it’s not a minimum wage job..that’s all it’s worth.
Walk 30 kms in rain and snow.
We lose 90% of all new hires on 30 days. Anyone who thinks it easy is welcome to come join me on a field trip…. but you might be more than 5 feet from your bathroom
I’ve had minimum wages jobs before, and this is NOT minimum wage work. If you think it is, you are probably doing it wrong.
This is laughable. No workers, no profits…
I’d like to see you try and deliver mail on a mountain for the first time.
Agreed, the offer is garbage, we haven’t seen any decent wage increases in years, inflation is through the roof. I only have a few years left til retirement and like myself, our local is willing to fight to keep a defined benefit pension for all workers, a significant raise, better benefits (not flex)….CPC, you need to ante up – try again!!
Where do I sign. Hopefully cupw allows a free vote this time.
This offer is insulting for anyone who realizes inflation is double from our last contract.
SSD is the worst thing ever, More Dangerous and less efficient. Its funny they are using non members and management to comment on how great it is. This company should be ashamed of themselves. EVERYONE VOTE YES TO STRIKE!!!!!
Not going to happen
Only the members can change how we vote at national convention. So… you need to read the constitution.
Will there be retroactive pay…
Will there be retroactive pay…
Will there be a retroactive pay for the last 4 years….
Still very vague on specifics, how does 7 day delivery work, what are the enhancements to benefits exactly, SSD what? how about get rid of SSD and start the CMB conversions in residential instead……. we know its coming, and let the Letter Carrier’s sort their own mail period!
We are going SSD not good!
More work mote overtime. I will make the company pay one way or another.
This is not a good offer! We need to make sure we agree to something that will help future coworkers! And new employees no longer being on defined benefits pension means less people contributing to it, which hurts us on defined benefits!
Reading the comments, it’s clear that many feel management is trying to undermine union efforts under the guise of anonymity. I’ve never encountered a company that engages in such childish and petty tactics during collective agreement negotiations. Canada Post management, hear this: YOU NEED US—remember that! Treating employees with respect and dignity will lead to your company’s success. This in
Offer or shall I say INSULT offer is an absolute no for me. SHAME!!!
If the company’s Sept 25th Global offer is their best and final offer, then I predict a labour disruption is coming at some point in November. There is no way that this offer will meet the needs of current and future employees.
Hopefully meaningful talks will continue resulting in a real offer that employees can live with.
Tell that to yourself I like this offer.
For the last 4 years, inflation has being going crazy. A few examples like car prices, milk, bread, gas, groceries, rent… Its crazy to see thee prices when you know your salary is not following the rise of inflation. In the last 4 years we have been loosing money, the purchasing power of our salaries has dropped by a good 17-20% or more. (Groceries and car prices, more like 30% loss). I see Boeing employees getting 30% negotiated raises, police officers getting over 24% or so, federal employees also getting huge raises, and here is Canada post with a 10% raise over 4 years!!!. It does not even adjust for milk and bread prices for my kids!!!! Please stop playing with people’s lives, adjust your salaries to the true cost of inflation so we can live like human beings!!. This is a disgrace for a federal entity to offer this type of adjustment to their employees. Raises should be, to be honest 10% first year, 5% second year and third year and 3% for the 4th year to catch up for the last 4 previous years and these numbers would not even say employees got a raise, it would just say salaries were adjusted for inflation. Thank you.
I couldn’t agree with you more. This offer…. I don’t want to say foul words here so I will stop writing.
We work for the lowest low of an entry “government” job. Our fellow posties live in a dream world thinking we should be the paid same as others. Our job is a joke that anyone with 2 working legs can do. You want better, go to school again and achieve what you want that others have put in the work to earn.
You’re delusional. Competing companies pay much more and actually treat their employees well… we do an inordinate amount of work compared to said companies btw.. flyers, mail, walking, lifting, driving commercial vehicles now (E450’s) taking on all the risk as an individual. At the very least we need to be paid like commercial truckers.
Minimum wage is good enough for non skilled jobs, you make way more than minimum wage for this non skilled job, plus benefits, pension, and a proper work schedule. Postal workers are the worst, please don’t compare wage increases with skilled jobs.
If your not an employee, dont call us worse and also lets see what you would do if you stop getting your mail for weeks
I get maybe 2 letters a month, unwanted. And I only check my cmb every 3 months. Out of the 100s of parcels I recieve, I’ll get maybe 2-3 from Canada Post.
Seems to be only when I order from Shoppers Drug Mart
Any important documents I deal with, are couriered by FedEx
Good for you.
10% over 4 years is garbage. Our wage hasn’t kept up with inflation for 20 years, only getting poorer the longer you waste for this dying corp. if you’re new here, believe in yourself and do something else with a bright future. CPC doesn’t care one bit about any part of you.
10% wage increase in 4 years. What a joke.. New employee will loose defined benefit plan and pay 50 percent after retirement. This global offer is a global JOKE. CUPW we dont accept this. Strike Strike Strike.
Do you have a employee group that is vital to your service that are referred to as OCRE’s? Just curious.
Kinda sneaky with the Bank of Canada projected inflation numbers. 10.4%? They’re by passing the last few years when inflation was ALOT higher.. 3.5% is $1.06 first year? Terrible!
OCREs are on-call relief carriers for rural routes.
And what about the 2% a year for the last two years when inflation was over 5% each year? This is not a good deal and we will not sacrifice future employees. You can’t spend a billion dollars in capital infrastructure and then claim to have lost $750 million.
Not a single one of us believe you have any intention of working with CUPW to improve SSD. You can’t improve garbage. We will vote down any contract with SSD, two tier pensions, and less than 8% each year
So So So Solidarity!
Our benefits are already the worse. The red tape they make you cut through to get a drug covered is ridiculous. Our dental benefits are the biggest joke of all. I wanted better benefits not pay more for the crap ones we already have.
10% over 4 years is a slap in the face. Try 30% over 4 years with a 15-5-5-5% pay raise.
Lol for unskilled labour. Where else could you get a job for the same wage???
Go see what unskilled workers are getting now, over 20$ after the first year. A lot of mailmen have been in Canada post for over 15-20 years and more…. Research before talking please. Thank you.
HELL NO !!!!
So important for all of us to make that effort and vote this contract..
💯% NO !!
CPC is lowballing !!!
We’re all making over $20, so you feel it’s fair for someone with 25 years service to be making $40/h for this job? There is no skill needed, or education (maybe grade 10)
Should be very grateful for our wages and benefits now, if you quit.. where could you work matching this? Probably no where.
What is top rate for mailman?
It’s time for cupw to take a walk in the snow.
I like that comment.
Not many will grasp the humour there.😅
What is top rate for mail man?
I work a second job. I’m a server and I make a lot more than CP.
I love the idea that this is unskilled work. You go ahead and keep thinking that, but the rest of us that drive safely, deliver safely, follow policies, operate 3000+ lb forklifts, dock bays, sortation machines, deal with difficult or unsafe situations and/or customers and navigate this job with every friggen skill we can muster- are worth every damn penny. Unskilled my foot.
Reading the comments, it’s clear that many feel management is trying to undermine union efforts under the guise of anonymity. I’ve never encountered a company that engages in such childish and petty tactics during collective agreement negotiations. Canada Post management, hear this: YOU NEED US—remember that! Treating employees with respect and dignity will lead to your company’s success. This in
Offer or shall I say INSULT offer is an absolute no for me. SHAME!!!
Reading the comments, it’s clear that many feel management is trying to undermine union efforts under the guise of anonymity. I’ve never encountered a company that engages in such childish and petty tactics during collective agreement negotiations. Canada Post management, hear this: YOU NEED US—remember that! Treating employees with respect and dignity will lead to your company’s success. This in
Offer or shall I say INSULT offer is an absolute no for me. SHAME!!!
Good. But I be voting for this offer. Only the cupw unofficial radical are pumping propaganda
Come do my job for just 2 hours and tell me I’m unskilled to my face. If you are a postal workers calling other postal workers unskilled… shame on you.
I’m a letter carrier. I can prove it by telling you anything that’s going on those woke CUPW Facebook groups, all clowns. Talk like they’re militant, but get offended over the smallest thing. That’s your CUPW soldiers?? They couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
Go make a YouTube video about it lol
Looks lie you are trying to hide most important stuff lie wage increase. Why not tell everybody what are you offering, otherwise, it is useless.
I haven’t gotten past ” constructive negotiations “. Obviously this isn’t going to be good when the first sentence isn’t even a truth.
Obviously, you just wanna strike.No matter what they put in the window. Hopefully they use the labour relation board to force a vote.
And watch us defy ANY legislation. It’s time to restore worker power and take back the right to strike
It’s time for you realize that it’s either this or we’re shutting down. We are done. No more jobs.
Ok pal, week 1 of the strike, you’ll be in line at food bank.
5 weeks out, let’s see if they actually care, or if they are just putting something out there for the sake of it…
Nope. Nope. Nope, and Nope.
Yes please Yes Yes yes
Where do I sign ?
Sounds great to me !!
Gonna have to do better than that.
So will terms and causal be added to this cola , We are equal correct
Yes please!!!!
Terms and casuals. Need more!!
To management
You say you want an agreement but you know no union would accept an offer like this.
What is your plan?
– ask the Minister to use 87.4 of the Canada Labour Code to study “essential services” and delay strike action
– get the Minister to use sec 107 of the code to impose arbitration
– force CUPW to go on strike and then go crawling to the government and beg them to pass legislation like you did in 1978, 1987,1991, 1997, 2011 and 2018.
Or perhaps, like your failure to raise postal rates and instead create a huge deficit – you don’t have a plan.
Is Canada Post really an essential service these days? I check my mail once a week and usually it is junk mail. I rarely ever get anything of much importance in the mail.
I found this site as I have a package I am waiting on. It took a four of days to process by the company in China. Two days (flying time from China) to travel to Vancouver. A day to clear customs. That is about seven days. Canada Post has had it now eight days and I’m wondering why? It is Vancouver to Calgary. I could have driven there and picked it up by now.
If I had ordered the same items from Amazon, not available, I would have had it in my hands in a couple of days maybe a week at the absolute most. Canada post has had it for eight days and counting.
For those of you who are demanding better wages from Canada Post you need to be part of the solution to the poor performance of Canada Post. I, just lots of other Canadians don’t use Canada Post unless there is no other choice.
So I ask you again as a customer and and a Canadian is Canada Post relevant in the modern world?
These wage increases are extremely weak. We’ve been struggling to get by and waiting four years to not quite make up ground on post-pandemic inflation is not good enough!
I’m fine with seven-day delivery and glad to see improvements to disability, and I think there can be some common ground with SSD even if personally I despise it, but this is a very weak first offer otherwise.
Good offer! Thanks where do I sign!
Why are you anonymous?
Must be because you don’t want to face your co-workers
It is time to wake up!! If this union can’t get us a fair deal then we need to look into a different union. I’m tired of paying this union with nothing positive in return. As for Canada post. We need to get rid of this useless overheads starting with the CEO. How many years they’ve been in position with no positive results. It’s no wonder Canada post is loosing money because of useless overheads who doesn’t do crap and still gets bonus every fracking year. Wake up people!! It’s time to make changes.
What about Equal pay for equal work
Read it again they want to make everyone the same
3.5%, 2.5%, 2% and 2%. works out to 10.4% over 4 years.
slap in the face offer.
You mention about 13 personal days. Does that still include 6 sick days?
No it would be 13 total. With the Trudeau days included.
What about pension and benefits for future employees?
Changes for future employees
• Future employees would be enrolled in the defined contribution component of the
pension plan as well as the new personalized health benefits plan, after 1,000 hours
worked as a regular employee.
• The timing of vacation entitlements would change, building up to six weeks of vacation.
• The pre-retirement leave entitlement would be removed.
So i already finished 1000 hours a while ago. If this stands, that means i will be enrolled into benefits or gotta get permanent first?
How much are the wage increases over 4 years?
We’re offering annual wage increases that
recognize your important work, within the
constraints of our financial reality: 3.5% in
Year 1; 2.5% in Year 2; 2% in Year 3; and 2%
in Year 4.
• Our proposed wage increases amount to
10 % over four years (10.4% compounded),
higher than the Bank of Canada inflation
projections for this period.
• We’ll renew the cost-of-living allowance
(COLA), protecting regular employees’ wages
against the effects of unforeseen inflation.
Make it 3.5 % every year.
LOL they leave that out. Not a good sign. My guess is similar to the last agreement 2.5% ish give or take
10 percent in 4 years is a joke.
It’s time for to realize this is it take it or walk
Why don’t you at least give a counter. Is that too much to ask or have you given up already
read it… but not very much
The concern for employees should be about the pension fund deficit. The corporation is telling the public that they Don’t have operational costs for 2025, infact it was projected that the corporation would run out of money by june of 2025 is that also because of the $500 million dollar payment due in june of 2025? The pension deficit is in the billions, if Canada Post goes bankrupt how does anyone get their pension paid out ? Are 55,000 employees going to wind up pension less? Will employees at least get their comuted value? There is obviously protection for those that are already pensioners, but for those that are working that aren’t even close to retiring are they supposed to take a loss? The corporation only needs to complete 2 steps to privitize: merge the urban and rsmc units and supply vehicles for the rsmc’s, and complete the cmb project to make rhe job safe to do. Contract negotiations are a distraction from the real problem. The signs are all there. A strike will lead to a lock out, arbitration will lead to a contract with both those 2 requirements in it towards privatization . The corp and the union will deflect anyone asking questions about the pension deficit, it’s time for everyone to do their own research on this one, look up the history from 2009 and forward about the pension deficit. The way I see it is The corporation is pretty much telling the employees they are going broke and to leave on their own choice or face the consequences.
Under the canàðà post àct if the pensions go insolvent the pensions flip over tò the federal pensions for payments canada post has had a holiday from pay in to pensions for years now