Your mental health and well-being is as important as your physical health and safety. As a Canada Post employee or a member of an employee’s family, you’ll find all kinds of resources here to support your mental and physical health and well-being – articles, programs and more.

You can access confidential counselling, too. Help is available 24/7 at no cost to you or your family.

Homewood Pathfinder tutorial

Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace


Keeping wellness in mind starts with taking care of yourself and one another. Prevention is about what you can regularly do to help you function well at home and at work.


When life means you or someone you care about is having trouble coping, it’s OK to ask for help. Confidential help is available. Concerned? We encourage you to act on it.


In any urgent situation – when you, a colleague or a family member could be in jeopardy – call for professional and confidential help immediately. It’s available 24/7.


Team leaders

As a team leader, you play an important role in supporting the mental health and well-being of Canada Post employees, and you also need to look after your own health.
Download Keep Wellness In Mindlogos and PowerPoint templates

Our providers

Homewood Health
Homewood Health is Canada Post’s independent third-party provider for the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP), including mental health support services. The EFAP helps employees and their families live healthy lives and deal with stresses at home and work. You can confidentially access expert advice, content and programs – in person, by phone (24/7), on Homewood’s website ( and app, or via video and instant messaging. Learn more
Canada Life (GroupNet)
Canada Life is Canada Post’s provider for all employee benefits, including: health, dental, vision, hearing, life insurance, short-term disability and long-term disability.


The Employee and Family Assistance Program is available to all employees and their families (spouse and eligible dependent children under age 21, and age 21-25 if a full-time student). It’s also available to retirees for up to three months after they retire, and to family members for up to three months after the death of an employee. EFAP Poster


Canada Post is committed to creating and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all employees – it is our top priority. The mental health and well-being of employees is as important as their physical health and safety. Learn more


Confidentiality is the cornerstone of the Employee and Family Assistance Program. Nobody at Canada Post, including your team leader, will know if you use the EFAP, unless you choose to tell them. You and your family can access professional advice, content and services from home without logging in. Homewood Health, our EFAP provider, will only collect information that is necessary and will not disclose the information without your consent. Homewood Health handles personal information in compliance with all applicable privacy laws. Learn more